Job Opportunity Lake Trail Neighbourhood Connections is currently looking to fill the position of Community School Co-ordinator. Please find the details below regarding the position. If you are interested in applying for the position please provide a cover letter and resume by email to with Community School Co-ordinator in the subject area. Closing date for the position is May 4, 2015. Please be advised we will be only contacting the shortlisted candidates. Community School Co-ordinator OVERALL LTNC GOAL: To contribute to a safe and healthy neighbourhood that sustains the success of students and families by increasing the connections between school, municipal agencies and non-profits, businesses and the public. Project Objectives –General 1. Engage the school community, agencies and the public in developing a vision for the Lake Trail neighbourhood with Lake Trail School as a Community Centre 2. Foster coordination of programs, services and partnerships in key priority areas, including Community Demonstration Garden, Child, Youth and Family Services, Community Education and Recreation Programs and Community Safety 3. Establish programs and community-building activities at Lake Trail School together with partners including, but not limited to: CV Boys and Girls Club; Lake Trail School Youth workers; John Howard Society; Wachiay Friendship Centre; Active Comox Valley, Courtenay Recreation (the LINC); School District #71 and youth representatives. Co-ordinator Job Description The Coordinator will provide coordination for LTNC by undertaking the following tasks in conjunction with volunteers, partner groups, school district personnel, other LTNC contract staff and project consultants: General Organization Support and Outreach Participation in planning overall Action plan and timetables and implementation of project work-plans Regular progress reports to Steering committee and partner agencies as required and identification of actions needed. Organization of Community School events to raise awareness of CommunitySchool project and promote neighbourhood capacity-building process Outreach and ongoing contact with partners and stakeholders Research and follow-up on ideas for community activities, outreach and partnership Planning and co-ordination of public events (Neighbourhood Days; Earth Day) Logistical support for public events, partners/stakeholder small group meetings (meeting rooms, supplies, audio-visual needs) Publicity for Community school in general, projects and special events. Day to day operations of LTNC including Respond to emails, post updates to Facebook, update website, email LTNC’s members/group email participants with regards to upcoming activities, events, classes. Collect and deposit any money obtained through community class fees and donations. Community Education & Recreation Programs Plan, promote and oversee winter, spring and fall community classes held at Lake Trail School; this includes maintaining communication with current instructors, recruiting potential new instructors, establishing class details and parameters, booking classes into school facilities and schedule; paying instructors in a timely fashion. Coordinate community class guides(winter, spring and fall) including writing all content, editing laid-out guide, coordinating guide production with printer, physically disseminating hardcopy guides to all of the feeder schools and coordinating a bulk mail-out of guides to Lake Trail residents Ensure classes properly commence by attending (or delegating) the start day (evening) of each community class to. Attend the start of each one-evening class to ensure participants are in the correct room, instructor has access to projector/supplies needed and fees are properly collected. Ongoing promotion of classes via emails, social media and press releases. A press release to promote/announce each class, workshop and activity is typically sent out. Student Activity Program Development Work with Lake Trail School’s principal and LTNC youth coordinator to ensure planning and creation of school time and after school activities and events for Lake Trail students and other youth. Maintain communication with instructors, supervisors and volunteers, ensure that they have contracts and are paid in a timely fashion. Program and Grant Management; Research funding opportunities and assist in developing proposals Maintain ongoing budgets and records of expenses involving all grants Follow guidelines, work-plan and reporting requirements to meet deliverables of granting agencies. Monitor and evaluation of project outcomes and assistance in preparation of final reports as required. Terms of Employment: Hours and Remuneration The Co-ordinator position is based on an average of 20 hrs/week. Time will vary according to scheduling of events. The Co-ordinator will establish regular office contact hours as well as working from home and at meetings. Wage range is $20 per hour, depending on qualification and experience. The Coordinator will submit a report of work accomplished and timesheet semi-monthly. The Co-ordinator will be reimbursed for project expenses upon submission of receipts. The job description and work-plan will be monitored and adjusted as required to respond to unforeseen challenges in timing and changes in priorities. The terms of employment may be amended to include additional duties and remuneration if additional grants and other funding are obtained.
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