Occoneechee Council Leaders Guide For Camp Card Sales The Camp Card Sale The Camp Card Initiative is designed to help scouts earn their way to resident camp, day camp or summer camp. Units participating in this program will earn 50% commission ($2.50) for each $5 Camp Card they sell. The sale will begin on March 15 and end May 15th giving units 2 months to sell and close out their accounts. The program is risk free; simply return any unsold cards to the Council Service Center on or before May 15th. Community Partners Harris Teeter $5 off a $50 purchase, Durham Bulls buy one ticket get one free! Several more community partners have offered discounts that are redeemable all year round. Take advantage of this partnership to help your Scouts earn their way to camp. Value The Camp Card represents opportunity to scouts and value to the community. Cub Scout Day Camp (average) Cub Scout Resident Camp Boy Scout Summer Camp Unit equipment trailer $75 $85 $272 $5,000 30 Cards 34 Cards 92 Cards 2000 Cards Camp Master (Kamp-ma-ster): one who ensures their Scouts get to camp Each unit should have a Camp Master. The Camp Master’s Camp Card sale responsibilities are to manage all aspects of the sale, clearly communicate sale information to your unit leaders, parents and Scouts. The Camp Master’s ultimate goal: Get 100% of their Scouts to summer camp. The Camp Master should be an expert in all things camp, they should ensure Scouts know the myriad of summer camp opportunities available and encourage them to attend. A good Camp Master will have over 90% of their Scouts attend a summer camp. Camp Master Responsibilities CAMP • • • • Be an expert in all Occoneechee Council summer camp opportunities. Encourage all your Scouts to select a camp that fits their summer schedule. Explain to parents the importance of outing in Scouting! Set a goal for percentage of Scouts attending and achieve it! CARD • Communicate the purpose of the Camp Card sale and the time line to your Scouts and parents. • Kick-off the Camp Card sale with a BANG providing all members with a sales kit & at least 10 cards. • Inspect, coach and praise your Scouts. • Collect all money and turn in the amount due to the Council on time. Key Camp Card Dates Don’t forget to mark your calendars February Units submit unit commitment form to Council March Camp Cards are distributed at Roundtable and Council Office March 15 Sale Begins May 15 Sale ends, May 26th All accounts settled will receive full 50%commission May 16 Grand Prize drawing June 1 Commission drops to 30% June 10 Commission drops to 15% Commission The Camp Card commission will be 50% if the unit is paid in full by May 29 th. Commission drops to 30% on June 1st at 5:00pm. Commission drops to 15% on June 10th. We encourage units to set up a plan to get all Scouts to camp with the proceeds. Units do not have to pay for ANY cards up front. Orders and Re-Distribution The Council will place the orders for cards based on the unit commitment forms, a few extra cards will be ordered and will be made available. While supplies last, extra cards may be secured through the Scout Office or your District Executive. Supplies are limited. Camp Card redistribution will occur as units reach their sales goals, settle accounts and turn in unsold cards. Return Policy Camp Cards can be returned to the Council Service Center in Raleigh without penalty between April 15 and May 15. The cards MUST be in new condition (including snap off discounts). NO cards will be accepted for return after May 26. The Camp Card Support Team reserves the right to refuse product that has been damaged or rendered unable to be sold. The UNIT is RESPONSILBLE for any unreturned cards (lost, misplaced, damaged, ECT.) Be sure Scouts and parents treat each card as if it were a $5.00 bill. Camp Card Grand Prize The Occoneechee Council is offering an Ipad to the scout that has sold the highest number of Camp Cards from March 15 through May 15, 2015. Eligible scouts MUST have unit account settled in full by the close of business on May 26, 2015. The winner will be determined on June 1, 2015. Sale Support Contact Veronica Porterfield or Johnny Glover anytime you have a question. 1-800-662-7102 or 919-872-4884 Scout Camp Opportunities Cub Scout Day Camp Day Camps are offered during the summer in various locations throughout the Council. Day Camps offer Archery, BB’s, Field Sports, Arts and Crafts, Scout Skills and much more. Average Cost $75 = 30 Cards Cub Scout/Webelos Resident Camp July 26-29 at Camp Durant. Spend 4 days and 3 nights at Camp Durant where the professional staff will make trip to camp meaningful and fun for everyone. Scouts will experience all programs areas in camp Waterfront BB and Archery Ranges, Handicraft Lodge while the earn advancements. Meals will be served in the Grand Lodge prepared by Professional Cooks. Parents don’t forget that we have flush toilets and hot showers in every camp site! Cost $85 = 34 Cards Boy Scout Summer Camp Select a week from June 21 – July 25. Camp Durant is widely regarded as having best facilities in the Southern Region and the program offered is second to none. Experience the difference as you spend a week with us with the highest quality instruction and state of the art facilities. Don’t forget our Provisional Camp option for those Scouts who just can’t get enough or just really love camp. Cost $275 = 110 Cards The Summit Trek The Occoneechee Council and Camp Durant are pleased to make available again in 2015, a program that has been exclusively designed for us-The Summit Trek. The program gives Camp Durant Scouts and Ventures the opportunity to spend a week at the Bechtel Summit enjoying world class adventures venues. The trek includes all activities, meals, roundtrip transportation and programing. Cost $550. The Unit Kick-off The objectives of your Camp Card Kick-off are simple: • Get Scouts excited about summer camp. • Get parents informed about why their son should attend summer camp. How can you ensure a successful kickoff? • Make sure your kick-off is properly promoted through email groups and phone contact. • Leaders should review the presentation material with your Camp Master prior to the meeting. Plan who will do what and when. • Be Prepared to talk about summer camp opportunities. • Have snacks, drinks and music. • Make sure every scout gets a Sales Kit and 10 Cards. • Keep it simple; Make it FUN! Camp Card Kick-off Agenda • Grand opening with music, cheers, excitement and Camp Durant videos from YouTube. • Check out a SALES KIT to every Scout with at LEAST 10 Cards. • Review summer camp opportunities. • Review sales goal and explain key dates. • Scout training: role play-Do’s and Don’ts. • Big Finish: Issue a challenge to your scouts and send everyone home motivated to sell. Follow up after the kick-off with important reminders like dates, family sales goals and the grand prize award that Scouts can win. How to Sell Camp Cards Your job as Camp Master is to teach your Scouts how to sell. To reach your unit goal, your team needs to employ all 3 sales methods. • Door to Door: Put on your uniform and take your SALES KIT and Camp Cards for a trip around the neighborhood. Highlight the great coupons! • Show & Sell: Set up a sales booth and sell Camp Cards on the spot. Camp Cards are not to be sold in front of businesses sponsoring a Snap off Coupon. Focus on multiple locations for best results. • Sell at work: A great way for mom or dad to help their Scout. Have mom and dad take the sales kit to work. Safety and Courtesy Be sure to review these safety and courtesy tips with your Scouts and parents. • Sell with another Scout or with an adult. NEVER sell alone! • Never enter anyone’s home. • Never sell after dark, unless with an adult. • Don’t carry large amounts of cash. • Always walk on the sidewalk and driveway. • Be careful of dogs while selling. • Say THANK YOU whether they buy a Camp Card or NOT! Sales Techniques for Scouts Don’t miss the opportunity to use the Camp Card to train your Scouts in public speaking, sales and service. Your Scouts and parents will appreciate the effort and your sales will improve. Have your Scouts practice these simple steps: • Wear your uniform. • Smile and tell who you are – first name only. • Tell them what Scout Unit you are with. • Tell them what you are doing (earning money toward Scout Camp). • Show them the Camp Card and point out the value of the snap off coupons. • Close the sale, and say THANK YOU! We’re selling Camp not just Discount Cards Ensure that your families understand that they are selling character, they are selling a better community, they are selling the benefits of Scouting summer camp not just discount cards. Emphasize that each card sold helps a Scout go to camp. The reason our sale will be successful is that people want to support Scouting. Thank You for your Support of Scouting! 2015 Registration Form YES! Our unit wants to participate in the Camp Card Sale! Unit Information: Unit Type: Pack Troop Unit #:_____________ Crew (Please circle one) District: _____________________________________ # Of Active Scouts: _______________ Our Gross Sale Goal is: $________________ How many cards would your unit like to order? ___________________________ CampMaster Information: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ Zip: _________________________________ Cell Number: _________________________ Work Number: _________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________ Please return to: Occoneechee Council Attn: Veronica Porterfield 3231 AtlanticAve, Raleigh, NC 27604 800-662-7102 or 919-872-4884 FAX: 919-872-1159 For more information contact: Veronica Porterfield at: Veronica.Porterfield@scouting.org Johnny Glover at: Johnny.Glover@scouting.org Dear Unit Leader and Parents: We are excited to roll out the CAMP CARD program supported and approved by the Council Executive Board. The CAMP CARD has a proven track record helping Scouts across the country earn their way to camp and support other unit activities. Here’s an opportunity for you and your Scout families to support their summer programs during these challenging times. We have developed the CAMP CARD program to be: • • • • Easy to sale……even easier to use! Everybody wins! No cost, no risk to the unit! Just return unsold cards! Generates a 50% return! Designed to be a turnkey operation! • Commit to a quantity of CAMP CARDS • Pick up the CAMP CARD • Sell the CAMP CARD • Keep your 50% commission • Close your account and enjoy your summer program! We want to thank our corporate partners for providing an exceptional value. • • • Harris Teeter - $5 off your next $50 purchase Durham Bulls- Buy one ticket get one free Snoopy’s If a Scout sells an average of 50 CAMP CARDS, that Scout could earn $125.00. The beauty is the “sale is easy”. Many consumers will purchase the CAMP CARD in multiples because they receive their $5.00 back as soon as they make their next $50 purchase at Harris Teeter! To get involved your unit can submit the attached CAMP CARD request form to the council office. More information to come in the Leaders Guide Book. The sky is the limit on the adventure we can provide a young person! Sincerely, Camping Director Henry Goodson UNIT TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. Establish a Unit Goal!!! For Example: Unit Goal # Scouts # Cards per Scout Total Cards $2,500 50 20 1,000 Total Sales $5,000 Unit Commission $2,500 2. Establish a per Scout goal to achieve unit objective. a. Set EXPECTATION for families 3. Schedule sales date and time in prominent location. 4. Sell to friends, family members, places of worship and work sites. 5. Approved Council Fundraiser ---CAN WEAR UNIFORM!!!! 6. Close Out on Time. 7. Emphasize Value of Card!!! 8. NO RISK!!! Simply return any unsold cards 9. Remember…..In the end, the customer is investing in a Scout in uniform, not necessarily what’s on the card. . SAMPLE SCRIPT: Hi, my name is ________________________. I am a _____ Scout in ________ #_____. I am trying to earn my way to summer camp. Would you like to purchase a Camp Card for $5. It has a value of more than $_____ and includes a $5 off coupon for Harris Teeter. and Durham Bulls tickets. Occoneechee Council, Boy Scouts of America 2015 “Camp Card” Helping Scouts earn their own way! Fact Sheet • Occoneechee Council, Boy Scouts of America serves over 15,500 youth throughout Central North Carolina. • The card will be imprinted on two sides. One side of the card will contain the discounts being offered. The other side of the card will display a picture of a camp scene with bold letters reading “Camp Card”. Occoneechee Council will use the front of the card to thank the contributors for supporting Scouting. • Scouts will sell the plastic discount cards from March 15, 2015 to May 15, 2015. • The card will include some onetime redemption coupons and reoccurring coupons to be used again and again on the back. • There are no initial costs to vendors providing exceptional value discounts on the card. Occoneechee Council will be responsible for all costs associated to the printing and distribution of cards. • The one time use coupons (tabs) will be perforated so that they can snap off the card for one time redemption. • Expiration dates for the perpetual coupons is 12/31/15. • The cards will be sold for $5 each. A Scout is Thrifty…. He earns his own way to Summer Camp! This program is RISK FREE, simply return any unsold cards. OCCONEECHEE COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA LEADER’S TRACKING FORM 2015 CAMP CARD SCOUT’S NAME # Cards Issued PHONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTALS # Cards Sold $ Amount to Council $ Amount to Unit NAME # CARDS PURCHASED STREET ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Scouts Name _______________ Certified Signature, Parent Leader_______________________________ Unit Type_________________ Unit #_________________ District__________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Fax completed form to: Occoneechee Council 919.872.1159 PHONE OCCONEECHEE COUNCIL CAMP CARD UNIT SETTLEMENT Unit: Pack: ________ District: _______________________ Troop: _________ Crew: _________ Camp Card Chair: __________________________________________________________ Phone #: Cell: ____________________ (W)/(H) ____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ Unit Settlement Summary Initial Cards Received: ___________ Additional picked up: ___________ Total # Cards Issued: __________ Less Cards Returned: (__________) Initials: _______ Total Sold: ____________ Amount Due Amount Due: (Total Sold x $2.50) ___________ Amount Paid: ___________ Payment Type: Cash or Check # ___________ ______ Initials Prize Summary Top Seller ____________________________ # Cards Sold ________
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