The Last Saturday (3/28) was the last official “Building Class” fly in at Larry’s hobby shop. Our thanks to Larry for allowing the Cloud Jockeys to fly our micro’s and Quad Saturday mornings during the last few months. It really help to get out the house and shoot the breeze and fly something. During a “Normal” winter in Lafayette we normally have a few days of outside flying weather but these last few years haven’t been kind to the RC airplane hobby weather wise. Having North Montgomery and April Flypaper Published By: AMA Charter Club 1069 2015 to deal with it. We are starting up our Glider/Combat contests in a couple of weeks. April 18 at noon starts our flying season. We will be doing both combat and gliders at the south field until the Corn gets too high to find lost airplanes (I am looking at you Tom). I have been flying gliders a couple of years and have really been hooked - lots of fun. For the meeting coming up - wake up from hibernation and bring your latest creation to show and tell . Let other club members see what has been taking up valuable TV watching time while you are in the workshop :<) the Purdue Armory has also been great. Of particular interest is the development of Quad “Boxing” (Tom Snyder’s term) I tried mixing it up with Tom and Larry using my “rural king” cheap Al Borges with his own design of a familiar Regular Meeting Jenks Rest quad and it was a lot ‘craft,’ the flight characteristics were yet to be March 11, 2015 of fun. I can see proven but presumably (or hopefully) will fly this coming up for better than the original. I knew this would happen (again) someday. I have my future endeavors On the other hand, with appropriate targets once again misplaced. So I will get a lot wrong but maynext off season. this could make for a pretty cool fun fly event. be not too wrong. Ron Needham James Redman is a new member who first came to has been helping out with the club webpage - We now have see us at the mall show. a “you tube” channel – Search for “Lafayette Cloud Jockeys” We will be also to post videos and photos much easier without a lot of time or effort to maintain. I would also like to see more activity around our “Facebook” page- let us know if you want to post on this page and we will friend you. I want the Facebook page to be our ‘scrapbook” that can be updated immediately by a wide range of members. This month we are pleased to announce that we have bestowed a lifetime membership to a valued member - Jim Shields. Jim generously donated a John Deere 54” mower to the club after hearing our plans to replace the smaller Bolens Mower we have. The board discussed this and the best way we could demonstrate our appreciation to him was to bestow a lifetime member status. The size and power of this new addition to our club will Dave Borntrager with a heavy swap meet acquisition. greatly improve our ability to maintain the field. For example, we have already purchased a “drag harrow” that will be used to repair the ruts and uneven spots on the field. Speaking of which - the idiots who like to make donuts on the end of runway have been at it again. Please if you see suspicious activity or notice vandalism at the field. Contact park security right away 491-2679 or 479-6109. Do not get involved directly - let the park security personnel or the police Our planned monthly meeting will be held at Jenk’s Rest 7:00PM Wednesday April 8 We would prefer to sell this mower to a member of the club. If you have interest do act quickly. After the coming meeting April 8 it will be offered to other AMA Clubs. Procedure for paying your 2015 club dues Membership Renewal Time.. 1. Regular Adult Membership (19 Years of Age as of July 1) to the Lafayette Cloud Jockeys, Inc. $ 40.00 Whether you are new or renewing your Lafayette Cloud Jockey membership you will be required to show, or provide a copy of, your current AMA membership card. If there are no changes in contact information (Address, Phone, Email) a renewal form is not needed for returning members. New members MUST fill out a membership renewal form to provide all of their current contact information. AT CLUB MEETINGS See a club officer (preferably your treasurer) and show your AMA card and remit your dues according to the schedule. AT THE MALL SHOW!!! See a club officer (preferably your treasurer) and show your AMA card and remit your dues according to the schedule. R/C HOBBIES PLUS Fill out the membership renewal, if needed, and include a copy of your AMA card. Remit the correct payment for your dues (checks preferred) enclosed in an envelope and placed in the LCJ drop box. MAIL IN MEMBERSHIP Same as above except the envelope is posted to : Lafayette Cloud Jockeys, Attn. Treasurer, P.O. Box 5085, Lafayette, IN 47903 2. Junior Membership (under 19 years of Age as of July 1) – Free, provided the proposed member has parental consent and a valid AMA Youth membership 3. Family Membership - $50.00 (Modeler, spouse and children under the age of 26 who are attending school or serving in the US Armed Forces. After March 30th add $5.00 late fee to all renewals. Name Circle if new member __________________________________ Street / Apt: __________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________ Phone : __________________________________ Email : __________________________________ (Email copies of the Flypaper and other alerts are distributed as blind copies to maintain individual privacy.) Amount Paid: Check No. $ _____________ _______________ AMA # __________________ Jack brewer showed off this build of …. Sorry Jack my memory well ran dry Previously Ron Kovach showed off one camera equipped Quad (Sold it) and bought a replacement. Now equipped with turnkey RPV built into the provided transmitter. Tony Venizia is venturing into the world of Qrad racing. When fully equipped the small quad barnstorms a coarse laid out by the competitors. Fixed, forward-facing, FPV cameras and a plethora of spare props are required to fly. Do you recognize this AT6? For some time it played the part of hangar queen at RC Hobbies Plus. That is until Bill Vollmer took it on. The old ‘odd’ colors were stripped away and the canopy replaced and much of the other ‘defects’ were reworked. Bill found though that he also needed to build his own tools to rework the control surfaces. George Partlowe has pair powerful electrics. One may be equipped to fly off the water. Cloud Jockeys Board Meeting Notes March 11, 2015 Jenks Rest Columbian Park Officers: President Al Borges, Vice President Secretary Tom Snyder, Vice President Chuck Castell, Board: Larry Piatt, Ron Kovach, Bill Vollmer, George Partlowe alt. Orion Wingfieild 1. Art cannot be at change Amelia from August 8th ti August 15th MSC 2. Motion to purchase a chain harrow with a budget of $300 to repair the field damaged by 4 wheelers. 3. Bill Vollmer has been examining a geocell material that may be a serviceable solution to fix to keep the road from washing out. 4. Dick Kramer is getting out of the hobby and we will need to make arrangement to pull the stuff. 5. The Crawfordsville club may have lost their field and is looking for a place to fly. We will informally offer them the opportunity to fly at either the Timberhouse or McAllister at their option. 6. For his generosity Jim Shields has been voted lifetime membership in the Lafayette Cloud Jockeys. LINKS THE MAN WHO RODE THUNDER (TRUE STORY). THIS IS ABOUT 3 MINUTES WORTH OF VERY INTERESTING NARRATIVE. NEXT TIME YOU THINK YOU ARE HAVING A BAD DAY REFLECT ON THIS. Quad Racing A complete Linux computer in the palm of your hand. That is the Rasberry Pi computer. Franz Frederick showed his in operation. The device has many I/O ports that can be configured for any operation (R/C or otherwise) and carries enough programming power to get the job done. Officers and Board 1915 Scott St Regular monthly meetings are held at Jenk’s Rest in Columbian Park, Lafayette. All regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM President : Al Borges VP/Secretary :Tom Snyder VP/Treasurer : Chuck Castell Board of Directors Lar r y Piatt, Ron Kovach, George Partlowe, Bill Vollmer, Alt Orion Wingfeild Parks Liaisons : OPEN Flight Instruction : OPEN Public Relations : OPEN Safety Officer : OPEN C A L E N D A R of EVENTS Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 4/8/15 Wednesday 7:00 Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 Combat and Glider Contest 4/18/15 Saturday 12 Noon Timberhouse Aero Estaes Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 5/13/15 Wednesday 7:00 Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 Combat and Glider Contest 5/16/15 Saturday 12 Noon Timberhouse Aero Estaes Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 6/10/15 Wednesday 7:00 Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 Lafayette Model Air Show 6/13/15 Saturday (Setup begins at T.B.A.) McAllister Park 800 Parkview, Lafayette IN 47904 Combat and Glider Contest 6/20/15 Saturday 12 Noon Timberhouse Aero Estaes Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 7/8/15 Wednesday 7:00 Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 July Fun Fly Invitational Theme and time T.B.A. 7/11/15 Saturday TBA McAllister Park 800 Parkview, Lafayette IN 47904 Combat and Glider Contest 7/18/15 Saturday 12 Noon Amelia Earhart Fun Fly 8/8/15 Saturday McAllister Park 800 Parkview, Lafayette IN 47904 Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 8/12/15 Wednesday 7:00 Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 Combat and Glider Contest 8/15/15 Saturday 12 Noon Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 9/9/15 Wednesday 7:00 Combat and Glider Contest 9/19/15 Saturday 12 Noon Club Meeting Board meeting to follow 10/14/15 Wednesday 7:00 (Combat) McAllister Park (Gliders) Timberhouse Aero Estaes (Combat) McAllister Park (Gliders) Timberhouse Aero Estaes Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 (Combat) McAllister Park (Gliders) Timberhouse Aero Estaes Jenk’s Rest 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904
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