Larkfield and East Malling Methodist Church 22nd March 2015 TODAY’S SERVICES 10.00am 5th Sunday in Lent Olwen West Steward: Tony Buddin Welcome Steward: Ann Fletcher Bible Reader: Patricia Arnold Intercessions: Sylvia Ratcliff Organist: Rob Wilding 7.00pm Healing and Wholeness Rev. Tony Graff Steward: Brian Trice SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY 29th March 2015 Palm Sunday 6th Sunday in Lent Lesley Trott Steward: Brian Trice Welcome Steward: Christine Malins Bible Reader: Emily Christian Intercessions: Ali Lineham Organist: Rob Wilding Flowers: Monica Wilding W e welcome you all to our worship today. If you are a visitor, we hope to see you again. Please sign in the Visitor’s Book and take a copy of aLive our church magazine. Tea, coffee and squash will be served after the service, in the Sycamore Tree. Children and young people will go to their classes after the second hymn. Lord Jesus Christ, we believe: You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We gather together today to proclaim that reality in our worship. We are your people and you are our God. Receive our prayers and praise in His name. Amen. NOTICES We will never know how often the Lord quietly protects us, directs or leads us. He is an ever-present companion. Water Aid— We will be collecting your loose change during Lent for Water Aid. There is a glass jar in church this morning for that purpose. Draft copies of the Annual Church Meeting are available on the Notice Board in the Welcome Area. Feel free to take a copy. Weekly prayers on-line: Christine will be preparing the prayers next week. If you have any requests for prayers, please let her know. A Foodbank has started to operate from The Dorcas Centre, in the grounds of the Brookfield schools, on the corner of Swallow Road withKingfisher Road. It will be open on Wednesdays initially from 10am until 11.30am, any maybe will also be open on Saturday mornings, depending on the number and availability of volunteers. Christine’s email address is: Monday 23rd March—Expressions Dance meet from 1.30 to 3.30pm in the hall. Tuesday 24th March—Muffins & More invite you to join them from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Easter Morning Sunrise Service Sunday 5 April 2015 at 6.30 am Bluebell Hill Picnic Site Every Thursday 11.00am to 1.30pm at The Dorcas Centre, Swallow Road Larkfield Activities with a light lunch Cost: minimum donation of £3 Free door to door transport within Larkfield, Leybourne, East and West Malling, Kings Hill areas. Wednesday 25th March—Little Larks meet in the hall from 1.30 to 3.30pm. Thursday 26th—Afternoon Tea and Games - Do come along and join us where you will find good company, tea, cake and board games from 2.00pm and finish at approx. 3.30pm. A senior lunch club To book your place and transport call 07434150922 With communion Led by Rev Clifford Newman Circuit News NOTICES Another Chrestos Training Session has been arranged for: Saturday 28th March 2015 at 9.30am till about 11.00am At Union Street Methodist Church CIRCUIT REFLECTIONS Please could you let Simon or Martin have any names of those hoping to attend. Roughshod Theatre Company present... Monday 30th March—Holy Week Prayer Labyrinth—10am to 12 noon Spital Street Methodist Church, Dartford. Death-defying stories of hope, courage & resistance. Discover what it means to make a difference no matter what the cost may be. Say ‘YES’ to this counter-cultural concoction of temptation, trials & triumph in Roughshod’s liberating new show. Tuesday 31st March—”The True Vine” - from 1.30pm Union Street Methodist Church, Maidstone/ Friday 27th March 7.30 pm Gillingham Methodist Church Suitable for those in senior school upwards Wednesday 1st April—”Unless I wash you….” Two short reflections on Mary anointing Jesus and Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.— 7.30pm at the Church in Eccles. Tickets £7 / £5 (concessions) For more information about the production - Easter Saturday— “Out of the darkness…..” - Quiet morning with five short reflections at Hartlip Retreat Centre. Come and go as you please, between 9.00am and 12 noon. Walk to Emmaus for Men Friday (pm) 1st May to Monday 4th May 2015 Richard Vincent is running a Walk to Emmaus workshop in May and he needs to fill it with Men from the Circuit. It is a weekend event which the Circuit has selected as being one which will help our personal journey of discipleship and at the same time to draw people into the love of Christ. We have one member from Larkfield already attending and we would welcome as many as possible. Promise of a weekend when you will be with a group of people sharing their love of Jesus, (there is a real chance Tony Graff is coming). web site is: Please contact Monica Wilding for more details, or if you would like to assist. FAMILY AND PASTORAL NEWS Happy Birthday to Rebecca Smith on 28th March Methodist Women in Britain South-East District Day We ask God’s blessing on: Tony, our Minister, and his family, Christine, Rachel and Kathryn; Don and Jill’s grandson Neil who has just been diagnosed as having Polycystic Fibrosis, an hereditary kidney disease; Don Freeman remaining in hospital receiving further treatment; Delphine Priest in severe pain; Trevor Lineham, Ali and Emily adjusting to a life change; Rick Lambert awaiting an operation on 30th March; all those of our members and friends who are also struggling with ill health or other problems at this time. Lift them, heal them, and support them, we pray; the elderly folk of our church who have become too frail to worship with us; for all the children and young people and their families, who come week by week to clubs and events at our Church. We pray for their leaders that they will be inspired to share their love of Jesus with the youngsters in their care. our friends at St Martin’s and those who regularly attend and lead services there; our Church, for growth, in faith and in numbers. We give thanks for the difference the Welcome Area has made. We ask God’s blessing on us all so that each of us can fulfil our calling to be the people of God working for Him in this place. Rev. Tony Graff’s telephone number: 01732 871436 Church Office tel: 01732 220820 Notices to Christine on 01732 842647 or email them to: by Thursday morning. You can contact the Church Office anytime by phone, details as above. Church Website— Find us on Facebook — “One Mission” Speaker: Revd Alison Walker Former Mission Partner in Florence, Italy at Tonbridge Methodist Church Higham Lane, Tonbridge, TN10 4JT Saturday 28 March 2015 10.30am (for 11.00 start) to 3.30pm Bring a packed lunch – drinks provided £3.00 minimum day charge covers refreshments and contribution to expenses Collection in support of MWiB Partnership for Dalit Solidarity Local contact: Daphne Arden 01732 355620
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