Lapham Community Center * Senior Center of New Canaan, Inc. SUMMER 2015 NEWSLETTER Welcome to Lapham Center All adult New Canaan residents (not just seniors!) are welcome to participate in classes and programs at Lapham. There is no membership fee or requirement beyond town residency and the ability to participate. For most classes you can register online or call us with a credit card. Registration starts now and continues until all classes are filled. Taking a class is one of the easiest ways to meet new people who share your interests, so spend a few minutes checking out all our activities. The Wonderland of Alice 6 Thursdays, June 4-July 9, 10 a.m., Free Join Rita Englund in exploring the world of "Alice in Wonderland" on its 150th anniversary. “We will look at various versions of the story, go behind the scenes and get acquainted with both the author, Lewis Carroll, and the real Alice.” Don't be late for this very important date! Summer Luau Wednesday, June 10, 11:30, $5 Susan Goodman will put you in a Hawaiian mood by cooking Hawaiian pork, peanut noodles with Asian vegetables, salad and coconut ice cream. After lunch you will be entertained by Uncle Zac and the Lapaleles on their ukuleles. Patriotic Bingo Wednesday, July 1, 1 p.m., $5 (pizza) Aggie and a surprise caller will call a variety of bingo games with summer-themed prizes. Please reserve your spot by Friday, June 26 and let us know if you will also come for pizza at noon. Lapham Community Center Senior Center of New Canaan, Inc. In Waveny Park Mail: P.O. Box 83 New Canaan, CT 06840 203-594-3620 The Turning Points of World War II 8 Mondays, June 1-July 20, 10:30, $80 In honor of the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, Mark Albertson will offer this course which will showcase those aspects of the Second World War by which the Allies triumphed over the Axis Powers. Topics will include breaking the Axis codes, U-boats, airpower, Barbarossa, Guadalcanal and the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the fall Mark will offer a continuation class, The Great Patriotic War: The Titanic Clash Between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Getabout Jaunts We are planning some local trips this summer, starting with a visit to the Little Red Schoolhouse, using the Getabout. We will tour the Schoolhouse on Wednesday morning, June 17 with Ruth Kelley who was a student there. Register with a check for $9 (tour + Getabout) payable to Senior Center. We will advertise other trips via email; if you don’t have email, call us and we will get the information to you. PAGE 2 S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE REGISTERING FOR CLASSES Our classes are open to all adult New Canaan residents. People planning to take classes should sign up as soon as possible. Enrollment for all courses will go on until classes are filled. Please register for all classes including free programs. We can take registrations in person, by phone, online or by mail. Call 203-594-3620 if you have questions. If you cannot sign up for three months, we will try to let you enroll by the month. We will first take people who want the whole period and then accommodate as many “part-timers” as possible. Fees will then be pro-rated. However, if you cannot come to a class one day, you also cannot drop in on a similar class on a different day. And, you cannot “give” your class to a friend. People who are new to a class are welcome to try one class for free; please call first to make sure there is space in the class. Call Aggie at 203-594-3620 for information about scholarships. fine arts and crafts book groups Acrylic Painting Techniques and More 9 Thursdays, June 4 - July 30, 10-12, $72 This is a fun course for beginners and those who want to improve their painting techniques. Althea Ericsson will guide you through the fundamentals of composition, color values, and perspective while you discuss other artists and how they achieve their style. Literary Ladies Book Club Wednesdays, 1 p.m., Free Intermediate Watercolor with Regina Custer 9 Fridays, June 5 - August 7, 10-12, $90 Paint whatever you like while learning the many techniques of the medium. Whether you are a beginner or more advanced painter there is always something new to learn. Regina does demos and gives individual attention with easy examples to follow. AARP Driver Safety Program Tuesday, July 14, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., $15/$20 AARP Driving Instructor, Roger Colson, will lead a driving class that will give you valuable driving tips and a state-mandated reduction on your car insurance of at least 5% for two years. To register send a check payable to AARP to the Senior Center, P.O. Box 83, New Canaan. AARP members pay $15; nonmembers pay $20. Please write your date of birth on the check and your AARP membership number, if applicable. June 17 - A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler July 15 - The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins August 19 - The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by G. Zevin Aggie Aspinwall and Susan Klehm lead this popular book discussion. Irish Authors Book Group Wednesday at 10 a.m. Free June 17 - Ballroom of Romance by Trevor Join Ned Monaghan and his group for insightful discussions (with a brogue). Note: Stephanie Style’s Classics Book Group will read Anna Karenina in the fall. If you’d like to join the discussion, you may want to read it over the summer. NEW: CT Pharmacy Health Programs Staff from CT Pharmacy in Norwalk will offer a monthly program on the second Tuesday of the month: These programs were organized by BrightView on New Canaan staff who will also bring refreshments. Skin Cancers and Sunscreen - June 9, 10 a.m. Find out how to protect yourself and what sunscreens are safe and effective. Top Ten Herbal Medications - July 14, 10 a.m. Find out what herbal remedies may boost your health and also what their sideeffects may be. S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R PAGE 3 computers and technology Laurie Iffland from the New Canaan Library is offering the following programs at Lapham: The Library in your Pocket - 4 Tuesdays, June 2-23, 2 p.m., Free Did you know you can check out ebooks from the New Canaan Library, listen to audio books or music, read new and old magazines, and watch thousands of movies or TV shows on your laptop, e-reader or tablet? And, it’s all free and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Librarian Laurie Iffland will come to Lapham to teach you to use One Click, Zinio, Hoopla and OverDrive. Registration is required; the class will be limited to 12. You must bring your charged Device (iPad, tablet, phone) as well as your library card and device password. Beginning iPad - 2 Tuesdays, July 7 and 14, 2 p.m., Free If you have an iPad that you are not using, now is the time to find out some of the fun and interesting things you can do with it. Talk to your grandchildren. Read a book. Listen to music. Watch the Downton Abbey episode you missed last week. You need to register with Aggie who will make sure you have a password and know how to charge your iPad. Tech Time by appointment - 2 Tuesdays, July 21 and 28, Free Laurie will spend a half-hour answering your questions about whatever device you own. You can learn to send an email, find some apps that really interest you, do brain games, talk to and see your children or grandchildren, and much more. And it’s easier than you think! Lapham Center has free wi-fi. Drop in anytime with your laptop or other device. Technology Help with Lapham Center Volunteers Use the emails below to schedule an appointment for tech help; if you can’t email, call Aggie or Lyn at 203-594-3620. We request a donation of $20 that will be used to keep our Computer Center up to date. How do I?….One-on-One Tech Help Sessions Call to set up a 1/2 hour appointments on one Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon each month One of our capable techies will work with you and answer your questions with the idea of helping you learn how to better use the devices you own. Bring your laptop, ereader, tablet, smart phone - you get the idea! For example, you might learn to text, set up voicemail, watch television, download free books, study a language or whatever you want to do. If your computer is not working, please see the PC Doctor below. The PC Doctor - Having a problem with your PC or tablet? Want advice on buying a new computer? Have PC repair questions? Let one of our experienced volunteers help you resolve the issue or guide you to your answer. The Mac Tutor - We have some help if you own an Apple product! Marylou Wilkinson will give you a hand with the software or set up. PAGE 4 S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R cardio plus * chair aerobics * muscles in motion Cardio Plus Strength (formerly Aerobitone) – Debbie 8 Tuesdays, June 2 - August 4, 12:05 p.m., $48 7 Fridays, June 5 – August 7, 9:45 a.m., $42 C+S offers thirty minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular training followed by strength training using hand-held weights. We will finish off with flexibility work. Weights provided. Please bring a mat. Chair Aerobics – Debbie 8 Tuesdays, June 2 - August 4 11 a.m., $48 10 Thursdays, June 4 - August 6, 12:05 p.m., $60 7 Fridays, June 5 - August 7, 11 a.m., $42 Chair Aerobics consists of cardiovascular training, muscle conditioning and stretching while seated in a chair. Standing exercises are included using the chair for balance. Muscles in Motion - Debbie 8 Mondays, June 1 - August 3, 3 p.m., $48 10 Thursdays, June 4 - August 6, 12:05 p.m., $60 Muscles in Motion stimulates, strengthens and tones muscles, which protect bones and joints, and enables better posture. Standing and seated exercises along with mat work are included. The class ends with stretching all muscles involved. Bring a mat. Debbie will not teach Mondays, July 13 & 27, Tuesdays, July 14 & 28, Fridays, July 3, 10 & 24 fit for life with mike arthritis exercise with ellen 10 Mondays, June 1 - August 3, 1:45-2:45 pm, $72 9 Fridays, June 5 - August 7, 12:05 p.m., $54 (no class July 3) Do you have Arthritis? Well, if you do, this class targets every joint in your body! The Arthritis Foundation exercise program is a low impact routine proven to reduce pain and decease stiffness. Exercises can be done standing or sitting and will help develop stronger joints, muscles, flexibility, increased range of motion and increased energy. This class focuses on upper, lower and ab muscle strength while emphasizing posture and balance. Participants use their own body weight and stretch bands in a power circuit of exercises. It will integrate elements of sports conditioning, yoga and Pilates. It is a dynamic program, yet it is safe and every aspect is scalable to almost any fitness level. pilates-based mat exercise with joyce 9 Tuesdays, June 2 - August 4 , 9:55 a.m., $54, Intermediate 9 Thursdays, June 4 - August 6, 9:55 a.m., $54, Intermediate 9 Thursdays, June 4 - August 6, 11 a.m., $54, Beginners (no classes June 23 and 25) Pilates-based Mat Exercises uses floor exercises performed with specific breathing patterns to strengthen the core muscles such as the abdominals, back, and hips. You will improve your flexibility, balance, and posture. Take a beginner class if you are new to Pilates; bring a mat. Intermediate students should bring a mat and a fitness circle if you have one. S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R PAGE 5 yoga Intermediate Amrit Yoga 8:30 - 9:45 a.m. - Fran 9 Tuesdays, June 2 - July 28, $90 9 Thursdays, June 4 - July 30, $90 10 Mon., June 1 - Aug. 3, 9:45 a.m., $90 - Susan 9 Wed., June 3 - July 29, 9 a.m., $81 - Nancy Amrit Yoga revitalizes the body, calms the mind, and deepens self-awareness. It brings the body, mind, and spirit into a state of harmony and balance. A sequence of yoga postures stretches and strengthens the entire body, releasing chronic tension. Energy then flows to the areas of your body most in need of rejuvenation and healing. Bring a mat to class. This system of Hatha Yoga utilizes principles of alignment that, when learned and practiced, allow for ease of movement on and off the mat. Practicing yoga becomes an art form as the alignment principles provide the basis for a deeper opening of the mind, body and heart. Bring a mat. Align & Flow Yoga, Intermediate dance qigong NIA or Cardio Core Dance - Leslie 10 Mondays, June 1 - August 3, 8:30 a.m., $60 Qigong - Bill 10 Mondays, June 1 - Aug. 3, 11 a.m., $60 NEW: 9 Fridays, June 5 - August 7, 10:50, $54 Nia (Neuromuscular Integrative Action) and Cardio Core Dance are fun cross-training programs that provide a non-impact aerobic workout to revitalize the body, mind, and spirit! They utilize movements from dance, martial arts and healing arts to develop endurance, flexibility, balance, and strength. All levels are welcome Qigong (Chi Kong) is a Chinese system of exercise designed to improve health, increase vitality enhance mental focus and reduce stress. A typical class includes rhythmic, gentle movements, deep breathing, meditation and self-massage. Qigong can be done either standing or sitting, and benefits everyone. t’ai chi Tai Chi – Wendy 10 Tuesdays, June 2 - August 4, 1:30-2:30 p.m., $60 Tai Chi’s slow meditative motions can reduce one’s heart rate and blood pressure; increase stamina, balance, leg strength and vital energy. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may also reduce anxiety and depression, improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and muscle tone, reduce falls, improve sleep quality, relieve chronic pain, and increase feelings of well-being. Wendy Moore is a fifth generation teacher in the direct Yang lineage and was formally sanctioned to teach in 1989 by the late Grand Master Min Pai. The class includes meditation. chair yoga Chair Yoga for Every Body - Suzan - 9 Wed., June 3-July 29, 10:30 a.m., $90 The enjoyment and many benefits of yoga can be adapted to support you wherever you are in life. Chair Yoga offers participants a gentle full-body stretch and improvements in balance, flexibility, strength and stamina, and also a decrease in stress, muscle tension, and blood pressure. Proper breathing techniques promote health in all body systems and create feelings of peace, joy and tranquility. Just one yoga session can lift your spirits and brighten your day. PAGE 6 S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R games history and art history Bridge: Bidding Beyond the Basics - Judie 6 Wed., June 10-July 29, 12:30-2:30, $60 (no class 6/24 and 7/1) History of European Art 11 Tues., June 2-August 11, 1 p.m., Free Professor William Kloss, an art historian and scholar affiliated with the Smithsonian, will continue his overview of European art, providing the historical background needed to understand the art. You will see and learn about Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Rubens, Rembrandt, El Greco, David and Goya before going on to the Impressionists and Cubists. Pre-dealt hands will be used to incorporate a review of bidding (including Stayman, Jacoby transfers, weak/strong openers) and basic play of the hand techniques. This is a good class for those wanting to get familiar with 21st century bidding as well as those looking to reinforce previously learned skills. Social Bridge - Eric 4 Wednesdays, June 3 - 24, 9-11, $40 This class is for those who have a basic knowledge of bridge and want to upgrade their game. Eric will review the fundamentals of bidding, declarer play and defense and then move on to explore modern bidding techniques. health and wellness Hearing Aid Clinic and Hearing Screenings Tuesdays, June 16 and July 21, by appt. Wendy Cooke is a New Canaan resident who works for Andrew J. Parker, M.D., Medical Director of Parker Ear Nose & Throat in Norwalk. She comes monthly on a Tuesday afternoon to check and clean hearing aids, change batteries and answer questions. Keeping your hearing aid in good shape will improve your hearing. Dr. Parker and other staff will do hearing screenings at the same time. Call 203-594-3620 to make a 15 minute appointment. The Nurse is In! Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Stop by any Thursday to have your BP checked by Town Community Nurse Robin Boccuzzi. Pick up a pink number at the front desk; first come first served! music Ukulele Lessons 6 Wed., June 3 - July 8, $48 12:30 - 1:30 Beginners; 1:30 - 2:30 Players Uncle Zac, the "uke guy," will teach two levels of uke classes. Beginners should come at 12:15 for instruction and then stay until 1:15 with the Players. Students quickly learn to play a variety of songs. Uncle Zac will rent you a uke for $10 for the session if you don't have one. Classical Music on Thursdays at 1:45 We will continue showing our video lectures and music. Check in with Aggie or Lyn to see what’s playing. These programs are high-quality video lectures from The Teaching Company, BBC, PBS and other venues shown on a big screen. FREE MEDICARE COUNSELING and MORE Tuesdays, June 9, July 7 and August 11 Wednesdays, June 24, July 29 and August 26 Bill Emmons and Dick Neville are counselors trained by CHOICES, the State of Connecticut program which recruits and trains volunteers to provide Medicare education in their communities. All programs are offered free of charge to New Canaan residents and Town employees. Call 203-594-3620 to schedule your appointment. No drop-ins, please. S U MMER 2 015 NE WS LET TE R PAGE 7 free wednesday films at 1 p.m. free friday films at 1 p.m. Foxcatcher - June 3 (7.2) 134 minutes Steve Carrell, Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo dark, fascinating and true story of an eccentric multimillionaire and two champion wrestlers. The Imitation Game - June 5, (8.2), 114 minutes Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley WWII mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians Into the Woods - June 10, (6.3), 125 minutes Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, Johnny Depp witch tasks a childless baker and his wife with procuring magical items from classic fairy tales to reverse the curse put on their family tree Wild - June 12 (7.3), 115 minutes Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern chronicle of one woman's 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent catastrophe Unbroken - June 17, (7.1), 137 minutes after a plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a harrowing 47 days in a raft Life Itself – June 24 (8.0), 120 minutes life and career of the renowned film critic and social commentator, Roger Ebert The Red Tent - July 8 and 15 (7.4), 120 minutes Minnie Driver, Debra Winger, Will Tudor story of the twelve tribes of Israel is told through the eyes of Jacob's only daughter, Dinah Selma - July 22 (7.6), 128 minutes David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth chronicle of Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights in 1965. American Sniper– July 29 (7.4) 132 min. Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle finds that after four tours of duty, he can’t leave the war behind Big Eyes - June 19 (7.5), 81 min. Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz drama about painter Margaret Keane and the egal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s Black or White - June 26 (6.4), 82 minutes Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer grieving widower is drawn into a custody battle over his granddaughter, whom he helped raise Still Alice – July 10 (7.5), 101 minutes Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin linguistics professor is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Redwood Highway - July 17 (6.4), 90 minutes Shirley Knight, Tom Skerritt woman walks 80 miles to the Oregon coast to see the ocean for the first time in 45 years Dior and I - August 5 (6.9), 90 minutes documentary that brings the viewer inside the storied world of the Christian Dior fashion house Barefoot Bandit Documentary–July 24, (8.5), 73 m. young boy’s dream of flying becomes a reality when he breaks out of a halfway house at the age of 15 and steals the first of five airplanes Elsa & Fred - August 12 (6.4), 97 minutes Shirley MacLaine, Christopher Plummer story of two people who at the end of the road, discover that it's never too late to love Olive Kittridge - July 31 and Aug. 7 (8.5), 120 min. Frances McDormand, Richard Jenkins middle-school math teacher Olive and her relationship with Henry that has lasted 25 years Fed Up – August 19 (7.7), 123 min. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton an examination of America's obesity epidemic and the food industry's role in aggravating it The Last Man on the Moon August 14, (7.6), 99 minutes documentary about Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan who stepped off the moon in December 1972 Manners of Downton - August 26, 60 minutes the secrets of how the aristocratic set dined and dressed, married and made money, interacted with servants, and why they behaved as they did Doctored - August 21 (8.1), 100 min. an investigation into the "monopoly" of the medical industrial complex and how Americans are viewed as patients Movies at Lapham We show our films on a big screen with subtitles whenever they are available. Life’s a Breeze - August 28 (6.2), 83 min. Kelly Thornton, Fionnula Flanagan comedy about a family searching for a lost fortune on the streets of Dublin Senior Center of New Canaan at Lapham Community Center P.O. Box 83 New Canaan, CT 06840 Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage PAID Stamford, CT Permit No. 102 In This Issue Alice in Wonderland - page 1 Beginning iPad - page 3 Summer Luau - page 1 Hearing Screenings - page 6 Social Bridge - page 6 AARP Driving - page 2 Top Ten Herbal Medications - p. 2 and much more classes fill quickly - register now! LAST CALL Day Trip: NY Botanical Gardens, Frida Kahlo: Art, Garden, Life In the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, Tuesday, June 9, 8:45 a.m., $70 On your tour of this exhibit celebrating Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, you will walk through a stunning flower show reimagining Kahlo's studio and garden at the Casa Azul in Mexico City. The exhibit will also include a re-creation of a Mexican street market. You will have three hours after the tour for lunch (on your own) at either the Garden Café or Pine Tree Café on the premises, seeing more of the gardens, or visiting the Gift Shop. NEW: Day Trip: Hill-Stead Museum and Mark Twain House Tuesday, October 13, leave Lapham 8:30 a.m., return approximately 5:45 p.m., $110 You will tour the Hill-Stead Museum, a Colonial Revival house and art museum in Farmington known for its Impressionist masterpieces and architecture. You will then go to Apricots Restaurant ,located in a former trolley barn on the banks of the Farmington River, which has an excellent Zagat rating. After lunch you will tour the Mark Twain House, the home in Hartford where he lived and worked from 1874 to 1891. It measures 11‚500 square feet‚ and has 25 rooms with walls and ceilings decorated by Louis C. Tiffany & Co.‚ Associated Artists‚ son of the famed jeweler. Entrée choices (pick one): Pan-Seared Boneless Breast of Chicken, Grilled Black Angus Top Sirloin, or Apricot Glazed North Atlantic Salmon Your fee includes round-trip coach, tours, lunch (Hill-Stead only) and driver’s tip. Please write separate checks (payable to Senior Center) if you are going on both trips. Do not wait to sign up as we have to make deposits months in advance and cannot do so if there are not enough signups.
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