Senior End-of-the-Year Updates, page 9 LaGuardia Arts Weekly Bulletin June 15 - 30, 2015 LaGuardia Arts is Closed for the Summer Staff & Students will not have access to the building during the summer. Please plan accordingly. Please note that LaGuardia Arts is closed for the summer. The final day for secretaries, Guidance Counselors, and administrators is June 30. Please do not wait until the last minute to take care of any necessary business. School Reopens Monday, August 31 when select clerical staff and administrators return. Senior Clearance Deadline; 4:00 PM 15 M Awards Ceremony: • 1:00 PM Drama/Tech; LFT • 2:00 PM Dance; LFT • 4:15 PM Music; Concert Hall During Regents Exams, students are in attendance ONLY on the days they are scheduled to take an exam. 16 T Regents Exams Begin Arts Comprehensives Regents Exams 17 W Graduation Rehearsal #1 followed by Prom Ticket Distribution; 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM La! Music Comprehensive; 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM 18 Th Regents Exams 19 F Regents Exams 20 Sat Prom; 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM; Please remember ID. Dr. Mars, Principal Principal’s End of Year Letter to Staff Dear colleagues, The year has brought us so much for which, as teachers, we are grateful. And, all of it revolves upon the successes of our students. In them our own success is reflected. Of course, amidst the many celebratory days, there were those of gnashing teeth. But, fortunately these were infrequent and serve to give perspective to what we are about - creative activity, intellectual challenge, civic virtue and physical energy. Each of us models daily these qualities, which statistics cannot measure, but which most students do absorb. We need to appreciate this in one another. The stability of staff with which the year began will be diminished as the term concludes. Retirements, transfers to new positions, and resignations will thin the fabric of our community; however, with nurturing and care of our new colleagues, our strength will be replenished and will retain its vibrancy. Those who are leaving, (Ms. Berke, Ms. Nieves, A.P Bodha, Mr. Rutberg) take with you our affection and best wishes for personal fulfillment. Thank you again, for your loyalty, support, and many kindnesses throughout the year. I am frequently overwhelmed by how much you do and by your capacity to motivate students beyond one’s expectations. Now is the time to replenish our spirits and to lay aside our work. Let’s meet again after a spectacular summer recess. Cordially, Graduation Rehearsal #2 followed by Cap & Gown and Graduation Ticket Distribution; Senior Luncheon; Extra Ticket Lottery; 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 22 M 23 T Regents Exams 24 W Graduation; Avery Fisher Hall Graduates and All Teachers Report: 12:00 PM Families Arrive: 12:30 PM 25 Th Students not in attendance Dr. Mars Principal Sweet Beginnings; 7:30 PM; Black Box Theater Last day for Students and Teachers 26 F Students: OP 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM; Report Card & Fall 2015 Tentative Schedules Distributed Graduates: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM; Diploma Distribution; Front Lobby 30 T Last Day for APs, Guidance Counselors, and Secretaries. Schools Offices will be closed for summer July 1 W Summer School Begins at LaGuardia Arts TOC Schedule Newsworthy 1 15 M Regular Building Community 2 16 T Regents Exams Administrative 3 17 W Regents Exams Instructional 4 18 Th Regents Exams College & Careers 5 19 F Regents Exams Additional Information 6 A Slow Unveiling Showcases Our Facade At last the scaffolding on the west elevation is coming down and we have a glimpse of our facade. We look forward to seeing the remainder of our building unobstructed and restored. Building Community Two La! Athletes Receive Top City Award Resp e c t Fo r A ll L ia i son: Mr. Bru mmel l, lo ca te d i n t he D e a ns O ffi ce The PSAL Wingate Award honors New York City Public High School studentathletes in their senior year for their outstanding achievements in their respective sports. The coaches and sport’s coordinators nominate athletes for this award. A committee, comprised of PSAL staff, reviews the nominated candidates and chooses the most accomplished student-athlete in each sport as the recipient of this most prestigious award. Each of the PSAL Wingate Award Winners (Fall, Winter and Spring) will be honored at an awards ceremony and dinner on Monday, June 8th, 6:00 P.M. at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel. Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School had two Wingate Award Recipients this year. Congratulations to Natalie Turner Wyatt and Tomas Reimer, along with their coach, Coach Srebnick, for receiving this prestigious award. Natalie Turner Wyatt- Girls Soccer During her four years in PSAL, Natalie scored 52 goals and had 45 assists for LaGuardia. In her senior year, she was a team captain and won MVP at the Mayo’s Cup. Furthermore, Natalie was selected to represent the USA in the Kuban Spring Women’s International U-19 Tournament in Sochi Russia, where she competed against teams from across the world. Off the field Natalie studies Opera and choral singing and plans to continue her study of music and play soccer at Williams College in the fall. Graduating Senior Form Theater Company Innaugural Event: Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann: The Creative Process A group of graduating Seniors from La!’s Drama Studio have founded their own theater company called Rascal Arts. This July, they are producing The Tangibles, an original play by India Kotis. To raise funding for their production, they will be hosting a Q & A with Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann, the Tony Awardwinning writers of Urinetown. Come learn about their creative process and the development of their writing partnership. From Tony Award winner to the neverbefore produced pieces, hear excerpts from three of their musicals: Urinetown, Yeast Nation, and ZM (Zombie Musical). Wednesday June 17 at 7:30 PM. Hunter College 98 St between Lexington and Park Ave, North Bldg, Lang Recital Hall, 4 Fl. Admission: $20. TIckets: http://rascalarts.blogspot. com . Come with questions or, better yet, email them to! There will be SNACKS!!! All of those working to make this event possible are LaGuardia students: “Follow Your Heart” from Urinetown:;performed by Lily Ganser and Dalton Harrod. Tomas Reimer- Boys Outdoor Track As a senior Tomas was the top Cross Country runner in the city and earned a spot representing the PSAL at the New York State Championships for Cross Country, Indoor Track and Outdoor Track. Plus, he won a New York State Federation sportsmanship award and was recognized as Team MVP three times. In addition to these accomplishments, Tomas performed community service for Strive Programs in Peru and Kenya. He will be attending Cornell University, where he will enroll in the College of Art, Architecture and Planning program and run for the Cross country and Track & field teams. “Burnin’ Soul” and “I’ll Change the World Around Her”from Yeast Nation:;performed by Sophie Hoyt and Jordan Johnston. “Indefinitely” from ZM (Zombie Musical); performed by Carly Siege and Brock Lucas. Music Director: Ben Sperling Director: Leilah Rosen Poster Designer: Nicole Gureli Host: India Kotis Produced by Rascal Arts QUESTIONS? Feel free to email us at RascalArtsNYC@ or visit us at http://rascalarts. See you there!! Art Studio Awards Recognize Outstanding Students On Monday, June 8, the Art Studio held their annual awards. Pictured above with Dr. Mars, Principal, is the Art Faculty prior to the ceremony. 2 Free summer meals for kids! LOCATIONS in Morningside Heights & the Upper West Side IT IS NOW EASIER THAN EVER to APPLY ONLINE! find out now if you qualify for free school meals For all kids 18 years and younger; children do NOT need to show registration, documentation, or an ID to receive their meals. Sites listed current as of 6/2/2015 but subject to change. Find out more by calling 311, texting NYCMeals to 877-877, or visiting or SchoolFood App. J.H.S. 54 Booker T. Washington 103 West 107th St. Breakfast 8:00-9:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-1:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 9/4 P.S. 149 Sojourner Truth 41 West 117th St. Breakfast 7:15-9:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-1:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 9/4 P.S. 333 Manhattan School for Children 154 West 93rd St. Breakfast 8:00-9:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-1:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 8/21 P.S. 208 Alain L. Locke 21 West 111th St. Breakfast 8:00- 9:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-1:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 9/4 Martin Luther King Playground 114th St. & Lenox Ave. Lunch only 12:00-1:00 Tu,We,Th,Fr 7/7 thru 8/21 P.S. 242 The Young Diplomats Magnet 134 West 122nd St. Breakfast 8:00-9:00 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-12:00 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 8/21 Frederick Douglass Mini Pool Amsterdam Ave. Btwn 100 & 102 Lunch only 12:00-12:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 9/4 High School for Law, Advocacy and Community Justice 122 Amsterdam Ave. Breakfast 8:00-9:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 11:00-1:15 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 6/29 thru 9/4 Lasker Pool 110th St. & Lenox Ave. Breakfast 9:00-10:00 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su Lunch 12:00-1:00 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su 6/27 thru 9/4 Matthew Sapolin Playground West 70th St. & West End Ave. Lunch only 12:00-1:00 Tu,We,Th,Fr 7/7 thru 8/21 Gale A. Brewer Manhattan Borough President NYCHA-830 Amsterdam Avenue 830 Amsterdam Ave. Breakfast 9:30-10:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 12:30-1:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 7/7 thru 8/27 NYCHA-Douglass Houses 830 Columbus Ave. Breakfast 9:30-10:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 12:30-1:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 7/7 thru 8/27 NYCHA-Randolph 251 West 114 St. Btwn Frederick Douglass & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. Breakfast 9:30-10:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Lunch 12:30-1:30 Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 7/7 thru 8/27 APPLY ONLINE one application per household 24 HOUR FAST RESULTS WITHIN 24 hours FROM SUBMISSION Need Assistance or Have Questions? Call SchoolFood Customer Information: (877) 363-6325 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10007 (212) 669-8300 District 3 Your privacy is important to us. All information is kept con dential. Federal regulations do not allow the Department of Education to share your information with any other agency. Arts Connection Exhibitions Congratulations to the following students and teachers for receiving ArtsConnection Exhibitions this school year: ArtsConnection Exhibitions are mainly in financial firms in midtown Manhattan. Students’ work is professionally framed and displayed for a year. 10/14/14 Reflections of New York, Building Arts Curatorial Program/ABS Partners Real Estate Students: Jhakai Deshong Gabrielle Vasquez Teachers: Greg Nachtmann Carlos Nunez 11/25/14 To a Great Mind Nothing is Small, Lioneye Capital Management Students: Alina Ananyeva Max Huston Ewa Nowagorski Gabrielle Robinson Teachers: Jane Felber Greg Nachtmann Andrew Stehle 12/8/14 Simplicity in Complexity, Soroban Capital Partners Dr. Lasky Bunny Dell Jane Felber Jewel Ross Greg Nachtmann Debra Toure Students: Beatrice Akzamova Lily Pisano Gabrielle Robinson Jennifer Villa Ling Ye 5/8/15 Connections to Asia II, Kylin Management Teachers: Lasky Greg Nachtmann April Lombardi Students: Clare Colungsod Adriana Hung Qin Alegra McSweeny Jennifer Villa 3/31/15 Worlds Near and Far, Eton Park Capital Management Teachers: Jane Felber Dr. Lasky Greg Nachtmann Students: Robert Carter Alina Ananyeva Diana Branzan Sharis Chan Nayelin Delgado Ava Dennis Brevin Ismail Fiona Krugolets Sobnom Mimi Ajani Russell Ysabel Simon Brendan Tang Melody To Jia Yan Yuan Emly Zimmerman Mia Boulukus Carly Ecker Gabrielle Robinson Denise Colungsod Erica Chow Hannah Quirk Rimma Levina Ally Li 5/16/15 Future Fix Teens Curate Teens, Old Gronx Courthouse Students: Georgia Humphries Henry Newman Teachers: Dr. Lasky Greg Nachtmann 5/5/20/15 Inspiration and Imagination, PwC Students: Anouk Grandis Auguastina Wang Teachers: Jane Felber Greg Nachtmann Teachers: 3 6/9/15 Growth in Possibilities, Centerview Partners Students: Sally Chen Amara Copeland Diana Branzan Olivia Testa Vlademir Gadir Ryan Jones Mira Kheyman Lily Pisano Joshua Rickman Aleksandra Shvets Hui Ying Huang Nathalia Mariano Kaira Mediratta Jenny Zhao Tifany Fung Frances Lach Tess Warner Mariam Camara Teachers: John Lewis April Lombardi Stephanie Mulvihill Greg Nachtmann Joyce Riley Jewel Ross 6/11/15 I Dwell in Possibility, Corbin Capital Partners Students: Emma Passy Emma Patterson Teacher: April Lombardi Administrative Underclassmen Return on the 26th for Last Day of School Teachers - Please help prep your room for Regents Exams Students return to school on June 26 to attend their OP between 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, where they will be given their report card and tentative program for next Fall. Classrooms on the 3rd - 6th floors will be used for Regents Exams. Teachers are asked to cover any posters or other Exam related materials and to arrange their classrooms with chairs facing forward in columns and rows. Please do this before 10th period on June 15 so the rooms can be prepared for the Regents Exams. Program Information for Fall Term Teacher Checkout Procedures by June 26 La! is finished working on next Fall’s program for this month, and we are not available to answer programming questions until the last week in August. Right now, we are focusing on closing out this school year, graduation, and summer school. We know there will be changes to student schedules, but by beginning the process early as we did this year, we will reduce the number of program changes in September. Please note that all programs are tentative and subject to budgetary and staffing constraints. Department Office ☐ Turn in Grade Books or Printouts. ☐ Turn in Delaney Cards. ☐ Provide Summer Contact Information if necessary. Classrooms & Offices Locker Clearout — All Students ☐ Take home items of a personal items including food and drink from refrigerators. ☐ There will be other people using the building during the summer so be sure to clear out desk drawers that do not lock and to secure other important materials in locked cabinets and closets. ☐ Return in school and any borrowed equipment to secure department storage. Equipment cannot be removed The lock and locker can then be used for the purpose of storing from the school at any time, including during the electronics or any other materials that should not be in the summer, without express written permission from the exam room. As of the conclusion of their final regents exam, principal. the student should remove the lock (as well as any remaining ☐ Remove any worn or outdated materials such as posters, contents) and take everything home with them. After the last student work, etc. day of exams, any locks left behind as well as any remaining locker contents will be removed. Locks will then become the ☐ Be sure to shred any remaining paperwork that may contain confidential student information. property of the school and any personal belongings will be ☐ Return any remaining textbooks left in classrooms to the brought to the lost and found in the Deans Office on the second respective department bookrooms. floor to be claimed by students on the last day of school. JUNE 2☐015 After the last day of schoolFriday of school, teachers Sand other Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday aturday staff 4 will not have access to classrooms and6 offices until 1 2 3 5 NO REGULAR CLASSES NOCTI – Drama & Tech Professional Book Collection – All A.P. Books August 31, 2015. development In Class Finals – Health/PE Alumni &Friends Reunion The contents of all lockers, including textbooks, clothing and other personal effects should be cleared from lockers y the end of the of classes on the 15th. The lock itself can remain on the locker (or the student can take it and bring it with them to the exam) if they will be coming to school to take a Regents Exam. Dropping Off Items During Regents Weeks Finals Make-‐up 2 Regents in English (Common Core) & Geometry (Common Core) Black out Chorus & Orchestra Sr. Art 9 6:00 Spring Musicale #1 – Concert Hall 10 2:30 – 6:00 Jr. Dance Project rehearsals Regent Exam Invitation Book Collection: Math, Music, Art & Health Concert Hall 17 REGENTS: AM – Global PM – Physics, Algebra 1 (common core) 8 11:00 Music Comprehensive 10 – 1 Graduation rehearsal #1 (Prom tickets) 24 RCTs 18 REGENTS: AM-‐ Integrated Algebra PM – Comp. English No Students Blackout & Previews for Chorus & Orchestra (Pds. 2 – 5) SAT Payroll Secretary Math Finals We want to create the best testing environment possible for the6:30 Regents Drama – Spring Sing Final Make up 4 Symphony Orchestra & and– 7file 4:15pm – S LT M eeting (theater) Chorus Concert :30pm Exams. This is why we restrict access to the building during this time, ☐ Get a copy of Per Session Rating Form (OP150) Semi-‐Annual Art Show and students are not given access to enter the building except under Per Session Unused Sick Time Transfer as applicable. 6pm –Studio Meetings Final Make up 3 7pm to –General Meeting Symphony Orchestra & Chorus very special circumstances. Those who wish dropPA off assignments or ☐ Initial any unsigned CAR entries. Concert – 7:30pm textbooks during this time may do so at the front desk between the ☐ Return Keys (if you willBuild not be returning Master/programming ends in September). hours of 10:30-11:30 AM and 2:30-3:30 PM. 7 8 Book Collection – SS and Foreign Language 11 12 13 ☐ Pick up any remaining paper stubs, rating sheets, 8:30 G rades d ue 2:30 – 4:30 Jr. check Dance Project – Faculty -‐LFT Students who need to visit the A&F Office to return items etc. 4:30 & 7:30 Jr. Dance related to their award may(Theater) do so on 26, immediately Projects (theater) 4:30 Academic Awards Book June Collection: Science & 6:00 Spring Musicale # 2– 4:15 Art Awards Ceremony ☐ Submit any paperwork related to aCeremony pending retirement – Concert Hall English Concert Hall following diploma distribution. 6:00 Spring Musicale #3 – Science – Final Lab Tallies due by 6:30 Drama Agent Showcase (theater) or leave. Looking Ahead 6:30 PM Academic Forum: Juniors, Crafting the College Essay 14 15 1:00 Drama/Tech Awards Ceremony -‐ theater 2:00 Dance Awards Ceremony– theater 4:15 Music Awards Ceremony (Concert Hall) 21 22 10 – 4 pm -‐Graduation rehearsal #2 (caps & gowns, graduation tickets , Sr. Luncheon) June 2015 End Marking Pd. 2 16 REGENTS: AM -‐ U.S. History PM–Living Environment; ARTS Comprehensives 23 REGENTS: AM -‐ Chemistry 7:30 – Drama dept. -‐ Sweet Beginnings (black box) Graduation – 1PM Avery Fisher Hall 3pm OP - after 5th. Free Lunch Applications 19 REGENTS: AM – Algebra 2/Trig; Earth Science PM-‐ Geometry (2005 standards) 25 RATING DAY 26 TEACHER TIME: 8:00 – 2:50 Last day for students and teachers 8:00 – 10:00 O.P. report cards Student tentative schedules 11:00 – 12:00 Diploma distribution 28 29 30 Last day for A.P.s, Secretaries, Guidance Counselors 4 20 Senior Prom 2015 – 8pm 27 Instructional The University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Office of State Assessment Albany, New York 12234 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: JUNE 2015 UPDATED 12/16 –This schedule supersedes any previously released schedule. Students must verify with their schools the exact times that they are to report for their State examinations. June 2 TUESDAY June 16 TUESDAY June 17 WEDNESDAY June 18 THURSDAY June 19 FRIDAY June 22 Φ MONDAY June 23 TUESDAY June 24 WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. RE in English Language Arts (Common Core) 12:30 p.m. RE in Geometry (Common Core) RE in U.S. History & Government 12:30 p.m. Living Environment NYC Arts Comprehensive RE in Global History & Geography 12:30 p.m. Integrated Algebra LOTE RATING DAY Physical Setting/ Chemistry Algebra 2/ Trigonometry 12:30 p.m. Comprehensive English Physical Setting/ Physics Physical Setting/ Earth Science June 25 THURSDAY 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Geometry (2005 Standard) Uniform Admission Deadlines Morning Examinations 10:00 a.m. RE in Algebra I (Common Core) Afternoon Examinations 2:00 p.m. Φ Suggested date for administering locally developed tests aligned to the Checkpoint A and Checkpoint B learning standards for languages other than English. * Available in Restricted Form only. Each copy of a restricted test is numbered and sealed in its own envelope and must be returned, whether used or unused, to the Department at the end of the examination period. Conversion Charts for these exams will be available no later than June 25, 2015. Regents Exam Information Due to security restrictions, students will not be allowed the building DET 504access June 2015to Updated during regents week to go to classrooms including studio rooms or the art gallery, gym, lockers, or any other areas of the building during unless they have an exam scheduled for the date and time indicated or they are a graduating senior attending graduation rehearsal. Unfortunately students will not be able to meet with teachers, guidance counselors or other staff members until returning on the last day of school. They can, however contact staff by e-mail or phone in order to speak with them or make arrangements to meet with them in the main lobby. There will also be boxes located at the main entrance for students to drop off books and other assignments as necessary. As such, if you are scheduled to take an exam, we ask that you bring, amongst the other items needed for your exam, your student ID and your Regents invitation in order to speed up the entrance process. Without the invitation, someone will have to look your name up on an exam list which may delay your entry to the exam. If you lose your Regents invitation before the last day of classes, please go to room 201 to request an additional copy. Signs with room assignments will also be posted in the main lobby to help guide students to their exam room. Students arriving to take an exam before the official reporting time will be asked to wait in a designated location such as the 7th floor cafeteria until the official reporting time after first quietly visiting their locker to deposit electronics and any other materials not permitted in the testing locations. Students cannot leave the exam room before the earliest dismissal time or cannot begin an exam after the latest arrival time as listed on the Regents calendar. These times are 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM. Students who arrive after these times will have to take the exam during the next Regents exam administration which will either be in August or January. Students who finish an exam and have no upcoming afternoon exam that same day should leave the building immediately after retrieving their belongings from their locker in as quiet a manner as possible. Students with both a morning and an afternoon exam on the same day are encouraged to report to the designated waiting area between exams. If you are meeting up with another student before leaving the building, you should make arrangements to meet them in the main lobby at the conclusion of the exam and not in any other location. Any student found on any other floor except on the floor where their exam is being given or their locker is located may be subject to disciplinary action. Regents Registration Any student who is not in a Regents terminating class but does need to take the Regents should see a Guidance Counselor to register. Any student who does not register cannot take the exam. Extra Time on Regents Examinations Any student who receives extra time on Regents examinations and is scheduled to take two Regents on a single day may ask Ms. van Keulen about postponing one Regents examination until August. (Not 5 all Regents exams are offered in August.) Interested students must go to room 261 as soon as possible. Regents Day Procedures • Bring your Regents Invitation with you. • First go to your locker to store items including cell phones. • If you arrive before the official reporting time, wait in the 7th-Floor Cafeteria. (On June 19, please follow posted instructions.) • Leave the 7th-Floor Cafeteria and report to your testing room at the assigned time. Regents Invitations Any student wishing to change Regents registration must see a Guidance Counselor as soon as possible. If you know you missed or failed a Regents Examination, please check with your Guidance Counselor to make sure your are registered for the make-up. Regents Reminders Attend any Regents Examination for which you received an invitation. Otherwise, an ABS mark will appear on your transcript. No cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed in the testing room. Bring the following: • #2 pencils and black or blue pens • LaGuardia ID • Regents invitation • The appropriate calculator with new batteries if taking a math or science Regents • Sign your name with pen or pencil on the answer sheet. • Do not bubble in “student absent.” • Do not make doodles on the bar code. Information for Seniors Updates are in RED College Clearance Meeting with Guidance Counselor Class of 2015 End of Year Calendar June 8 Graduation Awards: Art 4:15 PM Little Flower Theater June 12 Graduation Awards: Academic & Service 4:30 PM Concert Hall Graduation Accessibility Request Deadline Graduates who have La! siblings and are interested in working Graduation (no ticket required) should see Dr. Stricklin-Witherspoon. Attendance at Awards Ceremonies The end of the year is very exciting, and many students will be recognized for their outstanding contribution during their time at La! There is an awards ceremony for each studio, as well as an Academic & Service Awards Ceremony. All graduates are expected to attend their respective Studio Awards Ceremony. Those students receiving awards are not notified beforehand. All graduates are encouraged to support their classmates at the Academic & Service Awards Ceremony. Seniors receiving awards are publicized beforehand. Parents are welcome to attend the ceremonies. June 15 Graduation Clearance Deadline Graduation Awards: Dance, Drama/Technical Theater, and Music Little Flower Theater 1:00 PM Drama & Tech 2:00 PM Dance Concert Hall 4:15 PM Music June 17 Graduation Rehearsal #1 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Little Flower Theater Rehearsal Prom Ticket Distribution June 20 Prom Marriott Marquis Times Square 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM (Midnight) June 22 Graduation Rehearsal #2 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Concert Hall Rehearsal Cap and Gown Distribution Graduation Ticket Distribution Senior Luncheon Extra Ticket Lottery June 24 Graduation Avery Fisher Hall 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Graduates Arrive: 12:00 PM Guests Enter: 12:30 PM June 26 Diploma Distribution 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Senior Clearance All Seniors must be “cleared” for Graduation in order to pick up their cap and gown, graduation tickets, etc. If a student is “cleared” by June 15, they are eligible to enter the “Extra Ticket Lottery.” ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Clearance Checklist Paid Senior Dues Meet all Graduation requirements, including passing all of your current classes. Return all textbooks and have no outstanding charges, including calculators, and athletic uniforms. Enter into Naviance your “Attending” and “admissions” decisions. Remove any schools you did not apply to. If you are not attending college, please see your Guidance Counselor before June 15. Completing the Graduation Survey in Naviance Complete College Clearance Meeting with Guidance Counselor How Does the Lottery Work? During the Cap and Gown Distribution process at Graduation Rehearsal #2 (June 22), students also receive their graduation tickets and Senior Luncheon Ticket. Extra tickets are distributed at the Senior Luncheon, 6 First Graduation Rehearsal is the 17th. Rehearsal #1 is from 10:00 AM - Noon In addition to preparing for the ceremony, time is spent providing all of the information needed for finishing out your career here at LaGuardia. Many of the questions we are receiving by phone calls and emails are covered during the rehearsal. We ask your patience as we are working fervently to clear Seniors for graduation. Checklist Between June 8, each Graduate must meet with their Guidance Counselor to complete the College Clearance portion of the Senior Clearance Process. This is one requirement of the Senior Clearance process, and the entire process must be completed by June 15 in order to be eligible for the extra ticket lottery. Your GC will review with you your college information in Naviance, help you remove colleges you did not apply to, and review your Graduation Survey. This process takes approximately 5 minutes. Siblings of Graduates and a student must be present in order to receive the ticket. Luncheon tickets are color coded: Luncheon + Lottery OR Luncheon Only. Students entering the lottery place their ticket in a bin. When all caps and gowns have been distributed, Dr. Stricklin-Witherspoon goes to the luncheon and immediately begins drawing names, and those students are handed an extra tickets. This process continues until there are no more extra tickets available. Students must be present to receive a ticket through the lottery. We have found this process to be the fairest way to distribute extra tickets, so we do not entertain special requests that circumvent this process. Save Time & Frustration One of the most frustrating aspects of the Senior Clearance Process is waiting in line. Wait time can be reduced by completing the Clearance Checklist as soon as possible. This has to be done before a graduate receives graduation tickets and cap and gown -- it is not just about entering the extra ticket lottery. Diploma Distribution May 26 Graduates may pick up their diplomas, final transcript, and a voter registration card on June 26, from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. As diplomas are one of a kind documents, they cannot be replaced if lost or damaged. A&F Award Letters Students who need to visit the A&F Office to return items related to their award may do so on June 26, immediately following diploma distribution. College & Career Things for Rising Seniors To Do and Think About Over Summer The College Essay Summer is an excellent time to refine your college essay. Please remember that the Common App does not open for 2016-2017 Applicants until August 1, though you are able to access their essay topics and familiarize yourself with their site. Class of 2016 Early Decision vs. Early Action • • • • Early Decision- you have decided and if admitted you MUST attend. Early action and priority programs allow you to apply at an earlier time and, if accepted, you need not notify them of your decision until May 1. Both programs allow you to have a decision in hand before the winter break! That is the BEST reason to apply early action to a college or two that you would be happy to attend. It is NOT easier to get accepted Early Decision unless you meet (and possibly exceed) the requirements of the college. Although there is no guarantee of admission, legacy students generally have a better chance of admission if they apply to an early decision program. Should I submit a portfolio even if I am not planning on majoring in the arts? Yes! For letters of recommendation, who do I ask? You can ask two academic teachers and one studio teacher. (2 or 3) If a teacher says yes, what do I do next? Log onto Naviance. Click on Colleges, Click on College I am applying to and in the lower left hand corner click on the link for teacher letters of recommendation. Click on the arrow, and select the teacher. In the column to the right, compose a brief thank you note to the teacher for agreeing to write for you and asking that their letter be prepared by November 1. When are recommendation letters ‘officially’ due? is it ok if I get them in September, or is that too late? They are “due” when you apply to colleges- in the fall but you should ask your teachers before you leave in June. Some teachers will ask for a sheet about you. Please record all special projects and papers done in their class and any other special work done in their discipline- if you are asking a history teacher and you volunteered one summer at the museum of Natural History, mention that. Otherwise, unless you teacher was also your coach, extracurricular activities are not as important details. You can detail who your other teachers were in the subject area and projects and papers submitted in those classes. And be sure to talk about your engagement in the class and why the class was special to you and how the teacher helped make it so! Some teachers are asking that you wait until the fall to request they write your letter. Be sure you have at least one teacher who agrees to write for you before you leave for the summer and draft the information listed above NOW so that you will have it for the teacher in the fall.. How important is demonstrated interest? The smaller the college, the more important it is that you visit AND interview. The larger universities and the Ivy League want to know that you have been on campus but multiple visits are not important. Many large colleges no longer offer interviews but before you visit, call and ask. If you are applying to colleges that are a plane ride away they do not necessarily expect you to visit but they do hope you will visit their booth at a college fair. (July 15!) I did not get my summer internship? What can I do? Volunteer at your local community center, Y, day camp or place of worship. Children love working with high school students (big boys and big girls!!) and you have so much to offer, not just your skills in art, your skills in working and playing well with others and so much more! Visiting Colleges Visit their website months before you plan to go. Some colleges require that you register for tours and when they are full, they accept no additional families. Colleges in the same time often coordinate tours and presentations so that you can easily transition from one to another. And be certain to call and request an interview before you go. Once you are there, they will probably be booked! When should everything be done, applications complete, portfolio done! Aim for October 15. [Yes, start this summer!] That gives you time to have your applications and the essays reviewed for a final time (yes, I do that too). Plan to send applications with a due date of November 1 on October 25th or so. Students applying to programs requiring a portfolio should check with the college; some want the application by November 1 or 15 (especially those seeking scholarships) and the portfolio later, in November or December. The Weekly Bulletin is a collection of original material and collected/adapted information intended to keep the LaGuardia Community informed. Dr. Mars, Principal Mr. Moore, Teacher Mr. Sommers, AP Dr. Stricklin-Witherspoon, AP Ms. van Keulen, AP 7 LaGuardia Arts Prom Contract 2015 Parent Notification / Consent / Emergency Form Each individual – student or guest – must submit a separate form. Student Name: Last, First (Please Print) Guest Name: Last, First (Please Print) School: Date: Trip Coordinator: Destination: Mode of Transportation: Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts Saturday, June 20, 2015 8:00 PM – Midnight Mr. Neal Singh, COSA Marriott Marquis Hotel, Times Square, 1535 Broadway, NY 10036 Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the venue Cost: $200 per person on or before May 7; $220 after May 7, if available Prom is a formal, all-inclusive Dinner/Dance. No person shall be admitted after 10:00 PM. There is no readmission once a person leaves. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Smoking is not permitted at the facility. The student and his/her guest must enter together. All ticket holders must show picture ID before entering the Marriott Marquis. There are no refunds. Dr. Stricklin-Witherspoon must approve, in advance, any change in guest. There are no school-sponsored post-prom events. This trip will include the following physical and sports activities : Dancing a) I understand that there are risks of injury associated with the above-listed physical and sports activities and I consent to my child’s participation in all these activities except for the following: b) Please indicate below any permanent or temporary medical or other condition, including special dietary and medication needs, or the need for visual or auditory aids, which should be known about your child: c) I agree that in the event of an emergency injury or illness, the staff member(s) in charge of the trip may act on my behalf and at my expense in obtaining medical treatment for my child. d) I understand that my child is expected to behave responsibly and to follow the school’s discipline code and policies. e) I agree and understand that I am responsible for the actions of my child. I release the school from all claims and liability that arise in connection with the trip, except if due to the negligence of school officials. f) I understand that I am responsible for getting my child to and from the departure and return sites identified above. I understand that my child shall be accompanied by staff member(s) during the trip. g) I understand that alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs are prohibited and have discussed this prohibition with my child. I understand that if my child is found in possession of these substances, my child will be subject to school disciplinary procedures and possible criminal prosecution. If your is found to be intoxicated, you will be contacted to escort your child home. Disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the school’s disciplinary procedures. h) I understand that students who violate the school’s discipline code may be excluded from participating in the Graduation Ceremony or other school activities. i) In an emergency, I can be reached at: Day: (___) ___________ Evening: (___) _____________ Additional Contact: Name: _____________________ Phone: (___) __________________ j) I give my permission for my child to participate in this school trip. _____________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent/Guardian) ` ________________________ (Date) STUDENT/GUEST DECLARATION I have read this form and I understand that I am to act on this trip in the same responsible manner in which I am expected to conduct myself in school. Guests 18 years of age or older do not need parent permission; however, emergency contact information must be provided. ID verifying age must be presented prior to entering Prom. _____________________________________________________ ________________________ (Signature of Student/Guest)(Date) 8
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