Connecticut Workers Need Paid Family & Medical Leave Connecticut is a leader on family-friendly workplace policies. The CT Legislature passed the first statewide paid sick days guarantee in the country, and has taken serious steps toward becoming the next state to offer paid family leave. Having a system of paid family leave will help ensure that workers aren’t punished financially for being seriously ill, having a baby or taking care of a family member. While many employees are covered by the federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the fact is FMLA is unpaid and as such, the vast majority (78%) of workers who are eligible for this type of leave don’t use it because they can’t afford to lose pay. Because of the current lack of paid family leave, workers oftentimes have to choose between their health or the health of a family member, and their jobs. As a state, and country, that supports family values, we should be doing more for our workers. Let’s truly support family values at work by creating a state-wide system of paid family leave. The Campaign for Paid Family Leave is run jointly by the CT Women’s Education & Legal Fund (CWEALF) and the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW). Our campaign is made up of 45+ organizations representing a wide range of demographics including women, children, families, people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and the elderly. For more information about the Campaign, visit us online: Facebook/CampaignforPaidFamilyLeave Twitter: @paidleave4ct Who needs paid family leave? Employees with serious illnesses, parents with new babies & employees caring for aging parents or seriously ill family members. Can’t workers just take FMLA? FMLA is unpaid and doesn’t cover all employees therefore most people, even those who are eligible for the benefit, don’t use it because they can’t afford to take unpaid time off from work. Do other states have paid family leave? Yes, California, Rhode Island and New Jersey offer paid family leave. Several other states are considering legislation, including Vermont, New York, Massachusetts Colorado and Wisconsin. How will paid family leave impact businesses? Many employers support paid family leave because they recognize that when employees are able to take care of themselves or their family members, they have more loyalty to their company, which in turn reduces turnover costs for the employer. How would this work in Connecticut? We’ve released our legislative reccomendations and they include key components such as providing up to 12 weeks of paid time off. To see our full list of recommendations visit our website. How can I join the campaign? Email us at: o o o o o o o o Paid Family Leave & Businesses Myth vs. Fact There are a few misconceptions that paid family & medical leave would harm businesses when, in fact, research, polling and the experiences of other states show that having access to this type of leave either positively impacts employers or has a neutral effect. Below we break down some of the most common myths. Myth: Paid family & medical leave will be too expensive for Connecticut businesses to implement and maintain. Fact: The Campaign is calling for a system funded entirely by employee contributions and administered by the Department of Labor, with very little to no costs to businesses. Myth: Paid family & medical leave solely benefits the employee with no positive impact for the employer. Fact: Paid family & medical leave improves worker retention, which saves employers money through reduced turnover costs. Additionally, research has shown that when employees have access to this type of leave they are more loyal to their employer and are happier, more productive employees. In return, businesses are more vibrant and more apt to flourish financially. Myth: Paid family & medical leave has failed in other states. Fact: Similar paid family & medical leave programs in California, New Jersey and Rhode Island have been implemented successfully. These programs have been well received and polling shows that paid family & medical leave in California has had either a “positive effect” or “no noticeable effect” on productivity, profitability, performance, turnover, and employee morale. Myth: Very few small business owners support paid family & medical leave. Fact: According to a recent poll released by the Small Business Majority, 59% of small business owners support publicly administered family & medical leave insurance pools paid entirely with payroll contributions from employees. With a system of paid family & medical leave, small businesses will be more competitive in attracting the best employees. For more information about the Campaign, visit us online: 7 Winston, P. 2014. As the generation of baby boomers continues to age, the need for family caregivers is also increasing. Many families are now faced with the demands of tending to their elderly parents or relatives while also caring for their dependent children. Paid family & medical leave would help workers in this “sandwich generation” better balance work & family and maintain their economic security. Members & Supporters AARP Connecticut Connecticut Working Families AFSCME Council 4 Connecticut Voices for Children AIDS Connecticut Donate Life Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association (CT) FAVOR, CT All Our Kin Greater Hartford Legal Aid American Academy of Pediatrics (CT) The Jennifer Jaff Center American Cancer Society Action Network Junta for Progressive Action American College of Gynecologists League of Women Voters of Connecticut American Diabetes Association of CT Legal Assistance Resource Center of CT American Lung Association of the Northeast Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn Autism Speaks & Kelly, P.C. Center for Family Justice MotherWoman Connecticut Alliance of Basic Human Needs MS Society, CT Connecticut Association for Human Services NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut Connecticut Alliance for National Alliance on Mental Illness Perinatal Mental Health National Association of Social Workers, CT Connecticut Citizen Action Group Chapter Connecticut Diaper Bank National Organization for Women, CT Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition Chapter Connecticut Coalition Against New Haven Legal Assistance Domestic Violence Office of the Healthcare Advocate Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance Older Women’s League The CT Conference of the United Permanent Commission on the Status Church of Christ of Women Connecticut Employment Lawyers Association Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Connecticut Hispanic Health Council SEIU State Council CT Parkinson’s Disease Association State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services UAW Region 9A CAP Council CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 Universal Healthcare Foundation of CT Connecticut Women’s Education YWCA of Hartford and Legal Fund More than one in five households with children have at least one child who has special needs. And of those families, 25% have had to either cut back their hours or stop working altogether in order to provide care for their child. Paid family & medical leave would help families care for family members with special needs while remaining in the workforce. Members & Supporters AARP Connecticut Connecticut Working Families AFSCME Council 4 Connecticut Voices for Children AIDS Connecticut Donate Life Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association (CT) FAVOR, CT All Our Kin Greater Hartford Legal Aid American Academy of Pediatrics (CT) The Jennifer Jaff Center American Cancer Society Action Network Junta for Progressive Action American College of Gynecologists League of Women Voters of Connecticut American Diabetes Association of CT Legal Assistance Resource Center of CT American Lung Association of the Northeast Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn Autism Speaks & Kelly, P.C. Center for Family Justice MotherWoman Connecticut Alliance of Basic Human Needs MS Society, CT Connecticut Association for Human Services NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut Connecticut Alliance for National Alliance on Mental Illness Perinatal Mental Health National Association of Social Workers, CT Connecticut Citizen Action Group Chapter Connecticut Diaper Bank National Organization for Women, CT Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition Chapter Connecticut Coalition Against New Haven Legal Assistance Domestic Violence Office of the Healthcare Advocate Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance Older Women’s League The CT Conference of the United Permanent Commission on the Status Church of Christ of Women Connecticut Employment Lawyers Association Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Connecticut Hispanic Health Council SEIU State Council CT Parkinson’s Disease Association State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services UAW Region 9A CAP Council CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 Universal Healthcare Foundation of CT Connecticut Women’s Education YWCA of Hartford and Legal Fund Paid family & medical leave helps narrow the wage gap. Women who take paid maternity leave see an increase in wages and depend less on public assistance in the year after giving birth. Paid family leave also keeps women in the workforce, which increases the productivity of the labor force overall. Members & Supporters AARP Connecticut Connecticut Working Families AFSCME Council 4 Connecticut Voices for Children AIDS Connecticut Donate Life Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association (CT) FAVOR, CT All Our Kin Greater Hartford Legal Aid American Academy of Pediatrics (CT) The Jennifer Jaff Center American Cancer Society Action Network Junta for Progressive Action American College of Gynecologists League of Women Voters of Connecticut American Diabetes Association of CT Legal Assistance Resource Center of CT American Lung Association of the Northeast Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn Autism Speaks & Kelly, P.C. Center for Family Justice MotherWoman Connecticut Alliance of Basic Human Needs MS Society, CT Connecticut Association for Human Services NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut Connecticut Alliance for National Alliance on Mental Illness Perinatal Mental Health National Association of Social Workers, CT Connecticut Citizen Action Group Chapter Connecticut Diaper Bank National Organization for Women, CT Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition Chapter Connecticut Coalition Against New Haven Legal Assistance Domestic Violence Office of the Healthcare Advocate Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance Older Women’s League The CT Conference of the United Permanent Commission on the Status Church of Christ of Women Connecticut Employment Lawyers Association Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Connecticut Hispanic Health Council SEIU State Council CT Parkinson’s Disease Association State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services UAW Region 9A CAP Council CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 Universal Healthcare Foundation of CT Connecticut Women’s Education YWCA of Hartford and Legal Fund
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