CV - lalomartins

Fernando “Lalo” Martins
Agile Coach / ScrumMaster / Process Manager
Creative is the opposite of destructive
My recent career has been all about improving and building teams. In the
modern IT market, teamwork is one of your top assets, and some of the
others flow from it — quality, agility to adapt, reduction of waste.
I'm a firm believer in Agile and Lean values. I'm not strictly committed to
any specific process, but I did qualify as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) in
2011, trained by Jeff Sutherland, and I'm a Scrum Alliance member.
+49 162 941 8850
(various sites)/lalomartins
Born 1975-05-26
Married 2011-09
Brazilian national
Currently in Berlin, Germany
Will relocate
About this resume
Last updated: 2015-05-18
Career H ighlights
From April 2013 to March 2014: Technical co-founder and
Technical Lead at LimeMakers UG: defined and set up
Complex systems. Whether it's software achitecture, work
the technical architecture, wrote the prototype, hired,
processes, teams, or fictional worlds, these things have
trained, and integrated the technical team, set up the
delicate balance, and I seem to be rather good at setting it
development process
all up so that it works. Whether I'm creating it from
From June 2011 to March 2013: ScrumMaster at Ableton
scratch, or co-creating it, or fixing one that's broken, or
AG (, for the Web Team; also formed and
improving one that's already working well, I seem to be
led an Operations team (since July 2012)
able to zoom easily between the big picture and the
From July 2010 to June 2011: member of the Web Team at
details, and spot the opportunities for improvement.
Ableton AG, a Scrum team
From April 2006 to July 2009: web architect at Schmap
Forming teams. In various contexts, again and again I
(, a senior, decision-making
gathered a group around me, identified
position, which included general advice on
their common goal(s), and united them to
web and general computer technologies and
work towards these goals. That includes
Portuguese (Brazil): native
trends, and participation in company-wide
turning a group who was already working
English: fluent
strategy forming; designed and
together into a real team.
German: A2
implemented some of the products; formed
(good understanding)
Two passions:
and trained the web team.
Japanese: beginner
From May to October 2004: web developer
Solving problems. My satisfaction comes
for Canonical, Ltd. (, makers
from the feedback loop; not from how great
of Ubuntu; participated in the creation of Launchpad
or elegant my solution is, but from seeing its actual impact
on those who had the problem to beging with. Maybe for
2002 to 2005: various contributions to Plone
this reason I'm so enamoured of Lean Startup and
a very popular web application framework
Customer Development.
at the time, as a byproduct of web development work.
Bildung, or self-improvement. Individuals, teams, and
Started the Plone Internationalization effort; designed
even customers, should always be getting better, more
and co-implemented CMFCommerce, the Plone eeffective, and/or happier. That can include learning and
commerce solution; designed and co-implemented an
adding capabilities, or assistance and automation — but it
ORMapping layer for Plone/Archetypes; among other
often also means removing waste.
important packages. Started the “Plone Collective”, a
package-building community effort.
Specific skills I picked up
2000: as a byproduct of web development work, designed
along the way:
and prototyped a template language which would
Breaking down work into goodevolve to become Zope's ( default template
sized pieces.
started working as web developer and web product
Leading brainstorm and problemdesigner.
solving sessions.
1990: started working as software developer.
Hiring (selection) and onboarding.
Two knacks: