2015 MDGA Show Rules - Land Of Oz Dairy Goat Show

Land of Oz Mini-Dairy Goat Show
May 28 -31, 2015
Show Rules
This show is sanctioned by the Miniature
Dairy Goat Association (MDGA) and its rules
shall govern.
Show Dates:
May 28th, May 29th, and May 30th
JUDGES: Celeste Eastwood, Kassandra Abrams, and Don
The order of the show is not subject to
change, as to MDGA rules.
Sanctioned Breeds:
Mini-Alpine, Mini-LaMancha, Mini-Nubian, AOM
The base date is May 28, 2015 for age to determine the animal’s class.
Health Regulations:
All animals will be checked for contagious disease (sore mouth, pink-eye, ring worm, open abscess,
etc.) by the show committee or a veterinarian. Any herds exhibiting signs will not be allowed to show.
The decision of the show committee is final. ALL GOATS MUST BE DEHORNED OR NATURALLY
CERTIFICATE and be checked in by the show committee. Please have a copy available for the Show
Secretary at check-in.
Registrations and Certificates
1. For animals to be accepted for an MDGA show, they must have either an official registration
certificate or a registrar-issued confirmation email with a registration number assigned for each
animal being considered for registration. Late MDGA registration applications must be submitted to
the registrar a minimum of two weeks prior to a show. For those needing a rush and/or overnight
service, there will be a $30 fee for members and a $50 fee for non-members.
2. To compete in an MDGA sanctioned experimental show, a miniature dairy goat is not required to
be registered with MDGA, but may be registered with another official miniature dairy goat registry. If
such an animal is awarded Grand Champion of their breed, the owner will have two weeks from the
show date to register the goat with MDGA to receive the winning leg; otherwise, the leg will be
awarded to the Reserve Champion as long as it is registered with MDGA.
Land of Oz Mini-Dairy Goat Show
May 28 -31, 2015
3. All MDGA recorded grade animals are eligible to be shown in sanctioned experimental shows
and are also eligible to receive Champion or Reserve Champion wins. To be shown, registered or
recorded grade animals whose certificates were issued by a registry other than MDGA must meet the
MDGA standards for registration/recordation. Should they win, the same animals must be recorded
with MDGA within two weeks to receive their Official Champion win.
4. For all entries in a sanctioned show, the registration certificates, or an email from the registrar
showing an application for registration has been submitted to the registry, must be presented to the
show secretary or appointed trustee at the time of check in.
5. All animals must be tattooed or micro-chipped prior to arrival at the show. (No tattoos or microchips should be applied at the show.) Owners of animals with microchips must have a microchip
reader available at the show. However the micro-chip is not consider a legal form of identification for
the goats and must be accompanied by a legal tattoo.
Animals with horns or scurs over two inches are not acceptable for showing.
7. In an MDGA sanctioned American or Purebred show/shows, all entries MUST be registered as
an American or Purebred with MDGA prior to the show.
Champion Challenge:
There will be Champion Challenge classes in all sanctioned breeds for all three shows. The entry fee
will be the same as other classes. MDGA rules will apply to all Champion Challenge entries.
Before show all herd books must be at the show table, to eliminate the wait for the papers.
Show Ring Etiquette:
No pre-show milk-outs are required. Over-uddered does may be discriminated against by the judges.
If you need to relieve your doe of excess milk, please do so into a pail and not on the ground. If your
doe leaks milk onto the concrete, please clean up after her. Please be considerate of other exhibitors
and their animals. Do not leave animals for extended periods of time in pens that have no bedding in
them. A group of pens closest to the show rings will be available to temporarily hold does of the
breeds that are being shown in the rings at that time. If you put an animal into an un-bedded pen you
will need to clean it up, or add it to your pen count, which is double the cost of a bedded stall as to the
Kansas State Fair-ground charges. We ask that all exhibitors leave their cell phones at their stalls.
There will be no cell phone use in the ring at any time.
Show Schedule and Check-In Times:
- Animals Exhibiting in Show A will need to be checked in by 4:00 on Thursday the 28th. Show will
begin at 5:00 p.m.
- The animals competing in Show B will need to be checked in by 12:00 p.m. on Friday the 29th. Show
will start at 1:00 p.m.
-Animals exhibiting in Show C will need to be checked in by 1:00 and show will start at 2:00 or 30
minutes after the conclusion of the ADGA senior doe show. But not before 2:00.
Land of Oz Mini-Dairy Goat Show
May 28 -31, 2015
Any exhibitor that has completed exhibiting animals for the entire weekend may check out with a
member of the show committee at the conclusion of the show or shows that they are exhibiting in. All
stalls, entry fees, and bedding fees need to be paid for, before the exhibitor shows.
Exhibitors do not have to clean their stalls. The fairgrounds will clean them for us. Please make sure
that you clean up all trash in your pen areas and throw it away. There is no smoking or the use of
alcohol on the State Fairgrounds. If you use a stall for milking or grooming please clean it up, as we
are charged extra if there is no bedding in the stall.
Show Fees:
Pre-entries are required and need to be in by May 15, 2015. Late entries will be accepted, but will be
charged an additional flat rate of $10 per herd plus the set entry fee. Substitutions will be allowed
within the breed in the same show only, and will be subject to the individual entry fee, as the animal
did not participate in all four rings.
Entry Fees are as follows:
$12 per animal for anyone over 21 years of age entering all three shows.
$8 per animal for anyone under 21 years of age entering in all three shows, with the goat registered in
the youth’s name. If the youth only shows that animal in the youth picks and chooses rings, than a $5
entry fee will be required for the youth also.
If picking and choosing individual rings the ring fees are $5 per animal. If you do not show that animal
in all three rings you will be charged the $5 per class fee.
Pen Fees:
Pen fees are $6.50 per pen and pens will be assigned by the show committee. Straw can be
purchased at the Fairgrounds for $3.50 per bale, and $6.00 for woodchips. (Prices on all hay is
subject to change and shall be the current fee that the State Fairgrounds is charging.) All stalls have
to be properly bedded. Please add tack stalls, milk stalls, etc. to your pen count. If you use it you will
have to pay for it. Mini Herds will be stalled in the East half of the barn.
Camper Fees:
Electric hook-ups are available at the following costs: electric-only $20 per night, and full camper $30
per night. We do need to know if you need a camper hook-up by May 15, 2015. All paid camping will
be issued a slip from the show to place on the cord of the camper. Any camper without this tag will be
unplugged by the state fair grounds keepers. And you will be charged for the use of the electricity.
All Best of Breed winners must be present for the Best Doe in Show class.
The Land Of Oz Show Committee and the Kansas State Fairgrounds will not be responsible for loss,
damages, or accidents to any person or property. Any person or family not exhibiting proper behavior
as judge by the show committee will be required to leave the fairgrounds and will not be permitted to
return for the remainder of the show and shall forfeit any drawing or raffle prizes won.
Parents/Guardians or an adult must be willing to take responsibility for child/children under age 18.
Show entry indicates acceptance of all conditions in this form. Show committee has final
Dogs will not be permitted in the barns or in or around the show ring area.
Land of Oz Mini-Dairy Goat Show
May 28 -31, 2015
Make checks payable to Land of Oz Dairy Goat Show.
Mail to Show Secretary:
Linda Powell
9555 North Dewey RD.
Kalvesta, Kansas 67835
Online through Paypal to: landofozdairyshow@yahoo.com
Pictures are required for all class winners in all breeds in all shows. By entering you are
accepting the responsibility of making your animals available at the photo booth for pictures.
The following will be the abbreviations used for the breeds, and will be used along with the
different class numbers.
• MA—Mini-Alpine
• ML—Mini-LaMancha
• MN—Mini-Nubian
• MO—Mini-Oberhasli
• MS—Mini-Saanen
• MT—Mini-Toggenburg
• ND—Nigerian Dwarf
Doe Show Classes:
Class 1 --- Junior doelings--born in April to show day
Class 2 --- Intermediate doelings --born in March
Class 3 --- Senior doelings—January, February
Class 4 --- Junior dry yearlings—under 1 year thru December of previous year
Class 5 --- Dry Yearlings--12 to 24 months old and have never freshened
Class 6--- Senior does under 2 years old and has freshened
Class 7--- Senior does 2 years and under 3 years old
Class 8 --- Senior does 3 years and under 4 years old
Class 9--- Senior does 4 years and under 5 years old
Class 10 --- Senior does 5 years and over
Awards--Grand Champion and Reserve Champion
Class 11 – Champion Challenge – Any Grand Champion Senior doe competes against the
champion of the day for Best of Breed
Awards--Best Doe in Show—All Best of Breed Champions must be represented.
Best Udder in Show—All Best Udder of Breeds must be represented.
We also ask that every exhibitor bring an item to for on the raffle table. There are a lot of really
cool items that were donated by our cooperate sponsors. So plan accordingly.
Land of Oz Mini-Dairy Goat Show
May 28 -31, 2015