Getting Started in Photoshop Slicing the image Save for Web and

SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Getting Started in Photoshop
Launch Photoshop, Launch Bridge, Navigate
to view desktop folder: Health and Fitness.
In Photoshop create a new document
Name: Health and Fitness
900px wide and 600px high. (72 res) OK
Enable visibility of Rulers
Set rulers unit to Pixels (if needed)
Place a Horizontal Guide at 175px
Place a Vertical Guide at 200px
Place Horizontal Guide at 550px
Open Image: meadow.psd
Drag tree light sky image to Health and Fitness, Align
Save: Health and Fitness.psd
Slicing the image
Using Slice Tool Slice Header name slice tag: header (900W x 175H)
Using Slice Tool Slice sidebar name slice tag: sidebar (200W x 375H)
Using Slice Tool Slice main name slice tag: main (700W x 375H)
Using Slice Tool Slice footer name slice tag: footer (900W x 50H)
Save for Web and Devices
In the optimized tab, select each of the slices (all).
Set each to jpg and high
Save User Slices Only Ensure that this is being saved to the desktop folder: Health
and Fitness.
If successful a folder named images will appear in your desktop root folder
The Images folder will contain all of the named slices created earlier
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Create Buttons in Photoshop
In Photoshop create a new document
name as button master 180px wide 35 px
high (72 res)
Create the following text layers for
Use font style: Gil San Ultra Bold 48 pt
Each button will have an up state and a down state use one background color as
one state and another color as another state (as shown)
Create Images in Photoshop
Images for main pages should be
675px wide x 365px high (72)
Logo is 140px x 140px transparent background image saved as
Fitness logo.png
- Completed buttons are located in buttons folder
Meanwhile in Dreamweaver CC
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
In Dreamweaver CC Define Root Folder
Site, New Site, Name: Health and Fitness
Root Folder Location: Desktop Health and Fitness Folder
Create New HTML document
Set View to Design,
Enable Visibility of Rulers (units = pixels)
Title: Health and Fitness Home Page
Save as: index.html Set
Create Page Layout
Insert Div Tag,
After the start of the <body> tag, ID = wrapper, New CSS Rule
New CSS Rule: ID, #wrapper, New Style Sheet. Save as: health.css
Insert Div Tags (continued)
Insert Div tag, after the start of the <wrapper> tag, ID = header,
New CSS Rule: ID, #header, health.css, OK All.
Insert Div tag, after tag <header> tag, ID = sidebar,
New CSS Rule: ID, #sidebar, health.css, OK All.
Insert Div tag, after tag <sidebar> tag, ID = main,
New CSS Rule: ID, #main, health.css, OK All.
Insert Div tag, after tag <main> tag, ID = footer,
New CSS Rule: ID, #footer, health.css, OK All.
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Create CSS Rules for Slices (slices located in the images Folder)
New CSS rule: Class, .header_img, health.css. Background image: header
New CSS rule: Class, .sidebar_img, health.css. Background image: sidebar
New CSS rule: Class, .main_img, health.css. Background image: main
New CSS rule: Class, .footer_img, health.css. Background image: footer
Create CSS Rule for Header text
New CSS rule: Class, .header_img, health.css. Arial, 48, Italic, Bold, #FF00FF (pink)
Set Properties of Div Tags
Set Properties for wrapper:
900 px
0 auto
Set Properties of header:
Select header, Class: .header_img,
Set header div tag properties:
175 px
text-align: center
In sidebar, select Class: .sidebar_img
Set sidebar div tag properties:
200 px,
375 px
text-align: center
In main, select Class: .main_img
Set main div tag properties:
700 px,
375 px
text-align: center
In footer, select Class .footer_img
Set div tag properties:
900 px,
Delete wrapper placeholder text Save All
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the header
Delete placeholder text. Insert Header log image. Select inside the header, insert
image: Fitness Logo.png. Apply non-breaking spaces (Shift +CONTOL + SPACEBAR)
Seven times on the left of the logo image. Insert Header Text: In header on the
right side of the logo type: Health and Fitness. Select text and apply class rule:
header_text to header text. Apply several non-breaking spaces to the left of the
header text.
Complete the Sidebar
Remove placeholder text. Insert
Rollover Buttons in sidebar with only 1
paragraph break between each.
Original Image home_up.png
Rollover image home_dn.png
Link to index.html OK
Insert buttons as shown
Rollover Image properties and link of home button
Insert Rollover Buttons:
YOGA with only 1 paragraph break between each.
Save All.
Save page as cardio.html
Save page as fitness.html
Save page as food.html
Save page as nutrition.html
Save page as yoga.html
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the index page
Open the index page Click to select
before the main placeholder text.
Insert SPRY Tabbed panels
Two tabs will initially appear, increase
this to three tabs. Select and Rename
the first tab: All Ages
Click to select before content 1, Insert
image index-1.jpg in place of content
1. Delete content 1 placeholder text.
Index.html with three tabs in browser view
Select and Rename the second tab:
Measured Output
Click to select before content 1, Insert image index-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Excellent Start
Click to select before content 1, Insert image index-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text. Save index.html. Test functionality in live view
or browser.
Insert Image background: background-index.jpg
Save as index.html
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the cardio page
Open the cardio page, click in main before
placeholder text
Insert SPRY Tabbed Panels. Two will
initially appear, increase this to three tabs.
Select and Rename the first tab: Staying in
Click to select before content 1, Insert
image cardio-1.jpg in place of content 1.
Delete content 1 placeholder text.
cardio.html with three tabs in browser view
Select and Rename the second tab: Need to Know
Click to select before content 1, Insert image cardio-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Team Support
Click to select before content 1, Insert image cardio-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text.
Insert Image background: background-cardio.jpg
Save as cardio.html
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the fitness page
Open the fitness page, click inside
the main before placeholder text
Insert SPRY Tabbed Panels. Two will
initially appear, increase this to
three tabs.
Select and Rename the first tab:
Fitness Fun
Click to select before content 1,
Insert image finess-1.jpg in place of
content 1. Delete content 1
placeholder text.
fitness.html with three tabs viewed from browser
Select and Rename the second tab: Fit for Life
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Fitness Determination
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text.
Insert Image background: background-fitness.jpg
Save index.html. Test functionality in live view or browser.
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the food page
Open the fitness page, click inside
the main before placeholder text
Insert SPRY Tabbed Panels. Two will
initially appear, increase this to
three tabs.
Select and Rename the first tab:
Food Pyramid
Click to select before content 1,
Insert image finess-1.jpg in place of
content 1. Delete content 1
placeholder text.
food.html with three tabs viewed in browser
Select and Rename the second tab:
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Meats
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text.
Insert Image background: background-food.jpg
Save index.html. Test functionality in live view or browser.
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the Nutrition Page
Open the fitness page, click inside
the main before placeholder text
Insert SPRY Tabbed Panels. Two will
initially appear, increase this to
three tabs.
Select and Rename the first tab:
See a Nutritionist
Click to select before content 1,
Insert image finess-1.jpg in place of
content 1. Delete content 1
placeholder text.
Select and Rename the second tab: Friends Support
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Long Life
Click to select before content 1, Insert image fitness-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text.
Insert Image background: background-nutrition.jpg
Save index.html. Test functionality in live view or browser.
ljsnay 14-Apr-15
SDCCD - SP15 - Intro to Web Design – Health and Fitness - LJSnay
Complete the Yoga Page
Open the yoga page, click inside
the main before placeholder text
Insert SPRY Tabbed Panels. Two
will initially appear
Select and Rename the first tab:
American Yoga
Click to select before content 1,
Insert image yoga-1.jpg in place
of content 1. Delete content 1
placeholder text.
Yoga.html with three tabs viewed in browser
Select and Rename the second
tab: Indian Yoga
Click to select before content 2, Insert image yoga-2.jpg in place of content 2.
Delete content 2 placeholder text.
Select and Rename the third tab: Wisconsin Yoga
Click to select before content 3, Insert image yoga-3.jpg in place of content 3.
Delete content 3 placeholder text.
Insert Image background: background-yoga.jpg
Save index.html. Test functionality in live view or browser.
ljsnay 14-Apr-15