Agenda No AGENDA MANAGEMENT SHEET Name of Committee Cabinet Date of Committee 21 February 2008 Report Title Allocation of 2008/09 Area Based Grant Summary For Cabinet to consider the known commitments against the 2008/09 Area Based Grant and to agree a framework against which the proposed use of any consequent available resources can be assessed. For further information please contact: Dave Clarke Strategic Director, Resources Tel: 01926 412003 Virginia Rennie Group Accountant Tel: 01926 412239 Would the recommended decision be contrary to the Budget and Policy Framework? No. Background papers Area Based Grant – Cabinet 10th January 2008 CONSULTATION ALREADY UNDERTAKEN:- Details to be specified Other Committees Local Member(s) Other Elected Members X Cllr Tandy, Cllr Roodhouse, Cllr Booth, Cllr Atkinson, Cllr Haynes Cabinet Member X Cllr Farnell, Cllr Cockburn “approved for consideration” Chief Executive X Jim Graham Legal X David Carter, Sarah Duxbury – comments incorporated Finance X Dave Clarke – reporting officer Other Chief Officers District Councils 1 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc Health Authority Police Other Bodies/Individuals X Public Service Board on 20 February 2008 FINAL DECISION SUGGESTED NEXT STEPS: Details to be specified Further consideration by this Committee To Council X Council will make the formal decision on the allocation of ABG at its meeting on 18 March 2008. To Cabinet X Cabinet will consider the allocation of ABG again at its meeting on 13 March 2008. To an O & S Committee To an Area Committee Further Consultation 2 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc Agenda No Cabinet - 21 February 2008 Allocation of 2008/09 Area Based Grant Report of the Strategic Director, Resources Recommendation It is recommended that Cabinet: (i) (ii) (iii) Agree the framework for allocating Area Based Grant in 2008/09 as outlined in paragraph 3.3. Note the existing commitments against the Area Based Grant and the consequent available resources as summarised in Table 2 and detailed in Appendix A. Note that a further report will come to Cabinet, on 13 March, with proposals on the implementation of the agreed framework for allocating Area Based Grant, for recommendation on to Council on 18 March. 1 Background 1.1 When the Warwickshire LAA became operational on 1 April 2007 it was supported by £9.3 million of LAA Pooled Grant to provide resources to deliver the agreed targets. LAA Pooled Grant primarily acted as a means of capturing the wide range of area-based funding streams, allowing for rationalisation of the administration and monitoring that surrounds those funding streams and increasing local flexibility over the use of funding. 1.2 As part of the 2008/09 to 2010/11 Local Government Finance Settlement, announced by the Government on 10 December 2007, Area Based Grant (ABG) was introduced. This was a combination of grants already pooled as part of the Warwickshire LAA Pooled Grant, other existing non-pooled grants and a number of new grants. 1.3 ABG builds on the original LAA grant by further increasing local flexibility over the use of resources, and further reducing reporting requirements. However, unlike LAA grant, which was allocated for the purposes of supporting the achievement of LAA targets, ABG is a non-ringfenced general grant. This means there are no conditions attached to the way funding can be used. As a result partners are free to use the ABG allocated to them, alongside the totality of their funding, to support the delivery of local, regional and national priorities in their areas, including the achievement of LAA targets. 3 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc 1.4 Although any decision on the allocation of ABG is a decision of Warwickshire County Council as the grant receiving body, in practice, the allocation of ABG must go hand in hand with developing and agreeing the LAA. The County Council and partners will need to be satisfied they have plans showing how they will work towards the attainment of the LAA targets and that resource plans are in place to underpin the LAA and manage any risks. 1.5 The Audit Commission will, through the work of its appointed auditors, assess whether resources have been used effectively, with a strong focus on value for money and efficiency as part of the Use of Resources element of the Comprehensive Area Assessment. 2 Warwickshire’s Area Based Grant 2.1 The ABG for Warwickshire is £22.112 million for 2008/09. Future indicative levels of ABG are £33.232 million for 2009/10 and £32.659 million for 2010/11. The significant increase in grant in later years is due to the inclusion of Supporting People funding as part of ABG. Table 1 below breaks down the ABG allocations into those partners with lead responsibility for its allocation. Those elements of ABG showing the LAA as the lead are the grants pooled within the existing Warwickshire LAA. For 2008/09 and onwards the decision on the allocation of these grants also rests with the County Council as the grant receiving body. Table 1: Summary of Warwickshire ABG 2008/09 to 2010/11 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 £m £m £m Existing Resources LAA Pooled Grants 6.692 5.686 5.689 Warwickshire County Council Grants 13.704 15.626 26.700 Total Existing Resources 20.396 21.312 32.389 New Resources Warwickshire County Council Nuneaton and Bedworth BC Total New Resources Total ABG 2010/11 £m 6.776 24.988 31.764 - 0.751 0.049 0.800 0.752 0.091 0.843 0.755 0.140 0.895 20.396 22.112 33.232 32.659 2.2 Whilst Table 1 shows ABG for Warwickshire as a significant amount of money in practice it is the sum of up of 34 smaller revenue grants that have each been allocated across authorities according to specific policy criteria. 3 A Framework for Allocating Area Based Grant 3.1 The County Council is responsible for allocating £22.063 million ABG in 2008/09. Any decision will be a matter of balancing two competing priorities: 4 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc • All but £0.751 million of the AGB in 2008/09 is related to grants the County Council and/or the LAA currently receive. Many of these grants have been in place for a number of years and are used to fund mainstream services. As a result not only are there on-going commitments against the grants but, in some cases, services had been planning for the use of the grant in future years before it became part of ABG. • The ABG was created as a single allocation to an authority to encourage them to make a difference by using the resources more flexibly across the whole area, and between partners, to deliver local, regional and national priorities, including those of the emerging LAA. The authority therefore will be assessed, as part of the Comprehensive Area Assessment, on the value it has delivered and the difference it has made from using the resources for the residents of Warwickshire. 3.2 The difficulty in reconciling these two competing priorities is compounded by the late announcement of both the total and constituent parts of ABG and the timing in relation to the County Council’s budget setting. It is therefore inevitable that to a significant degree 2008/09 will be a transitional year. Indeed GOWM have made it clear they also view 2008/09 as a transitional year and will not be expecting a significant redirection of resources towards the emerging priorities for Warwickshire in this first year. 3.3 Taking these constraints on board a draft framework for allocating Area Based Grant is proposed as follows: • 2008/09 is viewed as a transitional year for the allocation of ABG, with all allocations only being confirmed for one-year. • For 2009/10 and beyond proposals for spending ABG are brought forward from both the County Council and through the PSB as part of the normal timetable/process for setting the County Council’s budget. • In 2008/09 the on-going commitments in terms of staffing and contracts flowing from the current use of grants, by partner organisations, that are now included in ABG, are met. • Over and above this, where elements of ABG were pooled as part of the LAA in 2007/08, allocation of these elements of the ABG is reconfirmed as a decision for the PSB. • Uncommitted resources, once the above allocations have been made, are allocated on a competitive basis, with proposals for use of the grant coming forward to Cabinet and then on to Council for approval. • The criteria for allocating the uncommitted resources should take account of: o Any mandatory areas of spending 5 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc o The views of the PSB, the County Council and partner organisations as to the local priorities in Warwickshire, and o Resourcing the priorities and targets included in the emerging new LAA. 4 Commitments 4.1 As has been outlined above, although ABG has only been recently introduced the majority of the grants included within it have been received by the County Council for a number of years. These have contributed to the Council’s service provision and in some cases Directorates have in place long term commitments against these grants. 4.2 A review of these commitments has taken place and the results are attached at Appendix A. The appendix shows both internal and external commitments identified by Directorates and a commentary on the nature of the commitment. The balancing figure is then the level of uncommitted resources. The analysis of the grants has also been split between existing LAA Pooled Grants, NonPooled Grants and those new grants included as part of ABG for the first time in 2008/09. 4.3 Table 2 below summarises the position on commitments in relation to the 2008/09 ABG. Subject to members agreeing the protocol in paragraph 3.3 above, £18.313 million of the 2008/09 ABG would be allocated to fund existing commitments. Table 2: Commitments against the 2008/09 AGB External Internal/ Uncommitted Contracts Staffing Resources Costs £m £m £m Existing Resources LAA Pooled Grants 0.190 5.070 0.426 Warwickshire County Council 8.754 3.807 3.065 Total Existing Resources 8.944 8.887 3.491 New Resources Total WCC ABG Total ABG £m 5.686 15.626 21.312 0.256 0.236 0.259 0.751 9.200 9.113 3.750 22.063 4.4 The requirement for Council to make decisions on commitments is that service providers need the confidence of knowing they can continue to operate after 1 April 2008. 5 Uncommitted LAA Pooled Grants 5.1 As shown in Table 2 above the uncommitted resources currently pooled within the LAA total £0.426 million. Table 3 below shows the different elements that make up this uncommitted resource. If members agree the protocol in 6 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc paragraph 3.3 above this grant would be allocated to the PSB to decide on its use, subject to any additional caveats members wish to place around the use of the grants. Table 3: 2008/09 Uncommitted LAA Pooled Grant Commitments Uncommitted Resources £m £m Primary National Strategy Central 0.268 0.005 Co-ordination Secondary National Strategy, 0.125 0.001 Behaviour and Attendance Safer and Stronger Communities 0.164 0.420 Fund Total 0.426 0.426 Total £m 0.273 Percentage Uncommitted % 2% 0.126 1% 0.584 72% 0.983 6 Warwickshire County Council Uncommitted Grants 6.1 As shown in Table 2 above the uncommitted resources from those grants previously received by the County Council is £3.065 million. As part of the 2008/09 budget resolution Council committed itself to using all of the Extended Schools Grant for the provision of this service. This decision uses £0.560 million of the uncommitted resources leaving £2.505 million still available for allocation. 6.2 At the Cabinet meeting on 13 March 2008, for recommendation on to Council on 18 March 2008, members will be provided with the opportunity to consider how they would wish to use these resources. To support them in making these decisions members will receive information about how County Council services would use the money, the views of the PSB on the use of any resource and how the overall use of ABG links with the priorities of the emerging LAA. 7 New Resources 7.1 The final type of grant included within the ABG are the new resources. These are the smallest element of the grants totalling only £0.751 million. Although “new” some of these grants have commitments against them. This is because the grants were previously paid to other partners who then commissioned services from the County Council. This leaves only £0.259 million genuinely new money and a significant proportion of this is accompanied by additional mandatory obligations. 7.2 At the Cabinet meeting on 13 March 2008, for recommendation on to Council on 18 March 2008, members will be provided with the opportunity to consider how they would wish to use these resources. 7 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc DAVE CLARKE Strategic Director, Resources Shire Hall Warwick 21 February 2008 8 of 8 H:\MemberServices\Committee Papers-Loading\Cabinet\Cabinet - 08-02-21\AA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.docAA Cabinet Report Allocating grant.doc Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Purpose of the Grant External contracts £000 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 Commentary on Commitments Total £000 Grants Already Pooled Connexions The Connexions service provides advice and support for young people to try and help them get where they would like to be. Connexions is a modern public service and young people are actively involved in its design and delivery. The service is managed locally by Connexions Partnerships that bring together all the key youth support services. - 4,220 - 4,220 These are 117 permanent full time equivalent posts that have worked for Connexions for several years. - 159 - 159 This grant has been given to Connexions to provide services on the basis of an SLA. See Connexions above. Positive Activities for Young People DCLG CYPF Positive Activities for Young People (PAYP) was a three-year programme for young people aged 8-19, at risk of social exclusion or of being involved in community crime. Primary National Strategy Central Coordination DCSF CYPF Support local authorities central coordination costs in delivering the next phase of the Primary National Strategy, including supporting the introduction of revised literacy and numeracy frameworks, greater focus on targeting underperforming schools and under attaining pupils and supporting personalisation. 20 248 5 273 Salaries for Primary Nation Strategy advisers/administrative staff. The grant represents only half the total expenditure since previously the sum had to be match-funded by the core budget. Secondary National Strategy Central Coordination DCSF CYPF Support local authorities central coordination costs in delivering the next phase of the Secondary National Strategy, including greater focus on targeting underperforming schools and under attaining pupils and supporting personalisation. CYPF Support local authorities in integrating Behaviour and Attendance into the Secondary National Strategy. 20 233 - 60 65 1 90 74 420 253 The funding covers the salary and associated costs of 9 advisers and their managers. £20k paid to external suppliers. The grant represents only half of the total expenditure since previously the sum had to be match-funded by the core budget. 126 Funding 1.4 full-time equivalent staff and £60,000 paid to Learning and Behavioural Support Services (LABSS) for one full time d i external contracts relate to a SSCF Co-ordinator. Internal 584 The Secondary National Strategy Behaviour DCSF and Attendance Safer and Stronger Communities Fund DCLG CP School Travel Advisors DCSF Aimed at tackling crime, anti-social behaviour and drugs, empowering communities, and improving the condition of streets and public spaces; in particular for disadvantaged neighbourhoods where these issues often require more attention. Resources are also o used to fund the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRP's). income related to fixed contract employees for ASB Officers, DAAT posts and Community safety analyst. Plus PPO co-ordinator and 3 PPO Posts on fixed contracts. CYPF To fund local authority based school travel advisers (STAs) helping schools carry out surveys and prepare and implement travel plans. Grants Already Pooled Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls 1 - 71 - 190 5,070 426 71 This grant is used by CYPF to commission services from E&E to develop school travel plans. 3 full time equivalent school travel advisors are employed. 5,686 Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Purpose of the Grant External contracts £000 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 Commentary on Commitments Total £000 Existing County Council Grants Care Matters White Paper The Government is determined to improve the experiences of children in care. Despite efforts to support them, there remains a significant gap between the quality of life of young people in care and those raised in supportive families. Bridging this gap requires urgent, sustained action across central and local government, from practitioners in all aspects of children and young people's lives, and from their carers, friends and family. - - 234 234 There are a great number of mandatory responsibilities within the "Care Matters" White Paper, these include items such as £100 trust fund tops up for Looked after Children (LAC), University bursarships, custodial visits etc. Carers DH AHCS To stimulate diversity and flexibility in the provision of breaks for carers or direct services to carers to support them in their caring role. 1,471 203 294 1,968 A number of contracts to provide short break respite care in voluntary/private sector are in place. The last of these expires on 31 March 2010. Internal costs relate to meeting the statutory requirements to provide carers assessments and providing support, well-being and advice services to carers. Adults social care workforce DH AHCS To support the establishment of enhanced human resource management practice across the whole of the social care workforce, including ensuring appropriate levels of training and qualification in the whole of the social care workforce. This will include staff working in the private and voluntary sectors. The Human Resources Development Strategy (HRDS) grant should support workforce planning and the National Minimum Dataset. 205 873 144 1,222 External costs are quality payments to providers. Internal costs are largely staffing costs to provide training and assessments to carers and manage people training for qualifications. Mental Capacity Act and Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service DH AHCS The Mental Capacity Act 2005 became law on 1st April 2007. DH made resources available to enable Councils with Social Services Responsibilities (CSSRs) to: a) train staff across their Implementation Network to understand the implications of the Act and to act accordingly; b) commission an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service, and c) increase the staff time needed for assessments of capacity and best interests decisions. - 141 76 217 The internal staffing costs are for an IMCA Manager and for 2 fulltime equivalent IMCA's. These contracts are due to expire 31st March 2010. Mental Health DH AHCS To provide mental health services for adults of working age. Spending proposals are discussed with the Mental Health National Service Framework Local Implementation Network & agreed by key statutory partnership agencies. 1,145 - 44 Preserved Rights DH AHCS To provide financial assistance in discharging responsibilities for meeting the costs of residential care for people with preserved rights from prior to 2002/03. 2,572 - - 2,572 The money so used to fund the residential care of individual clients who have been in care since before 2002/03. Actual attrition rates have been less than the reduction in grant on an annual basis. The balance has to be funded from other mainstream resources. Supporting People Administration DH AHCS Contribution towards the costs of administering the Supporting People programme. - 323 - 323 Used for the administration of the supporting people grant. The supporting people grant itself will become part of Area Based Grant from 2009/10. Choice Advisors DCSF CYPF To help families optimise their choices about school places using all the information to hand, including over-subscription criteria, local knowledge of what individual schools have to offer, information about schools in different local authority areas, with additional advice covering local authority school-admission regimes and individual schools’ admission-criteria. - 25 10 Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls 2 1,189 The resources are used on a range of external contracts, most of which continue through to 2010/11. 35 The employment of a School Transfer Co-ordinator. The coordinator is on a full time fixed termed contract until 31/08/08. It is intended to extend this contract until April 2011. The balance of funding is used for running costs as well as information publications that the service requires. Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Purpose of the Grant External contracts £000 252 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 - Commentary on Commitments Total £000 252 The money is used to pay external SIPs, headteachers and inspectors who work with all schools on improvement matters. All SIPs have been employed on a three year term per school. Secondary SIPs are on year two, whilst primary SIPS are on year one. 105 This is the source of funding for implementing the Healthy Schools programme. The money covers staff costs and running costs as well as information publications and training to schools that the service requires in order to be effective. Schools Improvement Partners (SIP) DCSF CYPF To provide financial assistance to an authority to support its management of the SIP function. This includes contracting with SIPs; deploying them; developing SIPs professionally; and managing their performance. Education Health Partnership DCSF CYPF To support the maintenance and development of local healthy schools programmes in meeting the requirements of the National Healthy Schools Programme. - 81 24 Extended School Start-Up Costs DCSF CYPF Intended to support schools, by providing access to a core set of extended services, in raising standards of pupil motivation, aspiration, achievement and behaviour and contributing to a wide range of other Government targets including childcare, children’s services, community cohesion, neighbourhood renewal, adult learning, combating child poverty, health inequalities and crime reduction. - 446 590 1,036 The Children Act, 2004 places certain legal requirements on local authorities in order to ensure the delivery of extended services in or through schools. The external contracts are in the form of grants to organisations and to schools for a fixed three-year period. The internal staffing costs include temporary staff contracted until August 2011 plus permanent staff. The grant is to strategically support the delivery of extended services through: • Central staffing team • Grants to schools for the employment of cluster schools based staff (cluster co ordinators) • Grants to schools to support the development of partnership activities and access to services • Commissioning agencies and services Schools Intervention Grant DCSF CYPF To raise standards where a school has received a low OFSTED rating before the school requires special measures. - - 163 163 This grant provides financial support to successful schools so that they can share their practice with less successful schools. For example, the money has been used to pay Etone school for their support to Hartshill School. Sustainable Travel General Duty DCSF CYPF Assist fulfilling duties set out in Sustainable Schools Travel Strategy (SSTS). 42 - - 42 This grant is used by CYPF to commission services from E & E to fund the implementation of the Home to School Transport Plan. The money is used to develop and implement promotional campaigns and systems to support the strategy. Schools Development Grant DCSF CYPF Support improvements in teaching and learning in schools, leading to higher standards of attainment for every learner. - 748 265 Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls 3 1,013 Internal staffing costs include permanent posts in the ICT Development Service, a contribution towards teacher salaries in the Autism Team, a teachers salary in the Complex Needs Team and the training and development programme for teaching assistants and support staff. Approximately £80,000 is spent on the salary costs of Educational Development Service trainers. There are also costs for permanent staff within the Educational Development Service for administrative support for advanced skills teachers. For Learning and Behavioural Support Services (LABSS) costs are internal used for best practice learning support units, dyslexia strategy and LABSS SLA (one and a half days a week consultancy from LABSS leadership team. Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Purpose of the Grant External contracts Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) DH CYPF To enable Councils with Social Services Responsibilities (CSSRs) to carry forward their joint strategies with the NHS and other agencies to develop CAMHS under S.31 of the Local Government Act 2003 in accordance with local needs & priorities, as set out in local CAMHS Development Strategies. Up to 5% of the grant can be spent on capital projects including the development of IT infrastructure & investment in the built up environment. Children's Fund DCSF CYPF Launched in November 2000 as part of the government's commitment to tackle disadvantage among children and young people. The programme aims to identify at an early stage children and young people at risk of social exclusion, and make sure they receive the help and support they need to achieve their potential. 14-19 Flexible Funding Pot DCSF CYPF To promote co-ordination between school , colleges etc. to create greater options for pupils including non academic qualifications. Teenage Pregnancy (the team is now known as Respect Yourself) DCSF CYPF To support the implementation of local teenage pregnancy strategies & ensure that robust arrangements are in place for the co-ordination & delivery of agreed local action plan which underpin delivery of the 10 year National Pregnancy Strategy (launched in 1999). Includes allocation to fund teachers on a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) certification programme. Detrunking DfT E&E To provide support in recognition of local authority's responsibilities for the routine maintenance of roads that were previously the responsibility of the Highways Agency. Road Safety Grant DfT E&E Rural Bus Subsidy DfT E&E Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls £000 275 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 331 - Commentary on Commitments Total £000 606 Of the external payments £172,000 is committed for a minimum of 4 months and £103,000 for a minimum of 16 months. £205,000 is spent on internal services and these agreements come to an end within the next 16 months. £46,000 is spent on a Commissioning Manager. - 125 815 940 There are a number of commissioned services relating to 5 to 13 year olds. The contract for these services run to 31/03/08, but the Directorate would wish to continue to commission most of the services. The contracts are for Youth Inclusion work (YISP) which supports the early intervention programme for younger children, short breaks for disabled children, mental health support and other services. Notice can be given for any of these contracts at any time, however it is the Directorates view that it would be difficult to justify suddenly terminating these contracts. Internal staffing costs are for 4 posts plus a £10,000 contribution to support county parenting. 30 100 23 - 159 28 153 To ensure there is a local 14-19 delivery framework for collaboration between commissioners and providers of education e.g. timetabling, transport, Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and workforce development. 10% to 15% is used to support joint initiatives with partner agencies. 187 Most of the internal costs relate to staffing who deliver the Respect Yourself campaign. The cost of the service exceeds the grant and the County Council funds the remaining costs from it's own resources. 389 - - 389 This funding is part of the funding for Carillion Highway Maintenance Contract. When an A-road is detrunked, responsibility passes to the local authority. This funding is used to fund the maintenance of the detrunked road. to replace the funding provided for safety cameras via the netting off funding arrangement for the National Safety Camera Programme. 1,227 188 355 1,770 External payments are made to Warwickshire Police under an Service Level Agreement (SLA) for safety camera and other enforcement activities. There is a payment to Her Majesty's Courts Service under a SLA to enable them to collect fines or fixed penalties and endorse licences as part of safety camera operations. The costs are largely staffing costs for safety camera operations. On 6 December 2007 Cabinet resolved that Her Majesty's Court Service would be given a revenue allocation subject to the Road Safety Element of the Road Safety Grant of Area Based grant being made available in full for the County Council for road safety and safety camera work. Introduced in 1998/99. This revenue funding pays for new or enhanced rural bus services, their marketing and administration. 1,043 - - 1,043 The Subsidy funds 40% of financially supported bus services in Warwickshire. These are under contract for up to 4 years (although expiry dates differ between contracts) and are subject to a 4-month termination clause. 4 Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Extended Rights to Free Transport Purpose of the Grant External contracts £000 103 Local Authorities must provide transport where they consider it necessary to ensure that a child goes to school. Where this transport is needed it must be provided free of charge. The rights to this free transport have recently been extended. Existing County Council Grants Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls 8,754 5 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 64 - 3,807 3,065 Commentary on Commitments Total £000 167 Staffing costs associated with the need to assess applications for free transport against the introduction of these extended rights and changes to WCC Home to School transport policy concerning vacant seats. 15,626 Appendix A Warwickshire Area Based Grant Grant Issued WCC Lead by Purpose of the Grant External contracts £000 2008/09 Internal/ "Free" staffing costs £000 £000 Commentary on Commitments Total £000 "New" Grants Child Death Review Processes Children's social care workforce DH From April 2008 all Local Children Safeguarding Boards (LCSB) will be putting in place mechanisms to review child deaths. - - 47 CYPF To support the establishment of enhanced human resource management practice across the whole of the social care workforce, including ensuring appropriate levels of training and qualification in the whole of the social care workforce. This will include staff working in the private and voluntary sectors. The Human Resources Development Strategy grant should support workforce planning and the National Minimum Dataset. - 119 - 119 This is a mix of additional statutory training needs of NQ social workers as well as post qualification training awards and courses. 256 117 - 373 It is unclear whether the advocacy project is internal or external or when it finishes. - - 212 212 This is a mandatory service. Currently tenders are being sought to provide this service for three years, as the county council is not permitted to undertake this function internally. Total New Grants 256 236 259 751 Total 9,200 9,113 3,750 22,063 Learning and Disability Development Fund To support implementation of the agenda set out in the learning disability white paper "Valuing People". Until 2007/08 this has been allocated to PCTs for local Learning Disability Partnership Boards to determine its allocation. This service has previously been commissioned from the County Council, hence the on-going commitments. Local Involvement Networks To commission a public involvement in health scrutiny service. This service was previously commissioned by the Health Authority. Allocation summary listing updated v2.xls 6 47 The authority is planning to join a West Midlands Authority Consortium to provide this Statutory review service, with the aim to increase the effectiveness of the funds made available.
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