JUNE 2015 - The Parish of Langley Marish

JUNE 2015
Christ the Worker Church
1965- 2015
50th Anniversary
A FREE magazine published by the Langley
Churches for the people of Langley
Editorial & Article Submission
Bill Birmingham — 01753 548646
Tony Randall - randall-online@tiscali.co.uk
Announcements, Advertisements
Richard Shircore —07943 404388
Front Cover illustration
Michael Day 01753 512519
Copy Deadline
3rd Monday of the previous month
Page 2
Lobbying Your MP!
Now that the excitement of the elections has died down, it is time for us – and
our government – to get on with the business of ordinary life again. But that
doesn’t mean we just let Westminster carry on in its own sweet way till next time
round; we must continue to call our leaders to account on the issues that matter
to us.
We might also think that, with a Labour MP for Slough under a Conservative
government, there is no way to bring influence to bear, but that is not at all the
case. For example, the Climate Coalition (www.theclimatecoalition.org) is keen to
lobby all MPs to ensure that action on measures to mitigate Climate Change is
taken urgently by this Parliament.
Last October, St. Mary's Church in Langley responded to an initiative of Christian
Aid to invite our MP, Rt Hon Fiona Mactaggart [yes, she is ‘right’ honourable now,
having been appointed Privy Councillor in March] to address us on the way she is
pressing for action on climate issues. Fiona made it clear that she is not a believer
herself, but that she values the contribution that faith communities make to the
common good; they are people, she says, ‘who are concerned about something
more than Me and Shopping’. On her visit to St. Mary's Fiona told us that our
questioning her on this particular issue had forced her to look into Climate Change
in more detail, and made her more determined to ensure that action is taken –
that’s what you call a successful bit of lobbying!
Our next opportunity for making our voices heard on this issue will
be at a mass lobby of Parliament on Wednesday 17th June, when I,
for one, hope to meet my MP and make my views known. Find out
more here http://fortheloveof.org.uk/on-the-day/.
Whatever issues are close to your heart, don’t just complain that nothing is being
done about them – find a way to take action!
Rev Robin Grayson
PS Not only can we lobby our MP on issues of national and international concern, but
we have the opportunity to lobby our local councillors (see below) on issues relevant to
our community here in Langley. You can find their details on the Slough Borough
Council website at www.slough.gov.uk/moderngov/mgCommitteeMailingList.aspx?ID=0.
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News from Around Langley
Kedermister Ward
The 2015 Election
The General Election took place on Thursday
7th May.
 Preston Brooker
The votes cast for each of the Candidates for
the Slough Constituency and their party
affiliations were as follows:
 Mandeep Kaur Rana
 Michael John Holledge
Langley St Mary’s Ward
 Diana Coad
23, 421
Diana Coad
 Wal Chahal
Julian Edmonds
 Rajinder Singh Sandhu
There were also elections for a councillor for
three of Langley’s four wards: Kedermister,
Langley St Mary’s and Upton, but this year
there was no election for a Councillor for
Foxborough Ward. The successful candidates
for the three Langley wards were:
Langley St
Kaur Rana
 Ted Plenty
 Rayman Bains
For those Langley residents who live north of
the canal in the Beaconsfield constituency,
Dominic Grieve (Conservative) was reelected as their MP.
Malcolm James Bradford was elected to
South Bucks District Council as councillor for
Wexham and Fulmer Ward, which includes
the Orchards and Middle Green
Melvin Pearce was elected to Wexham Parish
Council without opposition as representative
for the Orchards ward. Malcolm James
Bradford, Ian Skeldon, Ann Snowden and
Geoffrey Spring were elected to the Parish
Council for the George Green and Middle
Green Ward.
Carnival 2015
This means that the Councillors for the four
Langley wards for 2015/16 are:
Foxborough Ward
 Amarpreet Singh Dhaliwal
Upton Ward
Accordingly Fiona Mactaggart was reelected as Slough’s MP.
 Frank Abe
Langley Carnival will
be held on Saturday
11th July 2015 at
Ground from 12.00 noon to 5.00 pm
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This is a great opportunity for local groups to
raise money for themselves and for the
community to come together.
We raise money for local groups by hiring out
stalls and selling raffle tickets.
These shows, consistent with the
Commission’s earlier analysis, that EU limits
may be exceeded at a small number of
monitoring sites as a result of each of the
proposals for expansion at Heathrow. The
extent of excess pollution is different for the
two schemes. (Gatwick did not exceed the EU
The 2015 beneficiaries are 1st Langley Scouts,
St Peters Church, Chalvey, and the Animal
Sanctuary at Dorney so as to enable them to
help disabled visitors with grooming the
horses, etc.
There are arena events throughout the
afternoon. We are hoping this year to have
line dancers , SWIPE, a band, a rugby demo
and U9's football and a sea cadets display.
If you would like to book a stall (£15 for non
commercial, £25 for commercial stalls), please
contact the chairman, of the Carnival
Committee, Elizabeth Barnett on 01753
539024 for more details. Come and join in the
Airports Commission consults on
Air Quality Assessment
Between 8th May and 29th May the Airports
Commission undertook a supplementary
consultation about air quality around the
three shortlisted options (the two at
Heathrow and the Gatwick option).
Earlier consultations materials included
information on the air quality impacts of the
three shortlisted options, generated through
calculations of mass emissions due to
unmitigated airport expansion. This enabled
an assessment of the risk of breaching
national emissions ceilings, EU limit values
and local air quality objectives.
The results for the two Heathrow schemes as
against EU limits is set out Heathrow
Northwest Runway and for Heathrow
Extended Northern Runway may be found at
-heathrow-north-west-final.pdf and https://
The Commission invited comments by 29th
May on this further evidence, which will be
relevant to its assessment of air quality
impacts for each scheme and the consequent
economic case.
Network Rail decision on
restoring Springate Field still
NetworkRail has taken very limited action to
restore Springate Field to the state it was in
before they took over part of it in connection
with work on St Mary’s Road railway bridge.
However we have not so far heard how they
propose to implement the undertaking that
they gave to make provision to compensate
users of Springate Field for the loss of amenity
during their construction work.
We trust that it won’t be too long before they
inform us about what they propose and then
speedily implement it.
Langley Neighbourhood
Forum AGM and
L a n g l e y
General Meeting takes
place on Tuesday 23rd June, followed by a
public forum. Members of the Forum, who
have paid the £1 membership fee are invited
to propose nominations for officers and
committee members in advance of the AGM
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by sending details to the Secretary at
Do you have a comment to make about
Wexham Park Hospital or a question that you
would like to raise?
A representative of Frimley Health NHS
Foundation Trust has been invited to speak at
the Forum immediately after the AGM about
developments at Wexham Park Hospital since
Frimley took on responsibility for Wexham
Park and Heatherwood Hospitals.
Langley Neighbourhood Forum would
welcome suggestions as to how we all, as
members of the Langley community, can
improve the quality of life ourselves and our
neighbours. The forum would also welcome
suggestions about topics of interest to the
people of Langley which may be a subject for
a future Forum meeting.
Langley Neighbourhood
Forum’s “Litter Pick”
Walking around Langley you can see all sorts
of rubbish, such as drink cans, cigarette butts
and paper bags, dropped alongside roads and
footpaths. Langley Neighbourhood Forum is
organising a “Litter Pick” on Saturday 6th June
2015. Everyone is welcome to join in, whether
or not they are members of the Forum.
Depending on the number of people willing to
come and pick up litter, it is suggested that
litter picking should start at 10.00 am in the
Memorial Park and cover areas such as
Harrow Market and the Green Drive Pathway.
Slough Borough Council will provide litter
pickers, bags, gloves, etc. for collecting the
litter and will arrange for picking up the full
If you want to help, please contact
langleyforum@gmail.com or simply come
along and help.
You can also help by not dropping rubbish, but
instead taking it home and leaving it in your
wheelie bin.
Slough Foodbank has moved
In our April edition of Around Langley we
reported that Slough Foodbank was having to
move and that for the time being they were
asking for monetary donations instead of
donations of food.
They have now moved to new premises and
again welcome donations of food. They
particularly need the following items: long life
fruit juice, small jars of coffee, small (500g)
bags of sugar, tinned fruit, sponge puddings,
tinned rice pudding, ready made custard and
shaving foam and razors.
You can make donations at any Langley
Church, at the Co-op Funeral Care on Parlaunt
Road or on Tuesdays at the Meadow Road
Community Centre.
Events to Support
Slough Foodbank
You can also support Slough
Foodbank by being sponsored in
a fund raising event.
On Sunday 21st June they
encourage you to participate in the Marathon
Walk Windsor along the tow path from
Windsor to Bourne End and back. You can
walk for 10 km, or 21 km to Bourne End or
42km to Bourne End and back to Windsor.
The walk is not organised by Slough
Foodbank but you could help raise funds by
getting sponsorship on their behalf and
complete the organised walk along the River
Thames, having breaks for coffee and even
lunch. For details see www.justwalk.co.uk
or contact the event coordinator, Ashok
Bhardwaj at ashok@bhardwaj.co.uk
Alternatively you can participate on Sunday
28th June as one of a group of 16 paddlers in
the 2015 Staines-upon-Thames Dragon Boat
Challenge. For details see http://
Page 6
Slough Foodbank seeks volunteers to hand
out Foodbank Shopping Lists at their TESCO
collection on 2nd, 3rd & 4th July at Tesco on
Wellington Street. If you can do so, please
Finally on Monday 6th July Slough Foodbank
is organising the Absolutely Ten Pin Bowling
Slough Foodbank. Challenge!! It will take
place at Absolutely Bowling in Salt Hill Park.
Come either as a team of 6 to 10 people or
come along with a friend to make up a team
so that you can win the Slough Foodbank
Trophy. The cost of three games is £10 per
person. Please let the Foodbank know in
advance at office@slough.foodbank.org.uk.
to secure your place in a team or to let them
know the name of your team
have not visited it, do come along to see
Langley’s historical heritage.
Music Matters 2 - Your Chance to
A second Music Matters 2 event is set for
Saturday 18th July at Langley Hall Primary
Academy starting at 7.30pm. This is an all
age, all ability event for budding musicians
and older hands. We cover rock and roll, folk,
and classical. If you want to perform we want
to hear from you.
This event is for any closet musician or singer
and would like to:
Join in with others but never get the chance t0
showcase some of your own material but
never get the chance.
Open Days at St Mary’s and the
Kedermister Library
A jam session at last year’s event
Simon Jenkins in his book England’s Thousand
Best Churches describes St Mary’s Church as
“The Jewel of Slough”. Professor Nikolaus
Pevsner described St Mary’s as “One of the
most rewarding churches in Buckinghamshire,
a great surprise in the immediate
neighbourhood of Slough.” (He wrote this
while Slough was still in Bucks.
St Mary’s Church and the Kedermister Library
are open between 2.30 and 5.00 pm on
Sunday 7th June and then on each first
Sunday in the month until September. If you
A sort of “Musical Workshop meets an Open
Mike” event. Want to join in or know more –
contact Richard Shircore on 07943 404 388.
Dog fouling project - Langley
Memorial, Springate Field and
Maplin Park
Slough Borough Council have told us that bag
dispensers (containing plastic bags for dog
waste) are going to be installed in Langley
Memorial Park, Springate Field and Maplin
Park by the end of May. There will be 3
dispenser units in each of these parks. Amey
(the contractor who will be installing the bins)
will position them on the main entry/exit
Page 7
points in each of these parks. The units will
initially be stocked up with yellow bags
which The Dogs Trust have kindly provided.
Once the units are installed there should be
no excuse for owners not picking up their
dog’s waste.
Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Black
If you go down to Black Park on 26th June be
sure of a great surprise. Black Park is holding
a Teddy Bears’ picnic from 11.00 am to 12.30
pm with stories, fun and games for toddlers
and teddies. Remember to bring your picnic
and your teddy bear. The cost is £3 per child.
Advance booking is required at
www.buckscc.gov.uk/events/country-parkevents/black-park. Please meet at the
Visitor Information Point.
Slough Refugee Support seeks
Father’s Day
Bushcraft at
Black Park
Slough Refugee Support are looking to
recruit volunteers. There are plenty of
volunteering opportunities. Whatever your
skills, they invite you to join their friendly
team of staff and volunteers.
On Father’s Day (21st
June) you can learn and
try your hand at
fire-lighting, shelter building and campfire
cooking at Black Park between either 10.30
am and 12.30 pm or 1.30 and 3.30 pm
They would welcome:
Immigration Advisers
Crèche helpers
Administration support
Job club support
Website and social media support
Years On: Remembrance
Sunday 8th
Through volunteering with SRS you will:
be able to access relevant training, including
OISC (Office of the Immigration Services
Commissioner) Level One certification for
Immigration Advisers learn about
 issues relating to refugee and asylum
 work as part of a friendly, welcoming
 meet new members of your local
Volunteers are provided with induction,
supervision and support. Travel expenses (to
an agreed limit) will be reimbursed. Please
contact Rose on 01753 537142 or
Sunday marks the
70th anniversary of
end of the WWll.
Plans are being
make this a memorial event. As with last
year local schools will be invited to
How else should the event be marked? If
readers have any ideas as to how this
important anniversary ought to be
remembered the planning group would like
to hear from you. Call Richard Shircore on
07943 404 388 with your ideas.
Page 8
Adult Social Care and Support
If you need support to take care of yourself or keep in touch with others because
you are getting older or you have a disability or ongoing health condition Slough
Borough Council’s Adult Social Care may be able to help.
They offer a range of information, advice and support to help you to::
be as independent as you can be
stay living in your own home for as long as possible
stay involved in social activities and
live your life the way you want.
Some of the services they offer are free and available to all Slough adults, other services have specific eligibility criteria and people may be asked to contribute towards
the cost - how much you pay depends on your financial situation.
The statutory services are for adults (18 years and over) who live within the borough
of Slough who are dependent on others for care and/or support because of their
age, a disability or ongoing health problems.
They also support carers who look after a dependent adult.
How do I contact Adult Social Care Services?
Older people and adults with physical disabilities, sensory needs, learning disabilities or ongoing health conditions - and carers of adults with any of these conditions
- should call the Adult Social Care on 01753 475111.
Health Promotion
Happy to Sponsor Around Langley
Where Health Promotion Gets to Work & Making Better Communities
Page 9
Regular Weekly Service Times
St Mary’s (St Mary’s Road)
8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer).
Third Sunday
9.30 am Family Worship
11.00 am Family Communion (& Sunday Club for children)
6.30 pm Evening Prayer (Usually a said service)
Holy Family (Roman Catholic) (Trelawney Avenue)
9.30 am 11.15 am & 6.30 pm Mass
Monday & Tues
9.30 am Mass
Wed - Fri
9.30 am Service of Word and Communion
9.30am Mass
5.30 pm Mass
Langley Free Church (Baptist) (Trelawney Ave)
10.30 am Morning Worship. (Family Service on 1st Sunday of
St Francis of Assisi (London Road)
9.30 am Holy Communion (Except 4th Sunday of the month).
Fourth Sunday
11.00 am All Age Worship
10.00 am Holy Communion
Christ the Worker (Parlaunt Road)
1st & 3rd Sunday
2 ,4 &5
11.00 am Morning Worship
9.30 am Holy Communion
Page 10
Regular Church Activities
St Mary’s
11.00 am Sunday Club and Crèche in St Mary’s Centre
9.30 am Jellibeans - Parents and Toddlers Group
2.00 pm Toddlers’ Service
3rd Monday
2.00 pm Mothers’ Union
4th Friday
7.45 pm SMS club for school year 4 and above
House Groups
Sunday & Wednesday evening & Tuesday afternoon
Holy Family Catholic Church
9.30 am Parent & Toddler Group
Alternate Thursdays
2.00 pm Union of Catholic Mothers
Holy Family Parish Club
Langley Free Church (Baptist)
11.15 am Sunday School ages 3 – 11
6.30 pm Boys Brigade for ages 8-11
7.30 pm Youth Club
9.00 am Toddler Group
2.00 pm Oasis – fellowship time with various speakers
10.00 am Bible Study
3.15 pm J Team – ages 4 - 11
7.45 pm Bible Study
3 Saturday
2.00 pm Craft Afternoon
St Francis of Assisi
9.45 am Mums and Tots (subject to waiting list. Call 01753 557150)
3rd Thursday
1.30 pm “Refresh” for a chat, talk cakes and songs
Christ the Worker
First Monday
1.00 pm Prayer Lunch
Alternate Tuesdays
2.00 pm Needles & a Yarn
Page 11
Spiritual Insights
What’s In the Bible?
Have you wondered why Christians regard
the Bible as the most important of books and
what’s in it? If so, this is a brief, fairly
simplified explanation which we hope you
find interesting and useful.
It begins way back in history in the Middle
East. The first part of the Bible, the Old
Testament, is a collection of books which
form the Hebrew (Jewish) Bible, with 3
sections: the Law, the Prophets and the
Writings. The Christian Bible rearranges their
order into 4 groups: the Law, History, Poetic
and Prophetic books – 39 in total. Some
Bibles include a few extra books known as
the Apocrypha.
The Old Testament begins with an account
of creation – well two slightly different ones
actually – and traces the path of a people
who believed that God had chosen them to
show his love and justice toward humankind.
The first 5 books have been known as the
books of Moses who plays a major part in
leading the Jewish people from slavery in
Egypt, through the desert before they find
their home in Israel.
After the Jewish people took up residence in
Israel their history follows a very chequered
path, accounts of which are written by
different scribes. Prophets emerge who
challenge the people about their life style
and disregard for God indicating retribution
that will result from continued disregard.
At the centre of the Old Testament are the
Psalms, 150 separate songs or poems. They
cover the whole range of human emotion
and feelings. Christians and Jews have found
them a profound and honest way of
expressing themselves in circumstances from
grief and despair to the height of elation.
Four centuries elapsed between the Events
of the Old Testament and the second part of
the Bible, the New Testament, consisting of
4 gospel (good news) accounts of the life of
Jesus, the book of Acts about the early
church, 19 letters written to early Christian
churches and individuals and the book of
Four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John give accounts of Jesus’ life, death
by crucifixion and resurrection. In Acts, Luke
continues from Jesus’ ascension to heaven to
activities of his early followers including Paul,
whose radical conversion Luke describes.
Paul goes on to write possibly 13 of the
letters in the New Testament.
Christians believe the Bible to be inspired by
God and, though written many years ago, to
be a means of developing and supporting a
spiritual and fulfilling God-driven life to the
benefit of themselves and those around
them. Why not pick up a modern translation
of say Mark’s gospel and give it a read? We
would be pleased to hear your experience.
Tony Randall
50th Anniversary Service
7th June 2015
Christ the Worker Church members will
celebrate their 50th year of worship within
the community on Sunday 7th June at 11.00
am. Bishop Alan (the Bishop of Buckingham)
and past Vicars, district churchwardens and
former members of the congregation who
have moved away will join with members of
the congregation to celebrate 50 years of
worship at Christ the Worker. You will be
welcome to come and join the celebration.
Page 12
First Communion at
Holy Family
hair with curls and flowers. We all got changed
and finally to church.
The weekend of 9th and
10th May was a very
special weekend for 69
Family Parish as it was
the weekend during which they made their
First Communion at Holy Family Church.
Some of the children whose First
Communion it was have written about
what the day meant to them.
Congratulations to all the Children!
Evangeline Haymonds wrote about her
special day:
“I made my first Holy Communion in Holy
Family Catholic Church, Langley on Sunday
10th May 2015. My friends and I are in year 3
at Holy Family Catholic School and we did
lots of preparation for our First Holy
Communion. I felt like I had butterflies in my
tummy, but when I came into the church I felt
much better because I was with all of my
friends. Father Kevin gave me the body of
Christ and he said “The Body of Christ” and I
answered back “Amen”. Then I went to
Ronnie and received the blood of Christ. She
said“The blood of Christ” and I answered
“Amen”. Afterwards I celebrated together
with my family. I will remember this day for
the rest of my life.”
Alfie Bowers told us
I was super excited. It seemed to take forever
to get to the church. I felt special being able to
take the bread and wine. Having a party with
all my friends and family was awesome, it was
like a second birthday”.
Anne-Marie Prest enjoyed her day and
clearly felt like a princess: A lovely morning it
was when I opened my eyes to see my
beautiful dress hanging on the wardrobe door.
It had flowers on the top half and on the
bottom there were my dress. I went to the
kitchen to have a splendid breakfast waiting
for me! Mummy did my nails then Mags did my
St Mary’s Church Patronal Festival
St Mary’s Church Patronal Festival is on
Sunday 5th July. There will be a celebration
service at 11.00 am and a concert with wine
and cheese at 6.00 pm. There is no charge,
but a donation is welcome.
Magna Carta Tea at St Francis
Come along to St Francis Church on Saturday
13th June to have tea and cake on the church
lawn (or indoors if wet or preferred). St
Francis congregation
are using the date as a
celebration of the
800th Anniversary of
Magna Carta being
sealed just down the
road at Runnymede.
Picnic in the Park
St Mary’s crèche and Sunday Club are
holding a picnic in Langley Park on Sunday
14th June. At 4 to 6pm All are welcome for
picnic tea and games. Contact details from
Robin Grayson on he day 07801 280475
Advance Notice Holiday at Home 2015
This year’s Holiday at Home for the over-60s
will take place at St Francis Church on 4th to
6th August. There will be the usual crafts,
jig saws tea, coffee and lunch and the
Wednesday trip out. Further details next
Langley Community
Coffee Shop
Langley Community Coffee shop
meets at Langley Library every Tuesday
morning between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon.
Why not come along, make new friends or
volunteer your help? All are welcome.
Page 13
Windsor Theatre and to the seaside. So, if
you are a VIP, please come along!
Sunday Services at 10.30 am in
May at Langley Free Church
Sunday 7th June All Age Service – in the
steps of St Mark
Sunday 14th June
John Sturgeon
Peter Willetts (ROPE)
Rev David Clarkson
Sunday 21 June
Sunday 28 June
Sunday 5 July
4.00 – 6.00 pm Messy Church
OASIS at Langley Free Church
on Wednesday afternoons at
2.00 pm
3rd June Speaker:
Rev Nick Lowe
When she retired In 1994 Ruby wondered
whether it would be possible to run a club for
blind and VIP people. She approached the
Berkshire Blind Association, who told her that
with 12 members she could start one. So with
the Association’s support the club was
started. It now has 42 members, with 14
volunteers to help. Langley Blind Club is now
one of 13 Blind Clubs throughout Berkshire.
10 June Tea & Sharing
18thJune Speaker:
David Tester
(Missionary Aviation Fellowship)
25th June Speaker:
1 July
Langley Blind Club was started on 13th April
1994 by a VIP (a very important person), Ruby
Trotter. Ruby, who is a member of St Mary’s
congregation and acted as Churchwarden
there for 7 years, worked as a hairdresser and
later in catering. When Ruby was young, she
trained to become an Olympic diver and took
part in a number of competitions, but she had
to give up her ambition following a lung
operation. Later she joined the WJAC
(Women’s Junior Air Corps) which enabled
her to fly from White Waltham Aerodrome.
She volunteered to work for the guides and
scouts and rose to become a District
Commissioner for Langley. Later she worked
as a volunteer for Age Concern.
Jim Mitchell
Peter Wade
Saturday afternoon Craft &
Hobby Group at Langley Free
The craft and hobby group will meet on
Saturdays 20th June and 18th July
From 2: 00 to 5.00 pm.
Bring along something you like doing and
enjoy the tea, cake and chat. Or just come for
the tea and chat. A donation of £1 towards
costs would be appreciated.
A VIP leads Langley VIPs
Are You a VIP - one of Langley’s visually
impaired or blind persons? If so Langley Blind
Club welcomes you. It meets on the 2nd
Monday of each month at the Guides’ Hall in
Kedermister Park on Reddington Drive. There
are tea and cakes, quizzes, bingo, a raffle,
music and talks. Outings are arranged to
The Club gets no financial support from
Slough Borough Council, but Ruby is grateful
for support from the Inner Wheel.
The Blind Club
has a good
Talking Books
t a l k i n g
newspaper is
delivered to
every week. Members are able to play blind
Among Ruby’s other activities was for 8 years
sending clothes to Kenya, where she was able
to visit Mombasa to see where they were put
to good use.
Page 14
For her work for the Blind Club Ruby was
proud to have been awarded the Queen’s
Award for Voluntary Service, which was
presented by the Chief Executive of the
Berkshire Blind Association.
Ruby is the Blind Club’s VIP, but not just as a
very important person, as she has now herself
become a VIP (visually impaired person) and
now qualifies to be a member of the
organisation which she herself set up and has
run for over 20 years.
Refresh at St Francis Church
Refresh meets at St Francis Church every 3rd
Thursday of the month between 1.30 and 3.00
pm for tea, cakes and a chat with an
interesting speaker. The June meeting will be
on 18th June. Everyone is welcome.
Street Angels are a group of volunteers from
Slough’s Christian community, who spend
Friday nights in the town centre, offering
practical help and support to people who find
themselves in a vulnerable position.They are
out from 9.30pm to 3.30am, and normally in
groups of 3 or 4, caring for the people of
Slough, late at night.
In order to provide this service to Slough, they
are a small charity run entirely by volunteers
with trustees from several Slough churches.
They currently have 35 trained angels, as well
as volunteers to help with several other
administrative roles.
They are looking to expand the team.
Could you be a Street Angel?
Could you be a Street Angel? Slough Street
Angels are looking for adult volunteers to join
them in showing love and care to the
community of Slough. They believe a Christian
preseence in late-night Slough is a force for
good. So they ask, Would you like to be part of
it?Street Angels are a group of volunteers
from Slough’s Christian community, who
spend Friday nights in the town centre,
offering practical help and support to people
who findthemselves in a vulnerable position.
Slough Street Angels receive a full
programme of training on a variety of issues,
from listening skills to drug awareness. This
training is carried out regularly –contact
Slough Street Angels at
sloughstreetangels@gmail.com. if you
would like to find out more, or feel that you
have expertise in a suitable area.
Sunday 5th July
4 – 6 pm
WHERE Langley Free Church
100 Trelawney Avenue
Fun crafts, story, celebration and light meal
Everyone invited – young and old and everything in between!
Come as friends, families or partners or on your own.
All are welcome. If you are a child, please bring an adult.
Page 15
Dee S.
B.Sc (Hons) M.SSCh. MBChA Dip.
Pod.med. DipCry
Monika Khanna
162 Langley Rd
01753 541057
Newburn, Grange Wood,
Telephone: 01753 552725
Page 16
Sweet News
P lus S iz e C lo th in g
Cheviot Road, Langley
Confectionary and Sundries
Newspapers and Periodicals Delivered
Mr. Raj Patel
01753 799022
A McCalden Piano
Tuning Service
Sparkle Window Cleaning
Sizes 16-32
Call Dan
170 Humber Way, Langley
Tel: 07426 555249
Tel: 01753 547920
Local Gardening Service
Qualified & experienced gardener seeks new
clients. Reasonable rates & senior citizen
discounts. References available.
Call Graham on 07766 451067
Putting services &
customers together
We are launching a new announcements section so spread your
news of your big life events and we will publish your engagements,
births marriages etc!
Get in touch with Richard on 07943 404388 or
Page 17
PROBUS Club of
Langley & Iver
A Club for retired
PROfessional & BUSiness
Ladies & Gentlemen
Luncheons are normally held on the last Tuesday of each month at
Richings Park Sports Club, usually followed by a speaker on a variety of subjects
Annual Membership £10
Lunch £11
Very reasonable licensed bar
Secretary: Adrian Siddall
Tel: 01753 653571
President: John Rees
Tel: 01753 772800
Page 18
Parish Directory
St Mary’s Church
Open Tuesdays from 7.00 – 7.45 pm for enquiries about baptisms, weddings, etc.
Rev Robin Grayson: 01753 542068 r.j.grayson@btinternet.com
Hall Lettings: Mr Graham Jones 07802 784024 st.marys.church.centre@gmail.com
St Francis Church
Rev Bruce Russell 01753 557150 revbrussell@gmail.com
Hall Hire: Mrs Joy Raynor 01753 676011 joyraynor@aol.com
Licensed Lay Minister: Mr Bill Birmingham 01753 548646 billbirmingham@gmail.com
Christ the Worker Church
Rev Colin Hartley 01753 596722 rev.hartley@btinternet.com
Hall Hire: Ashleigh 01753-596981 after 6pm
Parish Administrator: Mrs Dalletta Reed 01753 541042 langleymarish@gmail.com
Holy Family Catholic Church
Canon Kevin O’Driscoll 01753 543770 holyfamilylangley@yahoo.co.uk
Parish Worker: Mr Kieran McKeown 01753 595611 kieranmckeown50@yahoo.co.uk
Hall Hire: Mr Kieran McKeown (as above)
Holy Family Parish Club: Mrs. Moira Dawkins dawkins60@msn.com
Langley Free Church
Rev David Clarkson 01753 593459 david.clarkson8@outlook.com
Hall Hire: 01753 540771 bookings@langleyfree.org.uk
Would you like to sponsor or support Around Langley? If so, you may
like to give £5 a year towards the costs of the magazine. To do so
please give a donation at one of the sponsoring churches.
Page 19
Call now to book your FREE TRIAL
NOW OPEN at Langley Academy
Ages 3 to 18
Contact Vicky on: 01753 373401 or langley@makebelievegroup.co.uk
Sibling discounts available
All staff are fully DBS checked and highly qualified
ART classes
Langley Community Hall
Meadow Way, SL3 7QA
Children’s Class:
Sundays 9-10am (from 1st Apr)
Adult Class:
Saturdays 9-10am
Langley Pavilion
Langley Road, SL3 8BS
Children’s Classes:
Tuesdays 5-6pm Ages 5-10
Fridays 5-6pm Ages 10+
All classes £8/hr with weekly prepayment
For more information:
Marinela 07501 644537 /info@artclassesgroup.com
www.artclasses group.com
Page 20