PEARLY PENILE PAPULES REMOVAL How To Remove pearly penile papules in the privacy of your own home What Are Pearly Penile Papules and How Can They Be Treated You have probably heard about pearly penile papules but did not know exactly what this means. Plus you never thought it would happen to you. But now you are looking at your penis and see some small bumps having the color of your skin or maybe a little more discolored and wonder what that may be. Your doctor or your best friend told you they are called pearly penile papules, but you still do not have enough information to understand what this condition is after all. Read on and find out more about it. Well, first of all it has to be mentioned that pearly penile papules are a skin condition. This means that affects only the skin and it is under no circumstances a disease. Moreover, you should stop worrying about having a STD as this is not the case with pearly penile papules. These bumps have developed on your skin without any further help from external factors. You may have probably been surprised when your doctor told you that the exact cause of this skin condition has not been yet found out, but this is the plain true. Even though it is known for sure that it is not a STD or a contagious disease of any kind, there is still no sure knowledge about the factors which can produce this condition. Just like almost any other skin condition, the pearly penile papules can disappear in time. This means that once you age, the number of small bumps decreases significantly and you may be totally healed. Also, there will be periods of time when you may have lesser bumps on your penis and times when their number will increase considerably, so you will have to learn how to cope with these fluctuations. One of the important things you have to know about this condition is that it cannot be treated with medicine. The only treatment which can be done in order to get rid of the small papules which For More Advice Click: Page 1 have invaded your privacy, you can only undergo laser treatment, which will eliminate the bumps. Yet, this is a costly, most of the times painful treatment, which may have serious side effects. So, if you do not want to risk, you should start learning how to live with this condition. Which are the Main Problems Caused by Pearly Penile Papules? For any men, having to deal with a genital problem is quite a delicate issue, as most of the times men find it hard to talk about their problems. Pearly penile papules is one of those conditions which may make even older men blush with same and discomfort. This is mainly why they are searching for information about this condition, as well as about any other genital disease on the internet. If you have reached this article because you wanted to know more about his condition, here are the main things you should know about the effects caused by pearly penile papules. First of all, you have to know that they only appear on the head of your penis. This means that there are no risks of having this condition spread all over your genital area or worse on your entire body. In fact, the place where the bumps appeared for the first time is also the place where they are going to stay. So, you will not have to worry further about this problem. Next on the list of worries men usually have when they first find out that they suffer from pearly penile papules is that this condition is going to affect their sexual performances. This is also an unfounded worry, as the pearly penile papules are only affecting the skin and not the other parts of your penis, thus there is no chance of influencing your sexual performances in any way. However, when your penis is constricted, you will feel discomfort and even pain, which may affect you psychologically. Stop thinking about that and try to ignore the feeling and you will see how in time the discomfort will lower down and you will no longer be affected by those little bumps. In addition to that, they are also going to diminish and even disappear in time, so that you will not have to cope with this condition all your life. In addition to the physical problems, which as you could see are minim, the pearly penile papules are also capable of influencing the self-esteem and selfconfidence of the man who has to deal with them. Thus, in addition to a treatment which may make the papules disappear, some patients may also need psychological treatment to overcome their low self-confidence and state of isolation which often results during the time the individual deals with this condition. For More Advice Click: Page 2 Common Home Made Remedies for Pearly Penile Papules When it comes to treating pearly penile papules many people find it very difficult to reach one of the medical treatments. This is mainly because they are highly expensive and not many people can afford spending large amounts of money on surgery and recovery. In addition to that, these procedures have been reported as being quite risky, which make the men suffering from pearly penile papules think twice before going for one of the available surgeries. This is why, along the time, many homemade, natural treatments have been experienced, so that a cheaper and less risky way of curing pearly penile papules would be found. Some of the methods which have been tried proved to be very less effective, while some did not have any effect at all. Yet, there have also been methods which not only proved to be effective, but they were also considered to be much better than the medical treatment. Most of those who have tried the tea tree oil treatment reported significant diminish of the number of the papules from their penises. In addition to the clearing of the skin, they have also noticed that there were no side effects and the skin remained soft after the papules were removed. As the method was quite simple to put in practice (it requires the application of tea tree oil on the affected area with a cotton swab for three or four times per day), many men decided this was indeed a great solution to their problem. Another highly successful method is that which uses castor oil. The method of applying the castor oil is similar to the tea tree oil, the only two differences being that you have to cover the area with a bandage after applying the castor oil and in case of the castor oil you can use a large amount of oil, while in the case of the tea tree oil it is recommended to use only a small quantity of substance. Even though there have been reported great results, these methods have also some disadvantages. Probably the most important one is that you will have to be patient as the results will not be seen in a day or two but rather in a matter of weeks or even months. If you are not extremely patient and diligent, you may find this an obstacle which cannot be surpassed. For More Advice Click: Page 3 Pros and Cons of CO2 Laser Treatment for Pearly Penile Papules Pearly penile papules are small bumps of flesh, which appear on the head of the penis. The only medical solution to this skin condition is laser treatment. There are many types of lasers and technologies which can be used, the most popular of them being the CO2 laser treatment. This treatment involves using the laser on the affected area and dissolving the bumps. However, before undergoing this procedure it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. If you still do not know too much about this laser treatment, here are some information which may help you make up your mind. First, you have to know that the surgery is performed under local numbness. The substance which is used for numbing the area is called Lidocaine. If you have had no contact before this surgery with this type of substance, you should ask the doctor to apply some Lidocaine on your hand or other less sensitive part of your body, so that you can be sure you will not develop any allergy to the anesthetic. Another very important thing which must be known beforehand is the fact that, even though you will not feel any kind of pain during the surgery, once the effects of Lidocaine will fade away, the pain will set in. Swallowing and scabbed skin may be the results of the surgery, so that the period after the surgery will be quite a difficult one. The recovery can take a week or even a month, depending on the way in which your body reacts to the operation. Thus, you must be sure that you are able to cope with this thing and that you can deal with the pain that follows the procedure. In addition to that, side effects may appear, which may be permanent. Last, but not least, you should take into consideration the financial aspect. The procedure itself is quite expensive and in addition to that, you will also have to purchase special medication for the post-surgery treatment. Thus, other sums of money must be added. It is a great financial effort which has to be made and you must be sure that you have enough money to purchase everything you need before and after the surgery. The decision which you have to make is quite difficult. However, before deciding to go for the procedure or live without it, you should discuss with your doctor and see what the chances are that this procedure will be successful for you. For More Advice Click: Page 4 Tea Tree Oil Method for Treating Pearly Penile Papules Tea tree oil method is one of the most used homemade treatments for curing pearly penile papules. The numerous advantages it displays as well as the fact that it is highly effective make of this treatment one of the patients’ favorite ways of getting rid of that ugly bumps which are troubling them so much. For this method, the patient will only need a pack of cotton swabs and a small bottle of tea tree oil, both of which can be found in your local store. In order for the method to be highly effective, you will firstly need to clean the area thoroughly, so that there will be no other substance on the skin which can affect the tea tree oil’s action. After that, you will have to put a small amount of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and gently apply it on the affected area. Do not use a larger quantity of tea tree oil than it is necessary. Not only will the area be extremely oily afterwards, but the effects will not be better either. This procedure should be repeated at least three times per day. You can apply it in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, so that the amount of time which passes from one application to another will be equal and the tea tree oil will have enough time to activate all its curative properties. It may take some days, up to a week until you start seeing the first results, however you should be perseverant and keep on following the treatment as this is the only way through which the treatment will become effective. In addition to that, think about the fact that this method has no side effects, so that nothing will happen to you during or after the procedure. There will be no recovery period and you will not have to spend a fortune on the treatment. Thus, this is a quite convenient method, which will make you forget about all the pain, discomfort and worrying which come with the pearly penile papules. Also, you will be making this treatment in the safety of your home, without anyone to stare at the bumps from your penis and without the need to get undressed in front of strangers. The Castor Oil Method for Treating Pearly Penile Papules If you have woke up one morning with some very ugly bumps on the head of your penis, which not only are extremely anesthetic, but they also cause you discomfort when your penis constricted, then you probably suffer from pearly penile papules. This is a skin condition which affects male population and which even though it is not very painful, is a condition with which you can hardly leave. For More Advice Click: Page 5 If you go to a doctor you will probably find out that the only medical remedy for this condition is surgery. You will also be told that the recovery period is quite painful and if the condition is severe you will have to undergo more than one session in order to completely get rid of this condition. This can be quite discouraging for many men, but it is definitely not a situation in which you should despair as there are still other treatments with good results which can be done in order to get rid of the pearly penile papules. One of the most used methods for making the pearly penile papules disappear is the castor oil treatment. This method involves the application of castor oil onto the affected area about three or four times per day for a period longer than a week. In general, the time after which the first signs are visible varies according to the type of skin you have and the severity of the condition which must be treated. In order for the castor oil to be more effective you will have to wash the affected area with some antibacterial soap and warm water. Then make sure that the surface of the skin is completely dry before applying the oil. Another secret which can influence the action of the castor oil is the amount of substance you should apply on the papules. If you want to have great results you should not be stingy with the amount of castor oil you apply on the affected area. The more oil you apply, the greater the chances of making the papules disappear faster. So, if for various reasons you are not convinced to undergo surgery, you should try the castor oil treatment. It had worked for many people and it may be the solution you are looking for. What Is a Hyfrecator and How Can It Treat Pearly Penile Papules If you suffer from pearly penile papules you certainly know how hard it is to cope with them each and every day, to wake up in the morning hoping that they were gone and discover that they are still there and to pray that your partner does not notice them. Also, you know that remedies for this type of skin condition are quite a few and some of them have dangerous side effects, which may worsen your condition instead of improving it. One of the means of treatment which seem to have positive effects in the treatment of pearly penile papules is the Hyfrecator. The Hyfrecator is a device which uses low powered alternative current electrical pulse in order to treat several skin conditions among which pearly penile papules. The For More Advice Click: Page 6 electrode from the end of the Hyfrecator’s arm is directed to the area to be treated and a lower or bigger power is applied on the bumps. There are different types of equipment which with the treatment can be made, so the way in which the procedure may differ slightly from one device to another and from one medical office to another. There are two ways in which you can do the treatment. You can either choose to remove all the bumps at once, method which yet will not guarantee you that all the papules will be indeed removed, or you can choose to remove them in more sessions. This latter alternative should be used if there is a greater number of bumps to be removed. This way you will be sure that all those ugly bumps will be removed and your penis will look and feel normal again. Even though the possibility of having your penis the way it used to be before the apparition of pearly penile papules after just few sessions with the Hyfrecator may be tempting, you should consider the risks to which you are exposing yourself before actually undergoing the procedure. The skin from the penis is quite sensitive and several side effects have been reported after undergoing this type of surgery procedures, so you should carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages before choosing to move further on. Can Antibiotic Ointments Treat Pearly Penile Papules Pearly penile papules is a condition with which many men have had to deal or live with. A great percentage of the male population is said to have been affected by those small bumps located on the head of the penis, thus it can be said that pearly penile papules is one of the skin condition with the greatest occurrence in males. Because it is highly known that men have a hard time in discussing their personal problems with others, this condition is also one of the most nerve consuming diseases. Thus, it is no wonder that more and more men are looking for remedies which can be made or applied at home and which do not require any interaction with strangers. One of the ointments which have been tried by a large majority of men is the antibiotic ointment. The most frequently used is the triple antibiotic ointment, as it has been reported that this is the most successful one. The ointment should be applied on the affected area two times a day, preferably in the morning and before you go to sleep, so that the time between the two applications should be almost equal. This procedure should be For More Advice Click: Page 7 repeated for as long as it is necessary. Generally it takes a week to see the first signs and more until there will be no more papules on your skin. Yet, they may reappear, so you will have to undergo the procedure again. In order to be completely sure that you are doing the right thing and apply the ointment as you should, you must carefully read all the instructions and details provided on the package of the ointment. Also, if you feel that something is just not working the way it should or you start experiencing side effects, you should visit the doctor for a medical checking. So, if you are looking for a remedy for pearly penile papules, the triple antibiotic ointment can be a solution for you. However, make sure that you have all the information about how you should apply it before actually starting the treatment. Also, if you have any type of allergy to antibiotics, you should definitely avoid this treatment. Do Not Pick Your Pearly Penile Papules Many men suffering of pearly penile papules feel the need of getting rid of them immediately. It is true that living with those bumps on the penis cannot be a pleasure for anybody. Moreover, it can even be quite tormenting having to deal with the presence of the papules each and every day and knowing that you cannot do anything to make them disappear. Thus, many men who end up losing their patience and having no faith that they will ever get rid of those bumps start picking them. This is the worst thing one can do. If living with those bumps, which may at one point in your life disappear is difficult, then think how hard will be to live with scars on your penis. Cause this is what is going to happen if you start picking those little, ugly pearly penile papules. The area in which the pearly penile papules are located (the head of the penis) is extremely sensitive. Thus, picking them will not only be very painful, but it will also result in inflammation and infection of the area, which will take long enough to heal and which may leave some very ugly scars behind. Thus, even though you may manage to get rid of some of those bumps, you will have to deal with infections and unnecessary scarring which will remain there for all your life. In addition to that, picking the bumps will not solve the problem, first of all, because you will not be able to remove all those small bumps from your penis. For More Advice Click: Page 8 Thus, no matter how hard you try, there will still be pearly penile papules on your skin. Secondly, this condition is recurrent, so it can appear even after you have picked them. Thus all your efforts and your suffering will have been in vain. So, if you want to have a normal penis, you should stay away from picking your pearly penile papules, cause this condition will go away at a certain point or may be treated so that it will not appear any more, but scars and infections are much more difficult to deal with and you may even remain with those marks on your penis all your life. Resource: Pearly penile papules should not be a problem for you anymore. Click HERE and find out how you can get rid of them effectively, without any risks or side effects and how you can prevent them from appearing ever again. For More Advice Click: Page 9 This book was distributed courtesy of: BOOKDES.COM For your own Unlimited Reading and FREE eBooks today, visit:
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