Opportunity Youth Pathway Coordinator Position Description

Opportunity Youth Pathway Coordinator
Position Description
Thrive Chicago (www.thrivechi.org) is a local initiative modeled after and supported by the national
StriveTogether Network, which provides a roadmap for harnessing the power of collective impact. By
bringing together organizations across multiple sectors, agreeing on common outcomes of focus, and
uniting efforts spanning the entire continuum from cradle to career, Thrive Chicago will result in
citywide alignment that benefits all children.
Thrive is working with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago City Colleges (CCC) to create a dual
enrollment program for former Opportunity Youth (youth ages 16-21 who have dropped out of high
school). Dual Enrollment programs allow high school students to travel to CCC and take college classes
that will count for high school and college credit. The Pathway Coordinator will help facilitate this
process, help youth succeed on a college campus, and develop targeted strategies to help participating
Job Summary
This is a part-time, one-year contract position. Hours will likely vary between 10-20 hours per week. The
position will support the Opportunity Youth Dual Enrollment program described above. Tentative start
date is May 20, 2015.
 Work with partner high schools (staff and students) to market City Colleges of Chicago (CCC)
Dual Enrollment Program (to take place at Kennedy-King College).
 Assist with enrolling students in appropriate CCC courses.
 Partner with Early College Coordinator at CCC to:
o Create a specialized orientation to the Dual Enrollment Program showing all of the
supports that are available to students on the Kennedy-King campus as well as how to
access those resources.
o Help students log on to Blackboard (a class management system where professors
communicate with students).
o Identify issues/opportunities to help support students in dual enrollment program.
o Provide continuous support for youth as they navigate a college campus and coach
students on use of college support services.
o Monitor student grades and attendance. Problem solve with the student if/when any
challenges arise.
o Assist students with long-term planning about necessary steps to achieve: basic
certificate, advanced certificate, Associates Degree or transfer.
 Partner with high school staff to build relationship between Pathway Coordinator and students.
 Meet weekly with students (as a group) at their high school to discuss their experience of
attending a college class, help with any issues that arise, provide training for the COMPASS test.
 Regularly meet with staff at Thrive Chicago to provide updates on youth and program.
 Attend monthly High School Graduation Change Network meetings to report on progress of
 Work with school staff to help hand out transportation cards and books.
Act as liaison between CCC and high school about student progress/concerns.
Track progress of students – for example: grades, attendance, use of support services. More
guidance to be provided upon hire.
Qualifications and Skills
 Bachelor’s degree required. Master’s Degree in Higher Education or Social Work preferred (okay
if in progress).
 Experience (or familiarity) with CPS, Dual Enrollment, and City Colleges of Chicago.
 Independent worker with a good time management skills, ability to take initiative, and advocate
for others.
 Excellent oral and written communication skills. Must be able to relate to youth as well as Thrive
Chicago staff.
 Ability to build relationships with youth quickly. Conflict resolution and strong facilitation skills.
 Good organizational skills and high attention to detail required.
 Familiarity with Blackboard.
 Experience with youth facing adversity.
 Access to a car preferred.
 Must have own laptop and phone.
 Background check will be required.
$2,000 per month, payable upon receipt of monthly invoice. Benefits will not be provided.
Application Instructions
Submit cover letter and resume to Kate Warach (kwarach@thrivechi.org). Applications will be reviewed
on a rolling basis until position is filled. Please write Pathway Coordinator in subject line.