April 2015 PLEASANT TIMES Cruising, Educating and Socializing Since 1977 Regular Features • View from the Helm • Pegleg Pete • Famous Thoughts Pleasant Times 1 April 2015 April Assumptions from the Helm by Rhonda Brewer April – the month of showers, baseball, and, of course, taxes. Depending on your financial situation, you may be combing catalogs and surfing Amazon dreaming of ways to spend your refund or digging through the couch cushions in search of funds to pay Uncle Sam. As LPSC members we don’t have to think about paying taxes, but this month I am going to ask you think about the financial status of the Club. For the sake of discussion we can separate our treasury funds into three “pots.” The first “pot” contains the funds we will take in during 2015. This includes dues as well as monies collected at events such as the pancake breakfast and Christmas party. Stan Ferris, our treasurer-extraordinaire, has created a budget that assigns an amount to each activity, program, and event we have planned for 2015. With the click of his mouse is able to give the Board monthly updates on the funds coming in and going out. The Board is committed to running 2015 events and programs on the funds collected in 2015. As Commodore I have asked the Board to create a third ”pot” of funds. These were funds that remained in the treasury at the end of 2014 before the 2015 dues were deposited. Because the Board is committed to running the 2015 events and programs on 2015 funds, there should be no need to use these funds for regular Club expenses during the year. At the April general meeting Stan will be reviewing the balances of these three ”pots” of money. After his presentation, I would like to give members the opportunity to suggest possible uses for the funds in “pots” 2 and 3. These ideas may include saving part of the money as a “rainy day” fund, updating our DVD/book library, purchasing additional AV equipment, securing speakers for general meetings, etc. I am sure we will be able to put together a long list of suggestions! Hope to see you all at the April general meeting! Rhonda The second “pot” contains the funds that were set aside a few years ago by a previous Board to be used for education. The majority of the money in this “pot” was earned during a very successful Ladies Day at the Lake. The money was set aside to be used as seed money for subsequent Ladies Day at the Lake events as well as for general educational use. Pleasant Times 2 April 2015 **Cooking **Cleanup Please Contact Carolyn Cronin, Social Director for further details by email. I am looking forward again to a great turnout this year! It is a lot of fun and the food is promised to be delicious and hearty! The Third Annual Surf & Turf Event April 9-12, 2015 Upcoming Events Annual Pancake Breakfast Saturday, April 25th 8:-00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $5 per person and under 10 years old free Pleasant Harbor ramadas 1, 2, & 3 reserved (these are the closest ramadas to the Sailboat Shop). Look for the LPSC Signs. Well, it's that time again; our yearly extravaganza that we call Surf & Turf is nigh upon us. The gathering of the tribe (LPSC members) will commence somewhere on the west side of Lake Pleasant on April 9th. The exact location will be announced by various electronic means about Tuesday, April 7th. The location is determined by suitability, availability and lake level. Now remember, nobody cares how you transport yourself since this is not only a sailing event but a social event. The only New Members Please RSVP by April 21st , 2015 **LPSC Facebook fan page ** Meetup **By email to the Social Director (carolyncronin@cox.net) **April General Meeting on April 21st(at the latest) Volunteers Needed to Help New Members NAMES BOAT Susan Cole Desert Wind - Catalina 27 Christian Stein no boat **Setup Pleasant Times 3 April 2015 criteria is to GET THERE! Come by boat (sail , ski, power or row), car, truck, motorcycle, unicycle, float plane, parachute, your own feet, helicopter, transporter (Beam me there Scotty), RV, kayak, millennium falcon, trailer/truck combo, bicycle or maybe you can actually walk on water! IT doesn't matter -- just BE THERE! It also doesn't matter how long you are there -- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday -- all days, just one day, or just one hour -- we want to see ya! The main festivities will be Saturday afternoon and evening. We will have actual wood campfires, music around one of the campfires, something new and good from the "surf " and something normal from the "turf ". Bring something to pass around (dessert, salad, a surprise dish), sea stories, and your wonderful, fun-loving self. Any questions? Call me at 602-332-6443 All AYC events are open to LPSC members (get details at the AYC website). Famous thoughts…on time The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. (Sidney J. Harris) Famous thoughts…on understanding your boat There is no substitute for knowing your ship, its capabilities, and your own. There is no substitute for preplanning and practice, both for yourself and your crew. And there is no substitute for calm, rational action when an emergency arises. (Tony Meisel - Nautical Emergencies) AYC Updates The Arizona Yacht Club's 2015 Tall Cactus Regatta will be held Saturday April 25. It will be a progressive start with the slower handicap boats starting first, fast boats start last. All boats should finish at the same time if the handicap is correct and all boats are sailed to their potential. Boats will start at the dam and sail twice around the TransLoch course and finish at the Waterfront Grill at Pleasant Harbor Marina. AYC will host appetizers for participants after the regatta. Check the AYC website for details and registration. LPSC Members are invited and encouraged to enter. Pleasant Times Pegleg Pete - Da Query 1. What is a cone of protection? Well, this has nothing to do with our Secret Service protecting the Prez. But it does have something to do with your boat when Mother Nature lashes out. 2. What is the internationally recognized radio urgency signal used when transmitting a message concerning the safety of a vessel or person? This message takes priority over all radio traffic except distress messages which are preceded by the word mayday. 4 April 2015 3. If you are from the Midwest, you are probably quite familiar with heat lightening. So what is it and why is it called heat lightening? 4. A new coil of nylon line should be opened by: A. pulling the end up through the eye of the coil B. uncoiling form the outside with the coil standing on end Education Update by Doug Payne Education Chair Our March speaker was yours truly speaking about Sailboat Maintenance. I covered the subject quite wide but not so deep talking about hull and deck maintenance, sails, canvas, diesel and gas outboard auxiliaries, bilge pumps, waste systems, etc. If anyone would like a copy of the PowerPoint deck, email me at dougpayne48@gmail.com. Happy to provide a copy. C. taking a strain on both ends D. unreeling from a spool 5. Who was the first to sail solo around the world and when was that trip? I am working on our speakers for the April meeting. So far I have an engineer from the Maricopa Water District who knows the water operations of the lake. I am pursuing the park ranger for the lake to join him for two talks that will increase our education about Lake Pleasant. For May we have confirmed Linda and Steve Dashew. This couple has circumnavigated for seven years, written a prominent encyclopedia about offshore cruising and have been in the boat business designing and building several series of blue water ocean cruising sail and power boats from 50-75 feet. It should be a very exciting presentation. Have You Joined Meetup Yet? http://www.meetup.com/LPSC-Private/ Type or copy this link into your browser and hit enter to access sign up for the club site. Pleasant Times Education tip of the month: How many of us have telltales on our sails? Neither of our two current boats, our Oday 272, and our Freedom 21, had them when we acquired the boats and I hadn’t gotten around to putting them on. I think I forgot how important they can be to trimming sails. I remember back in the day when we first learned to sail on our American 16 and later our Pearson Resolute 20, we only had those strings of yarn on the side stays. No 5 April 2015 telltales on the sails. Later when we acquired our Freedom 28 and I had the sails professionally cleaned in California, I had telltales installed by the sailmaker on both the main and jib. That really helped me learn about sail trim. On our Seamaster 46, I had the sailmaker put four sets on our jib. That boat carried about 975 square feet of sail, 750 of which was a huge 155% genoa. Getting that sail to perform was the main event and we paid a lot of attention to those telltales to get the most boat speed. The main was somewhat of an afterthought given its smaller size. In the last few months I have installed telltales on the jib and main on our Oday and I have been having fun again using them to help trim the sail. What a difference it makes to be able to see the flow of air over the sail. Getting both the inside and outside telltales flowing smoothly on the jib helps to get it trimmed properly. On the main this time we have them on the trailing edge of the sail. It is amazing how much adjustment it takes to get all four telltales flying smoothly off the roach of the sail and what a difference it makes in boat speed. So, if you don’t’ have telltales installed, I suggest you install them. Tom should have them at the Sailboat Shop. I have the nylon sail material type telltales on this boat, but I don’t like them. Static electricity and their fine threads cause them to get stuck to the sail and hung up too often in light airs. I prefer the yarn versions. They fly better in all wind condition. Get some telltales, work on your sail trim! Pleasant Times Pegleg Pete - Da Booty 1. A cone of protection is a theoretical safety zone protected against lightening strikes provided by a boat with her mast, engine, and other large metal objects electrically bonded together and well grounded. It is a cone extending from the masthead to the water's surface, out to a radius approximately equal to the mast's height. It is know in the world of physics as a Faraday cage. (Stolen from Sailorspeak by Bob Roitblat.) 2. The urgency signal is pan-pan (pronounced pahn-pahn). It is from the French word panne, or breakdown. (Snagged from The Sailing Dictionary by Joachim Schult.) 3. Heat lightening is the luminosity observed from ordinary lightening that is too far away for its thunder to be heard. Since this lightening is frequently observed on hot summer days/nights while under clear skies, it is incorrectly believed to be caused by the heat. (Purloined form the 6 April 2015 Glossary of Meteorology by The American Meteorological Society.) 4. The answer is D) unreeling from a spool. (Pinched from Get Your Captain's License by Charlie Wing.) 5. The first person to sail solo around the world was Joshua Slocum during the years 1895-1898 in a 36' boat called the Spray, at age 51. The opening words to his memoirs are: "The voyage which I am now to narrate was a natural outcome not only of my love of adventure, but of my lifelong experience ..." By the way, he couldn't swim and died on November 14, 1909 when his boat hit rocks and sank. (Ripped from the pages of Do Dolphins Ever Sleep by Pierre-Yves and Sally Bely.) • Tom Errickson joined the club. He had 2 boats (only!), a Hutchins Compact 23 and Santana 21. • We held our very first sunflower raftup, which involved about a dozen boats. It occurred in November. • Tom and Dianne Monson won a Cruising Certificate sailing on Rainbows End, a Chrysler 26 • Steve Shenkel brought along his 9year-old son Ryan to help sail his O'Day 23. • The balance in the treasury was $784. The big expenses were for newsletter postage, social events, and awards. • The club gathered comments and concerns about the new Waddell Dam. • Warren Barrett was a featured speaker at a club meeting. • The Club Directory was printed on a dot-matrix printer • Ted and Toni Stuart were enjoying Quintessence, a Drascombe 22. They still have her! • We had 90-some members. All but 2 owned boats. Half of the boats were 22 feet or less. From the Archives Flashback courtesy of Emily Kaufmann 1986, what a year for LPSC! Here are some notable events and distinguished members: Pleasant Times 7 April 2015 For Sale Mariah 1992 Catalina Capri 26 It is in San Carlos, Mexico Includes trailer It has an inboard diesel engine, solar panel, autopilot, spinnaker and many extras. Please call for pictures and a list of all the extras. Joe Zuccala 480-488-9271 Pleasant Times 8 April 2015 Minutes from the LPSC Board of Directors Meeting, March 9, 2015 Commodore Rhonda Brewer called the meeting to order at Chompies on Shea at 7 pm. Board Members Present: Rhonda Brewer, Stephanie Miller, Emily Kaufmann, Stan Ferris, Alan Greatorex, John Bagwell, Tom Errickson, and Larry Akins. Absent: Carolyn Cronin, Deedy Payne, and Doug Payne. Guests: Russ and Barbara Test, Tim Brewer, and Ellen Ferris Minutes from the February board meeting were corrected and approved. Going forward, the secretary will email minutes to Board members, who will respond with any corrections. The secretary will then compile the final version to be posted online and sent to the Club members with the next newsletter. The Board discussed the topic of Sunday Sails. A few members have expressed concerns regarding this club event. Rhonda reported that those who have discussed the issue directly with her are satisfied with the explanation. Rhonda spoke with the insurance agent regarding obtaining Directors and Officers liability insurance to cover liability of the members of the Board. Our agent explained that D&O insurance is cost prohibitive and requires a lot of paperwork, and would not provide pricing until we submit the required paperwork. Emily moved to refrain from purchasing D&O insurance. Second by Larry. Discussion on whether various club sailing events create additional liability. Motion failed. Tom moved that we go back to the insurance company and further investigate the cost and amount of paperwork involved in getting D&O insurance. John second. Motion passed. Coast Guard Auxiliary asked if we would like to set a date for annual boat inspections. Decided on April 25-26, if possible. All boat owners are welcome to schedule a free inspection. Treasurer reported a current balance of $5,824.33 as of March 9, Education fund equals 1,925.25. Stan presented a tentative budget that he developed from the prior years' financial statements. Stan will chart actual income and expenses against the budget. The goal for the budget is to operate responsibly so that our operating expenses do not exceed our income for the year. Stan will revise the budget and present it to the Board at the April meeting for consideration and approval. Tom made a motion to spend $150 for the Surf and Turf event. Second by Larry. Motion passed. Motion by Larry to spend $150 on Pancake Breakfast. Second by Tom. Motion passed. Rhonda discussed plans for the general meeting and upcoming events. John noted change of date for Memorial Day raftup to May 30-31. Carolyn received the contract for the Christmas party venue. Motion by Tom to spend up $1,000 on Christmas Party. Second by Larry. Motion passed. Rhonda mentioned that she will put information from Clint Sutter Go Sail AZ sailing school into the Sunday Sail packet, and in return he would put information about LPSC into his customers' hands. Tom is also welcome to include information about his ASA sailing school and the Sailboat Shop. The next Board meeting will be held on Monday, April 13, at Chompies on Shea. Meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm. Respectfully submitted, Emily Kaufmann, Secretary Treasurer's Report Beginning balance Feb 1 +Receipts -Disbursements Ending balance Feb 28 Pleasant Times $7,131.06 541.25 1,872.98 $5,799.33 9 April 2015 2015 LPSC Board of Directors Commodore Rhonda Brewer commodore@lakeple asantsailing.com Vice Commodore Stephanie Miller vicecommodore@lak epleasantsailing.com Treasurer Stan Ferris treasurer@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Secretary Emily Kaufmann secretary@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Communications Alan Greatorex Co-Director communications1@la kepleasantsailing.com Communications Deedy Payne Co-Director communications2@la kepleasantsailing.com Cruise Director John Bagwell cruising1@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Social Director Carolyn Cronin social1@lakepleasant sailing.com Director-atLarge Larry Akins director1@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Director-atLarge – AYC & New Member Liaison Tom Errickson director2@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Education Director Doug Payne education@lakepleasa ntsailing.com Membership Director Alan Greatorex membership@lakeple asantsailing.com Newsletter Editor Stephanie Miller newsletter@lakepleas antsailing.com Crew Liaison Sammi Majors crew@lakepleasantsai ling.com Past Commodore Deedy Payne pastcommodore@lake pleasantsailing.com Webmaster Deedy Payne webmaster@lakepleas antsailing.com Sunday Sail Contact Janet Cohen info@lakepleasantsail ing.com Pleasant Times April 2015 Board Meeting April13, 2015 Meeting Begins at 7:00PM Chompie’s 9301 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale April 2015 Membership Meeting April 21, 2015 Meeting Begins at 7:00PM Caddy Shack Rolling Hills Golf Club 1405 North Mill Ave, Tempe 10
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