Nectar NET's

For Private Circulation Only
Vol-1 Issue-2 April-2011
Navodaya Education Trust ®, Raichur
Prof & Head, Dept. of Pharmacology
Navodaya Medical College
Navodaya Education Trust ®
Medical Director
Navodaya Medical College
Dr.Khaja Naseerudin
Navodaya Medical College
Executive Editor
Director (IP&SA)
Navodaya Education Trust ®
Dr. S.B.Athanikar,
Prof & Head, Dept of Dermatology,
Navodaya Medical College
Dr. Gururaj Arikeri
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery
Navodaya Dental College
Navodaya Dental College & Hospital
Mrs.Gayathri Anand
Lecturer, Dept of Electronics & Communication Engg
Navodaya Institute of Technology
Dr.M.S.Shiva Reddy
Asst.Prof, Dept of Neurological Rehabilitation
Navodaya College of Physiotherapy
Navodaya Institute of Technology
Dr.P.Vijaya Kumar
Navodaya College of Physiotherapy
Prof & Head, Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
NET Pharmacy College
Mrs.Sreelekha. C
Prof & Head, Dept of OBG Nursing
Navodaya College of Nursing.
NET Pharmacy College
Mr. Veeresh Tiluvalli
Principal, Navodaya College of Education
Mr. Pranesh Kulkarni
Principal, Navodaya Teacher Training Institute
Navodaya School & College of Nursing
Mrs. Nirmala
Headmistress, Navodaya Public School
Concept & Layout
Dr.S.Doss Prakash
Executive Officer - (Institutional Promotions)
Navodaya Group of Institutions
Scientific Article
Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) – Present Scenario
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common
medical disorder encountered in pregnancy.
It may be Gestational (90%) or Pregestational
(10%)-when it antedates pregnancy.
Dr. Sheela M Kodliwadmath
Professor & HOD
Dept. of OBG
NMCH&RC, Raichur.
Dr. M.V Kodliwadmath, MD, FACBI, FAMBI, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Biochemistry, NMCH&RC, Raichur
Pregnancy is a diabetogenic state due to impaired insulin
sensitivity. Pregnancy worsens diabetes, while poorly
controlled diabetes results in maternal, fetal and neonatal
complications. Fetal hyperinsulinemia occurring as a result
of maternal hyperglycemia is responsible for all perinatal
1) GDM : Is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance
with onset or first identified during present pregnancy;
which constitutes 90% of diabetes in pregnancy. It
generally occurs in latter of half pregnancy, so it has no
effect on organogenesis, and disappears after delivery.
If it fails to disappear, it suggests that there may be
overt diabetes which may have antedated or begun
concomitantly with pregnancy.
2) Pregestational Diabetes: Pregnancy in known or overt
diabetic. It may be Type I (IDDM) or Type II (NIDDM).
Type I occurs in younger age group, hence end organ
complication are more common, and are more prone for
ketosis. There is increased maternal and obstetric risks.
Type II is usually seen in obese or in > 35 years women.
Prevalence of diabetes is variable throughout the world. In
certain populations such as Asians particularly in Indians it
is high.
In India prevalence of GDM is alarmingly increased from
2% (1980) to 17% (2002)¹ compared to other countries where
it ranges from 3.5 - 4% (UK) to 7 – 9% (US). India is known
as Diabetic capital of the world. The diabetic explosion
is mainly due to obesity pandemic which is because of
sedentary life style, dietary changes and virtual epidemic of
childhood and adolescent obesity. Advanced maternal age is
other risk factor. Indians have eleven fold risk of developing
Why Screening for GDM is necessary?
GDM is asymptomatic but has maternal and perinatal risks,
and hence need for screening.
Adverse consequences of poorly controlled GDM is seen in
mother, neonates and infants.
I. Maternal Complications: are 2 to 4 fold higher in diabetic
pregnancy. During pregnancy there is increased risk of
preeclampsia, pyelonephritis, polyhydramnios, preterm
delivery, & vaginal monilial infection. Fetal macrosomia
leads to higher incidence of operative delivery, prolonged
labour and shoulder dystocia.
Late complications noted on a later date are development
of type II Diabetes within fifteen years, Hypertension, &
Cerebrovascular diseases.
II . Fetal and Neonatal complications: are mainly due
to macrosomia leading to shoulder dystocia thereby
India is known
as Diabetic capital
to sudden IUD. Respiratory
of the world. The
Distress Syndrome (RDS)
explosion is
is an important cause of
mainly due to obesity
neonatal death due to
pandemic which is
hyaline membrane disease,
as surfactant production because of sedentary life
style, dietary changes
and virtual epidemic
of childhood and
adolescent obesity.
are hypoglycemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia,
hyperviscosity syndrome, transient tachypnoea, birth
injuries, and asphyxia.
Later date there is increased risk of childhood / adolescent
obesity, and early onset of Type II diabetes.
Methods of Screening :
1) Universal - all pregnant women.
2) Selective - high risk group.
Scientific Article
1) Universal: Diabetes In Pregnancy Study group India
(DIPSI) recommended universal screening between 24
to 28 weeks of gestation.Universal screening not only
detects more cases but also improves fetomaternal
prognosis. Therefore it is recommended in areas where
prevalence is more than 5%4.
2) Selective: In order to reduce the burden of screening the
concept of selective screening was introduced. Selective
screening is done for only high risk group
Who comes under high risk group ?
To assess high risk
factors, historical factors
and clinical factors in the
present pregnancy are
taken into account.
I Historical factors: Family
history of DM/ GDM,
H/O fetal anomalies/
macrosomic infant, IUD
in past pregnancy, Bad
obstetric history, PCOS
and advanced age > 35
II Clinical factors such
as obesity > 90kgs, recurrent UTI/ monilial infection,
preeclampsia, presence of hydramnios and congenital fetal
When to do Screening?
Screening for GDM was tried at various gestational age and
the following conclusions were drawn.
1) Before 24 weeks – There is poor evidence to determine
benefits. More number of false positive cases were
detected leading to unnecessary further evaluation.
2) 3rd trimester – Not recommended, as it does not allow
enough time for metabolic intervention.
3) Screening at 24 to 28 weeks is recommended in all
pregnant women in India
( DIPSI – 2006)
How to do Screening?
Worldwide controversy exists with regard to the best
method and criteria for GDM screening and diagnosis6,7.
Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OGCT) is commonly used in
screening for GDM. No special preparation is needed for
this test.
Review of International recommendations for GDM testing
shows 2 ways of screening for GDM during pregnancy,
1) Two step method
2) One step method
1) Two step method:
One hour 50gm Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OGCT) .
This is performed at any time i.e irrespective of time of
day or last meal. Venous plasma level is measured one
hour after 50gm glucose load. If value is more than 140mg
/dL, GDM is suspected, then second step is performed
for diagnosis i.e three hour 100gm OGTT. If values are
≥180mg/dl it suggests overt diabetes. This test is not suitable for crowded hospital.
2) One step test
[2 hour 75gm Oral Glucose Tolerance Test ( OGTT )]
75gm of oral glucose is given between 24 – 28 weeks of
gestation irrespective of time or meal and venous plasma
glucose is estimated after two hours. A plasma value
of ≥ 140mg /dL is considered as GDM. If values are
≥200mg/dl it suggests overt diabetes, between 120mg/
dl to 140mg/dl is suspicious of GDM and ≤120mg/dl is
considered normal. This method is simple as it avoids
the multiple samples.
There is no role for urine glucose screening, because
glycosuria is frequently seen as a result of lowered renal
threshold during pregnancy. However persistent glycosuria
should be considered as an indication to rule out diabetes.
Diagnostic test: Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is
performed for diagnosis of GDM.
Two hour 75gm OGTT: this is recommended by World
(WHO). It is the most
commonly used test all
over the world, even
though it is recognized
that reproducibility of
this test is poor during
pregnancy. The women
should follow the diet
of 150gm carbohydrate
in the preceding 3 days.
She should also observe
8 hours fast before the
test. Plasma glucose is measured at fasting and 3 hours after
75gm glucose. Diabetes is diagnosed at FPG>126mg/dl and
2 hours glucose >200mg/dl.
Three hour 100gm OGTT: This is recommended by National
Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) guidelines[recommended by
American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG)/
American Diabetes Association (ADA)]. It is considered as
superior over all other tests. The only disadvantage is that it
requires 3 samples
1 hour - 180 mg/dl
2 hour - 155 mg/dl
3 hour – 140 mg/dl
Any two values above these recommended levels are
considered as GDM.
In presence of risk factors if the OGTT comes normal ,or, in
absence of risk factors if one value comes abnormal during
initial test, then it is advised to repeat the test at 32 to 34
Scientific Article
Selected International recommendations- GDM testing*
Plasma glucose (mmol/l)**
Oral Glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
Load (g)
ADA: 1 or
2 – step10
7.2 or 7.8
WHO: 1
*ADA, American Diabetes Association; CDA, Canadian
Diabetes Association; NDDG,
National Diabetes Diagnosis Group, WHO, World Heath
** Plasma glucose is considered to be normal if less than the
value shown; to obtain mg/dL, multiply mmol/l by 18.
***Glucose screen criteria for GDM diagnosis:≥10.3 mmol/l
for CDA;≥11.1 mmol/l for WHO.
****ADA recommends one-step approach with OGTT alone
in clinics with a high prevalence of GDM.
Where we stand at present
There is no similarity in any guidelines in any countries.
There are different standards for screening of GDM. ACOG
and ADA do not recommend routine screening for low risk
women whereas WHO
and International Diabetes
Centre suggests screening
of all women at 24 to 28
weeks of gestation. Since
India falls under high
risk category universal
screening between 24
to 28 weeks should be
done. Diagnostic test very
throughout the world, so
also the cut off values.
(International Diabetic Committee) recommend a two step
screening including 50gm and 100gm three hour OGTT.
Here also some recommend a cut off of 130mg /dL where
as others consider 140mg/dL.
At present we should follow HAPO and DIPSI guidelines
for screening gestational diabetes mellitus ( GDM) i.e one
step OGTT with 75gm glucose load, and determination
plasma glucose level after 2 hours, with cut off value of
140mg/dL in all pregnant women. This method of test is
simple, economical and feasible for Indian scenario.
Unforgettable win.
The World Cup is over,
but still it remains fresh on everyone’s mind.
The whole nation rejoiced at the world cup
We the Navodayans salute the spirit of
Team India. Bravo team India !!
Scientific Article
TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: A thorn in the flesh !!
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a chronic disorder
characterised by paroxysm of lancinating attacks
of severe facial pain. Neuralgia is a greek word
(neuron- nerve + algos – pain).
Ms. Tasneem U. Sheikh
3rd B.D.S
Navodaya Dental
College and Hospital
Co Authors : Ms. Sheetal Kumari & Ms. Nirmala Huidrom, 3rd B.D.S, Navodaya Dental College and Hospital
It is a condition that affects one of the large nerves in your
head, called the trigeminal nerve. It is characterised by a
sudden brief, severe, electric shock-like or stabbing pain
typically felt on one side of your face, provoked by light
touch, which may remit for varying periods. It is more
common in women than in men and usually affects people
aged 50 and older. It is a rare disease affecting around 0.7%
of the population.
Aretaeus of Cappadocia gave the first clinical description
of TN at the end of the first century describing a condition
(heterocrania) where “spasm and distortion of the
countenance take place.
Jujani, 11th century suggested facial pain resulted from “the
proximity of the artery to the nerve”.
1677 John locke correctly recognised that facial pain was
not caused by dental pathology but rather by a neuralgia of
trigeminal nerve.
1756, French physician Nicolaus Andre commented that TN
was “exclusive and distinctive from all other diseases” and
gave the name ticdouloureux to the condition.
1773 John Fothergill outlined the major clinical features of
TN. And hence it is also known as Fothergill’s disease or
According to Internati onal Classification of Headache Disorders II
TN subdivides as,
Classical Tn
Symptomatic Tn
Associated another
process(MS, CPA)
No persistence of aching be- May/may be not persistence
tween paroxysms.
of aching between paroxysms.
The cause of TN pain attacks is not known. However,
it is important to emphasize that TN pain attacks involve
more than just an acute nerve injury, because cutting or
compressing the trunk of a sensory nerve elicits, atmost, only
a brief discharge in damaged axons. The pathophysiology of
TN probably evolves over days to weeks following injury.
During this interval, the damaged sensory neurons go
through a cascade of changes as part of the repair process
that undoubtedly contributes to the signs and symptoms
observed in clinical neurogenic pain disorders, including
Various Theories to explain the TN pain
Scientific Article
Clinical Features And Presentation:
Hallmark findings of White and Sweet made significant
contribution for diagnosis of TN
Sweet diagnostic criteria for TN
1. The pain is paroxysmal.
2. The pain may be provoked by light touch to the face
(trigger zones).
3. The pain is confined to the trigeminal distribution.
4. The pain is unilateral.
5. The clinical sensory examination is normal
According to International Classification of Headache
Disorders II classic TN is defined as:
electric shock-like pains,
abrupt in onset and
termination, limited to the
distribution of one or more
divisions of the trigeminal
nerve. Pain is com- monly
evoked by trivial stimuli
including washing, shaving,
smoking, talking and/or
brushing the teeth (trigger
factors) and frequently
Small areas in the nasolabial
fold and/or chin may be
particularly susceptible to
the precipitation of pain
(trigger areas). The pains
usually remit for variable
According to International
Classification of Headache Disorders II symptomatic TN is
defined as:
‘‘Pain indistinguishable from classic TN but caused by
a demonstrable structural lesion other than vascular
Medical Management:
TN is, unique because large majority of TN patients respond
to treatment and many have total elimination of pain attacks
lasting months / years.
Pharmacological Therapy:
Primary drug therapy: antiepileptic drugs to suppress pain
Bergouignan’s finding of anticonvulsant phenytoin
effectively controlled pain attacks.
Multiple drug therapy: combination of various membrane
stabiliser drugs.
Management Of Acute Tn Pain:
Peripheral Local Anaesthetic: Trigger zones are anesthetized
for immediate reduction in pain and fro the clinician to get
a full history
Intravenous Lidocaine: Standard loading dose of 100mg
infused at 20 mg/min suppress pain attacks
Intravenous AED (Anti-Epileptic Drugs): In emergency
following drugs can be given IV
Loading dose of AED ,Phenytoin, Fosphenytoin (cerebryx),
Valporic acid (depacon)
Analgesic Medication:
Opiod and non-opiods given but largely ineffective.
Surgical Options:
Surgical treatments of TN are highly effective and well
Peripheral surgery:
This surgery is done
very close to where the
trigger area is located:
cryotherapy, alcohol block,
laser, neurectomy.
of them are done under a
local anaesthetic and some
will require the use of
stitches inside the mouth.
These give short term pain
relief , around 10 months
on average, and cause few
complications. Many patients, however continue to need
medication. They are now rarely used and are only suitable
when other procedures are not possible.
In order to relieve the pain nerve tissue is damaged using
one of the following procedures:
• Radiofrequency thermocoagulation – passing a current
through the nerve which generates heat
• Glycerol injection – bathing the nerve in a toxic substance
which over a few days destroys the nerves transmitting
• Balloon micro compression – the nerve is compressed by
a small balloon which is blown up for a few seconds
Micro vascular decompression :
The only procedure that does not attempt to destroy the nerve
but lifts of a blood vessel that is pressing on the nerve inside
the brain (see diagram above). It leaves a scar in the hairline
behind the ear. It gives the longest pain relief around 8 years
for 50% of patients. It is associated with a 0.5% risk of death.
Some short term side effects can occur and the most serious
one although very rare is a stroke. Unilateral deafness can
occur in up to 2% of patients. Numbness is very rare. There
is good evidence to show that complications are less likely
to occur if the procedure is done by neurosurgeons who
specialise in this operation.
Scientific Article
Gamma knife surgery :
This is a very new procedure and as yet there are no long
term results. This procedure aims to damage part of the
trigeminal nerve inside the brain. Using the MRI and
special equipment, a beam of radiation is directed at the
nerve. No surgery is involved so it can be done as day
case surgery. Pain relief often does not occur immediately
and it may be three months before complete pain relief is
obtained. Pain relief is probably in the order of years. There
are a very limited number of centres who do this in the UK
at present. All these techniques produce 80 – 90% reliefs in
TN symptoms.
During past several decades major advances have occurred
in our understanding and treatment of TN, still a number
of challenging clinical questions remain unresolved.
Despite these gains, it is important to emphasize that
many fundamental questions about the pathophysiology
the disorder remain unanswered, and a number of clinical
approaches remain uninvestigated or untested. Advances in
basic research on neuronal response to injury combined with
animal models of TN will strong facilitate the development
of drugs specific for TN.The lack of any objective testing for
TN also remain significant clinical problem that complicates
Effect of Statins in the risk for Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Statins are widely prescribed for primary and
secondary prevention of ischemic cardiac and
cerebrovascular diseases. However, results from
a recent clinical trial suggested increased risk of
intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) associated with
statin use.
Ms. V.L. Srividya
Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate)
Dept of Pharmacy Practice
N.E.T. Pharmacy College
Co-authors: Mr. Binu K.M, Miss Nimmy N John, Miss Neenu Joseph, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice,
N.E.T. Pharmacy College
The goal of the present study
was to determine whether
its potential adverse effects
outweighs the cardiovascular
and cerbrovascular benefits in
patients with higher baseline
risk for ICH because of a
previous history of ICH.
A) Reductase inhibitors or
statins have been associated
with improved outcome after ischemic
stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage
but an increase risk of incident of ICH.
Hemorrhagic stroke was more frequent
in those treated with Atorvastatin, in
those with a hemorrhagic stroke as an
entry event, in men and increase with
age. In survivors of Lobar ICH without
prior cardiovascular events, avoiding
statins showed a life expectancy gain of
2.2 quality adjusted life years compared
with statin use.
The mechanism by which statins might increase risk for
ICH is still unclear, although evidence suggests that statins
may have anti thrombotic
and fibrinolytic effects and
may enhance the activity
of other fibrinolytic agents.
Oxide concentration in the
endothelium and inhibit the
thrombin platelet associated
receptor(PAR-1), both of which
my affect platelet function.
There is an intense pressure to
use higher doses of statins in
order to achieve very low LDL Cholesterol
levels. In doing so, we may be increasing
the subsequent risk of ICH, particularly in
the setting of thrombolysis, an accepted
and increasingly used therapy for stroke.
Thus avoiding statins should be
considered for patients with a history
of ICH particularly those cases with a
lobar location. For survivors of deep
ICH, avoiding statin therapy for both
primary and secondary prevention also
was associated with better outcomes, although by a smaller
margin than in patients with lobar ICH.
Scientific Article
The study and practice of
using, and disposing of
associated subsystems—such
as monitors, printers, storage
devices, and networking and
communications systems
Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and
improved system performance and use, while lasting for
a long time by our social and ethical responsibilities. Thus,
green IT includes the economics of energy efficiency, the
cost of disposal, sustainability and recycling. It is the study
and practice of using computing resources efficiently.
But in the recent past another focus has got immense
importance and that is achievement of energy efficiency,
minimization of power consumption of e-equipments.
“Greening” your computing equipment is a low-risk way
for your business to not only help the environment but also
reduce costs. It’s also one of the largest growing trends in
business today. “Making a proper decision to go green in the
workplace such as offices, not only improves the net profit
of your business, but
“Greening” your computing also reduces your carbon
equipment is a low-risk way
for your business to not only
energy usage, which also
help the environment but also reduces carbon dioxide
reduce costs. It’s also one of
emissions and your
the largest growing trends in energy bill, is the most
business today.
effective thing you can
The average PC wastes
about half the energy provided to it, according to the Climate
Savers Computing Initiative, an industry group dedicated to
reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. You should encourage
employees to shut down their PCs or put them into sleep
mode when not working on them. Nesbitt recommends
implementing thin clients produced by Neoware to reduce
the TCO of your company’s computing environment.
Problems that are generally faced
Performance-wise, computer design has progressed
amazingly well and astonishingly fast but looking at it from
a green perspective, the work is at its epoch. Conventionally,
manufacturing computers includes the use of lead, cadmium,
mercury, and other toxics in general. Usually, computers
can contain 4 to 8 pounds of lead alone, according to green
experts. It’s no wonder that computers and other electronics
make up two-fifths of all lead in landfills which means
Mr.Adarsh Kulkarni
Lecturer, Dept of CSE
Navodaya Institute of
a method of solid waste disposal. To stop this growing
pollution threat all over the world due to the growing use
of electronic device in general and computers in particular
all over world there is a need to look for an eco-friendly
Some facts:
To keep servers at the right temperature, companies mainly
rely on air-conditioning equipments. The more powerful
the machine, the more cool air needed to keep it from
overheating.Faster processors use more power, because
they use too much power and their waste heat increases
temperature for which air conditioning is necessary,
especially in server farms–between the computers and the
HVAC. The waste heat also causes reliability problems, as
CPU’s crash much more often at higher temperatures.
Solutions to it are
• Recycling, Reusing and reducing paper waste.
Virtualization is one of the most effective tools for more
cost-effective, greener-energy efficient computing where
each server is divided into multiple virtual machines that
run different applications and in this way companies can
increase their server utilization rates. This approach is so
energy friendly.
Scientific Article
• For more advanced users remove unnecessary fans and
• Refill Ink-jet cartridges and laser toner; it’s cheaper and
doesn’t add to landfill
• Switch off Cable Modems, Routers and Wi-Fi Access
Points when not in use / overnight.
• If you are going to build your own PC pick the parts
carefully. Instead of getting two 1 GB chips, buy one
2 GB one. Even some awareness programs should be
• You can also buy other equipment that uses fewer toxic
materials and more recycled components.
Many new electronics that were sold in the United States
already meet the European Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS), a standard for banning the
general use of six hazardous substances which includes lead
and mercury, and many manufacturers are help in reducing
to further use of toxic substance.
But in India, the principle of “Green Computing” is facing
a dilemma due to many socio-economic matters.So far,
consumers haven’t cared about ecological impact when
buying computers, they’ve cared only about speed and price.
Now time has come to think about your ecology, consumer
should become pickier about being green, devices that use
less and less power while renewable energy gets more and
more portable and effective.
The first issue of
was released by
Cheif Patron Shri.S.R.Reddy
on the occasion of
Intra collegiate Cultural Prize
distribution function held during
Net’s Regale 11.
Child presented with severe
respiratory distress. Chest
movements were decreased
Bilaterally. On auscultation
decreased on both sides.On
percussion tympanic note on
left side and stony dullness
on right side were felt.Chest
X-ray showing left sided
pneumothorax and right
sided loculated effusion .
1 year old boy presented with
fever and respiratory distress.
On examination
sounds were decreased on
right axillary and infraaxillary
regions. Chest radiograph
showed right sided thin
lamellar effusion
2 year old male child
breathing and fever. On
examining breath sounds
were found to be decreased on
the axillary and infraaxillary
and inframammary regions.
Chest X-ray revealed well
organized lamellar effusion
on the left side
8 year old boy presented
with one month history of
fever, and 10 days history
of difficulty in breathing .on
auscultation breath sounds
were decreased in right in
axillary and infrascapular
region with stony dullness on
percussion in the same areas
on percussion. Montoux test
was strongly positive.Chest
X-ray showed massive right
pleural effusion.
Scientific Article
SWOT in Nursing
Where there is no struggle, there is no STRENGTH.
Growth begins when we begin to accept our own
right where you are now. Analyze the THREAT
around you, you will overcome it! This is what
we call SWOT.
History of SWOT
First, the SWOT concept originated in a research effort at
Stanford University beginning in the 1960s, with a man
named Albert Humphrey. The strengths & weaknesses
are identified as internal factors, while the opportunities &
threats are listed as external influences.
What is SWOT?
• A process generates information that is helpful in
matching an organization or group’s goals, programs,
and capacities to the social environment in which it
• SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and
Threat. SWOT is a simple framework for generating
strategic alternatives from a situation analysis
• STRENGTHS- A firm’s strength are its resources and
capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a
competitive advantage.
• WEAKNESS- The absence of certain strength may be
viewed as a weakness.
Ms. Feba Abraham
II Year Msc Nursing
Naviodaya College
of Nursing
• OPPORTUNITIES- The external environmental analysis
may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and
• THREATS- Changes in the external environmental may
present threats to the firm.
SWOT Matrix
S- O Strategies
W- O Strategies
S- T Strategies
W- T Strategies
• S-O STRATEGIES pursue opportunities that are good fit
to the organization strength.
• W-O STRATEGIES overcome weakness to pursue
• S-T STRATEGIES identify ways that the firm can use its
strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats
• W-T STRATEGIES establish a defensive plan to prevent
the firm’s weakness from making it highly susceptible to
external threats.
1. Bringing new developments in practice and nursing
2. SWOT Analysis facilitates the formulation of a shared
vision or goals among nursing fraternity.
3. Desire to create a systematic and rigorous change process
in an organization or situation.
4. To make the decision making process worthwhile lead
us for a SWOT analysis.
5. To identify what hinders the implementation of efficient
nursing care in practice and modify as per the settings.
6. To be clear and aware of varying perceptions of our
7. Idea of Implementing Evidence based practice in the
Nursing practice.
Scientific Article
SWOT in Nursing Management
• A central body- the Indian Nursing Council governs
the nursing education system in the country. This gives
standardisation and uniformity within the system
enabling nurses to move jobs within the country.
• The uniformity of the education system also allows the
Indian Nursing Council to monitor the education and
training at all universities and Colleges in India.
• There are several courses available to nurses. Nurses
can always upgrade their qualifications and training by
opting for higher education.
• There is an intrinsic need for nursing care. People will
always fall ill, and the changes in the disease profile in
India and the ageing population is increasing this basic
• The demand for nurses is not dependent of the state of
the economy
• Nursing is not a highly regarded profession as other
medical professions, and thus does not draw respect and
social standing
• Nursing education, especially post-registration, has
not received importance thereby leaving little scope for
Indian nurses to excel, improve and climb up the career
• The pay scales of nurses in India are considerably low as
compared to many countries.
• Government hospitals are not equipped and managed
up to international standards, thus nurses working at
these hospitals do not have exposure to state-of-the-art
equipment and training.
• The ratio of nurses per 1,000 beds in India is way behind
the international WHO norms. This is putting additional
pressure on nurses
• The vast majority of the training and education of nurses
is done in a budget-conscious public sector. This is
restricting the training and continued nursing education
process in the country
• The number of nurses qualifying every year in India is
among the highest in the world. There exists a vast pool
of qualified nursing personnel in the country.
• The growing need for healthcare is increasing demand
for nursing services. There is a tremendous demand
for Indian nurses in the international markets. These
encouraging nurses to look for opportunities for better
pay and work conditions outside India.
• Super specialty courses have been started by some
nursing colleges in India to meet the growing demand of
specialty nurses. There is an option for nurses to specialise
in chosen fields. This has also been recognised by the
Indian Nursing Council, which has decided to commence
15 specialty diplomas from 2004
• More and more nurses have been migrating to the
Gulf and western countries in search for better salaries
and work conditions. This is leading to a shortage of
experienced nursing staff in Government hospitals in the
• Absence of a nursing management system in the country
is making it difficult to monitor and access nursing
information, posing a constant threat to the public sector.
• Along with post-registration education and other up
gradation, it has to be seen that the basic education
of nurses must be the same in different regions of the
country. There are some private colleges providing unrecognised courses to nurses.
• Strengths need to be maintained, built upon or leveraged.
Weakness need to be remedied, changed or stopped.
Opportunities need to be prioritized, captured, built
on and optimized. Threats need to be countered or
minimized and managed
Hopeful Endurance
From desire to dream
From dream to hope
From hope to life
Drifting from darkness to light
A wish nurtured in a young heart
A dream embellishing the serene mind
A hope steering life through wonderland
Happy heart coruscating the eyes
Singing melodies in sweet refrains...
From dejection to tears
From tears to fears
From fears to doom
Drifting from dawn to night
An illusion? A hackneyed chimera?
What bring forth an unsavoury ambience?
Embittering and deterring a once merry man
Trickling tears scintillating the eyes
A pain transcending all nature’s joy...
Survive the storm, brook the blow
Like the good, this too shall pass.
Dr. Roopa P. Kulkarni
Post Graduate
Dept of Biochemistry
Navodaya Medical College
Case Report
Mandibular Incisor Extraction for treatment of a Class I Malocclusion
with Bolton Discrepancy
Dr Rakesh Kumar MDS, Faculty
of Dentistry, Senior lecturer,
Department of Orthodontics,
Navodaya Dental College and
Hospital, Raichur
Co Author :
Dr Ravindranath V. K, MDS, Prof and Head, Department of Orthodontics, Navodaya Dental College and
Hospital, Raichur
Many approaches for crowded anterior teeth are currently
employed like distal movement of posterior teeth, lateral
movement of canines, labial movement of incisors,
interproximal enamel reduction(IPR), removal of premolars,
removal of one or two incisors, and various combinations
of the above. Selecting the best treatment is often difficult,
and all guidelines do not apply to every case. Treatment by
extraction of one single mandibular incisor is not popular in
the orthodontic profession despite the apparent advantages
of the extraction in the region of crowding. A case report
is presented one mandibular incisor extraction treatment
of a 20 year-old male with a Class I malocclusion that
shows a significant mandibular arch length deficiency and
mandibular tooth-size excess and high placed canine in
maxillary arch with reverse bite. In this case, the degree of
mandibular anterior dental crowding, existing mandibular
tooth-size excess, and the dental midline discrepancy were
indicated the extraction of one mandibular incisor.
In Orthodontics one of the most critical decisions in treatment
planning is whether to extract teeth or not. The orthodontic
pendulum has swung from a predominantly non-extraction
philosophy in the early 1900s, toward a more extractionoriented therapy in the middle of the century, and now back
toward a non-extraction emphasis.1
Several approaches for crowded mandibular anterior teeth
are currently employed: distal movement of posterior teeth,
lateral movement of canines, labial movement of incisors,
interproximal enamel reduction, removal of premolars,
removal of one or two incisors, and various combinations of
the above. Selecting the best treatment is often difficult, and
all guidelines do not apply to every case.2
Treatment by extraction of one single mandibular incisor
is not popular in the orthodontic profession despite the
apparent advantages of the extraction in the region of
crowding.3,4 Objections to this extraction option have been
based on case reports or subjective clinical opinions after
observing less desirable outcomes in treated Class I and Class
II malocclusions.1,2,5,6 Unwanted side-effects have been
increases of overbite and overjet beyond acceptable limits,
space reopening, partly unsatisfactory posterior occlusion,
recurrence of crowding in the remaining three incisors, and
unaesthetic loss of the interdental papillae in the mandibular
anterior region.1,2,5–8
Kokich and Shapiro5 stated that if lower incisor extraction
is performed without careful planning, the resulting
occlusal discrepancy often cannot be resolved satisfactorily.
They argued that with careful case selection, single incisor
extraction may allow the clinicians to use simple treatment
mechanics and achieve good results. A careful and realistic
diagnostic setup was considered to be an important aid in
determining tooth size discrepancies, and whether or not the
occlusal result would be acceptable and consistent with the
treatment objectives.
Several authors5,6,9–11 have emphasized that case where
a tooth-size discrepancy (measurable mandibular Bolton
excess) exists, for example with upper peg shaped laterals or
missing upper lateral incisors may represent good indications
for extraction of one mandibular incisor. Some authors have
remarked that cases with Class III tendency could be another
indication for incisor extraction, because some collapse of
the lower arch may be acceptable or even desirable in such
Whenever single lower incisor extraction treatment is
contemplated, a full diagnostic setup should be made. Toothsize formulas are not consistently accurate in predicting a final
occlusion; a full setup is the best way to be sure the occlusal
results, including overbite and overjet, will be acceptable.1
According to Owen,1 patients who are suitable for single
lower incisor extractions usually fit the following diagnostic
pattern: Class I molar relationship, moderately crowded
lower incisors, mild or no crowding in the upper arch,
acceptable soft-tissue profile, minimal to moderate overbite
and overjet, no or minimal growth potential, and missing
lateral incisors or peg shaped laterals.
The aim of this case report was to assess the treatment
outcome and changes in dentofacial structures especially
mandibular incisor position after extraction of one single
lower incisor and correction of reverse bite with convention
anterior-posterio expansion screws with posterior block.
Case Report
History and Diagnosis
A 20-year-old Gujurati male came to the Department of
Orthodontics with the chief complaint of upper and lower
crowding with dished in face. He was in the permanent
dentition and had an apparently symmetric face with a mild
concave profile (Figure 1). He had no important dental and
medical history, and no growth potential.
Figure 1 Pretreatment facial photographs.
(front and profile)
Intraoral examination showed that there was severe
crowding in the upper arch and moderate crowding in
anterior region of the lower arch. In occlusion, he had a 4
mm reverse over-bite and a 2 mm reverse-jet. There was
Class I molar relationship, his maxillary midline was shifted
1 mm to the right, and the mandibular midline was shifted
1.5 mm to the left. No mandibular shift was detected on
closure. Upper incisors were placed in crossbite/reversebite
to lower incisors. The arch length deficiencies were 7 mm
in the maxillary arch and 5 mm in the mandibular arch. A
Bolton analysis showed 8.5 mm mandibular excess in total
and 5.7 mm mandibular anterior excess (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Pretreatment intraoral photographs.
Radiographic examination revealed that all the permanent
teeth were present or developing. Cephalometric evaluation
showed that he had a skeletal Class I relationship with high
angle pattern and lower lip was slightly protrusive to the
“E” line. The maxilla is retrognathic relative to the cranium
and maxillary dentition are retroclined with obtuse nasiobail
angle.(Figure 3)
Figure 3 Pretreatment cephalometric
and panoramic radiographs
Figure 4 Posterior bite block with jack screw to correct
anterior crossbite.
Treatment Objectives
The goals of orthodontic treatment for the patient were to
(1) To eliminate the dental crowding in the lower and upper
arch; (2) correct the maxillary dental midline discrepancy;
(3) establish a Class I canine relationship, (4) to correct the
crossbite and establish the Ideal overjet and the overbite;
(Figure 4) (5) provide for a more regular alignment of the
maxillary and mandibular teeth for aesthetics, function
and hygiene; (6) maintain the acceptable facial balance and
muscle tone; and (7) compensate for the relative excess
mandibular tooth mass with the removal of one mandibular
Treatment Alternatives
Considering all aspects of the case in detail, during the
treatment-planning interview, two treatment options were
presented to the patient. The first involved extraction of one
single Mandibular central incisor. This would allow easy
resolving of the lower crowding and improvement of the
overbite. The second option involved extraction of the all
first premolar. The patient chose the first option.
Treatment Progress
First of all, a diagnostic wax set-up was constructed with the
extraction of the lower right central incisor for evaluation of
the treatment outcomes (Figure 5). It showed that overjet,
overbite and posterior occlusion would be acceptable.
Figure 5 Diagnostic wax set-up models.
Case Report
The mandibular right central incisor was extracted, and
treatment started with a fixed appliance in the lower and
upper arches (Straight Wire 0.022”, Roth Setup).Posteriorbite
block with the jackscrew are given to relive the anterior
crossbite.(Figures 4.) Conventitonal jackscrew is activated
in anterio-posterio direction periodically until cross bite
is corrected. Initial levelling was accomplished with the
use of nickel titanium archwires over 4 months. After
initial levelling, multilooped archwire made of Australian
0.016 steel premium wires are placed and anteriors are
moved forwardly.(3months).In the lower arch, segments
of elastomeric chain were used at the onset of treatment to
close the extraction space. Compensating bends were placed
in the lower archwire to prevent excessive crown tipping at
the extraction site. After 9 months (from the time of placing
full appliances) all teeth were aligned and the extraction
space was closed. For the remaining 7 months, .019x.025inch rectangular stainless steel wires were used for torque
corrections, paralleling the roots, and detailing the occlusion.
After satisfactory interdigitation was achieved, the fixed
appliances were removed, and maxillary removable retainer
and mandibular fixed lingual retainer were placed (Figures
Figure 6 Extraoral photographs after treatment,
(front and profile)
Results And Discussion
The Class I molar and canine relationship were established
with satisfactory interdigitation of posterior teeth. The
overjet and the overbite were established. The upper and
lower arch length deficiencies was eliminated and the
tooth-size discrepancy was managed successfully. The
mandibular dental midline was compromised and upper
midline was corrected. The dentition and the periodontal
tissues remained healthy during treatment. Unaesthetic
loss of the inter-dental papillae between the lower central
incisors was occurred as an unwanted side-effect.
Posttreatment radiographs showed that minimal root
resorption had occurred during treatment and that root
parallelism was satisfactory. Cephalometric evaluation
revealed that no significant changes were occurred except
the increasing of the overbite and overjet. The lower and the
upper incisors were upright, and the interincisal angle was
A class I malocclusion with a significant mandibular toothsize excess can frequently be treated by extracting one
mandibular incisor in the literature.5,8,13 A mandibular
tooth-size excess greater than 1.6 mm, as determined
by the Bolton analysis14, is considered significant and
can typically be handled in 1 of 3 ways: interproximal
reduction, extraction, or restoration. Extraction of one
mandibular incisor is generally done in patients with Bolton
discrepancies greater than 2.0 mm. The decision to extract
should be supported by initial records, diagnostic wax setup, and clinical experience. Additional information, such
as Bolton analysis, shape of maxillary incisor crowns, and
amount of interproximal enamel is also important.
Reidel13 has suggested that in patients with severely
crowded mandibular arches, the removal of one or more
mandibular incisor(s) is the only logical alternative which
may allow for increased stability of the mandibular anterior
region without continuous retention.16 In this case, we
believed that treatment results would be stable because of
the fact that intercanine width was decreased, and the lower
incisors were not protruded.
One single mandibular incisor extraction can be an effective
treatment choice for the appropriate malocclusion with
a Bolton discrepancy. However, several factors must be
considered before making the final treatment decision. In
addition, evaluation of a diagnostic wax set-up will allow
the orthodontist to predict the success of the proposed
treatment plan.
Figure 7 Posttreatment intraoral photographs.
General Articles
Dr.Arun B J, Faculty, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine
“Awareness on tuberculosis for Faculty & Students
of Navodaya group of institutions “
Tuberculosis is a disease of great antiquity , Tuberculosis
lesions were found in the vertebrae of Neolithic man in
Europe and on Egyptian mummies dating possibly from as
early as 3700 BC. There is also definite evidence of mention
about tuberculosis in Vedas.
Tuberculosis is also known by many other names such as
Rajayakshma ( Vedas), Pthisis(Hippocrates), Consumere
(latin), Schachepheth (Bible), Tabes pulmonali, King’s evil,
White plague, Koch’s disease, Ksayah.
On 24 march 1882 Robert Koch announced the discovery of
the tubercule bacillus during the monthly evening meeting
of the Berlin physiological society, In memory of this event
World TB day is celebrated on 24th March every year. In
1884 Koch published a more comprehensive paper on
the topic and In 1905 he was awarded Nobel prize for his
contribution in the field of TB research .
During World TB Day in March 2006, the world showed
a new resolve by announcing a ‘‘Global Plan to Stop TB,
2006–2015.’’ World Health Organization ( WHO) is actively
involved in control activities for tuberculosis world over.
This year the slogan is : On The move against Tuberculosis
“Innovate to accelerate action”
On this occasion Department of Pulmonary Medicine ,
Navodaya Medical College Hospital and Research Center
had arranged an awareness programme on tuberculosis for
faculty of Navodaya group of institutions.
Ms.Aeggie Anthrayose
2nd year BE
Electronics & Communication Eng.
Navodaya Institute of Technology
Wi-Fi refers to the 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard that was
designed to support wireless LANs. It has recently attracted a lot
of attention as candidates for the dominant platform for providing
broadband wireless access to the Internet. The most important
phenomena impacting telecommunications over the past decade
have been explosive growth for the internet services. The internet
brought the benefits of data communications to the masses with
email, the web, and ecommerce. The internet helped to accelerate the
trend from voice-centric to datacentric networking. Data already
exceeds voice traffic and the data
share continues to grow. It offers
the benefits of new interactive
multimedia services coupled
to the flexibility and mobility
of wireless. To realize the full
potential of this however, we need
broadband access connections.
Wi-Fi allows collections of PCs,
terminals, and other distributed
computing devices to share
such as printers, access servers etc. One of the most popular LAN
technologies was Ethernet. Wi-Fi LANs operate using unlicensed
spectrum in the 2.4 GHz band. The current generation of WLANs
(Wireless Local Area Network) supports upto 11Mbps, data
rates within 300 feet of the base station. Most typically, WLANs
are deployed in a distributed way to offer last few hundred feet
connectivity to a wire line backbone corperate or campus network.
Typically, the WLANs are implemented as part of a private network.
The base station equipment is owned and operated by the end-user
community. Although each base station can support connections
only over a range of few hundred feet, it is possible to provide
contiguous coverage over a wider area by using multiple base
stations. Still, the WLAN technology was not designed to support
high-speed hand – off associated with users moving between base
station coverage areas. There has been an emergence of a number of
service providers that are offering Wi-Fi services for a fee in selected
local areas. In addition, there is a growing movement of so – called
“Free Nets” where individuals or organizations are providing open
access to subsidized Wi-Fi networks.
For Wi-Fi, the wireless link is a few hundred feet from the enduser device to the base station. The base station is then connected
either into the wire line LAN or enterprise network infrastructure
or to a wire line access line to a carrier’s backbone network and then
eventually to the internet. Wireless services are part of an end-toend value chain. Wi-Fi support broadband data service, the data rate
offered by Wi-Fi (11Mbps). It offers sufficient bandwidth to support
a comparable array of services, including real – time voice, data,
and streaming media. Wi-Fi comes out of the data communications
industry (LANs) which is a bi-product of the computer industry.
The basic business model is one of equipment makers who sell boxes
to customers. Only recently have WLANs being targeted as a mass
market offering to home users.
General Article
Pharma Vision 2020: A Rural Perspective
By. Ajay Chandra
3rd yr Pharm D
N.E.T. Pharmacy College Raichur
A majority of the total Indian population live in numerous
villages, scattered through out the country. According to
2011indian census there are about 638,365 villages in India
and about 72.2% of Indian population lives in these villages.
It is found that most of Indian villages have a population less
than 1000.
Compared with urban, rural residents have high poverty
rates, a large % of geriatrics’ land to be poor health, few
doctors, hospitals and other health resources, malnutrition,
lack of awareness of std’s, they have their own belief and
expectations. So, there is a need in bringing about the
considerable changes in the health care system of india. And
this should be our vision in 2020.
A country is said to be successively developed it and only
if there is a development in villages which are the real
representatives of real India.
Hospital closers and other market changes have adversely
affected rural areas, leaving state and central policymakers
and and other concerned about acces to health care in rural
Pharmacy services are especially important in rural
communities rural areas tend to
have an older population. With
more chronic illness with a greater
need for advice from a pharmacist
managing medications.
Despite this demand for services,
rural pharmacies face many
challenges to stay open, including
financial pressures and lack of
pharmacists to provide services.
Our vision towards challenges in
Health statistics
% of rural area
- 94.86
Number of villages -638,588
Population in rural’s -72.2% in 2001
Health Expenditure % of
Developed countries
Number of district hospitals in india – 600
Number of patients visiting district hospitals – 1500
Number of patients needing consultancy – 36000
Source: Indian census.
Indian academy of science.
We belong to a country that spends less than 1% of its GDP
on health care.
Major improvements in this area, and protective steps in
transferring the funds to the rural areas. health care and also
that of patient safety are essential in order to reach vision
In India about 20%of health care professionals live in urban
areas while 80% of population lives in rural villages.
This results in huge imbalance between healthcare available
for people in cities and rural areas. People have to travel long
distances for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. I m sure
many of us remember old time movies where people had to
walk for a number of miles to reach the hospital. Sadly enough
this state of affair
still continues in
many parts of rural
access to health
care is needed
facilities should be
arranged in these
*Community pharmacy needs to b encouraged in this areas.
Mobile health care units associated with hospitals in areas
covering minimum 10 villages to improve access and also to
install trust in patients about the efficacy of the system and
government policies.
As community pharmacist is a link between doctors and
patients, the profession is suffering from this imbalance
of therapeutic strategy available for people in cities and in
villages as poor patient. Compliance for the drug therapy has
been reported in patients living in villages.
Community pharmacy in India is still at the state of confusion
and the role of pharmacist is limited to drug store management
and prescription filling. Although the
Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 and the Pharmacy Act 1948 have
provisions for establishing a strong pharmacy profession.
Some how changes have not taken place as expected.
The current ratio of community pharmacist &pharmacist is
1:235 which is an indicator of the work load on each pharmacist
where as recommended pharmacist & patient ratio is 1:20.
The constantly busy dispensary coupled with lack of privacy
makes the counselling difficult. Many languages are spoken
in India and then further complicate the communication with
the patient.
Due to high cost of the medicines, it is sometimes difficult
to persuade patients to finish the course of antibiotics
when they feel better. Patient beliefs and expectation are
also challenging. Most of the rural people follow their own
traditions and cultures. So it is the pharmacist’s prime duty to
create awareness and educate the tribal.
General Article
Effective Communication – A Vital Tool In The Patient Management.
“If you talk to a person in a language he
understands that goes to his head,
If you talk to him in his language,
that goes to his heart”
- Nelson Mendela
Effective communication between patients and the medical
professionals involved is a key to the successful management of
patient care.
Most of the essential diagnostic information arises from the
interview, and the clinician’s interpersonal skills also largely
determine the patient’s satisfaction and compliance and positively
influence health outcomes. Such skills, including active listening
to patient’s concerns, are among the qualities of a clinician
most desired by patients. Increasing public dissatisfaction with
the medical profession is, in good part, related to deficiencies
in clinical communication. Studies in many countries have
confirmed that serious communication problems are common in
clinical practice.
Most complaints by the public about medical professionals deal
not with clinical competency problems, but with communication
problems, and the majority of malpractice allegations arise from
communication errors.
David Brodie, who has written a great deal about this subject,
gives four reasons why
It is a well known fact that
even for the persons, who patients has traditionally
can fluently converse in more been less good than it
than 2 languages, when it should have been.
comes to expression of inner
feelings and sufferings, one
will mostly prefer the mother
tongue. Therefore it is of
medical professionals learn to
speak the local language.
firstly, it was widely held
that many patients simply
were not able to understand
diagnosis and the details
of their treatment, however
carefully the matter was
Secondly, it was considered that many patients had a
psychological block which prevented them from seeking to
know their own diagnosis - many preferring to leave the whole
matter in the hands of the doctor.
The third of Brodie’s reasons was that it would take too much
time to explain everything to each patient, a reason that reflects
badly, not on the patient but on the medical professional, or at
the very least on the system within which he has to work.
The fourth reason given is that to tell the patient the diagnosis,
to explain the results of the investigations, and to discuss the
likely effect of treatment and the prognosis, will serve only to
increase his anxiety. This premise is certainly not supported
by the evidence. Whenever it has been studied, it has been
shown that anxiety is increased by indecision and the fear of the
unknown, while careful, kindly, explanation of the facts-even if
Prakash.V MPT
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurological
Navodaya College of
they contain bad news
- allays anxiety and
sets the patient’s mind
at rest.
Besides these 4 reasons,
the one major barrier
is that of language,
particularly in our
country. The services
medical professional
crosses the boundaries of the geography without any
impediments, but not always, the barrier of language. It is a well
known fact that even for the persons, who can fluently converse
in more than 2 languages, when it comes to expression of inner
feelings and sufferings, one will mostly prefer the mother tongue.
Therefore it is of utmost importance that medical professionals
learn to speak the local language.
Research on the outcome of effective communication
Many studies have documented the beneficial outcomes of
effective clinical communication. Kaplan et al had found that
the quality of clinical communication is related to positive
health outcomes. Concordance between physician and
patient in identifying the nature and seriousness of the clinical
problem is related to improving or resolving the problem10.
effective communication skills are identified by the patients
as a characteristic of a good physiotherapists and also as a key
determinant of patient adherence to treatment and perception of
quality of care.
Explaining and understanding patient concerns, even when they
cannot be resolved, results in a significant fall in anxiety. Greater
participation by the patient in the encounter improves satisfaction
and compliance’ and outcome of treatment (for example, control
of diabetes and hypertension) .The level of psychological
distress in patients with serious illness is less when they perceive
themselves to have received adequate information.
Strategies to improve effective communication
Many experts suggests that in order to improve the
communication skill among the health care professionals,
teaching of these communication skills to be incorporated into
the curriculums and continued into postgraduate training and
courses in continuing medical education. It has been repeatedly
shown that the clinical skills needed to improve these problems
can be taught and that the subsequent benefits to medical practice
are demonstrable, feasible on a routine basis, and enduring.
Health Exhibition
Workshop on BLS, ACLS &
Emergency Airway
The school environment is considered an optimal place
for health promotion/disease prevention activities to
occur. School health promotions are an important aspect
of education. These services have the goal of supporting
educational success by enhancing health. Given the fact the
department of Community Medicine, Navodaya Medical
College took part in the scientific school exhibition organized
by Vidya Bharathi Shikshana Kendra School. As part of the
exhibition the st udents from Navodaya Medical College
using different models, charts and specimens apprised the
school students about the need for taking care of health and
inculcating healthy habits.
In this setting, large numbers of children from various schools
are targeted in a cost-effective manner, and health awareness
was given to the children to promote healthy society.
Youth day Celebration
National Youth Day was celebrated in India on 12 January
on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. The students from
Navodaya Teacher Training Institute participated in Youth
day observed in Veerasaiva College of Education which was
organized by D.Ed college association and DIET, Yeramarus.
Various competitions were held during the occasion.
Navodaya Teacher Training Institute students received first
prize in the competitions held during the occasion.
The department of Anaesthology & critical care of Navodaya
Medical College Hospital Research Centre conducts one day
workshop on 17th Jan 2011. The workshop intends to train skill
development programme in basic life support (BLS) advanced
cardiac life support (ACLS) and emergency airway which
is going to be useful for medical professionals in day to day
emergency managements.
The experts from Emergency Medical Research Institute (EMRI)
Hyderabad are going to train participants with their mannequin
and develop cardiac monitors. Kindly avail this opportunity to
upgrade also to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge
and practical skills.
Ophthalmology CME
The Department of Ophthalmology in association with Raichur
district ophthalmologists association conducted Ophthalmology
CME on 23/1/2011.
The guest speakers were Dr.Ravikumar Reddy , Dr.Ramakanth
Reddy & Dr.Venkatratnam from Medivision, Hyderabad. The
guest speakers delivered topics in recent advances in cataract
&refractive surgery.
The recent advances in management of glaucoma, recent
advances in the management of hypertensive & diabetic
reticulopathy topics were also discussed. dr galgali & dr kavitha
patil moderated the session. Dr Hedge, Dr Khaja Naseeruddin,
Dr Srinivas, Dr Biradar & Dr Anupama Taklikar were the guest
of honour.
A window view on Intranatal Care
The Deparment of gynecological nursing conducted a
seminar on “ window view on intranatal care” on 31/1/11.
The resource person for the seminar was Dr.V.G.Kulkarni
leading obstetrician from N.M.C.H and R.C Raichur. He
focused on the practical aspects of the care during labour.
The other speakers were the P.G students of OBG specialty.
The participants were the students of school and college of
nursing from Raichur, Mahaboob nagar and students from
Nandini college of nursing.
Industrial Visit
for convenience. The first group was led to the ‘Quality
Control’. The highly sophisticated instruments like Particle
size analyzer by laser diffraction, differential scanning
colorimeter, X-ray crystallography, total organic carbon
analyser, IR spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy, polarimeter,
gas chromatography, HPLC are used for the qualitative
and quantitative analysis of the samples (i.e. raw materials,
intermediates or the products) and it was really fascinating
to see those operations. The anticancer agents were handled
in the separate wards.
The Research and Development (R and D) block in the
industry was excellent. The researches for new compounds
are carried out here and the experiments are performed to
optimize the reaction conditions, upgrading the procedure
and the product in terms of quality, quantity, economy and
time. Adjoining to R and D, was the pilot plant, where the
drugs are synthesized in small scale with the arrangements
analogous to the manufacturing unit.
‘Warehouse’ was the storehouse for the raw materials.
The received raw materials are first kept in quarantine
and then employed in the manufacturing only after the
approval of Q.C. Separate cold rooms were managed for
thermodegradable materials. Then we headed towards the
manufacturing house which possessed reactors as large as
500 ltrs. Adequate temperature controls were provided to
the reactors. Solvent recovery arrangements had made the
processes economical. The safety of the operators had been
paid the utmost priority. Finally it was the water purification
unit, supplying water for all industrial purposes. Here the
water is purified by sequentially treating under sand filters,
ion precipitators, ultra filtration and reverse osmosis.
With this our three-hour-long visit almost came to an end.
But the things learnt were still reverberating in my mind. It
had been a first experience of its kind to all of us. This visit,
besides expanding the horizon of our knowledge has too
enabled us to view our career through a new angle.
Chandra K. Maharjan
III B. Pharm.
Newton’s Law Remix :
‘Learning by seeing’ is an undisputed fact. Especially, the
technical courses like pharmacy demand sufficient industrial
visits and exposures for the students. These augment
their theoretical knowledge and at the same time help to
understand how academics is employed in the industrial
Shilpa Medicare Ltd., a renowned pharmaceutical
company, is located at Shaktinagar near to the Raichur
city. It is a bulk manufacturer of many drugs along with
some anticancer agents and its products are recognized
by more than 70 countries. 31st Jan. 2011 was a much
awaited day. The students were divided into two groups
Every book continues to be in a state of rest or covered
with dust, UNTIL & UNLESS exam appears and
the speed of turning pages is directly proportional to
the syllabus to be covered and tension in the minds
remains constant.
B.D.S, Intern, Navodaya Dental College
And Hospital, Raichur
Quiz on Tuberculosis and Revised
national tuberculosis program
India is one of the 22 high burden countries
in the world with respect to tuberculosis,
accounting for one fifth of tuberculosis
burden of the world.
Research on treatment of tuberculosis in India
was started as early as 1950 to 1960 in the
two premier institutes like TRC Chennai and
NTI Bangalore. In 1962 National tuberculosis
programme was launched, after 30 years of
NTP , the program was reviewed in 1992 and
found to be a failure due to various reasons
such as over reliance on X-ray for diagnosis,
30% cure of diagnosed patients
and lack of commitment from
administrative and political
In 1993 with the adaptation of
World Health Organisation’s
(WHO) direct observation
treatment short course ( DOTS)
strategy India devised a new
approach to tackle tuberculosis
menace and named it Revised
National Tuberculosis Control
this program being Political & administrative commitment,
Diagnosis by quality microscopy, Uninterrupted supply of
good quality drugs, Directly observed treatment short course
and systematic monitoring and reporting.
RNTCP is actively practised and taught since 2005 in our
Navodaya Medical college, it is included as a part of the
curriculum for both undergraduate and postgraduate training
On the occasion of Regale 2011, a QUIZ
program on tuberculosis and RNTCP
was arranged for all the postgraduates,
interns and students of Navodaya
Medical College, on 15th February 2011.
It was jointly arranged by Department of
Pulmonary Medicine, Navodaya Medical
College and Research Center and District
Tuberculosis Society. Initial screening
test was done among twenty registered
teams and six top scoring teams were
selected for quiz proper. After four rounds
of rigorous questionnaire,
the interns team consisting of
Dr.Konika and Dr.Shilpa
emerged as winner and the
team of postgraduates from
Department of paediatrics were
declared runners, third place
went to team of postgraduates
from community medicine &
Pharmacology together.
The certificates were issued
for all participants and prize
money of Rs.1000 for first
place, Rs.500 for second place & Rs.250 for third place was
subsequently issued. Following a working lunch, one hour
lecture on orientation and newer updates in RNTCP was given
for all the participants.
The programme was chaired by Dr.Paramjyothi.G.K Head,
Department of pulmonary medicine and Prof. Dr.S.S.Antin
was the chief guest of the day. District tuberculosis society was
represented by second medical officer Dr.Mallikarjuna Gowda. National Pulse Polio Programme
The department of Community Medicine & NSS unit of
Navodaya Medical College, took active part in the National Pulse
Polio programme on 27th February 2011. 75 Under Graduate, 10
interns, 6 Post Graduates of community medicine department,
MSW, faculty members of community medicine department
along with NSS volunteers participated in the programme.
DHO allotted 30 booths
in 6 clusters to our
institution. At least two
students were posted
to each booth, and each
cluster was supervised
by the interns and
PG students of the
community medicine department. Transient booth was also
established at the entry & exit of KSRTC bus stand.
The activity of the day began at 6.00 am ably guided by Dr S
G Hiremath, HOD of Community Medicine, Dr R.H.Takalikar,
HOD of Physiology and other faculty & post graduates from
dept of Community Medicine lead the group activity.
All the students actively took
part in the programme by
mobilizing and sensitizing
the community to bring in
children below five years to
have polio vaccination.
Excerpt from Chief Guest Address by Sri.T.Dileep Kumar,
President, Indian Nursing council, New Delhi.
ambassadors of the
hospital. The dual role
National Conference on
Nursing Adminstration
The National conference on nursing administration titled
“confluences of nursing administration in practice” was
organized by Navodaya School and College of Nursing,
Raichur on 5th and 6th of March 2011 at NMC Auditorium.
The Conference was inaugurated by Sri T.Dileep Kumar,
President, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and presided
by Sri.S.R.Reddy, Chairman, Navodaya Education Trust®,
Nurses are the heart of healthcare! Being the heart of healthcare,
the nursing practice & administration plays a pivotal role
in delivering quality health care all over the world. The
conference was rightly arranged to congregate the practice of
nursing administration to the nursing professionals.
The resource persons were Dr. Sharada Ramesh from Chennai,
Dr.K.Laleeta from Bengaluru, Dr.Vasundhara Tulasi from
Hydrabad, Dr.Annice George from Manipal and Prof.Prema
from Raichur who focused and enlightened on the skills in
nursing administration.
The conference was an opportunity to learn and interact with
experts in the field of nursing administration research. The
delegates gained skills in incorporating evidence into nursing
practice and imbibe the managerial administration skills in
nursing for proficient health care delivery.
The two day conference has guest speaker sessions, oral paper
presentations and poster presentations from the delegates.
The National Conference was attended by 250 delegates
from Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and
carried out by the Nurse
should be valued and
appreciated. The nurse
delivers her both the roles
with great dedication
and commitment with a
solitary goal of serving
others and living for
Sri.T.Dileep Kumar, President, Indian Nursing Council in his
address in the recently held National Conference on nursing
administration appreciated for the topics like Nursing
informatics are identified which were truly beneficial in this
era of the advent of explosion of internet, which has made
nursing fraternity close to many issues.
His commitment to the nursing profession is exemplary. His
famous line “Nurses are the ambassadors of the hospital”
was truly befitting to the profession. It was acclaimed by the
fellow delegates in an International Nursing Conference held
at Geneva.
The Nurses play a vital role in delivering health care to the
patients. National Rural Health Mission (NHRM), a flagship
program by Govt of India revitalizes rural health care in
India. He added that Nurses play a crucial role in achieving
the mission of NHRM.
The dual role carried out by the Nurse should be valued and
appreciated. The nurse delivers her both the roles with great
dedication and commitment with a solitary goal of serving
others and living for others.
Dept of Pediatrics, NMCH&RC
The most advanced neonatal unit in this region is inaugurated
in Navodaya Medical College Hospital & Research Centre on
12th March 2011. It ushers in a new era of neonatal medicine
with state-of-the-art facilities. The 12 bedded Neonatal
ICU is equipped with the latest facilities for the newborn.
It includes modern adequate ventilators, 12 warmers, 3
units of phototherapy (Double & single surface), multi para
monitors, facilities for exchange transfusion, microprocessors
for relevant investigations like transcutaneous estimation
of biochemical values, ABG, auto inflating blood drawing
equipments etc.
The initiation of newer therapeutic modalities, artificial lifesupport techniques, dedicated professional team working
round the clock and infection control mechanism will
decrease the mortality in newborn.
The ICU team is highly qualified with experience abroad and
is capable of dealing with complicated surgical cases.
The department of pediatrics also provides other services
like parent & family counseling to explain the short and long
term outcome of the condition and the treatment, parent
education, child development centre, immunization clinic,
child guidance clinic, asthma clinic, obesity clinic etc.
International Women’s Day
2011 marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s
Day. The day was commemorated for the first time on 19 March
1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
Navodaya College of Education celebrated International
Women’s Day on 08th March 2011 by observing the Theme
Equal access to education, training and science and technology:
Pathway to decent work for women. The Chief Guest of this
function is Smt. Jyothi Patil, She spoke about brief history of
women’s day celebration. The president of this programme Sri.
Veeresh Tiluvalli, he gave presidential address. Smt Suvarna
Kulkarni, Smt Ayesha Shabana and Sri Shiv Kumar Patil were
present. The observance of Women’s Day cited two reasons: to
recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and
the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
require the active participation, equality and development of
Navodaya Teacher Training institute celebrated international
womens day along with SSRG women’s college. Senior
Lecturer Smt Jayalakshmi Mangalmurthi stressed on the need
to educate women in rural areas and education can empower
them. She emphasized the govt initiatives and steps to enrich
women power in the society.
Science Day
Students Union 2010-11
The Students Union of Navodaya College of Education was
inaugurated on 23.03.2011. The Chief Guest of the function who
garlanded of the photo of maharaja chhatrapathi Shivaji”s done
their Pooja .
Mr. Murlidhar Puranik, Senior Teacher, Jawahar Nagar Primary
School, Raichur inaugurated the students union. He said this
forum gives the students a platform to voice their concern
and bring forth their suggestions. Mr.Raja Shankar, In charge
Principal, Navodaya College of Education emphasized the
importance of youth in shaping the future of the nation and the
world. This union will be learning experience for the students to
be the future leaders. The office bearers of the students union
took the oath and they were inducted into the service
National Science Day is celebrated by Navodaya College of
Education Raichur on 28th February 2011. National Science day
(NSD) aims to popularize the benefits of scientific knowledge
and practical appropriation in our society. February 28 marks
the invention of the “Raman Effect” by the great Indian scientist
Sir C.V. Raman on this very day in 1928.
The Chief Guest Smt. Suvarna Kulkarni briefed that science
has literally redefined the way we live. National Science Day
provides a wonderful opportunity to remind us of importance
and contribution of science to our society. Scientific innovations
have definitely contributed a lot towards welfare of the
The Vice Principal Mr. Rajshankar in his presidential address
explained the advancements in technology is brought out by
the pace developments in science. The occasion also gave an
opportunity to the future teachers to motivate the students to
compete in the field of science. World TB Day- 24th March 2011
On the occasion of World TB Day – 24th march, Department
of Community Medicine, Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
organized various awareness activities. The highlight was
a STREET PLAY held at 3 important locations targeting the
patients, relatives & general public. The play was held at OPD
Navodaya Hospital, Railway Station Raichur and Bus Station
Raichur. The play highlighted the symptoms of TB, sputum
examination, diagnosis and DOTS for treatment of TB. Public
was made aware of the free facilities for diagnosis & treatment
of TB patients. The message for audience was- TB IS CURABLE
WITH DOTS. The innovative approach to reach masses was
the interaction at the end of play randomly with audience and
asking if TB is curable and other questions. On answering the
participant was awarded with STOP TB scarf to carry the message
in community in the long run. The scarfs were distributed at all
the places with a message of STOP TB. The event was organised
with support from STOP TB partnership. The global partnership
of Navodaya Medical College, Raichur was accepted by STOP
TB. The play is an indication of Navodaya Medical College for its
commitment to fight TB in Raichur.
The video of the play will be forwarded to State Task Force of
RNTCP and Central TB division for wide circulation.
Miss.Pinky.John from final year B.Sc(N) (2006-2010) was awarded
gold medal for scoring highest marks in Community Health
Nursing in Sept-2010 final examination. She received gold medal
at the 13th Annual Convocation of RGUHS held on 30th March
Mr.Pratap Chandra Poudel Reg.No 3NA10EC021 from
Navodaya Institute of Technology secured 92.13% in I semester
examinationation conducted by Visvesveraya Technological
University, Belgaum.
Dr. M. Madhumitha, Post Graduate student from Department of
Community Medicine, Navodaya Medical College was awarded
the best poster award for the topic EATING DISORDER,
in 55th Annual National Conference of IPHA held on 28th – 30th
Jan 2011 at JNMC, KLE University, Belgaum.
Mr. Chandramouli, Asst. Prof. Department of Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, N E T Pharmacy College, Raichur has been awarded
Doctor of Philosophy in the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh for his thesis entitled “Synthesis and Evaluation
of Bioactivity of certain Novel Heterocyclic Compounds of
Medicinal Interest. He carried out his research work under the
supervision and guidance of Dr. R H Udupi, Prof. & HOD,
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, N E T Pharmacy
College, Raichur.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
(RGUHS) had selected two students Mr.Pavan
Singhal and Ms.Sapna Kabade of Navodaya College
of Physiotherapy to represent RGUHS from the
Karnataka region in the National Youth Convention
& Suvichar in National Youth festival, 2011 organized
at Udaipur (Rajasthan) from 12-16 January, 2011.
The making of
The ecstasy creaks open,
Dreams & reality converge,
The world ablaze,
An unnerving craze,
Heart beats rise, The mundane dies,
A colorful diaspora, A musical capella,
Four nights commanding the glory of day,
Its adrenalin pumping all the way !!!
We smile, we rejuvenate, we rejoice.
Its Net’s Regale 2011!
26th January 26 2011.
With the Republic day celebrations coming to an end, the
students were anxious to know of the Net’s Regale dates as they
were eager to witness the battle for glory and glamour. (For
those with sinister designs, it was a strong reason to bunk the
classes?!!) No official declaration of dates left some worried as
they were thinking of having unofficial vacations in February!
02nd February 2011
The first meeting for fourth edition of Net’s Regale was held
on 02nd Feb 2011. The celebration dates for Net’s Regale (23rd
to 26th Feb 2011) were officially announced, earmarked in the
calendars, 14 committees were formed, Chief Guests were
confirmed, schedule for the next 20 days drawn and the final
four days of program were underway. The fire swept through
all Navodaya and the spirit of Regale were seen in all the corners.
This Net’s Regale was geared up by 14 committees which
included 189 of members of the faculty from all the institutions
run by Navodaya Education Trust and 278 student volunteers.
They played a commendable role and they shouldering their
responsibilities bravely, truly drove this edition of Net’s regale
to a grand success.
Each day in the month of February was astounding, as the
committee members and volunteers literally battled with all
brains to bring out their best in this season. Meeting the assigned
tasks before the deadlines with perfection was a mandate to all
committees. The student volunteers and members from all the
colleges of Navodaya Education Trust ® spearheaded the show
and rendered their selfless service.
The sports & cultural committee had a very tough time to chart
their events and complete their programs within 20 days. The
students of NET were busy in running between the grounds,
LGs* a nd audi *for sporting and cultural competitions.
The inter collegiate cultural dates were announced after intra
college competitions leading to an adrenalin rush in each
Navodian. The audi was jam packed for each competition
and the Dis.Co* had a tough time during the inter collegiate
competitions to cool the hotttt crowd. Each competition was
charged as the contestants on stage and their fellow students
behind the scenes vied for the Smt.Yasodhara Reddy Trophy,
the overall championship trophy for the culturals.
Besides this, the sports committee rushed into action on 22nd
Feb 2011 at the UAS grounds for the athletic meet. Each college
practiced their parade drill well in advance to steal the show.
As though by default, Nursing students got the best March
title with their elegant uniform and synchronized march. To
everyone’s surprise, Physiotherapy College and Dental College
students were seen in their uniform team dress this year.
This season witnessed some unusual turnouts with the day
dawning by 06.00 AM for sports practice as most of our boys
see the sunrise only in February. All rushed to their respective
colleges for cultural practice by 09.00 AM, with the LGs being
given off for the lectures and on for cultural activities & practice
and discussions about the cultural till evening.
The high level committee headed by our Chief Patron oversaw
the intricate details of all the committees and about 29 meetings
were conducted at various levels for accomplishing excellence.
The photo session adventure of all committees and outgoing
batches made the open air theater a festive atmosphere and it
was an emotional get together for all committees.
Rehearsals in Regale are inevitable. Every formal ceremony was
rehearsed well in advance to avoid any form of catastrophe on
stage. The lamp lighting ceremony, graduation, formal and
informal anchors , invocation, medal & prize winners on stage,
ramp shows and many more were rehearsed in the shimmering
sun to attain pure perfection.
The celebration days approached nearby and Navodaya girls
became a daily sight at Raichur’s beauty parlors. The parlors
justified their services and we witnessed some pretty faces in
A press meet was called on the 20th of February by the
Reception committee to brief the Net’s Regale events and the
flames that engulfed Navodaya spread to Raichur too. The same
day, the first issue of Nectar was released by our Chief Patron
Shri.S.R.Reddy during the intra collegiate prize distribution
program. The Regale banners sprouted in and around the
campus. The Regale Rockets were launched at the entrance of
Navodaya Medical College. The entire campus was bathed in
light, marking the beginning of the celebrations and a sense of
jive started flowing through the blood vessels of each member
of the Navodaya family, heralding the celestial performances
that were to come.
And finally, the D Day arrived…….
The volunteers of all committees were on their heels from
decorating the reception counter, running up and down to
confirm the cultural schedules and get their audio tracks,
Chief Guest arrivals, supervising the dining section, stage
management, Venue arrangements, seating provisions and
many more.
The podium, pounding speakers, focus lights took their
respective places and the stage was set for four days of non-stop
LGs* - Lecture Gallery, Audi * - auditorium,
Dis. Co* - Disciplinary Committee
Thanks to Dr.Vineeth Mathew John, CRHS, Navodaya Medical
College for his contribution in compiling this article.
Inaguration & Lamp
Lighting Ceremony
The flamboyant curtain raiser of Net’s Regale was in a fully
charged evening with few drops of dew providing a soothener. The
melodious music in the air, fragrance from reception roses, students
in the best of their attires, young Florescence Nightingales in their
uniforms, guests and parents in front rows, the Chief Guests in the
campus, students for invocation practicing their ragas in the back
stage and all hearts waiting eagerly with the countdown having
started in their souls. Although one of the MCs arrived late, the
organizers managed to go on with the formal inauguration without
a glitch.
The fourth edition of Net’s Regale was inaugurated by
Dr.S.Ramananda Shetty, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the RGUHS,
Bangalore. The hydrogen filled white balloons going up in the air
and fire shots illuminating the evening sky with splendid colors
providing the perfect back drop for a grand inauguration of Net’s
Although students found it difficult to keep themselves down on
their chairs, eagerly waiting for the cultural programs to begin,
Dr.Shetty & Dr.Aruna, the Chief Guests addressed the gathering.
Excerpts from
Dr.S.Ramananda Shetty Speech.
Life is a learning experience. Learning is
just doing better than yesterday. Success is
reachable when we learn everyday in our life.
The Present generation of students are wellinformed but raw-informed. Their exposure
to present day information of an enormous
magnitude make it all, raw data. The raw
information is transformed into knowledge, only by the eminent
faculty. Today we are in the era of science. The Knowledge of
science has to be directed towards humanity, and then the society
will accept us as a health profession and professionals.
Excerpts from Dr.A.R.Aruna Speech.
Knowledge is power. Institutions imparting
education and knowledge are temples.
The institutions should achieve the goal of
imparting high quality of education to build
resourceful human resources.
Dr.A.R.Aruna, Director of Medical Education, Govt of Karnataka
also released the Net’s Regale’11 souvenir on this very day. She
was also the Chief Guest for the lamp lighting ceremony of I year
Nursing students.
The Chief Guests distributed the medals to the academic toppers
and inter collegiate sports winners. The Sri.S.Rajeswara Reddy
Trophy for over all championship Trophy in Sports was bagged by
NET Pharmacy College with 604 points. The students and faculty
from NET Pharmacy College received the trophy to the tune of
thunderous applause from the crowd.
The cultural event of dhol, dance, drums, dhamaka, zeal and fervor,
took centre stage after the formal inauguration. Every individual
talent bloomed, mind replenished, and soul encored with serenity.
This day was one which carried with it a real lot of punch. An
eclectic mix, its showcased a Cheraw, the bamboo folk dance from
the Mizoram, North East India, Bharatanatyam from the South
and other forms of performing art. Although all performers were at
their charming best, one show which was a niche above the rest was
a play “Once upon a time in Mumbai” by Mr.Rakshit & group from
Navodaya Medical College captured the audience. The multilingual
play took the audience to Pakistan, Hyderabad, Raichur & Kallur.
The play was a huge hit for its sensible theme, conveying a message
through its dose of hilarious comedy.
The first day of fun & frolic came to an end on a very high note.
Graduation Day Ceremony
The fourth graduation day ceremony of Navodaya Group
of Institutions was celebrated on 24th Feb 2011.The colorful
graduation ceremony was a day etched in gold for the
graduates from seven Institutions of Navodaya Education Trust
® Raichur.
Dr.Anil Kohli, President, Dental council of India was the Chief
Guest and the executive members of Dental council of India
were present during this momentous occasion. The graduation
ceremony was presided by Shri.S.R.Reddy, Chairman, Navodaya
Education Trust ® Raichur. The graduation procession started
from central library with the ceremonial music band leading
them from front.
The welcome address & academic report was delivered by
Dr.S.R.Hegde, Medical Director, Navodaya Medical College.
The Chairman of Navodaya Education Trust Shri.S.R.Reddy
formally opened the graduation ceremony.
Dr.T.Srinivas, Registrar, Navodaya Education Trust requested
each of the Principals to admit their graduates to receive degrees
from the Chief Guest.
245 graduates received their degrees in person from the Chief
Guest. They include 21 graduates (I batch students) from
Navodaya Dental College & Hospital, 77 graduates from
Navodaya Medical College, 06 graduates from Navodaya
College of Bio-Sciences, 35 graduates from Navodaya College of
Education, 75 graduates from Navodaya College of Nursing, 17
graduates from NET Pharmacy College, & 14 graduates from
Navodaya College of Physiotherapy.
Excerpts from Graduation Day address by
Dr.Anil Kohli, President, Dental council of
India, New Delhi.
Each human life is studded with
landmarks. This day is a landmark in the
lives of graduates, where an educational
qualification is marked with success of their
hard work and support from parents. The
graduates who received their degrees today have a bound
duty to serve the people and humanity who are in need.
Excerpts from Presidential address by
Shri S.R.Reddy, Chairman, NET
“We must remember that intelligence is not
enough. Intelligence plus character -- that is
the goal of true education.” The knowledge
imparted in Navodaya should be blended
with their character to make a difference in
the lives of their selves and of others.
Given the current global environment, our institution of higher
education prepares the graduates to face a host of moral, ethical,
intellectual and cultural challenges in the new realities of our
The eldest is respected in his house
The Headman in his village
A king is respected in his country
But the learned everywhere!
These 245 graduates, the ambassadors of Navodaya will surely
keep the flag of Navodaya flying at full mast. Nectar
in Symphony Nite
This season of symphony nite was charged and it electrified the
crowd with high octane performances by Beat Gurus. As the
name, they are the perfect gurus in their beats. Their show was
a scintillating hit among the crowd, driving them mad. It was a
first ever experience in Navodaya which took all to an ethereal
world. The band started with slow and steady beats, Green
Rhythm which had the crowd reacting less.
Then it was the Highway to Madagascar, dedicated to the
Beautiful Girls of Navodaya, which had the feminine half of
the crowd screaming more than the boys. (Attention!
Navodaya boys are disciplined; depute more girl volunteers for
next season) Exhilaration & excitement was at feverish pitch and
every hearts raced to the beats of Madagascar.
The next one was the ultimate treat, the Djembe beats. The
Djembe drum is a West - African hand drum, shaped like a large
goblet and meant to be played with bare hands. Djembe comes
directly from the saying “Anke dje, anke be” which literally
translates to “everyone gather together” and defines the drum’s
purpose In the Bamanakan language. The beats of the drums
were lost in rapturous enjoyment as the crowd went banging the
benches and shouting to cheer the performers on stage. When
all this was happening, the management was concerned for the
benches. A sudden influx of the pacified the crowd.
Afrindo was the next performance in which the African
instruments played Indian grove folk Dabbangutth. It was a
perfect blend which left the whole of Navodaya screaming,
blaring with ear spitting sounds & dancing on the floor. The
crowd was floored completely.
The band went to bid adieu after Afrindo and the “once more!”
demands from the audience went piercing the sky. The Beat
Gurus obliged and played Highway to Madagascar once again.
The performance by Beat Gurus was a perfect hit and the
spectators were spell bound. We pity on the guys who missed
this show in Regale as it was an experience to be cherished and
Will Beat Gurus rock Navodaya in 2012?!!!!!
Emotions galored....
Enlightenment channelized to the floor!
We broke the horizons and unleashed the creativity!
The much awaited event in Net’s Regale is Euphoria, which
unfolded on 25th Day of Feb 2011.
Every soul in Navodaya eagerly waits for this day, as it
culminates the best of talents from the students of Navodaya.
Dr.B.V.Patil Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of University of
Agricultural Sciences, Raichur was Chief Guest for this occasion.
The Chief Guest in his address accentuated the importance of
such functions. He added such events rejoice & refresh everyone
to the core in the campus. He related agriculture & health, which
drives the nation to its prosperity.
The Chief Guest distributed the medals to the cultural
winners. The students and faculty from Navodaya Medical
College received the Smt.Yasodhara Reddy Trophy , overall
championship trophy for the culturals for the second time.
The audience were waiting for the formal function to be completed
and waiting for the real action packed entertainment.
The cultural extravaganza of Euphoria took centre stage with
soul stirring melody from Mr.Abhijeeth from Navodaya
Medical College & Ms.Niharika from Navodaya Dental College.
Each performances was unique traversed from North to South,
east to west and across the globe bringing the cultural showcase
of Navodaya. Bharathanatyam from South, Bihu from Assam,
North East India & Manipuri Dance was feast to the eyes.
Among those performances, the skit “Where are we Safe” by
Mr.Trambak & Group from Navodaya College of Physiotherapy
was show stealing. All faces were smiling in the start, particularly
watching Mr.Pawan’s Performances and in the climax it was
Mr.Trambok’s turn, which made some eyes to weep.
The third day of Net’s Regale witnessed the best spectacular
Sangama exhibited an exemplary sense of integration and
harmony in Navodaya. Navodaya & Sangama, the cluster of
talents and classical Enthusiasts, celebrated the fortitude of
Navodaya and classical performances on the 26th day of February
The thunderous atmosphere and the surge of adrenalin continued
as Shri.Pravin Godkhindi performed with his Krishna Fusion
band in this sangama. This fusion band is focused around the
magnificent instrument called the ‘bansuri’ or the bamboo flute.
Pravin picked up a raga in the traditional aalaap with the wonderful
ambient backing of the keyboards and the guitars. Gradually he
moved onto a rhythmic aalaap wherein the strumming of the
rhythm guitar, the bass guitar and the subtle accompaniment of
the western drums, adding colour to the rhythmic expressions of
Pravin’s flute. And when they concluded the improvisations in a
crescendo, the audience was spellbound and ecstatic.
The next performance was by Nirupama & Rajendra from
Abhinava Dance Company. The dance duo performance in 2009
season was still in our eyes and hearts.
Smt. Nirupama rightly said “Dance is a joyous experience as it
unleashes a vibrant energy source from within, revitalizing the
body and enriching the mind and spirit.”
The dance couple along with their troupe performed a spectacular
Dance celebration, Sambhrama in this season. The sambhrama
was based on the Indian dance tradition of Kathak and
Bharathanatyam. The composition of Raslila, an ideal classic of
Abhimanyu in the Chakrayuha retold through dance, celestials,
The show evolved its own distinct style of presentation by fusing
ethnic and modern genres of dancing. The musical compositions
are a confluence of traditional Indian classical music with a wide
range of global music that includes Jazz, Spanish and World
Music. Each dance composition was carefully crafted with
intricate detailing in synchronization, choreography patterns,
thematic costumes and suitable light & stage effects.
All this marked a spectacular ending to a season of ecstacy and
merry making.
Paper Presentation
Dr. Ayesha S. Nawaz*
Dr. Abhay Mane,
Dr. S.G. Hiremath,
Dr. Niranjan Paul
Department of Community Medicine
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
55th National Conference of IPHA
held on 28th – 30th Jan 2011 at JNMC,
KLE University, Belgaum
OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of depression and its
impact on self care among type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients.
BACKGROUND: Diabetes is among many chronic medical
conditions that appear to be adversely affected by co-morbid
depression. The available literature suggests that clinically
significant levels of depression are associated with a range
of poorer self care behaviours like non adherence to diet,
exercise and prescribed medications.
MATERIALS & METHOD: Study population patients with
established Type 2 Diabetes Study Area: UHTC. Sample
Size: 166. Study Design: Hospital based cross sectional study.
Study tool: A predesigned questionnaire based on Summary
of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) & Patient Health
Questionnaire to assess depression.
RESULTS: Mean age of study subjects was 54.8 years and
mean duration of diabetes was 7.5 years. Majority of them
(81.9 %) had checked the blood glucose levels within last 3
months. Only 18.7 % of diabetics had done HbA1c test. 77.7%
of diabetics were on oral hypoglycemic agents. Depression
was found in 28.3 % of participants. Non adherence to
treatment, smoking, decreased physical activity was
significantly associated to having depression (P< 0.05).
CONCLUSION: This study showed high prevalence of
depression in patients with T2DM. Physicians caring
diabetes patients must recognize and manage co-morbid
Mr. Satveer Jagwani*
Mr.Shivraj Kulkarni
Mr. Shivkumar & Dr. Bheemachari
Department of Pharmacology,
N.E.T.Pharmacy College, Raichur
at Indore, Madhya Pradesh on
Punica granatum, commonly known as pomegranate,
belongs to family Punicaceae. The Punica granatum
fruit juice is reported to possess anti-oxidant, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and
antinociceptive activity. The present study deals with
nootropic activity of Punica granatum fruit juice in mice.
For the assessment of learning and memory, the following
three models like Passive avoidance response, Elevated plus
maze and diazepam induced amnesia were selected. The
test and standard groups of mice (n=6) were treated with
juice (100 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg p.o) and Piracetam (250
mg/kg p.o) respectively. Phenytoin (25 mg/kg p.o) was
used to produce amnesia in Passive avoidance response
model, in which a protection was observed with all the
parameters tested like latency to reach shock free zone and
step down error in 15 minutes with juice treated mice. In
elevated plus maze model, the animals showed significant
decrease in transfer latency that is increase in inflexion ratio
as compared with the control group, which is an indication
of the enhanced cognitive effect. In diazepam (2 mg/kg p.o)
induced amnesia, mice showed prolonged transfer latency
from the open arm to the closed arm. Hence, the present
study concludes that, Punica granatum fruit juice possesses
significant nootropic activity in validated animal models
of amnesia. This could be due to the presence of various
phytoconstituents like flavonoids, saponins and tannins.
Perceived stress, sources of stress and
coping strategies among medical paramedical
and non medical undergraduate students
A cross sectional study
Dr. Krishnakumar M.K *
Dr. Abhay Mane
Dr. S.G. Hiremath
Dr. Niranjan Paul
Department of Community Medicine,
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
55th National Conference of IPHA
held on 28th – 30th Jan 2011 at JNMC,
KLE University, Belgaum
OBJECTIVE: To examine perceived stress and explore
the sources of stress and the coping strategies adopted by
students studying different courses.
BACKGROUND: Medical education is perceived as being
stressful with negative effects on students’ mental health.
Pre-vious studies showed relatively high levels of distress
among medical students such as symptoms of depression1
and suicidal thoughts.2 Few studies have tried to explore
the stress among medical students and compared with non
medical students.
MATERIALS & METHOD: Using Stratified random
sampling method, data was collected from 283 students
studying different courses in Navodaya campus through an
anonymous self-administered questionnaire covering sociodemographic data, stressors and perceived stress scale.
Paper Presentation
RESULTS: The prevalence of perceived stress by using PSS
scale was 53.9 % in study subjects. No statistical difference was
noted in perceived stress between male and female students
(P> 0.05). Mean PSS score was highest in dental (29.51) and
lowest in pharmacy (23.20) students. The difference in the
mean PSS scores among students of different courses was
statistically significant (P- 0.021). The main sources of stress
were found to be related to physical and academic factors.
The main coping strategies adopted were talking to family
member/friend (41.1%), sleeping (16%), watching TV/
movie (12.6%) and listening to music. 47.2% students felt a
need for professional help during stress.
CONCLUSION: High levels of psychosocial stress were
found in students.
Dr. Leyanna S George*
Dr. Abhay Mane
Miss. Aji Michael
Dr. S.G. Hiremath
Dr. Niranjan Paul
Department of Community Medicine
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur,
55th National Conference of IPHA held on 28th – 30th Jan
2011 at JNMC, KLE University, Belgaum
1. To identify the patient related determinants for non
adherence to ART
2. To study the awareness of consequences of optimal
adherence and non adherence.
It is estimated that about 4.2 million people live with
HIV infection in India. Adherence to ART is an essential
component of individual and programmatic treatment
success. Adherence rates exceeding 95 % are desirable in
order to maximise the benefits of ART.
There are limited studies on levels of adherence and
determinants of suboptimal adherence to treatment.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross sectional descriptive. Information
was collected from 50 HIV infected adults attending the
Community Care Centre who were on antiretroviral therapy
for more than 6 months. Information was collected on predesigned schedule by the counsellor who interviewed
the attendees under strict confidentiality. Information on
their socio-demographic profile, ART and reasons for nonadherence to ART were obtained.
RESULTS: The mean age of ART users was 36.8 years. Mean
duration of ART use was 23.8 months (SD-15.8). 90 % of them
had missed doses on two or more times since start of ART.
Adherence of > 95 % was noted in only 82 % of users. Reasons
for defaulting were health problems (47.5%), financial (22%),
side effects of drugs (13.6%). Most of them (92%) received
support from family member for ART adherence.
CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of patients
defaulted from ART treatment.
Dr. S Revathi *
Dr. Abhay Mane, Dr. S.G. Hiremath
Dr. Niranjan Paul
Department of Community Medicine
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur,
55th National Conference of IPHA
held on 28th – 30th Jan 2011 at JNMC,
KLE University, Belgaum
1. To assess the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis
using Dean’s index.
2. To compute community fluorosis index(CFI)
Fluoride plays an important role in preventive dentistry
due to its cariostatic potential. However, excessive intake
of fluoride leads to dental and skeletal fluorosis. Fluorosis
continues to remain a challenging national dental health
problem as it is endemic in 15 states of India including
Karnataka2, 3. Dental fluorosis is the most sensitive sign of
prolonged high fluoride exposure4.
A total of 322 children who were residents of the study area
since birth were examined to identify presence of dental
fluorosis and grade it using Dean’s index.CFI was computed
by summing the individual grades and dividing by the total
sample size.
RESULTS: The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 30.4% in
study population. The prevalence varied between schools.
The calculated community fluorosis index was1.70. The
prevalence was higher in children who consumed ground
water. Dental fluorosis increased with age upto 9 years. No
gender difference was found (P>0.05).63% of children with
dental fluorosis had no caries. CONCLUSION:
Necessary steps to be taken by authorities to provide partially
defluoridated water for drinking purpose.
Paper Presentation
In Memory
Dr. Abhay Mane*
Dr. S.G. Hiremath
Dr. Niranjan Paul
Department of Community Medicine
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur,
55th National Conference of IPHA
held on 28th – 30th Jan 2011 at JNMC,
KLE University, Belgaum
To study the prevalence of obesity and its correlates among
adolescent school children.
Obesity is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, discrimination and
weight-related bias. Studies on urban Indian schoolchildren
from selected regions report a high prevalence of obese and
overweight children. In addition, studies on Indian school
children have also demonstrated that the prevalence of
hypertension in overweight children is significantly higher
than that among normal children.
A cross-sectional study was carried out that included 600
school children in the age group of 12–18 years. Informed
consent was obtained from school authorities to make
anthropometric measurements from the children. Height
and weight were measured using standard procedure and
BMI (kg/m2) was calculated. Overweight and obesity was
assessed by BMI for age. The questionnaire assessed life
style, physical activity, sleep, dietary habits.
Age-adjusted prevalence of overweight was found to be 7.7%
whereas the prevalence of obesity was 3.3%.Hypertension
was found in 10.9% of overweight and 75% of obese children.
Weight showed positive correlation with both systolic
and diastolic blood pressure. Obesity showed significant
association with family history of obesity, physical inactivity,
fast food intake.
Early interventions in school settings will reduce overweight
and obesity which might affect multiple objectives.
AMBITION was your strong intention
BLOWING knowledge was your only desire
CURIOSITY of knowledge was your attitude
DYNAMIC personality was your destiny
ELEGANT smile was your only weapon
FORTUNATE we became to have you as dear friend
GENEOUS by nature made you special among us
IDEAL you were to your family & friends
JOYFUL always was how you lived
KIND hearted was your heavenly gift
LOYALTY was another feather of your nature
MODESTY that made you more beautiful
NEETHU you were christened
Oh! My friend life without you is so meaningless;
You are so precious, unforgettable
Perhaps that’s why “our heavenly father”
Took you in his arm to make us know
how uncomparable you are
Here we are
To accomplish a dream
A ambition of being an asset of our institution
In all our hearts you’ll always live and continue to inspire
Out Reach Activity:
Making the difference in Health Care
The huge gap between access to quality to health care and under privileged population exists everywhere. Navodaya
Education Trust (R) always bridges the gap between the quality health care and poor ever since its inception shouldering
the social responsibility. Reaching the unreached is a boon for the under privileged and went tend to change the lives of the
poorer sections of people at their door step. This is being facilitated through regular conduct of free health camps, awareness
program & health campaigns.
Total Persons
School Health Check
1 08
Place of Camp
Sri Rajeshwara Reddy Sports Trophy
A fit body with a healthy heart & a sound mind is what
everyone aspires for, in this tech-frenzy world of today.
Sports and athletics play a vital role along with education to
ensure this. The feeling of comradeship, a sense of belonging,
mental discipline, physical rigor, and the journey to glory is
something a champion knows by heart…knows its worth.
Without a doubt, the qualities developed in the process will
help make a better and able person out of our past ‘selves’.
Keeping this in mind, Navodaya group of institutions
(NET), like every year organized the grand ceremony “Net’s
REGALE’11 which besides projecting the academic and
cultural talents of its students, also appreciates the talents
and abilities in various sports and athletic events.
Various sports like volleyball, cricket, table tennis,
badminton, throw ball etc. including track and field events
like 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, long jump & shot-put were
included in this grand sports meet where students from the
respective institutions of NET participated and competed to
bring home the glory and shine among others.
Under the captaincy of ever zealous Hitesh & some great
shots by Kabin, NET Pharmacy College had broken the
deadlock of not having won the volleyball tournament
against Navodaya Nursing College boys since past 3-4
years, by winning in straight sets 2-0. In the girls’ volleyball,
Nursing College bagged the gold showing good dominance.
By winning both men’s and women’s Table Tennis and
women’s Badminton, NET Pharmacy College consolidated
their position at the top. Navodaya Medical College girls
bagged the gold in women’s throw ball. With some eye
catching performance by capt. Sabir , Srikanth, Sandeep,
Kreethi & the never give-up attitude of the rest of the team,
NET Pharmacy College won ’11 Cricket tournament against
Navodaya Medical College in the finals. A tough match
played and Pharmacy Boys once again made it clear that
when it comes to taking wickets and scoring runs, they are
the ones to beat.
Track and field events where every second counts, where
the athlete needs that bit of extra speed, alertness, power &
technique, with a cool mind to complement it all…to emerge
as the winner ; to be the victor. This was where Salman &
Tasneem from Navodaya Dental College showed the heart
and came out on the top to bag some gold.
With all the events concluded, NET Pharmacy College won
the overall Championship Trophy in both Boys’ and Girls’
category and stood proud. The victory never tasted this
sweet. So heads up, BOYS and GIRLS!!! ( You all know who
I’m talking to, right?) Be proud, you earned it.
NET has its own share of hidden talents, raw diamonds
not yet seasoned and vast pool of sportsmen with lots of
potential. Bringing in more quality sports facilities and
including varieties of sports in annual sports meet would
definitely inject freshness and dynamism to this exciting and
adrenaline-filled event. We, the students of NET Pharmacy
College wish our fellow students from other institutions, the
Best of Luck and urge them to bring in their best because in
our next face-off, we will be all the more eager to take the
challenge to the next level and prove our worth.
Till then, Adios…amigos!!
Bigyan Gurung, Bishal Marasini, Kabin Maleku
III B. Pharm
Smt. Yasodhara Reddy Cultural Trophy
If there was to be an assumption that doctors were wed to
their books, the Regale-10 witnessed a rebellion from budding
doctors to this common notion. The Navodaya Medical College
was crowned Champion for the first time in the history of the Navodaya family. History decided to repeat itself this year too!! The Medical College family overcame a spirited attack from its
sister institutions to bag the top honours this year, yet again.
The run up to the intra-college and inter-college competitions; and the participants’ performances in both the competitions
was one that reminded us all, of the close knit ties that we
share. All of us in the college played our own roles to make it
a point that the overall cultural trophy comes to us alone and
the flag of NMC flies higher than the others.
The supportive group of faculty co-ordinators and bubbly
student representatives laid out a well chalked out plan.
As the life of a medical student is bound to be tiring and
action-packed day in and out, the first thing that the cultural committee did was to reassure all that the programmes were
to be a break from their hectic schedule and not interfere with
their academics. With this, the talented lot volunteered to put
in their best to make a difference to this ultimate goal.
Within a short span, medicos turned themselves into dancers,
singers and the like. The ones who did not have the guts to
go on stage, cheered the teams off-stage. All in the family
realized that they had a role to play and the camaraderie and
bonhomie which is part of the Regale was best exemplified in the conduct of the Navodaya Medical College Family, a part
of the extended and larger Navodaya Family.
In the wings of the competitions, all of the cultural committee
held regular and short parleys comprising of the entire
team at the helm or smaller friends’ circles to evaluate of
how we were doing in the
competitions. This gave the
participant-medicos a frank
opinion of their strengths and
weaknesses and also edged
them on to give their best.
There were hectic calculations
as to where we could make
a lead if we fell short in
another event. This kind of
planning, co-ordination and a
support base at the top and
its fine execution at the grass roots led to the final cheer coming our way, the Cultural
Trophy falling in our kitty!! What could be better than
this feeling of being a part
of this group of winners?
Well, looking at our faculty
and student representatives
lift the trophy on that day
of joy and festivities was
indeed confetti raining down
into our lives one more time!! Cheers, NMC!! Rock on!
Dr.Vineeth Mathew John,
CRHS, Navodaya Medical College
Students Contribution
Our corridor of NET girls hostel was fluttering as never before with loads
of excitement with frequent yelling of the word ‘tour’. We were eagerly
waiting for the clock to struck 4 in the morning and by no time the corridor
stepped down into the lawn to start the most awaited journey of ‘tour’. We
were wrapped in our overcoats for the morning chills and amidst the fog
we could recognize the bus approaching us, which sparked out every eye.
Within a spurt of moment we were in Udyan Express. The compartment
was filled with flashes of cameras, singing, playing and hours were passing
as minutes and at coimbatore we shifted ourselves into the bus and by next
morning we were in Kerala.
I was forcefully woken up from my tiredness by the hair pin bends of the
roads and I saw my friends turned out to the window starring at those
picturesque live green carpets of tea valleys which left us unvoiced. We
found ourselves in the heart of Munnar, a hill station in Kerala. Our stay was
arranged in SN tourist house where we quickly refreshed up and set out for
site seeing. Initially, we were taken to the flower garden which bloomed
our hearts and we, being pharmacy students; were more interested in
getting acknowledged with the botanical background of the plants. Later,
we whizzed through a scenic way towards and a weir and echo point and
found our way back home. Our dusk was meant for shopping where the
stores were enriched with traditional fragrances of tea, spices, ayurvedic
On day two, we were destined to ‘Periyar Tiger Reserve’ located in thekkedy.
On our way, the aesthetic valleys made us feel that we were almost in the
stratosphere with low clouds surpassing the botanical valleys.
In Periyar, we had two options to explore it – one was by trekking and the
other was boating through the forest. Time factor led us to choose the latter
option. We were life jacketed and it was an adventurous trip of 2 hours
guided by forest experts. Each eye as curiously striving hard to find the
wild animals in those dense woods where we saw bisons, elephants, dears,
wild pigs, seasonal birds……. It was a little embarrassing that tigers were
not seen. The guards informed us that the tigers were not seen from past
two weeks which consoled us a bit.
It was a natural beauty of back water and house boats. The andhra students
were especially looking forward for this place as Alleppey was very
popularized for its scenic beauty in a telugu movie ‘Em Maya Chesave’.
Our stay was arranged in hotel Raiban. We set out for boating in back water
which is most attention dragging completely filled with house boats. We
had a great experience of 3 hours in the Arabian Sea, where we were also
taken to an island for our call of appetite. By the dusk of the day we relaxed
our souls by sea shore of Alleppey beach and enjoyed the beach festival
by which we could come to know the tradition and culture of Malayalis.
This was how the day ended floating in Malayali tradition with boats and
Being an industrial tour we were taken to ‘Kerala drugs and pharmaceuticals’
in Alappuzha. After gaining entry we were guided by Mr. Santosh, an in
work pharmacist along with our lectures, Mr. Shivanandand Mr. Jafar.
We were pleased by the decorum of Mr. Santosh. Here in, we could gain
practical knowledge on various pharmaceutical operations of paracetamol,
cetrizine and amoxicillins and various parentrals.
Kovalam - one of the famous beaches in Kerala and an exotic tourist spot.
Journey to Kovalam was euphoric and most memorable. Everyone tuned
their feet to the rocking music in the bus. None could resist themselves
from being a part of it. The bus reached Kovalam and we were very excited
to get into it. Though we were ravenous we had a quick incomplete lunch
to get the beach. On the shore each wave that touched our feet made us
involuntary get into it.
We were taken to Veega land – one of the biggest amusement parks in
Kerala and the day was completely ours. There were a lot of events to
entertain us and none were ready to waste a single in vain. One could never
forget those trembly moments in the rides which made us upside down.
The water park was too exciting with lidos and astonishing water glides
which turned us childish. In the evening each one of us were defaced but
were cherished with contentment.
We had another boating experience in Cochin too where we visited 7
islands and a sea port. We were passing by huge cargo ships and liners
which made our boat even tiny. At one of the islands, we visited a Portugal
museum and came to know the historical background of the city. The weak
passed out just in a glance and it was time for us to depart from Kerala
with our sun kissed faces & unforgettable memories and also came to know
more about the Malayali Culture.
Sruthi Sayyapa Raju
B.Pharm 4th Year
Net Pharmacy College
Poster Presentation
Dr. M. Madhumitha
Dr. Abhay Mane, Dr.S.G.Hiremath,
Dr.Niranjan Paul, Mr.R.S.Patil.
Department of Community Medicine,
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur,
55th National Conference of IPHA
held on 28th – 30th Jan 2011 at JNMC,
KLE University, Belgaum
Eating disorders are among the most common psychiatric
disorders in young women and are associated with serious
medical illness affecting cardiovascular, endocrine and gastro
intestinal systems. Westernization and urbanization has
increased the prevalence of eating disorders in developing
countries also .The fact that media portrays celebrities and
models as being stick-thin makes situation even worse
leading to unhealthy eating behavior.
1. To find the prevalence of eating disorder in female
medical students using SCOFF scale.
2. To know what are the perceptions of body image among
3. To study the role of anthropometric measurements with
body image and eating disorder.
A cross sectional survey was undertaken from 176 Female
undergraduate medical students who were willing to
participate in the study and data was collected from them
using a pre-designed questionnaire and SCOFF questionnaire.
The SCOFF Questionnaire is a valid and reliable screening
tool for detecting the existence of an eating disorder The
question focus on some key symptoms of anorexia and
bulimia .BMI was calculated as the ratio of weight (kg) to
height square(m2).
RESULTS: Out of the 176 students who had participated in
this study, prevalence of Eating disorder was found to be
44.9% using SCOFF scale. Among people with eating disorder
75.9% were having normal BMI,21.5% were overweight and
2.5% were under weight.70.5%were satisfied with their
body image.29.5% were dissatisfied with their body image.
Among the dissatisfied, 71.5% had normal BMI,26.92% were
over-weight and1.92% were underweight.
Prevalence of eating disorder was found to be high among
female medicos and screening may identify the females at
risk. Early intervention could prevent the complications of
dissordered eating.
Dr. Amar C Sajjan
Dr.Achut Rao,
Dr. Vinay Hajare
Department of
Microblology,Navodaya Medical
College. Raichur.
“XV Annual Conference Indian
Association of Medical Microbiology Karnataka Chapter”,
which was held in Feb.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the commonest and
most serious cause of nosocomial urinary tract infection.
It is the third leading case of hospital acquired urinary
tract infection. It leads to grave therapeutic problems
due to resistance to several antibiotics. The aim of present
study is to know the antibiogram pattern of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa causing nosocomial urinary tract infection and
to apprise the clinicians for the use of appropriate antibiotic
in the treatment of such patients. A total of 32 isolates of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified by standard methods
from cases of urinary tract infection over a period of six
months were analyzed for antimicrobial susceptibility by
Kirby-Bauer’s disk diffusion method according to CLSI
guidelines. Among the antimicrobial agents tested,only
Imipenem (93.75%), Pipercillin + Tazobactum (78.5%)
and Amikacin (75%) were effective against the isolates.
Ceftriaxone (53%), Ciprofloxacin(46.9%), Nalidixic acid
(43.75%), Nitrofurantoin (37.5%), Norfloxacin (12.5%) and
Cotrimoxazole (6.25%) were found least effective. As many
of isolates showing multiple antibiotic resistance this study
of antibiogram helps in prevent indiscriminate exposure of
patients to various antibiotics, their side effects and cost of
Dr. Ashish J*
Dr. Gale K, Dr. Vinay H &
Dr. Achut Rao
Department of Pathology, Navodaya
Medical College, Raichur
“XV Annual Conference Indian
Association of Medical Microbiology
Karnataka Chapter”, which was held
on Feb 26 & 27.
The present study was conducted to evaluate efficiency,
Poster Presentation
advantages and drawbacks of QBC in comparison with
peripheral smear examination for diagnosis of malaria.
Material and Methods:
Blood sample of 150 clinically suspected cases of malaria were
collected and studied for malarial parasites by examination
of peripheral thick and thin smears stained by Leishman
stain and QBC method.
Out of 150 samples studied, 80 were positive by QBC, 69 by
peripheral thick smear and thin smear.
QBC was found to be
1. Relatively more sensitive than thick and thin peripheral
smear examination.
2. Less time consuming
3. Requires moderately skilled personnel when compared
to peripheral smear examination
Drawbacks of QBC
1. Accurate species identification not possible
2. Artifacts may give false positive results
Dr. Anju Ade,
Mr. R. S. Patil, Dr.Achut Rao,
Dr(Mrs) V.V.Mahalakshmi
Dr. Vinay Hajare, Dr.Jagadeesh.V.S.
Department of Microblology,
Navodaya Medical College. Raichur.
“XV Annual Conference Indian
Association of Medical Microbiology
Karnataka Chapter”, which was held
in Feb.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the commonest and
most serious cause of nosocomial urinary tract infection.
It is the third leading case of hospital acquired urinary
tract infection. It leads to grave therapeutic problems
due to resistance to several antibiotics. The aim of present
study is to know the antibiogram pattern of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa causing nosocomial urinary tract infection and
to apprise the clinicians for the use of appropriate antibiotic
in the treatment of such patients. A total of 32 isolates of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa identified by standard methods
from cases of urinary tract infection over a period of six
months were analyzed for antimicrobial susceptibility by
Kirby-Bauer’s disk diffusion method according to CLSI
guidelines .Among the antimicrobial agents tested,only
Imipenem (93.75%), Pipercillin + Tazobactum (78.5%)
and Amikacin (75%) were effective against the isolates.
Ceftriaxone (53%), Ciprofloxacin(46.9%), Nalidixic acid
(43.75%), Nitrofurantoin (37.5%), Norfloxacin (12.5%) and
Cotrimoxazole (6.25%) were found least effective. As many
of isolates showing multiple antibiotic resistance this study
of antibiogram helps in prevent indiscriminate exposure of
patients to various antibiotics, their side effects and cost of
Dr. Roopa P. Kulkarni
Dr. M. V. Kodliwadmath
Dr. S. S. Bangar
Navodaya Medical College and
Research Centre, Raichur.
Poster Presented in AMBICON
Association of Medical Biochemist of
India held at Hyderabad November2010
The worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus has risen
dramatically over the last two decades. It is expected to rise
more rapidly especially in the Indian subcontinent due to
lifestyle changes. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most
devastating micro vascular complications. It is the most
common cause of blindness in actively working population.
Oxidative stress plays an important role in pathogenesis of
diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy. Hyperglycemia
and dyslipidemia generally co-exist in diabetic patients with
poor glycemic control. Dyslipidemia is one of the important
causes in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy.
The purpose of the study was to assess oxidative stress and
dyslipidemia in diabetics with and without retinopathy.
Material and Methods:
The study comprised of 50 clinically diagnosed diabetics, 50
with diabetic retinopathy and 50 healthy controls.
Serum MDA was estimated by Thiobarbituric acid method.
Serum Vitamin C was measured by 2, 4 dinitrophenyl
hydrazine method. Serum Vitamin E was measured by
Baker and Frank method. Serum total cholesterol and HDL-C
was measured by CHOD-PAP method. Serum LDL-C and
VLDL-C were calculated by Friedewald’s equation. Serum
TAG estimated by GPO Trinder method.
In our study, serum MDA level was significantly increased in
diabetics as compared to controls (diabetics-7.1±1.2; controls5.08±0.64). This increase was highly significant in those with
retinopathy (10.3±0.9). A significant fall in serum vitamin C
and vitamin E levels were noticed in diabetics than controls
(p<0.001 and p<0.05 respectively). This was more pronounced
in those with retinopathy (p<0.001). A significant increase
Poster Presentation
was seen in all lipid parameters except in HDL-C in cases
compared to controls (p<0.001 for Total Cholesterol and
LDL-C; p<0.01 for TAG). Serum HDL-C showed a significant
fall in diabetics than in controls (p<0.001).
Our study clearly indicates that oxidative stress and
dyslipidemia play a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetic
Roopa Mathapathi*
Dr.R.D.Desai & Dr.Vijayanath.Patil.
Department of Physiology, Navodaya
Medical College, Raichur.
National conference of basic medical
Sciences at Vinayaka Mission Medical
College Salem.
This study was done to evaluate the Diurnal variation of
IOP in 20 to 35yrs healthy male subjects from 6.00AM to
6.00PM every 2hrs and also to evaluate the Diurnal variation
of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse
pressure, mean arterial pressure from 6.00AM to 6.00PM
every 2hrs.The results showed that the diurnal variation of
IOP was high in morning 6.00AM with average 20mm of Hg
and least in afternoon and evening about average 16.4mm
of Hg, which is with in physiological limits. This may be
due to autonomic function at sympathetic level. There is
no difference between right and left eye. The magnitude of
diurnal variation is about 2 to 3mm of Hg and the Diurnal
variation of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure,
pulse pressure, mean arterial pressure showed least at
6.00AM and high at 4.00PM.It may be due to combined effect
of autonomic nervous system and glucocorticoids.
*Corresponding author and post graduate student.
Dr. M. M Kavitha*
Dr. M.V Kodliwadmath
Navodaya Medical College &
Research center, Raichur.
Poster Presented in AMBICON
Association of Medical Biochemist of
India held at Hyderabad November2010
Tuberculosis remains a world-wide
public health problem. The incidence in India is highest and
accounts nearly 1/5th (20%) of global burden. According
to the WHO-2009, 9 million new TB cases with 15% HIV
positivity have been reported.
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is a purine-degrading
enzyme has the highest activity in T-lymphocyte involved
in proliferation and differentiation. Many studies have
shown increased levels of serum ADA and ceruloplasmin in
pulmonary tuberculosis.
The purpose of the study was to estimate serum ADA activity
and ceruloplasmin in pulmonary tuberculosis and compare
with that of the healthy controls.
Material and Methods: The present study comprised of 50
pulmonary tuberculosis and 50 healthy controls. Serum ADA
estimated by Giusti and Galanti method and ceruloplasmin
by P-phenylene diamine oxidase method.
Results: In our study serum ADA level in pulmonary TB
was 48.96 12.60 IU/L and ceruloplasmin was 64.10 9.61 mg/
dl while in controls 24.21 5.93 IU/L and 28.02 4.17 mg/dl
respectively. There was significant increase in serum ADA
(P < 0.001) and ceruloplasmin (P < 0.01) in patients as
compared to the controls.
A significant increase in serum ADA activity and
ceruloplasmin were observed in patients as compared to
controls. Measurement of serum ADA and ceruloplasmin
may be sensitive biochemical marker in early detection of
pulmonary tuberculosis.
Scientific Appointments
Dr. Venkatesh M Patil, Associate Professor of Pharmacology,
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, attended the 2nd International
Conference on Medical Negligence & Litigation in Medical practice,
Recent Advances in Forensic Sciences, Medicine & Toxicology.,
on 20th & 21st February 2011, at Goa. He also participated in the
Workshop on “Integrated Teaching Methodology” from 3rd to 4th
March 2011 at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum.
Dr. Ayesha Siddiquea & Dr. Mohd. Mohsin, Post graduate
Students, Department of Pharmacology, Navodaya Medical
college, participated in the Workshop “PHARMATECH 2011”,
Drug Development: Opportunities & Challenges (Pre-clinical drug
development, Clinical drug development & Specialty Domains in
Drug development), from 22nd to 31st March 2011, at Seth G.S.
Medical College & K E M Hospital, Mumbai
Dr. H. Doddayya Principal and Dr.Bheemachri Professor of NET
Pharmacy college Raichur attended and presented papers in
International Conference on “ Imbibing Pharmaceutical knowledge
to the Professionals” organized by Lalitha college of Pharmacy,
Hyderbad from 28th to 31st January 2011. Dr H Doddayya had the
honor to chair the scientific sessions.
Welcome Aboard
We are delighted to have excellent group of faculty who joined our campus in various faculties. Their knowledge and experience will
enrich the student’s knowledge and sustain our excellence in teaching and learning. Here’s an overview of NET’s new faculty who
joined us recently in the last quarter (Jan-Mar2011).
Staff Appointment List for Month of January -2011 to March-2011
Navodaya Medical College:
Staff Name
Dr.Khaja Naseeruddin
Navodaya Medical College.
Dr.Hiremath Mallinath
NMCH-Dept of Orthopedics.
Dr.K.J Mariswamy
NMCH-Dept of Anesthesia.
Dr.Prabhakar R Gaikwad
NMC-Dept of Anatomy.
Dr. Bala Bhaskar Rao
NMCH-Dept of Pulmonary Medicine.
NMC-Dept of Physiology.
Dr.Basavaraj P Bommanahalli
NMC-Dept of Pathology.
NMC-Dept of Comm.Medicne.
Dr.Mulla Basher Ahmed
Medical Officer
NMC-Dept of Primary Health Care.
Dr.Manjunath Hemberal
NMC-Dept of Physiology.
Dr.Mohamed Khizar
Dr.Balram Singh Thakur
Dr.Prabhakar R Patil
Dr.Sanjeev Kumar
Prof, Dept of Pathology
Assoc Prof, Dept of Pharmacology
Assoc Prof, Dept of Anesthesia
Navodaya Dental College:
Staff Name
Dr.Arun Kumar
Professor & HOD
NDC-Dept .of Community Medicine.
Dr.Elluru Venkatesh
NDC-Dept of Oral Medicine & Radiology.
NDC- Dept of Periodontics.
NET Pharmacy College:
Staff Name
Miss. Neenu Joseph
NET Pharmacy College.
Navodaya Institute of Technology:
Staff Name
Miss. Sumeera
Dept of Electronics
& Communication Engineering
Mr.Md. Aftab Khizar
Dept of Electronics
& Communication Engineering
Navodaya College of Nursing:
Staff Name
Mr.Pravin Prakash.P
Navodaya College of Nursing.
Scientific Papers
Published In Journals
Scientific Appointments
Role of serum electrolytes in pregnancy induced hypertension.
Journal of clinical & diagnostic research Feb-2011, Vol 5(1) page
Dr. M.V. Kodliwadmath.Professor & Head, Dept of Biochemistry,
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
Utility of Gamma glutamyl transferase and AST/ALT ratio in
alcoholic liver diseases
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology- 2011
Vol 4(1) page 1-5
Dr. M.V. Kodliwadmath.Professor & Head, Dept of Biochemistry,
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
Dr. M.V. Kodliwadmath. Professor & Head, Dept
of Biochemistry, Navodaya Medical College,
Raichur chaired Dr. T.N. Pattabiraman Oration
Lecture and Dr. G.P. Talwar Oration Lecture in
National conference of Association of Medical
Biochemist of India held at Hyderabad.
He also attended National Conference of
Association of clinical Biochemist of India held
in Mumbai. He also attended editorial board
meeting of Indian Journal Clinical biochemistry as a National
Advisor in National Conference of Association of clinical Biochemist
of India.
Anti-inflammatory activity of wheatgrass juice in albino rats”
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 04 (01), 2011.
Dr. S.Ramabhimaiah, Professor & Head, Dr. Venkatesh M Patil,
Associate Professor & Dr. Prabhakar R Patil, Associate Professor.
Department of Pharmacology, Navodaya Medical college,
“Irrational Drug Utilization in Urology Unit”
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Dr Venkatesh M Patil , Associate Professor Dr Rajeshwari R
Surpur Associate Professor Departments of Pharmacology and
Microbiology Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
Oxidative stress and anti oxidant status in alcoholic liver disease.
The Antiseptics Journal.
Dr.Vishal Kalsakar, Dept of Biochemistry, Navodaya Medical
Lipid Peroxidation and Non enzymatic anti oxidants in alcohol
induced chronic hepatitis.
Biomedicine- An International Journal for Biomedical sciences.
Dr.Vishal Kalsakar, Dept of Biochemistry, Navodaya Medical
Dr.Mrs.S.M.Kodliwadmath Prof & Head
of Obstetrics and Gynecology department
delivered guest lecture on “How elderly is
elderly prime” 54th All India Congress of
Obstetrics & Gynecology AICOG 5th to 9th
January 2011 held at International convention
centre, Hyderabad. She also judged the paper
presentation sessions in the above mentioned
AICOG conference.
Dr.Afzal Hussain & Dr.Prem
Raj V, Post Graduate students,
Dept of Dermatology attended
the Dermacon 39th National
Conference of Indian Association
of Dermatologists,Venereologists
and Leprologists at Gurgaon,
Haryana from 3rd - 6th February,
Biodegradation of phenol by free and immobilized cells of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Biomedicine- An International Journal for Biomedical sciences.
Vol 30, No: 04, Oct- Dec 2010
Dr.H.Anand Kumar, Dr.T.Srinivas, Dr.O.Deepa, Mr.K.Srinivas
Rao, Mr.K.Harish Bhat, Dept of Microbiology & Dept of
Biochemistry, Navodaya Medical College.
A comparative study and evaluation of serum adenosine
deaminase activity in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Mr.K.Srinivas Rao, Dr.H.Anand Kumar, Dr.B.M.Rudresh,
Dr.T.Srinivas, Mr.K.Harish Bhat
Dept of Microbiology & Dept of Biochemistry, Navodaya Medical
Povidone-iodine: an anti-oedematous agent?
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Feb;40(2):173-6. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
Arakeri Gururaj, Brennan PA. Navodaya Dental College, Peter
Brennan’s Indian Academy of Craniofacial Research, Shahapur,
Karnataka, India.
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Approved by the Government of India, New Delhi.
Recognised by the Medical Council of India, New Delhi &
Affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
M.B.B.S. - 4 1/2 yrs
MD / MS - 3 yrs
PG Diploma - 2 yrs
Approved by the Government of India, New Delhi.
Recognised by the Dental Council of India, New Delhi &
Affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
B.D.S. -5 yrs
M.D.S. - 3 yrs
Affiliated by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum &
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) - 4 yrs
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Information Science & Engineering
Affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru &
Recognised by Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP)
Master of Physiotherapy (M.P.T.) - 2 yrs
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T.) - 4 1/2 yrs
Recognised by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi &
Affiliated by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
Affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) - 2 yrs
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) - 4 yrs
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharma. D) - 6 years
Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) - 2 yrs
Affiliated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
Recognised by Indian Nrsing Council - New Delhi &
Karnataka State Nursing Council, Bengaluru
Master of Science in Nursing (M.Sc. Nursing) - 2 yrs
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing) - 4 yrs
Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) - 3 1/2 yrs
P.C.B.Sc. (Nursing ) - 2 yrs
Affiliated to D.S.E.R.T., Bengaluru
Recognised by NCTE, New Delhi,
D.Ed. - 2 yrs
Affiliated to Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
Approved by NCTE, New Delhi.
B.Ed. - 1 yr
For Further Details Contact
Post Box No.: 26, Navodaya Nagar, Raichur - 584 103, Karnataka
Tel: +91-8532-223361, 223448, 223449 Fax: +91-8532-223070
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