Travail pour le cours „Automation industrielle“ - People

« Industrial Automation » course
Dr. Yvonne-Anne Pignolet
Dr. Jean-Charles Tournier
Project for the course “Industrial Automation” 2015
Building Automation
During the energy crisis of the 1970’s the building industry started to pay more attention to the idea of
conserving energy and introduced the terms Building Management System (BMS) and Building Automation
System (BAS). Continuing rising energy prices and carbon reduction issues have also further spurred the
development and deployment of BMS in recent years.
For this homework, you will consider yourself as a system integrator biding for the project
described hereafter. You will have to propose the entire control and supervision system from
the sensors and actuators to the SCADA through the communication infrastructure. The
project consists of three 14-storey buildings each with four underground floors, covering an
area of nearly one hundred thousand square meters and containing three distinct sectors shopping mall, hotel guest room floors and office floors. In order to provide optimal energy
management, the new control system you will be proposing needs to be capable of
monitoring and controlling a variety of facilities, including air conditioning, electrical
distribution, plumbing system, fire system, ventilation, elevator, lighting, garden watering and
access control. Meanwhile, the client requires to use one system with an adequate number of
nodes in a main control room to manage the three different places, but each place had to
have their own dedicated system and can be controlled independently without mutual
interference. Additionally, the new system needs to offer remote control capabilities so that
building managers or patrol staff can view the status of various facilities in real-time and deal
with issues using handheld or mobile devices.
Considering the system and requirements presented previously, you will have to perform the following
1. Define the overall system architecture including the communication infrastructure. Pay attention to the
bandwidth and real-time requirements as well as the different levels of availabilities required by the systems
(e.g. fire system has a higher availability requirement than monitoring the current energy consumption) and
explain how they have been taken into account.
2. Selection of sensors, actuators and acquisition devices for the different domains needed to be monitored
and controlled. Motivate your choice for the different sensors and make a cost estimate. For each sensor
and actuator, list which properties will be available to the operators and why.
3. Using Tango (, prototype synoptic views for at least three different systems
according to the recommendations presented during the class (c.f. SCADA and User Interface class).
Explain which recommendations have been followed and why. Also, the synoptic shall be animated through
Tango device servers simulating the behavior of real devices.
4. Based on the properties acquired by the sensors identified previously, propose an alarm management
philosophy (e.g. which category of properties will generate alarms, alarm priority definition, alarms
reduction, etc.) and explain how it will be applied for the different sub-systems and to the system globally.
The approach can be based on: Additionally, a wireframe of the user interfaces presenting the alarms
shall be provided (alarm list, geographical representation, temporal representation, etc.).
5. Perform a security analysis of the system from a physical and cyber point of view. Consider the full system
from the sensor level to the supervision level including the remote access from mobile devices.
6. Estimation of cost for integration and development to turn all the components into one system.
The project shall be executed by team of up to five students, which will be formed as soon as possible. During
the second part of the semester, some time will be dedicated during the classes for the team to work on the
project and interact directly with the instructor to refine the requirements and make the necessary assumptions.
The following deadlines are set for the execution of the project:
1. March 24th, 2015: all teams are formed. Send an email to both instructors with the names and email
addresses of all team members.
2. March 31st, 2015: each team shall choose their project topic (building automation or data center).
Communicate to both instructors by email the choice made by the team.
3. April 21st, 2015: each team shall have their architecture defined (hardware, communication, software).
A 3 slides presentation shall be sent to both instructors by email containing the architecture envisioned
and the team organization.
4. May 19th, 2015: each team shall send the report of the project in PDF (2 page summary of project bid
for customer, 2 page summary of the respective results per team member, additional pages at the
discretion of the team) and all relevant source code to both instructors. The project report shall address
all the requirements presented previously and clearly mention the contribution of each team member.
5. May 26th, 2015: each team will make a 15 minutes presentation of their work. First, one team member
will give an overview of their solution and a summary of the estimated cost and their findings.
Subsequently each team member can present their contribution.