Open House Handout

March 2015
Thank you for attending tonight’s open house. We appreciate your time and interest in learning about the
importance of floodplain management and the proposed changes to the County’s floodplain regulations
found in Section 4.2.2 of the Larimer County Land Use Code (LCLUC).
The following summarizes thee proposed changes and gives details for the upcoming adoption process.
Larimer County has floodplain regulations that have been in existence since 1975 that govern
substantially damaged structures. A structure is considered substantially
damaged when the cost of
restoring the structure to its before-damaged
damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market
value of the structure just prior to when the damage occurred
Larimer County has a higher standard related to the allowance of rebuilding substantially damaged
structures in the floodway than FEMA, the State and some other local jurisdictions. The
he higher standard
is of concern to some citizens, particularly those owning non
non-conforming developed
veloped property in the
floodway. The proposed regulation changes would help address citizen concerns but still generally
maintain the purpose of the floodplain regulations that are intended to protect the health and safety of the
public and minimize futuree flood damages.
Current Regulation:
Larimer County floodplain regulations currently prohibit rebuilding or repairing a substantially-damaged
structure in a designated floodway. The damage to a structure can be from any cause – flood, fire,
earthquake, wind, rain, or other natural or human
human-induced hazard.
Proposed Regulation:
Larimer County is considering making changes to Section 4.2.2 of the LCLUC to allow rebuilding or
repairing of a substantially-damaged
damaged structure in a designated floodway when the structure has been
damaged by any means other than a flood event. A substantially-damaged structure that is permitted to be
rebuilt or repaired must still meet all other applicable floodplain regulations such as elevating the
structure to 18 inches above the 100 year flood elevation or flood proofing the structure.
The prohibition will remain that substantially
damaged structures in a designated floodway can not be
rebuilt or repaired if they have been substantially
substantially-damaged by a flood event.
How to Provide Input or Contact Us:
We appreciate your input! We hope you’ll fill out a comment sheet and return it to us with your thoughts
and comments. Sheets can be left in the comments box tonight, emailed to, or
mailed to Larimer County Engineering ( Attn:Traci Shambo),, P.O. Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 8052280522
Public comment will be taken at the hearings scheduled with the Planning Commission on May 20th and
with the Board of County Commissioners on June 15th .Comments given to us throughout the process will
also be provided to the Boards at the hearings. The adoption process is shown on thee back of this sheet.
If you have specific questions, please contact Eric Tracy at Larimer County Engineering. He
H can be
reached at 970-498-5701,, or via email at
Adoption Process:
We will consider your comments and feedback throughout the adoption process. The process includes the
following upcoming meetings:
March 17, 2015
Activity Type
Public Meeting
March 24, 2015
Public Meeting
March 31, 2015
Public Meeting
April 14, 2015
Environmental Science
& Advisory Board
(Public Hearing)
April 23, 2015
Flood Review Board
(Public Hearing)
May 20, 2015
Planning Commission
Public Hearing
June 15, 2015
Board of County
Public Hearing
Location and Time
Big T Canyon
Association Bldg 1479
W Hwy 34, Drake, CO
Cache La Poudre
Middle School
Auxiliary Gym, Room
122 3315 CR 54G,
LaPorte, CO
Berthoud Community
Hall 248 Welch Ave,
Berthoud, CO
County Court House,
1st Floor, 200 West
Oak Street, Fort
Collins, CO 80522
County Court House,
3rd Floor, 200 West
Oak Street, Fort
Collins, CO 80522
County Court House,
1st Floor, 200 West
Oak Street, Fort
Collins, CO 80522
County Court House,
1st Floor, 200 West
Oak Street, Fort
Collins, CO 80522
6:00 – 8:00 pm
6:30 – 8:30pm
6:00 – 8:00 pm
6:00 pm
8:30 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm