BRITISH ADULT CHAMPIONSHIPS AND OPEN COMPETITIONS 2015 12tthh -14tthh June 2015 Closing date 15tthh May 2014 at 5pm CHAMPIONSHIP and COMPETITION EVENTS FOR SINGLES, PAIRS, COUPLES DANCE, SOLO DANCE, EXHIBITION AND ARTISTIC FREE SKATING NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED BRITISH ADULT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 12TH to 14th June 2015 - Ice Sheffield CLOSING DATE 15th May 2015 at 5pm SUMMARY OF ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Skaters must meet the following requirements: 1. ELIGIBILITY NISA eligible (Full or Retained) members (Eligibility 4 form lodged with NISA for Retained Eligible .e.g. any skater Level 1 Assistants/trainee coaches or higher) 2. CITIZENSHIP OR RESIDENCY Skaters who are British citizens and entitled to hold a British passport OR Skaters who have legally resided in Great Britain or Northern Ireland for at least one year, but are citizens of another country. In the Pairs and Ice Dance events, one partner of the Pair or Dance couple must be a British citizen. The other partner of the Pair or Dance couple may be a citizen or resident of another country. 3 AGE For all events unless specified otherwise the following ages will apply: Young Adults Class I Class II Masters Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Must have reached the age of 21 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) All classes within an event will skate in the same competition with the overall podium positions and class podium poditions receiving awards. 4. Required Test Standard or IJS Score Competitors are required to hold either the minimum test standard (or equivalent) as stated in the individual categories or have obtained the minimum IJS (TSS) score stated in the individual categories within the previous 18 months of the closing date. The IJS scores must be achieved in the discipline entered and with comparable competition criteria, .pdfs and a functioning results website address will be required as proof of the score achieved. International competition scores fulfilling the preceding conditions are acceptable. In cases of doubt the Technical Directors decision will be final. APPLICATION TO COMPETE IN THE BRITISH ADULT CHAMPIONSHIPS All skaters will be required to submit a fully completed application form to compete in the British Adult Championships by the 15th May 2014 at 5pm. There will be no automatic entry for previous champions at the same level or Champions from the level immediately below. Participation in the British Adult Championships will not exclude skaters from entering other British Championships should they be eligible. Skaters in all events should refer to ISU Special Regulations and Technical Rules, Singles and Pair Skating and Ice Dance 2014 and all pertinent ISU Communications which are available at ISU rules will apply except as varied by the criteria below. 2 BRITISH ADULT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 PROGRAMME AND DANCE REQUIREMENTS SINGLES CHAMPIONSHIPS Categories: Masters, Gold, Silver, Bronze & Pre-Bronze S1(M) Adult Single Masters Masters (M) Must have reached the age of 21 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard Level 8 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Program score of 41.00 (Men) 33.00 (Ladies) within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. A competitor in the Masters Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that may contain: a) A maximum of seven (7) jump elements, one of which must be an Axel type jump. Single, double and triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single, double or triple jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of jumps of any number of revolutions that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will count. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.) Nonlisted jumps may be included in the program as part of the connecting footwork. b) A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: five (5) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, five (5) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot and five (5) for the spin combination with no change of foot and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted. c) A maximum of one (1) step sequence (StSq), fully utilizing the ice surface. d) A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. The Choreographic Step Sequence has to be performed later than the step sequence. Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Vocal Music may be used. Duration The maximum time is 3:10 secs, but may be less. Component Factor 1.6 3 S2(G) Adult Single Gold Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of Level 6 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Program score of 25.00 (Men) 20.00 (Ladies) within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. A competitor in the Adult Gold Free Skating event must perform a well balanced program that may contain: a) A maximum of six (6) jump elements, consisting of any Single, double (including a single axel) except double Flip, double Lutz and double Axel. No triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single or double jump with the exclusion of the jumps as above. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single and double jumps, excluding a double Flip, a double Lutz , a double Axel and all triple jumps, that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will count. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.) Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of the connecting footwork, preceding single or double jumps. b) A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination with a change of foot and one must be a flying spin. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: four (4) for the flying spin with no change of foot after landing, four (4) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot and four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted. c) A maximum of one (1) Choreographic Sequence (ChSq) covering the full ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Vocal Music may be used. Duration The maximum time is 2 min 40 sec., but may be les Component 1.6 Factor 4 S3(S) Adult Singles Silver Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of Level 4 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free program score of 17.00 (Men) 15.50 (Ladies) within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. A competitor in the Adult Silver Free Skating event must perform a well balanced program that may contain: a) A maximum of five (5) jump elements. A single Axel and all other single jumps are permitted. No double jumps or triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will count. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.) b) A maximum of three (3) spins of a different abbreviation, one of which must be a spin combination. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for a flying spin with no change of foot after landing, Three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot and four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot and eight (4 + 4) for the spin combination with change of foot or spin in one position with a change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted. c) A maximum of one (1) Choreographic Sequence (ChSq) covering at least half the ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Vocal Music may be used. Duration: The maximum time is 2 min 10 sec. but may be less Component Factor 1.6 5 S4(B) Adult Single Bronze Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of Level 2 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Program score of 9.50 (Men) 9.50 (Ladies) within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. A competitor in the Adult Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well balanced program that may contain: a) A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted. No axel type double jumps or triple jumps are permitted. Any jump can be repeated only once and this repetition must be done either in a jump combination or in a jump sequence. A jump combination may consist of the same or another single jump. There may be up to three jump combinations or jump sequences in the Free Program. One jump combination could consist of up to three (3) listed jumps, the other two up to two (2) listed jumps. A jump sequence may consist of any number of single jumps that may be linked by non-listed jumps like mazurkas, etc. and/or hops immediately following each other while maintaining the jump rhythm (knee); there can be no steps/ turns, crossovers or stroking during the sequence. However, only the two jumps with the highest value will count. Please note that a half-loop in combination or in a sequence with any other listed jump will be called as a listed jump (1 Lo.) b) A maximum of two (2) spins of a different abbreviation. The spins must have a required minimum number of revolutions: three (3) for the spin with only one position and no change of foot and four (4) for the spin combination with no change of foot and six (3 + 3) for the spin combination with change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted. Flying spins are not permitted. c) A maximum of one (1) Choreographic Sequence (ChSq) covering at least half the ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. Vocal Music may be used. Duration: The maximum time is 1 min 50 sec. but may be less Component Factor 1.6 6 S5(P) Adult Single Pre-Bronze Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of Level 1 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) score of 8.50 (Men) 6.50 (Ladies) within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. Skaters must not hold level 6 elements or free or equivalent A competitor in the Adult Pre-Bronze Free Skating event must perform a well-balanced program that must contain: a. A maximum of four (4) jump elements. Only single jumps are permitted, no Axel type jump, no double or triple jumps and no Lutz can be included. No jump combinations or sequences are allowed. No listed jump may be repeated more than once within a programme. Non-listed jumps may be included in the program as part of connecting footwork only. b. A maximum of two (2) basic position spin with NO change of position and NO change of foot. The spins must have a minimum of 3 revolutions. Flying spins are not permitted. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted. c. A maximum of one choreographic-step sequence (i.e., circular, straight line, serpentine) or choreographic-spiral sequence covering at least 50% of the usual pattern (e.g. half a serpentine, half of a straight line etc.) – that is covering ½ of the ice surface To be counted a spiral sequence must include at least two (2) spiral positions of not less than 3 secs each or one (1) spiral position not less than 6 secs. long. Only the first executed attempt of a choreographicstep sequence or choreographic-spiral sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional spiral sequences and step sequences will not be counted as a step sequence but will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such. Duration The maximum time is 1:40 sec., but may be less. Component 1.6 Factor 7 PAIR SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2 Categories: Advanced and General Where partners have ages that fall in two different Categories the younger category applies. P1(A) Advanced Pair Skating Advanced (A) Must be 21 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of Level 4 Elements or Free, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Program score of 20.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Pair events consist of Free Skating only. Each pair must consist of a man (the male skater) and a lady (the female skater). a) A maximum of three (3) different lifts, one of which may be a twist lift. b) A maximum of two (2) throw jumps (single or double); c) A maximum of one (1) solo jump. Single, double or triple jumps are permitted. Any triple jump or double axel cannot be repeated. d) A maximum of one (1) jump combination with a maximum of three listed jumps included or one (1) jump sequence (the two jumps with the highest value will count for points). Any triple jump or double Axel, already performed under paragraph c) cannot be included. e) A maximum of one (1) pair spin (pair spin or pair combination spin). The spin must have a required minimum number of revolutions: five (5) for the flying spin and five (5) for the spin with only one position and four (4) on each foot for the spin combination with change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted.n will not be counted. f) A maximum of one solo spin or solo spin combination. The spin must have a required minimum number of revolutions: five (5) for the flying spin and five (5) for the spin with only one position and four (4) on each foot for the spin combination with change of foot. There must be a minimum of two (2) revolutions in each position or the position will not be counted g) A maximum of one death spiral or pivot figure (position optional). At least ¾ revolution in pivot position by the man is required. h) A maximum of one step sequence (StSq) and a choreographic sequence (ChSq) that fully utilizes the ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE only. The choreographic step sequence (ChSq) must be performed after the step sequence (StSq). j) Only the first executed attempt of a step sequence or choreographic sequence will contribute to the technical score. Additional choreographic sequences and step sequences will not be counted in the technical score but will be counted as moves in the field (transitions) and marked as such. Vocal Music may be used. Duration The maximum time is 3:10 secs, but may be less. Component Factor 1.6 8 P2(G) Adult General Pair Skating Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 37 before 1 st July 2014 Must be 37 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Age1 (1) Age 2 (2) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 2 Elements or Free, or Level 2 FD or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Program score of 9.50 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Couples must perform a well-balanced program that demonstrates skating skills, timing and unison, and full use of the ice surface. There are no required elements, but couples may choose to include up to eight (8) elements selected from: a) A maximum of two (2) different lifts of Group 1 or Group 2 with a minimum ½ revolution for the man and 1 revolution for the lady. Variations of the lady’s position, no handed and one-handed lifts, and combination lifts are not permitted. Overhead lifts and twist lifts are not permitted. A different take-off counts as a different lift. b) A maximum of one (1) solo jump. Only single jumps are permitted. c) A maximum of one (1) jump combination with a maximum of three jumps included or one (1) jump sequence (the two jumps with the highest value will count for points). d) A maximum of one (1) throw jump (Only single jumps are permitted); e) A maximum of one (1) pair spin (pair spin or pair combination spin). The pair spin must have a required minimum number of: three (3) revolutions for a pair spin and six (6) for a pair combination spin. a minimum of three (3) revolutions on each foot. f) A maximum of one death spiral or pivot figure (position optional). At least a ¾ revolution in pivot position by the man is required. g) A maximum of one (1) choreographic sequence (ChSq) covering at least half of the ice surface. A Choreographic Sequence consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, transitional (unlisted) jumps, spinning movements etc. The Sequence commences with the first move and is concluded with the last move of the Skater. The pattern is not restricted. A Choreographic Sequence has a base value and will be evaluated by the judges in GOE. Additional step sequences will be counted as moves-in-the field (transitions) and marked as such. Vocal Music may be used Duration The maximum time is 2:50 sec, but may be less. Component 1.6 Factor 9 COUPLES DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Couples may enter only 1 category (ie Pre-Bronze, Bronze, Silver or Gold) within each segment of the Championship. (PD/FD) For example, a couple may choose to enter Bronze pattern dance and Pre Bronze free dance, etc. based on their ability, but may not enter both silver and gold pattern dance for example. Where partners have ages that fall in two different Categories the younger category applies PATTERN DANCE All pattern dances will be judged with Key points. In accordance with ISU Rules 707, 708, Rule 353, paragraph 1.n) and ISU Communication No.1857 and No.1860, official ISU Pattern Dance music will be used, except that couples shall provide their own music for the following Pattern Dances: Fourteen Step (Bronze), American Waltz (Silver), Westminster Waltz (Gold), and Westminster Waltz (Masters). The music must be chosen in accordance with the Rhythm of the Pattern Dance. The tempo throughout the required Sequences must be constant and in accordance with the required tempo of the Pattern Dance (see ISU Handbook Ice Dance 2003) plus or minus 2 beats per minute. The chosen music may be a tune from ISU Ice Dance music. In this case only tunes 1 to 5 can be chosen and the music must be recorded on the skaters’ own disc. A violation of tempo specifications will result in a 1.0 point deduction by the Referee. Vocal music is allowed. 5 Categories: Masters, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Pre-Bronze Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Masters Class CP1(M) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) Must have reached the age of 21 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) MASTERS Class CP1(G) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 8 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 25.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Westminster Waltz Tango Romantica Class CP2(G) (2 sequences) (2 sequences) GOLD Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 6 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 14.50 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Westminster Waltz Rhumba Class CP3(S) (2 sequences) (4 sequences) SILVER Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 4 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 11.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition American Waltz Paso Doble (2 sequences) (3 sequences) 10 Class CP4(B) BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 2 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 7.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition 14 Step Foxtrot Class CP5(P) (3 sequences) (2 sequences) PRE-BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 1 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 6.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Riverside Rhumba Fiesta Tango (2 sequences) (2 sequences) Factors for Pattern Dances will be as follows: Skating Skills Performance Interpretation Timing 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Adult Short Dance Gold (CSDG) Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 6 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 14.50 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition The composition of the Short dance for 2013/14 is as follows; Samba or Samba plus one or two of the following Latin American rhythms: Rhumba, Cha Cha, Mambo Merengue, Salsa. Required Pattern Dance Elements for the Adult Short dance: two (2) sequences of Silver Samba skated separately, step #1 of each sequence must be skated on a different side of the ice surface. The pattern dance elements must be skated on the Samba rhythm, in the style of the Samba. The tempo of the music throughout the pattern dance elements must be constant and in accordance with the tempo of the pattern dance Samba i.e. 54 measures of two beats or 108 beats per minute, plus or minus 2 beats per minute. a) One (1) short lift is required in addition, one (1) transitional dance lift (up to 6 seconds), but not more performed optionally after the required dance lift is permitted. b) One (1) Not Touching Midline Step Sequence or Not Touching Circular Step Sequence or Not Touching Diagonal Step Sequence. Notes for Not Touching Circular Step Sequence: in accordance with Rule 703, paragraph 4, this element must be performed in either the clockwise or anti-clockwise direction using the full width of the ice surface on the short axis of the rink. c) One (1) Set of Sequential Twizzles Elements should be integrated into the composition of the dance so the concept and choreography must produce the feeling of a unified dance. A dance spin is not a required element. Nevertheless a spinning movement skated by the couple together in any hold around a common axis on one foot (or two feet) with any number of rotations is permitted. A couple may choose to use this movement as part of their choreography. The Technical Panel will ignore these movements and the Judges will not consider these movements as one of the permitted stops. 11 Latin American Rhythms are described in the ISU Ice Dance Music Rhythms Booklet 1995, pages 13-20. (Note: Tango and Paso Doble, which are not included in the description are NOT allowed.) The description chart and diagrams of the quickstep are included in the ISU handbook Ice Dance 2003 The concept and choreography must produce the feeling of a unified dance. The pattern dance elements may be skated anywhere in the Short dance and should be integrated into the composition of the dance so there should not be the feeling that there are just rhythms put together without thought of how they fit together. Rule 708 paragrapgh 1 applies with the following alteration to the first sentence of sub-paragraph b) crossing the long axis in steps 16 – 23 of Pattern Dance elements Silver Samba is permitted. The following alteration to the first sentence of sub-paragraph d) also applies: Timing – the pattern dance elements must be skated in strict time to the music with the start of the first step of each pattern dance element Silver Samba on beat 1 of a four measure musical phrase. Rule 709 paragraph 1d) and h) apply with the following alteration: Crossing the long axis while performing the Not Touching Midline, Diagonal or Circular Step Sequence, or steps 16 -23 in Pattern Dance Element Samba. Performing the Non Touching Circular Step Sequence in the clockwise direction. Performing one loop within no more than 20 meters of the barrier and crossing the long axis to start the second Pattern Dance Element Silver Samba. Do not constitute violations of the provisions of this rule. Duration; maximum 2 minutes 50 seconds but may be less. Component Factor: 0.8 FREE DANCE 2 categories: General and Bronze Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) General Requirements for the Free Dance a) Free Dance is the skating by the Couple of a creative dance program blending with dance steps and movements expressing the character/rhythms(s) of the dance music chosen by the Couple. The Free Dance must contain combinations of new or known dance steps and movements including Required Elements composed into a well balanced, whole unit displaying excellent skating technique and the personal creativity of the Couple in concept, arrangement, and expression. The program including Required Elements must be skated in time and phase with the music. The Couple should skate primarily in time to the rhythmic beat, and not to the melody alone. The choreography should clearly reflect the dance character, accents and nuances of the chosen dance music, demonstrating a close relationship between partners with obvious, distinct changes of mood and pace with variations in speed and tempo. The program must utilize the whole ice surface. The Free Dance must not have the concept of a Pair or show program. b) The music for Free Dance may be vocal and must be suitable for Ice Dance as a sport discipline and must have the following characteristics: i) The music must have an audible rhythmic beat and melody, or audible rhythmic beat alone, but not melody alone, and may be vocal. The music may be without an audible rhythmic beat for up to 10 seconds at the beginning or end of the program and up to 10 seconds during the program. ii) The music must have at least one change of tempo and expression. This change may be gradual or immediate, but in either case it must be obvious. iii) All music including classical music must be cut/edited, orchestrated or arranged in a way that it creates an interesting, colourful, entertaining dance program with different dance moods or a building effect. 12 iv) The music must be suitable for the Couple's skating skills and technical ability. Free Dance music that does not adhere to these requirements will be penalized by a deduction (see Rule 353, paragraph 1.n) (ii)). d) All steps and turns are permitted. Deep edges and intricate footwork displaying skating skill, difficulty, variety and originality that constitute the distinct technical content of the dance must be included in the program and performed by both partners. In the interest of the public in the arena, programs should be choreographed to all sides of the arena and not only focused to Judges’ side. e) All elements and movements are permitted provided that they are appropriate to the character of the music and to the concept of a Well Balanced Program and are in accordance with the definitions in Rule 704. f) The number of separations to execute intricate footwork is not restricted. The distance between partners should not exceed two arms lengths. The duration of each such separation must not exceed 5 seconds. The separations at the beginning and/or end of the Free Dance may be up to 10 seconds in duration without restrictions on the distance of separation. g) All changes of hold are permitted. Many and varied holds increase the difficulty of the program and therefore, should be included. Skating face to face is considered to be more difficult than skating side by side, hand in hand, separately or one after the other. h) Full stops (up to 5 seconds), in which the Couple remains stationary on the ice while performing body movements, twisting, posing and the like are permitted. i) The program must be developed through skating quality rather than through non-skating actions such as sliding on one knee, or use of toe steps which should be used only to reflect the character of the dance and underlining rhythm and nuances of the chosen music. Touching the ice with the hand(s) is not permitted. Kneeling or sliding on two knees, or sitting on the ice is not allowed and it will be considered by the Technical Panel as a Fall. Costume LADIES Must wear a full skirt. Must not give the effect of excessive nudity – majority of upper body must be covered MEN Must wear full length trousers - No tights allowed. Costume must not be sleeveless The Costume should not hide the bodyline of either skater. Accessories and Props Accessories and props not permitted Costume decorations must be non-detachable No part of the costume should be used as any support in a lift Factors in the Free Dance The multiplying factors for the Program components for the Free Dance are: Skating Skills Transitions, Linking Footwork, Movements Performance, Execution Choreography, Composition Interpretation, Timing 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 13 FREE DANCE PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS Class CF1 General Free Dance Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 4 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Dance score of 15.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Free Dance In accordance with ISU Rule 710 and all pertinent ISU Communications. The requirements for a well-balanced program are: • A maximum of two (2) different dance lifts, 1 short lift with a maximum duration of 6 seconds and 1 long lift with a maximum duration of 12 seconds OR a maximum of three (3) different types of short lift. • A maximum of one (1) Diagonal Step Sequence in hold. • A maximum of one (1) set of Synchronized Twizzles with up to three (3) steps between. • A maximum of one (1) Dance Spin with optional positions. A simple spin with no change of foot consisting of at least three (3) revolutions for each partner or a Combination Spin with a change of foot consisting of at least three (3) rotations on each foot is permitted. Duration: max. 3 minutes and 10 seconds, but may be less Vocal music is permitted. Class CF2 Bronze Free Dance Free Dance In accordance with ISU Rule 710 and all pertinent ISU Communications. Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 2 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Dance score of 9.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition The requirements for a well-balanced program are: • A maximum of one (1) Short dance lift, with a maximum duration of 6 seconds • A maximum of one (1) Diagonal Step Sequence in hold. • A maximum of one (1) Dance Spin with optional positions. Either a simple spin with no change of foot consisting of at least three (3) revolutions for each partner or a Combination spin with a change of foot consisting of at least three (3) revolutions on each foot is permitted. Duration: max. 2 minutes but may be less Vocal music is permitted. The Multiplying Factors for the Free Dance will be as follows: Skating Skills Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movements Performance , Execution Choreography, Composition Interpretation/Timing 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 14 SOLO DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS PATTERN DANCE 4 Categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Pre-Bronze Skaters may enter only 1 category (ie Pre-Bronze, Bronze, Silver or Gold) within each segment of the Championship. They are however free to choose the level of each segment individually within the standards listed. For example, a couple may choose to enter 1 category of pattern dance and a different category in free dance, based on their ability. In case of ties in the Pattern Dance the TTES will decide the outcome. All pattern dances will judged with Key Points. Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Class SP1 (G) Must be 21 but not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) GOLD Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 6 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 12.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. Viennese Waltz Silver Samba Class SP2 (S) (3 sequences) (2 sequences) SILVER Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 4 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 9.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. Rocker Foxtrot Kilian (2 sequences) (4 sequences) Class SP3 (B) BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 2 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 7.00 within the previous 18 months in an Adult Open Competition. Riverside Rhumba European Waltz (2 sequences) (2 sequences) Class SP4 (PB) PRE BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 1 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS combined Pattern Dance (TSS) score (2 pattern dances) of 6.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition Skaters must not hold level 6 compulsory, variation, original or free dance. Ladies and Men will skate together Dutch Waltz (2 sequences) Fiesta Tango (2 sequences) 15 FREE DANCE Young Adults (Y) Class I (I) Class II (II) Must be 21 but must not have reached the age of 28 before 1st July 2014 Must be 28 but must not have reached the age of 47 before 1st July 2014 Must be 47 before 1st July 2014 (no upper age limit) General Requirements for the Free Dance As per couples (see above) replacing the words “couple” ,“partner”, “both partners” with “skater” or “the skater” or similar as appropriate and deleting clauses (f) & (g). Costume LADIES Must wear a full skirt. Must not give the effect of excessive nudity – majority of upper body must be covered MEN Must wear full length trousers - No tights allowed. Costume must not be sleeveless. The Costumes should not hide the bodyline of either skater. Accessories and Props Accessories and props not permitted Costume decorations must be non-detachable Factors in the Free Dance The multiplying factors for the Program components for the Free Dance are: Skating Skills Transitions, Linking Footwork, Movements Performance, Execution Choreography, Composition Interpretation, Timing 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 FREE DANCE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4 categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Pre Bronze) Class SFD1 (G) GOLD Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 6 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Dance score of 19.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. 1. Maximum of 1 Combined Pose and 2 single poses. The single poses must be of different types and not the same poses used in the combined pose. (see separate sheet for details of pose / attitude) 2. Maximum of 2 step sequences of a different pattern and covering full ice surface 3. Maximum of 2 dance spins Must have a minimum of 3 revs or 3 revs on each foot if a spin combination is performed If 2 basic position spins are skated (camel sit upright) then the spins must show different basic positions 4. 1x set of sequential twizzles with no more than 3 steps between the twizzles Minimum 1x clockwise and 1x anti-clockwise Minimum 1 revolution in each twizzle 16 Additional sets of twizzles are permitted, but only the 1st attempted set (outwith the step sequence) will be marked. Others will be considered within the choreography mark. Duration: max. 3 minutes and 10 seconds, but may be less Class SFD2(S) SILVER Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 4 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Dance score of 15.00 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. 1. Maximum 1x combination pose and 1 single pose (see separate sheet for details of pose / attitude) 2. Maximum 1x circular or serpentine step sequence utilizing the full ice surface 3. Maximum 1x dance spin combination Must have a minimum of 3 revolutions on each foot 4. Ix set sequential twizzles with no more than 3 steps between the twizzles. Minimum 1x clockwise and 1x anti-clockwise Minimum 1 rotation in each twizzles Additional sets of twizzles are permitted, but only the 1st attempted set (outwith the step sequence) will be marked. Others will be considered within the choreography mark Duration: max. 1 minute and 40 seconds, but may be less Class SFD3(B) BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 2 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) score of 13.00 in the previous 18 months in an Adult Open Competition. 1. Maximum 1x combination pose (see separate sheet for details of pose / attitude) 2. Maximum 1x circular step sequence utilising the full ice surface 3. Maximum 1x dance spin with a minimum of 3 revolutions Combination spins are not permitted 4. 1x set sequential twizzles with no more than 3 steps between the twizzles Minimum 1x clockwise and 1x anti-clockwise Minimum 1 rotation in each twizzle Additional sets of twizzles are permitted, but only the 1st attempted set (outwith the step sequence) will be marked. Others will be considered within the choreography mark Duration: max. 1 minute and 40 seconds, but may be less Class SFD4(PB) PRE BRONZE Competitors must hold a Minimum Test Standard of either Level 1 Pattern Dance or Free Dance, or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Dance score of 7.50 within the previous 18 months of the closing date in an Adult Open Competition. Skaters must not hold level 5 compulsory, variation, original or free dance 17 1. Maximum 2 x pose (see separate sheet for details of pose / attitude) 2. Maximum 1x midline step sequence. 3. Maximum 1x dance spin with a minimum of 3 revolutions Combination spins are not permitted 4. 1x set of sequential twizzles with no more than 3 steps between the twizzles Minimum 1x clockwise and 1x anti-clockwise Minimum 1 rotation in each twizzle Additional sets of twizzles are permitted, but only the 1st attempted set (outwith the step sequence) will be marked. Others will be considered within the choreography mark. Duration: max. 1 minute and 40 seconds, but may be less DEFINITION OF POSE & ATTITUDE POSE A position or stance held for a minimum of 3 seconds (except attitude with change of edge). Types of pose are as follows: ATTITUDE – A position or stance on 1 leg during which the skater moves either forwards or backwards or on a curve with the supporting leg extended or slightly bent, the free leg raised higher than the level of the hip and In front, behind or on the side and Bent or extended and Free or held (by knee or blade) and Stationary or moving, i.e. Biellmann SPIRAL – Type of attitude where the free leg is raised behind, above horizontal level, without assistance from a hand or an arm while in the same position throughout its duration. CROUCHING POSE – A movement on 2 feet during which a skater moves on the ice with both legs bent more than 90° INA BAUER – A movement on 2 feet during which a skater moves on the ice with 1 foot on a forward edge and the other on the same backward edge, on different but parallel curves. LUNGE/DRAG – A movement during which the skater moves on the ice with the skating knee bent more than 90° with the other leg extended behind and touching the ice. TEA POT/SHOOT THE DUCK – A movement on 1 foot where the skater moves on the ice with the skating knee bent to 90° and the thigh parallel to the ice, with the other leg extending forwards either parallel to the ice or pulled towards the core with the head and body bent to meet the knee. SPREAD EAGLE – A movement on 2 feet on an edge during which a skater moves on the ice with 1 foot on a forward edge and the other on the same backward edge, on the same curve. COMBINATION POSE - A position or stance composing of 2 different types of poses combined and each held for a minimum of 3 seconds. A maximum of 1 linking step is allowed between the 2 types of poses. 18 NON CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS Artistic Free Skating Competition There will be one (1) “Artistic Free Skating Event” for Ladies and one “Artistic Free Skating Event” for Men at both Silver (and above) and Bronze (and below) Standards. Competitors should select the category most suitable to their own skating ability. Ladies. Silver and above, Bronze and below, Duration: code AFLS code AFLB Men. Silver and above, code AFMS Bronze and below, code AFMB The maximum time is 1 minute and 40 seconds but may be less. Vocal music is permitted. The artistic event will be judged only on the basis of Programme Components: • Skating skills • Transitions • Performance/Execution • Choreography/Composition • Interpretation/Timing There will be no technical panel and no technical mark given. (See ISU Special Regulations and Technical Rules 2014, Singles & Pair Skating, Rule 504, paragraph 3 for a detailed description of Program Components.) The artistic program consists of a variety of skating moves selected for their value in enhancing the skater’s interpretation of the music rather than for their technical difficulty. Skaters will be judged on their ability to interpret the music and develop a theme by using their skating skills. The artistic free skate is a competitive program which must include elements of the sport of figure skating. At least one (1) but a maximum of two (2) single jumps and at least one (1) but a maximum of two (2) spins MUST be included. No axel type jump or double jumps are allowed. No combination jumps are allowed. Credit for jumps and spins is based solely on the ability of such movements to enhance the chosen theme and support the music. Credit will not be given for their technical difficulty. The program must be developed through skating skills and quality rather than through non-skating actions such as sliding on one knee or excessive use of toe steps which should be used only to reflect the character of the program and to underline the rhythm and nuances of the chosen music. The skater must not remain in one place for more than five (5) seconds. Any element exceeding the maximum number as set forth above will be judged as an illegal element ( 1.0 deduction); if there is no jump or no spin element included or only a jump and no spin or vice versa a deduction for a “missing element” of 1.0 will be made. The Referee is responsible for such deductions. Costumes should be simple, tasteful and selected to enhance the performance by appropriately reflecting the character of the music and theme. Props may not be used in any part of the artistic programs. Any item that is held in the hand or removed during the performance is considered a prop. Thus, for example, a hat worn throughout the program is not considered to be a prop, but if it is intentionally removed during the performance it is considered a prop. Objects on the ice, thrown in the audience, placed on the boards or on the judges table are not permitted. Costumes that contain particles that may mark or leave anything on the ice surface (feathers, boas, excessive beading) are considered unsafe and are not permitted. The Referee is responsible for prop deductions. Illegal elements: - Somersault type jumps - lying on the ice and prolonged and / or stationary position - kneeling on both knees on the ice 19 EXHIBITION COMPETITION Class EX1(G) GENERAL The purpose of this event is ENTERTAINMENT. There is only one category. Ladies and Men will therefore skate in the same category. This will consist of a programme of 2 minutes 05 secs max but may be less. (Preferred programme length is 2 mins) Requirements: A well balanced programme concentrating on musical interpretation. Any props must be small and hand held. THIS CLASS WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ISU RULES AND WILL BE JUDGED UNDER THE 6.0 SYSTEM EXHIBITION SKATING JUDGING. The exhibition program consists of a variety of skating moves selected for their value in enhancing the skater’s interpretation of the music. Skaters will be judged on their ability to entertain through the use of music, choreography and costume. Judge 1 Precision & Difficulty Difficulty of the steps and other skating movements involved, including steps, jumps, and spins, and how well they are performed. Additional marks for double or other complex jump sequences will not be given unless they greatly enhance the performance. Judge 2 Costume & Design Suitability of the costume in relation to the music and illustration of the theme (if any), continuity and linking of sections within the performance. Judge 3 Choreography & Presentation The interpretation of the music into skating movement, the interpretation of the rhythm and the balance of movements, steps, jumps and spins. Judge 4 Music Suitability of the music used in relation to the performance and the composition of the performance in relation to the harmony of the music. Judge 5 Innovation & Entertainment Originality of performance, general entertainment value, appeal of the performance. DEDUCTIONS For infringements to the regulations a deduction of 0.2 will be deducted by each of the judges for each offence. A time deduction of 0.1 will be made by each judge for each 10 seconds over the allowed time The Results will be calculated using the same method of calculation as specified in the current ISU Regulations with the following additional regulation being used in the event of a tie In the event of a Tie, the Precision & Difficulty Judge's place will be ignored. If this still results in a tie, the total from the other judges will be calculated and the highest points will take the place. In the event of this being the same, the places will be tied. Vocal music is allowed. Only C.D’s and Mini–discs are acceptable. 20
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