Bid Document

200 W. OAK ST., SUITE 4000
Video Display Replacement Project at The Ranch
March 30, 2015
The Board of Larimer County Commissioners will be receiving sealed proposals at the office of the Purchasing
Director, 200 W. Oak Street, Suite 4000, Fort Collins, Colorado, up to 2:00 P.M. (our clock), Monday, March
30, 2015 at which time they will be recorded, but not publicly opened, to consider contracting for video display
replacement services for The Ranch.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of
100% of the contract price with a corporate surety approved by the COUNTY and licensed to do
business in the State of Colorado, said bonds to be released at the sole direction of the COUNTY.
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held to familiarize vendors with the scope of work and to clarify questions.
The meeting will be held on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. (our clock), at 5290 Arena Circle,
Loveland, Colorado, Budweiser Event Center Conference Room. This pre-proposal meeting will include a site
tour and will last approximately two hours. Please be sure you have reviewed this Request for Proposal
prior to this pre-proposal meeting.
Vendors are strongly encouraged (not required) to attend and participate in the meeting and site visit.
Please email Les Brown letting him know if you plan to attend. Les’ email is
All questions regarding this proposal must be in writing and should go to Mr. Les Brown, Purchasing Agent I, at
(970) 498-5954. Questions are due no later than 10:00 a.m. Thursday, March 19, 2015. Questions may be
emailed to Les Brown at Please call to verify receipt of your questions. No additional
questions will be accepted after the date and time referenced above.
Six (6) copies of your proposal are required. If brochures or other supportive documents are requested, then it
is required that 6 sets be submitted with your proposal.
In submitting a proposal, the vendor agrees that acceptance of any or all proposals by the County within a
reasonable time or period constitutes a contract. No delivery shall become due or be accepted unless a
purchase order shall first have been issued by the Purchasing Director of Larimer County.
No work shall commence nor shall any invoices be paid until the contractor provides the requested proof
of insurance as outlined in the “Insurance Requirements for Contractors” and until such proof is accepted by
Larimer County. Additionally, the contractor will provide an endorsement naming Larimer County as an
additional insured to their policy. If you have any questions concerning the insurance requirements, please
contact Connie Ellis, Property/Casualty Claims Adjustor, at (970) 498-5963 at least one week before the
proposal recording date.
Payment for work performed or goods sold to Larimer County can be expected within 30 days after receipt of
the invoice and satisfactory acceptance from the department receiving the service or goods.
As of August 7, 2006, state and local government agencies are prohibited from purchasing services
from any contractor that knowingly employs illegal immigrants to help carry out publicly funded work.
Pursuant to the provisions of Colo. Rev. Stat. §8-17.5-101, contractors must certify that they are using
the E-Verify Program or Department Program to verify the employment eligibility of new employees. If
a contractor awarded a contract violates the provisions of Colo. Rev. Stat. §8-17.5-101(2), the state or
local government agency may terminate the contract and the contractor will be liable for damages to
such agency.
Any contract agreed to by the parties that results in a sole source government contract must contain provisions
and comply with Article XXVIII, Section 15 of the Colorado Constitution.
Vendor certifies, warrants, and agrees that (he) (she) (it) has knowledge of the “Keep Jobs in Colorado Act of
2013” codified at Sections 8-17-101, et seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes and that Colorado Labor shall be
employed to perform a least eighty percent (80%) of the work.
Larimer County reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals, to further negotiate with successful
proposer and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received, and to accept any portion of
the proposal if deemed to be in the best interest of Larimer County to do so. If, in the sole judgment of the
Board of County Commissioners, the proposals are substantially equal, the Board may grant the contract to
companies located in Larimer County. The total cost of proposal preparation and submission shall be borne by
the proposer.
All information submitted in response to this request for proposal (RFP) is public after the Notice of Award has
been issued. The proposer should not include as part of the response to the RFP any information which the
proposer believes to be a trade secret or other privileged or confidential data. If the proposer wishes to include
such material with a proposal, then the material should be supplied under separate cover and identified as
confidential. Statements that the entire proposal is confidential will not be honored. Larimer County will
endeavor to keep that information confidential, separate and apart from the proposal subject to the provisions
of the Colorado Open Records Act or order of court.
No telephone, e-mail or facsimile proposals will be accepted.
Proposals must be clearly identified on the front of the envelope by proposal number and title. Responsibility
for timely submittal and routing of proposals, prior to recording, lies solely with the proposer. Proposals
received after the closing time specified will not be considered.
Minority Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation
and will not be discriminated against on grounds of race, color, or national origin.
The Contractor certifies that by signing the contract, neither the contractor nor subcontractors, the organization
nor its principals are suspended or debarred or otherwise excluded from procurement by the Federal
government and do not appear on the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) maintained by the General
Services Administration (GSA).
The Larimer County Fairgrounds, better know as “The Ranch” Events Complex, is planning to contract with
one vendor to replace an existing overhead center-hung scoreboard with a new 4-sided Center-Hung video
display, install two (2) new video wall displays, and install two (2) new Ribbon-Board displays. All units shall be
high-definition as defined by the industry. This Video Display Replacement Project is for the Budweiser Events
Center (BEC). The BEC is located at 5290 Arena Circle, Loveland, Colorado.
The Awarded Vendor will provide a complete turnkey solution. The Awarded Vendor will design, install,
warrant, train on-site staff or other contractors, repair, and maintain the system they propose. The proposed
pricing must include all labor, materials, drawings, tools, engineering, licenses, bonds, transportation, travel
and related expenses, supervision, coordination, on- and off-site training, and all else reasonably needed to
successfully complete the Video Display Replacement Project. All equipment must interface seamlessly with
the existing BEC system; vendors attending on-site Pre-Proposal Conference will get the opportunity to view
the existing system and ask questions.
Vendors are recommended to visit the BEC in order to competitively propose on this project. Vendors should
research the existing structural and electrical requirements of the site prior to submitting their proposal.
Change orders due to vendor’s error will not be permitted and will not be accepted after the contract
has been executed. The vendor is responsible for providing a complete and working system as intended.
All technical information provided by Larimer County is for reference purposes only. All County provided
dimensions, weights, and layouts are to be confirmed by the vendor and incorporated into their shop drawings.
Structural enhancements required for support shall be solely the Awarded Vendor’s responsibility. The
Awarded Vendor must work with structural engineers to certify a complete set of shop drawings before work
may commence. The Awarded Vendor is responsible for obtaining all necessary Professional Engineer (PE)
stamped structural drawings and permits. Vendor shall submit all structural documents for review and approve
to The Ranch before work may commence.
The specifications listed below shall establish the design criteria and set qualifying guidelines for all equipment
to be provided:
 Vendor shall provide pixel-to-pixel and module-to-module optical color calibration to be performed at
the vendor’s factory.
 Vendor shall provide true quantity of pixels per square foot, not lines of resolution and no pixel sharing.
 Vendor shall guarantee entire project be finished, including training, and fully operational no later than
July 17, 2015.
 Vendor shall obtain each display component from the same manufacturer.
 Vendor shall specify and provide easy-to-use calibration software that allows individual modules and
pixels to be independently adjusted while in the display.
o Should modules need replacement during the life of the display, the calibration software must
match newer modules’ brightness levels to older modules’ brightness levels in order to preserve
picture quality and maintain a uniform display appearance.
 Vendors shall provide an on-site supply of spare parts; submit a list of spare parts that will be provided
with each display component.
o If requested, additional spare parts, either under system warranty or ordered by the County,
must be able to be delivered to the County within twenty-four hours of order placement.
 Vendor shall provide an on-site technician to train for a minimum of five (5) consecutive days following
complete system installation and testing. During these five (5) days of training, the trainer shall train
BEC employees on the basic maintenance procedures and preventative maintenance operations of all
system components.
 Vendor shall provide on-site technician for technical support and assistance during three (3) individual
shows that utilize Center-Hung Video Display, End-Wall Video Displays, and Ribbon-Boards. The
Ranch may record training for internal use. Below are the three (3) shows the on-site technician will be
required to attend.
o The Larimer County PRCA Rodeo – August 2 - 4, 2015.
o Pre-Season Eagles ECHL (formerly the East Coast Hockey League) Hockey Game – Date
Pending (approximately Late-September 2015).
o Home Opener Eagles ECHL Hockey – Date Pending (approximately Mid-October 2015).
Vendors shall provide all electrical distribution for Center-Hung Video Display, End-Wall Displays, and
Ribbon-Boards as required within each system at each installation point.
o Vendor must verify that the size of existing power for all display systems and lighting is sufficient
and provide the County with projected power loads/service size and configurations for all
systems to be installed.
Vendors shall provide a sports control system with pre-sets/overlays and any software/hardware that
allows for easy conversion from sport to sport.
o All equipment to operate the scoring displays will be located in the upper suite level Control
Vendors shall provide all connections and cabling between displays and control equipment along with
interconnections for the rink-side-control location.
Vendors shall provide scoring software required for the following sports:
o Hockey (ECHL)
o Indoor Arena Football
o Basketball
o Rodeo
Vendors shall provide all fiber connections and distribution for Center-Hung Video Display, End-Wall
Displays, and Ribbon-Boards as required within each system at each installation point.
o These connections shall be made in upper suite level Control Room.
Vendor shall provide full-color LED displays that have the ability to interface and display real-time data
from the control system without the need for a duplicate or redundant input.
Vendor shall verify that separate conduit is in place for power and data to display, unless fiber is being
Vendor shall verify that all control equipment has access to 120VAC (volts alternating current).
Vendor shall be responsible for providing all display equipment shown on the vendor-provided drawings
and shall be responsible for all architectural treatment required to give the entire display the general
appearance as shown on their drawings.
Vendor shall be responsible for the safe and proper installation of mounting structures to support each
display in all locations.
Short-listed vendors shall provide a working sample LED display board on location to the Budweiser
Events Center and/or shall send Larimer County evaluation committee representatives (at vendors
expense) to a location(s) that meets the following requirements:
o Exact visual and modular characteristics as specified in this RFP.
o Similar size, use, and environment.
o Similar design and control equipment.
Base Scope of Work is not to exceed $1,400,000.00.
The design, manufacture, and installation of the new fully functional turnkey LED Video Center-Hung Video
Display, LED End-Wall Displays, and LED Ribbon-Board systems must consist of the following:
Center-Hung Video Display:
 Center-Hung Video Display shall consist of four (4) individual LED displays, each with a pixel pitch of
10mm, which are attached to the existing hoist and shall fit within the existing “pocket” located in the
low-steel with the needed or allowable tolerance for sway.
o Vendor shall maximize existing steel pocket dimensions to the most efficient use of its spacing.
The County shall provide existing technical information on structural steel and hoist package.
Please contact Les Brown ( for the technical information.
Work shall include provision of structural engineering of the Center-Hung assembly, rigging hardware,
and coordination required to connect new Center-Hung assembly to existing Electro Lift hoist.
Weight of Center-Hung assembly, cables, and support is not to exceed 15,000 lbs.
Cabling to Center-Hung assembly to be sized to allow assembly to be lowered to floor without
disconnecting the cables. All required cable bins shall be recessed within height of display. Cable
management, etc. is to be included in vendor proposal.
Center-Hung Video Display shall include four (4) LED backlit or similar static signs for naming rights to
run full ring above video display.
o Assembly shall also include four locations for either “The Ranch” or the “TR” logo to be
prominently displayed.
Work to include removal of existing Center-Hung structure and dismantling frame, video displays, and
Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera.
The Center-Hung and video displays shall be relocated and the PTZ camera will be mounted on the
new Center-Hung Video Display.
Vendor shall include in the load calculations the weight required for lighting package, including
hardware, to be added to the bottom of structure at a future date.
Vendor shall include mounting hardware for additional advertising fabric panel below the structure.
Vendor shall include mounting bracket and attachment of existing PTZ camera to new Center-Hung
Video Display.
Vendor shall include indoor trumpet/buzzer horn attached to Center-Hung assembly in an
inconspicuous location.
End-Wall Video Displays:
 End-Wall Video Displays shall consist of two (2) individual portable or demountable indoor LED
displays, each with a pixel pitch of 10mm, that attaches to a truss and hoist system and can be moved
once dismounted.
o These two (2) End-Wall displays shall each be to the same dimensions as a single face of the
newly proposed Center-Hung Video Display dimension.
 Provision and installation of two (2) truss and hoist systems for each display to be attached to existing
steel grid.
 To include two (2) hoist systems of two (2) chain motors, controls, and truss package to safely support
provided End-Wall video displays.
 Work will include provision of engineering, structural steel as part of End-Wall assemblies, rigging
hardware, and coordination required to connect portable End-Wall video displays to existing steel grid.
Inspection of existing structure included in this scope of work.
 The County will provide existing technical information on structural steel and will provide contact
information for the original structural engineer. Please contact Les Brown (
for the technical information.
 Vendor shall include flight cases for storage and transport.
Ribbon-Board Video Displays:
 Ribbon-Board Video Displays shall consist of two (2) LED video boards, each with a pixel pitch of
16mm, to be installed along the east and west sides of arena in place of the existing backlit
advertisement signs.
 Work shall include removal of the existing backlit advertisement signs above the suites.
o This equipment shall be turned over to the County once removed.
 Work shall include provisions of engineering and structural steel as part of the Ribbon-Board
o The County will provide existing technical information on structural steel and will provide contact
information for the original structural engineer.
Please contact Les Brown
( for the technical information.
Control Equipment/Software:
 Vendor shall provide control system software consisting of display and content editor software along
with one (1) video processor that controls each individual LED display.
 Vendor shall include one (1) scoring console for the LED Center-Hung Video Display capable of scoring
multiple sports along with necessary cabling and real-time data input kit.
 Vendor shall provide compatibility with, or industry standard acceptable replacement for, Daktronics
multisport control hardware, including scoring hardware for Hockey, Football, Rodeo, Basketball,
(football and basketball shot-clocks, goal lights, rodeo scoring and photocell systems, Broadcast Pix
Granite Switcher metadata feed).
 Vendor shall include one (1) show control user station at existing upper suite level Control Room.
 Vendor shall include two (2) hockey goal lights with necessary cabling.
The following BEC schedules are the dates that the Awarded Vendor will be granted access to remove and
 Electrical rough-in 06/15/2015 - 06/19/2015.
 Removal of existing backlit signs and installation of ribbon board structural 06/22/2015 - 07/03/2015.
 Installation of new ribbon boards and end wall displays 06/29/2015 - 07/17/2015.
 Removal of existing Center-Hung assembly and attachment of new replacement 06/29/2015 07/17/2015.
The following projects may be completed if funding allows:
1. Vendor to provide and install an LED video ring display halo attached below Center-Hung Video
o This LED halo shall consist of a 10mm pixel pitch display.
o Dimensions to be presented by Vendor and agreed upon by County.
2. Vendor to provide and install a portable indoor/outdoor two (2) LED End-Wall Displays, each with a
pixel pitch of 10mm, that attaches to a truss and hoist system and can be moved once dismounted.
o This alternate would be in place of the portable LED indoor End-Wall Displays listed above in
this request for proposal.
3. Vendor to provide and install one (1) single horseshoe LED Ribbon-Board display with a pixel pitch of
16mm that runs the length of the building from the east side continuously to the west side of the arena
in place of existing backlit advertisement signs.
o This alternate would be in place of the two (2) Ribbon-Board displays on the east and west
sides of the arena listed above in this request for proposal .
o This Ribbon-Board display would run the east side, south side, and west sides of arena in a
horseshoe shape.
4. Vendor to remove the existing (5’2.4”H x 14’6.7”W) South-End-Wall video display and provide and
install a new LED Video Display with a pixel pitch of 10mm.
5. Attached show lights to the Center-Hung assembly.
6. Vendor to provide the needed engineering, structural steel support, rigging hardware, electrical, fiber
termination, and coordination required to move and install The Ranch’s existing video display boards,
(these boards are being replaced in this RFP), into the Ranch Way Feeds Indoor Arena, located at
5300 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO.
Vendor shall warrant labor and installation (for two (2) years following the date of final inspection) to be free of
defects and deficiencies and maintain quality, function, and characteristics.
 This warranty shall not void specific warranties issued by manufacturers for greater periods of time, nor
shall it void any rights guaranteed to the Owner by law.
 Vendor shall provide identification and location of closest service centers and third-party vendors.
The vendor shall also offer in their proposal an extended service contract for eight (8) additional years (years 3
– 10) of repair or replacement of failed components to start on the ending date of the one-year standard
warranty. This agreement will cover materials from end of the warranty through year ten.
The vendor must provide a narrative response providing proof of their experience in the installation of systems
similar in complexity to those required for this project and to meet the following requirements:
 Vendors submitting a response to this RFP ensure that they are the manufacturer of the displays and
related controllers or they are primary integrators for the manufacturer.
 At least five (5) years experience installing the equipment and systems you are proposing.
 Experience installing three (3) comparable scale projects within the last three (3) years.
 Maintain a fully-staffed and equipped service facility.
 Adequate plant capacity and equipment to complete the work on schedule proposed.
 Adequate staff to perform and complete work according to the projection schedule proposed with
commensurate technical experience.
 The Awarded Vendor must be able to:
o Provide a 4-hour phone call response time.
o Provide remote technical support.
o Provide a 24-hour on-site repair window if requested.
 Suitable financial status (i.e.; bonding and materials purchase capacity) to meet the obligations of the
work and the schedule of payments.
Please submit your proposal, addressing each of the following items in the order as outlined below.
Vendors should provide only the information requested, and present it in a clear, concise manner.
Signed SIGNATURE PAGE, located on page 10 of this RFP.
History of Firm, including at a minimum:
o The age of the firm, brief history, and average number of employees over the past five (5) years.
o Explain how your firm will complete the Video Display Replacement Project for the BEC.
Provide Product Data Specifications in detail including all display capabilities, video processing
capabilities, LED quality, viewing characteristics, display interface, calibration, and display
o Vendor’s list of on-site spare parts that will be provided with each display component.
Artist-rendered drawings of the completed project.
Estimated time to begin and complete the Video Display Replacement Project, ensuring the project
is complete on or before 7/17/2015.
o Prepare and provide a Fixed Priced proposal.
o Also list a fixed price for each of the “Additional Projects if Funding Allows”.
Provide your narrative for Attachment A - “References”.
Provide a resume for each of the key personnel assigned to this project including names and
relevant experience, also list proposed project manager and site superintendent.
o List the other work-related projects he/she will have at the time of this project.
A subcontract plan including a clear description of the percentage of work the contractor may
subcontract out and the list of subcontractors the contractor plans to use.
List of all structural, electrical, and other subcontractors intended to do the work.
o Subcontractors shall be appropriately state licensed in their specialty.
o Subcontractors shall have at least 3 years experience in the production of specified.
o Subcontractors shall have experience with comparable scale projects within the last three years.
A formal contract will be awarded to the vendor whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to Larimer
County (most responsive, responsible, and reasonable proposal).
Prior to commencement of any work, contractor shall forward Certificates of Insurance to Larimer County
Purchasing, 200 W. Oak St., #4000, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. The insurance required shall be procured
and maintained in full force and effect for the duration of the Contract and shall be written for not less than the
following amounts, or greater if required by law. Certificate Holder should be Larimer County at the above
Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability
State of Colorado:
Applicable Federal:
Employer's Liability:
Waiver of Subrogation
$100,000 Each Accident
$500,000 Disease-Policy Limit
$100,000 Disease-Each Employee
Commercial General Liability on an Occurrence Form including the following coverages: Premises
Operations; Products and Completed Operations; Personal and Advertising Injury; Medical Payments;
Contractual Liability; Independent Contractors; and Broad Form Property Damage. Coverage provided
should be at least as broad as found in Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CG0001. Minimum limits
to be as follows:
Bodily Injury & Property Damage General Aggregate Limit
Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit
Personal & Advertising Injury Limit
Each Occurrence Limit
Other General Liability Conditions:
1. Products and Completed Operations to be maintained for one year after final payment.
Contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such coverage to the County on an annual
basis during the aforementioned period (as appropriate).
2. Contractor agrees that the insurance afforded the County is primary.
3. If coverage is to be provided on Claims Made forms, contractor must refer policy to Risk
Management Department for approval and additional requirements.
Professional Liability:
Commercial Automobile Liability coverage to be provided on Business Auto, Garage, or Truckers form.
Coverage provided should be at least as broad as found in ISO form CA0001 (BAP), CA0005 (Garage)
or CA0012 (Trucker) including coverage for owned, non-owned, & hired autos. Limits to be as follows:
Each Occurrence Limit
Aggregate Limit
Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Single Limit
Medical Payment Coverage
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Colorado Statutory Limit
Umbrella Liability:
Each Occurrence Limit
Aggregate Limit
All Insurance policies (except Workers Compensation and Professional Liability) shall include
Larimer County and its elected and appointed officials and employees as additional insureds as
their interests may appear. The additional insured endorsement should be at least as broad as ISO
form CG2010 for General Liability coverage and similar forms for Commercial Auto and Umbrella
Liability. Additional Insured endorsement(s) shall be attached to the certificate of insurance that is
provided to the county.
The County reserves the right to reject any insurer it deems not financially acceptable by insurance
industry standards. Property and Liability Insurance Companies shall be licenses to do business in
Colorado and shall have an AM Best rating of not less than B+ and/or VII.
Notice of Cancellation: Each insurance policy required by the insurance provision of this Contract
shall provide the required coverage and shall not be suspended, voided or canceled except after thirty
(30) days prior written notice has been given to the County, except when cancellation is for nonpayment of premium, then ten (10) days prior notice may be given. Such notice shall be sent directly to
Larimer County Risk Management, 200 W. Oak St., #4000, Ft. Collins, CO 80521. If the insurance
company refuses to provide the required notice, the contractor or its insurance broker shall notify the
County of any cancellation, suspension, non-renewal of any insurance within seven (7) days of receipt
of insurers’ notification to that effect.
Contractor shall furnish Larimer County certificates of insurance. Contractor will receive all subcontractors certificates of insurance. Such certificate must meet all requirements listed above.
An Evaluation Committee will evaluate each proposal on the criteria listed below. The rating scale shall be
from 1 to 5, with 1 being a poor rating, 3 being an average rating, and 5 being an outstanding rating.
Design and Product Specifications
Complete and full design and specs of all
components and systems.
Quality Assurance
Vendor qualifications and references.
Overall cost for entire replacement project and
additional projects if funding allows.
The proposer acknowledges the receipt of the following Addenda:
Addendum Number
Date of Addendum
Date Received
The undersigned certifies that he/she has examined the specifications and instructions to proposers and has
submitted a proposal in full compliance and without collusion with any other person, individual or corporation.
The undersigned further certifies that he/she is or is trying to participate in the “Basic Pilot Employment
Verification Program (Basic Pilot)” as detailed as a part of the “Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements
(SAVE) Program” as found on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website at (
The entire URL for the SAVE program is:
The undersigned certifies that you have verified that you do not employ illegal aliens, and that you shall not
knowingly employ an illegal alien to perform work.
SIGNED: _____________________________________ TITLE: ___________________________________
PRINTED NAME: _________________________________________________________________________
FIRM: __________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ___________________________ STATE: __________________ ZIP: ________________________
DATE: ________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ____________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________
For further information regarding this request for proposal, please contact Les Brown, Purchasing Agent I, at
(970) 498-5954.
Proposal Number: P#15-03, Video Display Replacement Project at The
Proposal Closing Date: _______________________
Vendor Name:_______________________________
Return Proposal to:
200 W. OAK STREET, SUITE 4000, PO BOX 1190
NOTE: Use the
label to the left
on packages
when returning
your proposal
Attachment A - “REFERENCES”
The vendor shall provide a narrative response listing five (5) references; three (3) of the five (5) references need to of
similar scale projects that they have completed within the last 36 months. Vendor needs to use these reference
narratives to provide proof of qualifications and understanding of Larimer County’s scope of work. Failure to include
references and/or the inability to contact the references may cause your proposal to be rejected. The projects should be
for similar display technologies and mounting capabilities.
Organization represented
Individual Name
Position Title
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Telephone number
Email address
Name of product installed
Date of installation
Information on whether this reference would allow a site visit to view the product as it is utilized
 Organization represented
 Individual Name
 Position Title
 Physical Address
 Mailing Address
 Telephone number
 Email address
 Name of product installed
 Date of installation
 Information on whether this reference would allow a site visit to view the product as it is utilized
Organization represented
Individual Name
Position Title
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Telephone number
Email address
Name of product installed
Date of installation
Information on whether this reference would allow a site visit to view the product as it is utilized
Organization represented
Individual Name
Position Title
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Telephone number
Email address
Name of product installed
Attachment A - “REFERENCES
Date of installation
Information on whether this reference would allow a site visit to view the product as it is utilized
Organization represented
Individual Name
Position Title
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Telephone number
Email address
Name of product installed
Date of installation
Information on whether this reference would allow a site visit to view the product as it is utilized