Awards Nomination Booklet Nominations close Friday 29 May Principal Sponsor: Contents LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence 2015 Important Dates Awards for Excellence Prizes Presentation of Awards 3 3 3 3 Awards Categories Eligibility 4 4 Nomination Process Assessment of nominations Submissions of nominations and enquiries 5 5 5 Awards Criteria Employee Award Provider Award (Small & Large) Emerging Leader Award Volunteer Award Corporate Partner Award 6 7 8 9 10 2 LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence 2015 Leading Age Services Australia – Victoria (LASA Victoria) is the largest peak body for aged and community care in Victoria. We champion aged and community care organisations to provide the best possible care for older Victorians, now and into the future. Since 2008 the LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence have promoted and recognised excellence across all fields of the aged care industry. The Awards celebrate significant contributions to the quality of life of older people and acknowledge efforts to increase public confidence and community involvement in aged and community care services. The Awards pay well-deserved recognition to those individuals and organisations that have made a difference in contributing to the quality care of our older Victorians amongst their industry peers. Awardees receive cash prizes, an Awards plaque and the LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence seal for use in promoting their achievements in individual organisation promotional materials. We encourage all LASA Victoria Members and Corporate Partners to be involved in the 2015 LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence and to nominate deserving recipients. Important dates Nominations open: Nominations close: Monday 30 March Friday 29 May Awards for Excellence categories Awards for Excellence prizes $500 cash prize for the winners in each category A LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence plaque engraved with the recipient’s name The use of the LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence seal, branded with the Award category and year of achievement – for finalists and Award winners. Presentation of Awards The 2015 LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence will be presented at our Awards Cocktail Reception: Date: Venue: Time: Thursday 30 July Leonda by the Yarra 5.00pm - 7.00pm Celebrate the remarkable achievements of Victoria’s aged care industry at our Awards Cocktail Reception. This will be a night of networking, fun and recognition. The top three (3) finalists from each Award category will be offered one (1) complimentary ticket to attend the Awards Cocktail Function. No financial support can be provided for an Award nominee to attend the presentation event. The Award recipient may appoint a representative to receive an Award on their behalf. To register to attend The Awards Cocktail Function please email your expression of interest to Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 3 LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence – Categories Employee Award See page 6 for Awards Criteria Recognising the dedication and contribution of an individual employee in the delivery of care and/or services to older people. Large Provider Award See page 7 for Awards Criteria Recognising one Large Provider (with over 100 employees) who demonstrates leadership, innovation and excellence in their service delivery. Small Provider Award See page 7 for Awards Criteria Recognising one Small Provider (with under 100 employees) who demonstrates leadership, innovation and excellence in their service delivery. Emerging Leader Award See page 8 for Awards Criteria Celebrating the achievements of a person currently employed within age services and who demonstrates outstanding leadership potential within the industry. Volunteer Award See page 9 for Awards Criteria Recognising an individual who generously volunteers their time to enhance the health outcomes and well-being of older Victorians. Corporate Partner Award See page 10 for Awards Criteria In recognition of ongoing support and innovation to enhance the services provided to aged care facilities. Eligibility To be eligible to win the Employee, Large Provider, Small Provider, Emerging Leader Awards, Volunteer, an individual or organisation must meet one or more of the following criteria: Be a Full Member of Leading Age Services Australia – Victoria (Corporate Partner organisations are not eligible) Be an individual who is associated with a Member of LASA Victoria as a: - Member of a Board or Committee - Member of staff (casual, part or full time) - Volunteer. Please note: Self-nomination is acceptable for the Provider and Corporate Partner awards only To be eligible to win the Corporate Partner Award you must meet one or more of the following criteria: Be a current Corporate Partner of Leading Age Services Australia – Victoria Have sponsored and supported a LASA Victoria event or initiative in the last 12 months Provided consultancy services to LASA Victoria Members in the last 12 months. Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 4 Nomination requirements Nominations should be made using the Online Nomination Forms at: Each category requires an individual online nomination form to be completed. Nominations for the Employee, Large Provider, Small Provider, Emerging Leader, Volunteer awards can be made by: Any individual who works for a Full Member of LASA Victoria as a member of a Board or Committee; a member of staff; or a volunteer. Where eligible, nominations for more than one Award category can be made. All nominations will be confidential. All nominations are to be made through the appropriate Online Nomination Form, addressing the relevant category criteria as highlighted on pages 6 - 10. Nominations should provide sufficient information to enable proper assessment by the Judging Panel. See more about the Judging Panel below. Each online nomination form provides space for the nomination information to be submitted (word limits apply) and for the mandatory and optional attachment uploads (can be PDF or JPEG). Each of the two (2) referees listed on the Nomination Form are requested to submit a brief letter outlining their support for the nominee. These should be included with the nomination material via the attachment upload option on each online nomination form. Please note: no DVD or other supporting attachments sent via mail to LASA Victoria outside of the requested materials on the online nomination forms will be considered during the judging process. Assessment of nominations process LASA Victoria will establish a Judging Panel to determine finalists and winners in each category. The following steps outlines the nominations process: 1. The Judges will be split into two groups 2. Each group will be allocated three categories to be assessed 3. Once finalists have been selected, nominators will be advised of the outcome of their submission in June. The Judging Panel will comprise of academics specialising in aged care, previous board members of an aged care facility, marketing and communications professionals with knowledge specific to the aged care industry, and industries directly involved with the sector as selected by LASA Victoria. All attempts will be made to ensure there is no conflict of interest between members of the Judging Panel and those submitting nominations. Judging Panels will have complete discretion when considering nominations. Their decisions in respect of the awards are final. Judges may call for additional information or clarification on individual nominations. In the case of a tie, LASA Victoria will determine the Award winner. No correspondence will be entered into in respect of the Judging Panel’s decision. The Judging Panel’s decision cannot be appealed. Preparation – Word Templates LASA Victoria has developed Word Documents for each Award Category to be used in the preparation of your Nomination. We suggest using these templates to back-up your information, in the event this information may be lost, you will have it saved in a safe place. Use these preparation templates to ensure you have complied with the word limits and to copy and paste directly into the relevant online nomination form. Please note this is not a submission form, it is purely for preparation purposes. Templates can be found and downloaded at: Submissions of nominations and enquiries All nominations must be received by 5.00pm Friday 29 May via the Online Nomination Process. Only online nominations will be accepted, any nominations received via mail or email will not be considered. Find out more and nominate at: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 5 2015 Employee Award Criteria The Employee Award recognises the dedication and contribution of an individual employee in the delivery of care and/or services to older people. The employee will have: Excelled in the care provided Demonstrated commitment and dedication. In your online submission you will be asked to provide the following information: Mandatory nomination criteria Your responses below must be submitted via the online nomination form. Please note word limits apply: a. b. c. About the nominee: Please provide 50 words about who you are nominating and why. (50 words) A brief description of your organisation (services, clients, size, length of operation etc). (200 words) Describe how this employee is exceptional and a true asset to your organisation and the aged care industry. Provide at least one example of when your employee has gone above and beyond in their role and demonstrated a commitment to services to older Victorians. (500 words) Award Nomination attachments (mandatory) Referee supporting letter 1: Referee supporting letter 2: Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 1 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 2 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Award Nomination attachments (optional) Supporting photograph in high resolution for print purposes, must be 300dpi (one) Media clippings: maximum of one (1) A4 double-sided page (must be PDF). No other supporting attachments outside of the requested materials will be considered during the judging process. How to submit a nomination: 1. Visit 2. Click on the Employee Award Nomination Form heading 3. Complete and submit the online nomination form via the Online Nomination Process – include all mandatory and optional attachments 4. Ensure the nominator has received a Nomination Confirmation email from LASA Victoria (will be sent to the provided Nominator’s email address). Please note: If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submitting your application please contact LASA Victoria Memberships: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 6 2015 Provider Award Criteria Large & Small Categories This Award – to be awarded to one Small and one Large provider – recognises organisations who demonstrates leadership, innovation and excellence in their service delivery to older Victorian. In your online submission you will be asked to provide the following information: Mandatory nomination criteria Your responses below must be submitted via the online nomination form. Please note word limits apply: a. About the nominee: Please provide 50 words about your organisation and the reason for your nomination. (50 words) Please indicate* if you are a ‘large’ or ‘small’ provider (definitions below) (50 words) *This will be a check box in the online nomination form. Give a brief description of your organisation including: Length of operation, service provided, clients, size etc. (400 words) Describe how your organisation excels in the provision of care and services to older Victorians. You may wish to provide a general description, or highlight one program or service area. Examples include, but are not limited to: training, use of technology, excellence in customer service, sustainable/environmentally friendly practices, future planning to align with reforms. In your example please demonstrate how innovation has been used in the services you provide, also describe how your leadership in those areas has resulted in quality care and exceptional services for your clients/residents. (500 words) b. c. d. Definitions for part b: Large Provider: Those with more than 100 paid employees. Small Provider: Those with less than 100 paid employees . Award Nomination attachments (mandatory) Referee supporting letter 1: Referee supporting letter 2: Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 1 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 2 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Award Nomination attachments (optional) Supporting photograph in high resolution for print purposes, must be 300dpi (one) Media clippings: maximum of one (1) A4 double-sided page (must be PDF). No other supporting attachments outside of the requested materials will be considered during the judging process. How to submit a nomination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit Click on the Provider Award Nomination Form heading Complete and submit the online nomination form via the Online Nomination Process – include all mandatory and optional attachments Ensure the nominator has received a Nomination Confirmation email from LASA Victoria (will be sent to the provided Nominator’s email address). Please note: If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submitting your application please contact LASA Victoria Memberships: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 7 2015 Emerging Leader Award Criteria The Emerging Leader Award aims to celebrate the achievements of a person currently employed within age services who demonstrates outstanding leadership potential within the industry. In your online submission you will be asked to provide the following information: Mandatory nomination criteria Your responses below must be submitted via the online nomination form. Please note word limits apply: a. About the nominee: Please provide 50 words about who you are nominating and why. (50 words) Give a brief description of your organisation. (200 words) Outline the nominee’s role within your organisation. (250 words) Provide example/s of how the nominee displays leadership skills and demonstrates personal and professional development within your organisation. (400 words) Please outline any professional development training the nominee has undertaken or is currently completing within the areas of: residential aged care, community care, business management or leadership that will support the development of their skills as an emerging aged care leader. Please give at least one example of how the nominee applies the skills acquired through their training to the provision of quality care and services to older Victorians. (250 words) b. c. d. e. Award Nomination attachments (mandatory) Referee supporting letter 1: Referee supporting letter 2: Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 1 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 2 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Award Nomination attachments (optional) Supporting photograph in high resolution for print purposes, must be 300dpi (one) Media clippings: maximum of one (1) A4 double-sided page (must be PDF). No other supporting attachments outside of the requested materials will be considered during the judging process. How to submit your nomination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit Click on the Emerging Leader Award Nomination Form heading Complete and submit the online nomination form via the Online Nomination Process – include all mandatory and optional attachments Ensure the nominator has received a Nomination Confirmation email from LASA Victoria (will be sent to the provided Nominator’s email address). Please note: If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submitting your application please contact LASA Victoria Memberships: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 8 2015 Volunteer Award Criteria Recognising an individual who generously volunteers their time to enhance the health outcomes and well-being of older Victorians. In your online submission you will be asked to provide the following information: Mandatory nomination criteria Your responses below must be submitted via the online nomination form. Please note word limits apply: a. b. b. c. About the nominee: Please provide 50 words about who you are nominating and why. (50 words) Give a brief description of your organisation. (200 words) Outline the Volunteer’s role in your organisation (including length of service). (250 words) Describe why this Volunteer is outstanding and how they excel in their service. Please provide at least one example of how they have contributed to the provision of quality care and services within your organisation, and have shown dedication and commitment to older Victorians and the age services industry. (500 words) Award Nomination attachments (mandatory) Referee supporting letter 1: Referee supporting letter 2: Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 1 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 2 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Award Nomination attachments (optional) Supporting photograph in high resolution for print purposes, must be 300dpi (one) Media clippings: maximum of one (1) A4 double-sided page (must be PDF). No other supporting attachments outside of the requested materials will be considered during the judging process. How to submit your nomination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit Click on the Volunteer Award Nomination heading Complete and submit the online nomination form via the Online Nomination Process – includes all mandatory and optional attachments Ensure the nominator has received a Nomination Confirmation email from LASA Victoria (will be sent to the provided Nominator’s email address). Please note: If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submitting your application please contact LASA Victoria Memberships: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 9 2015 Corporate Partner Award Criteria In recognition of ongoing support and innovation to enhance the services provided to aged care facilities. In your online submission you will be asked to provide the following information: Mandatory nomination criteria Your responses below must be submitted via the online nomination form. Please note word limits apply: a. About the nominee: Please provide 50 words about your organisation and reason for your nomination. (50 words) Give a brief description of your organisation. (200 words) Outline your company’s role in the aged care sector. (250 words) Describe how your company supports and uses innovative services\ideas to enhance the aged care industry. (500 words) b. c. d. Award Nomination attachments (mandatory) Referee supporting letter 1: Referee supporting letter 2: Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 1 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Upload a PDF version of a letter from Referee 2 outlining their support for the nomination (maximum one (1) A4 double-sided page). Award Nomination attachments (optional) Supporting photograph in high resolution for print purposes, must be 300dpi (one) Media clippings: maximum of one (1) A4 double-sided page (must be PDF). No other supporting attachments outside of the requested materials will be considered during the judging process. How to submit your nomination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit Click on Corporate Partner Award Nomination heading Complete and submit online nomination form via the Online Nomination Process – includes all mandatory and optional attachments Ensure the nominator has received a Nomination Confirmation email from LASA Victoria (will be sent to the provided Nominator’s email address). Please note: If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submitting your application please contact LASA Victoria Memberships: Contact LASA Victoria Memberships p: 03 9805 9400 e: 10 Thank you for taking the time to nominate for this year’s LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence. We wish you all the best for your nomination and encourage you to keep making a difference in enhancing the quality of care for older Victorians.
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