JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 92, NO. A6, PAGES 6133-6140, JUNE 1, 1987 Ion Distributionsin the DaysideMagnetosheaths of Jupiterand Saturn JOHN D. RICHARDSON Centerfor SpaceResearch,Massachusetts Instituteof Technology,Cambridge Data from the Voyager1 and 2 PlasmaScienceexperimentin the daysidemagnetosheaths of Jupiterand Saturnare analyzed. The ion distributionsthroughoutthe daysidemagnetosheaths of both planetsare well modeledby a two-temperature protondistribution.The two protonpopulationshave comparabledensities, and temperatures of 100 and 1000 eV. Similar two-temperature protondistributions are occasionally observed in earth's magnetosheath. Ion temperatures,densities, and bulk velocities for the four magnetosheath crossingsare presented,continningthat sunwardflow of up to 100 km/s occurswhen the magnetosphere is expanding. INTRODUCTION outboundusing Pioneer 10 data and assumingthat the proton distributions were MaxwellJan. Mihalov et al. [1976] found The magnetosheathis the region between a planet's bow that, althoughmany ion distributions observedby Pioneers10 shock and magnetospherewhich contains shocked solar wind and 11 in the Jovian magnetosheathare MaxwellJan,some have plasma. The bow shocks at the earth and other planets have non-Maxwellian characteristics with enhancements at low or receivedextensiveattentionin the literature(see Greenstadtand high energy, A two-temperature distribution withcharacteristics Fredericks [1979] and Russell [1985] for recent reviews). This of both the unperturbedsolar wind and magnetosheath plasma work has generally focusedon the jump parametersacrossthe (temperaturesof about 3 and 280 eV, respectively) was shock and microstructureof the shock. Very little has been sometimesobservedby Pioneers10 and 11 near the shock,but written on the distribution function of plasma in the these.spectramay indicate incompleteshock crossingsrather magnetosheathregion, even though knowledge of these than shock-produced distributions. distributions would seem essential for understandingthe Little has been previouslyreportedabout the Voyager processesoccurring in the shocks. Many early experiments magnetosheath plasmadata at Jupiter and Saturn,exceptfor a noted the presenceof a non-Maxwellianhigh-energytail on ion listing of the magnetosheath boundariesat the four encounters distributions in earth's magnetosheath [Howe, 1970; [Bridge et al., 1979a, b, 1981, 1982]. This paper presents Hundhausen et al., 1969; Wolfe and McKibben, 1968; resultsfrom an analysisof ion spectraobtainedby the Plasma Montgomeryet al., 1970]. These high-energytails containless Science instrument (PLS) on Voyagers 1 and 2 in the than 10% of the total densityandbecomelesspronounced away from the immediate vicinity of the shock [Montgomeryet al., 1970]. Formisanoet al. [1973] linked the presenceor absence of high-energynon-Maxwellian tails in the proton distribution function to upstream plasma conditions. More recent observations showthat somemagnetosheath spectraexhibition distributionswhich are well describedby two Maxwellians with different temperatures.Observations made from Apollo 15 in the dusk magnetosheathshow that two-temperature ion distributions sometimes occur during quiet times (low geomagnetic activity), with the cold component having a temperature of 10-25eV anda density of about1 cm-3, andthe magnetosheathsof Jupiter and Saturn. Ion distributions throughoutthe dayside magnetosheaths of both planets are found to be well simulatedby protonswith a two-temperature distribution. The densities of these two MaxwellJan proton populationsare comparable,and their temperatures are about 100 and 1000 eV. INSTRUMENT AND ANALYSIS ThePLSinstrument consists of fourmodulated-grid Faraday cups which measureion and electroncurrentsin an energy-per- charge range of 10-5950 eV (for completedetails on the hot componenthaving a temperatureof 70-150 eV and a instrumentsee Bridge et al. [1977]). The low-resolution(L) density of 7-10 cm-3 [Sanders et al., 1978, 1981]. mode coversthis range with 16 contiguousvoltage "windows," Measurements in earth'sdawnsidemagnetosphere by the ISEE 1 or channels,and the high-resolution(M) mode covers the same spacecraftshow that during at least one quiet time the ion voltagerange with 128 channels. A completeset of L and M distributionis well describedby two thermal populationsof mode spectra is obtained every 96 and 192 seconds, nearly equal density with temperatures of 60 and 500 eV respectively.Three of the detectors(A, B, and C) are oriented [Petersonet al., 1979]. Althoughno statisticalstudieshave in a cluster whose central axis pøints toward earth and are been done, these two-temperatureion distributionsappearto be ideally oriented for measuringsolar wind and magnetosheath rare at the earth, having been reportedonly during quiet times flow. The D cup is at right anglesto this directionbut still by two experiments. Observationsof the magnetosheaths of Jupiter and Saturn have beenmade by the Pioneerand Voyager spacecraft.Wolfe et al. [1974] calculatedprotondensities,temperatures,and bulk velocities in the Jovian magnetosheathboth inbound and detectsion fluxes in the magnetosheath where the plasmais subsonic. A sample set of M mode spectra is shown in Figure 1. Currentin femtoamps (10-•s A) is plottedversusa logarithmic Papernumber6A8835. energyscale. Currentsare measuredsimultaneously in all four cups. The plasma flow is directly into the A, B, and C cups, The D cup is at a right angle to the flow direction,so currents measuredin this cup are due to the thermal spreadin the ion 0148-0227/87/006A-8835502.00 velocities. Copyright1987 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. 6133 6134 RICHARDSON: BRIEBREPORT A-CUP 104' B-CUP _- • 1ø• • 10• c• 102 • E -• 0 lO 1 lO t ,o •0 ic E/q (vo t s ) E/q (volIs) 1o• C-CUP • 1ø3 z 102 • 101 IO ,o,i lO lO1 , . , Ibo o-cuP ,o Io'oo ,do E/q E/q (volts) ,o'oo ( volts Fig. 1. A sample setofM mode spectra fromVoYager 2 at69.5Rj. Overlaying thedata isthebest fii tothedata ob•ined using a two-temperature proton distribution with(VR,Vr,V•v)= (-155,9, -6)loth/s, n•t• = 0.74cm-3,TcOt.D = 53eV,niaoT = 0.86cm-3, andTrio T = 389eV. theconclusion' tha t bothion populations arepredominately Plasma fluid parameters areobtained byusing aleast squares composedOf protons. It is certainthat an alphapopulation fittingmurine'tofindthedensity, velocity, andtemperature, 5-10 %' of the totalion densitydoesunderlythe which, combinedwith the instrumentresponse(see Barnett containing [1984] and Barnett and Olbert [1986]), best simulatesthe data. main proton population,but this shouldhave a minimal effect It is assumedthat plasma distributionsare convectedisotropic on the results presented here. The assumption that ion MaXwelliansand that both ion populations havethe samebulk distributions areisotropic is largelyvindicated by theabilityof velocity. the simulations to matchthe datain all four detectors, although the presenceof a small degree of anisotropycannot be ruled out. DATA AND RESULTS Figure 2 shows the persistenceof the two-temperatureion Figure 1 shows the data and best fit to a set of M mode distributions throughout the Jovian and Saturnian spectrain the dayside magnetosheathtaken by the Voyager 2 magnetosheaths ..assampled by bothVoyagers 1 and2. The PLSinstrument about 69.5Jovian radii(Rj)fromJuPiter. The spectraShownspanthe radial range from 48 to 86 R• and 62 to two-temperatUre characterof the distributionis apparentin the 97 Rj for Voyagers 1 and 2, respectively,at Jupiterand cover datafromthe.A,B, andC cups.Thefit shownOverlaying the the range from 19.4 to 26 Rs at Saturn. The fits shown datamodels theiøndistribution using twoproton components, a superimposedon the data in all cases assume both ion areProtons andarea resultof obtaining thebestfit coldcomponent with a densityof 0.74 cm-3 anda temperaturecomponents of53eV,anda hotcbmponent withadensity of0.86cm -3and in all four cups,althoughonly one cup from each set of spectra in the a te'mperature of 389eV. Thesimulated current• obtained using is shownin the figure. Althoughthereare variations thesefit parameters fit thedatawellin all fourcups.Thissetof shapeof the o.f the spectraand the relative densitiesand of thecoldandhotcomponents, the•haracteristic spectrahas also been fit assumingthat the lower-energytemperatures component. is protonsandthe,higher-energy component is alpha two-temperaturesignatureexists throughoutall four Voyager throughthe daysidemagnetosheaths of Jupiterand particles. In this case,goodfits are againobtainedin the A, B, passages and C cups with a proton density of 0.84 cm-• and a Saturn. An ion distribution consisting of two Maxwellian proton temperature of 57 eV, and an alphadensityof 0.42 crn-* and ., temperature of 649 eV. The simulatedcurrentsin the D cup, populationshas been used to simulate ion data•and derive however, are a factor of 2-3 lower than the observed currents. plasmafluid parametersthroughoutthe daysidemagnetosheaths The ratio between the proton and alpha temperaturesand of Jupiter and Saturn. At Jupiter, ion spectra from all the densitiesare also much differentthan one would expectbased dayside Voyager magnetosheathcrossingsare used to derive on Upstreamsolar wind parameters.In the solar wind, alpha plasma properties. The spectraobtained at Saturn are often particles makeup 5'-12 % Of the totalsolarwinddensity,and contaminatedby noise at high energiesdue to damagethe PLS the proton and alpha temperaturesare usuallywithin a factor of instrumentsuffered in the Jovian radiation belts. This, 2 (see Figures 3-6). Thus fitting the two magnetosheathcombinedwith the lower flux of ions due to Saturn's larger fromthe sun,lowersthe signal-to-noise ratioin the components usingprotons andalphaswoul d requirethatthe distance percentageof alphaparticlesincreaseby a factorof 3 acrossthe spectra obtained, causing the spectra to be generally more shockand that alphasbe heated5-8 timesas muchas the difficultto analyzeand the fit parameters obtainedtcibe more protonsin the shock.This seemsunreasonable basedon our Uncertain. Forthisreason, lessspectra havebeenanalyzed at regionsencounteredby Voyager knowledgeof earth's bow shockand magnetosheath, justifying Saturn,and the magnetosheath RICHARDSON: BRIEFREI•RT Voyager I, Jupiter Voyager •_ 6135 2, R:85.5o • Jupiter Voyager I, Saturn R = 97.52 R: 26.01 - _ • "q : . R: 86.4 4 io4 R = 24.57 io 3 io 2 R: 23.18 _ _ ___-.- _ 1021 I __'•R •=67.85 t ,o-, -•58 I Voyager ,oaE"V % , %1 'ø2E ' ---- /, 2, Saturn R: 23.44 -- _ _ _ _ _ _ 102 _ •. ,,.• - R: _ 19.41 _ ,,% o'b io , ioo t iooo io ioo VOLTAGE iooo IO IOO IOOO (V) Fig.2. Sample ionspectra spanning themagnetosheaths of Jupiter andSaturn during theVoyager encounters showing the persistent bimodal temperature structure. Also shown are the best fit to the data and hot and cold proton densities in units of cm-3. 2 between 26.6 and28.0 Rs andbetween 29.0 and31.6 Rshave the spacecraft is in the sheathor the percentage of alpha beennot beenincluded in thisstudybecause of particularly particlespresentif the spacecraftis in the solar wind. The severenoiseproblems. bottom panel gives the temperatureof the two plasma Figures 3-6 showplasmaparameters fromVoyagers 1 and2 components present;the hot and cold protontemperatures are in the daysidemagnetosheaths of JupiterandSaturnandin the givenfor themagnetosheath, andtheprotonandalphaparticle adjacent solarwind. The location of thespacecraft (solarwind, temperatures are givenfor the solarwind. The top five panels magnetosheath, or magnetosphere) is indicated on thefigures,as usecirclesand trianglesto indicateparameters obtainedfromL arethelocations of themagnetopause andbowshockcrossings. and M mode spectra,respectively.To avoid confusion,the Whenthe spacecraft is in the solarwind,therearelargeradial temperature plot usesthe samesymbolfor temperatures derived velocities, low densities, andlow temperatures. Magnetosheath fromL andM modespectra.Dependingon the locationof the regionshave lower velocitiesand higher temperatures and spacecraft, diamonds and crosses represent either the densities.The densities in theoutermagnetosphere aretoolow temperaturesof protons and alphas in the solar wind or for plasmaparametersto be obtained. temperatures of the hot and cold protonpopulationsin the The top three panels of Figures 3-6 show the three magnetosheath.Sometimesthe alpha peak in the solar wind components of the plasmabulk velocityin RTN coordinates,outsideSaturn'sbow shockis overwhelmed by noise;in these whereR is radiallyoutwardfromthesun,T completes a right- cases,only the protontemperature anddensityareplotted. The handedcoordinatesystemdefinedby R and N, and N is formal 1-sigmaerrorsfrom the fits to theseparameters (see perpendicular to the eclipticandpointsnorthward.The fourth Bevington [1969])are comparable to or lessthanthepointsize panelshowsthe totalion density.The fifth panelgiv, es the on the plots. percentage of thetotaldensitycontained in thehotcomponent if The radial velocitydecreases by abouta factorof 4 acrossthe 6136 RI•ARDSON: BRIEFRF.I•RT 600 qoot MS 200 0 -200 lO0 0 -100 z loo -100 • 00 v z lO-1 i ' i lO• _ lO2 _ 101 _ ii lOø _ ß I ß ' ß •e+++++ ß+• + i + 10-1 qO.O 50.0 60.0 70.0 80,0 90.0 RJ Fig. 3. Ion bulk velocity,total ion density,percentage of totaldensityin the hot proton(magnetosheath) or alpha(solarwind) component,and temperatures of the two ion populations in the solarwind and Jovianmagnetosheath duringthe Voyager 1 encounter.The bow shockand magnetopause locationsare given by alternatinglong- and short-dashed lines and by shortdashedlines,respectively.The regionsof solarwind (SW), magnetosheath (SH), andmagnetospheric (MS) plasmaare labeled at the top of the plot. bow shockfrom the solar wind to the magnetosheath, as magnetosphere to themagnetosheath andbeforecrossings from predictedby the Rankine-Hugoniot relationsfor a supercriticalthe magnetosheath to the solarwind). The spacecraft velocityis (magnetosonic Mach number(Msts)> 3) shock(seeTable 1 for small comparedto the expectedspeedof the boundaries[Siscoe shockparameters). The flow is diverted at the shockso as to et al., 1980]. This effect is most apparent near the flow around the magnetosphere,resulting in Vr being magnetosheath boundariesat Jupiter. The first Voyager 1 bow predominatelypositive at Jupiter where the magnetosheathshock crossingat Jupiter at 85.6 Rj occurred during an crossingsoccur in the morning sectorand negativeat Saturn expansionphase,and radial velocitiesjust insidethe shockare where the magnetosheath crossingsare in the afternoonsector. near zero. This expansionreverses, and radial velocities Normal velocities are generally small except close to approach200 km/s before the shockis recrossedat 82.3 Rj. magnetosheath boundariessince the spacecraftare generally Similarly,the Voyager1 radial velocitiesdecreasebeforethe close to the eclipticplane. The exceptionis Voyager 1 at magnetopause crossings at 46 and67 R• andincrease beforethe Saturn,which left the ecliptic to encounterTitan and observes shockcrossinginto the solarwind at 58 R•. The motionof the southward magnetosheath flow. boundaries is fastenoughthatthe flow reverses andbecomes as The measured radial velocityin the magnetosheath results high as 100 km/s sunward.The presence of sunwardflow in from a superposition of the velocityof the shocked solarwind the magnetosheath duringthe Voyager1 passage throughthe flow andthe velocityresultingfromthe movement of the bow magnetosheath waspointedout by Siscoeet al. [1980];these shockand magnetopause due to changesin the solarwind resultsprovidequantitative verificationof their conclusions. pressure. Thus one expects the measuredmagnetosheath The Voyager2 radialvelocitiesalsoshowthiseffect,increasing velocityto be lowerwhenthe magnetosphere is expanding(after before the shock crossingat 68.8 Rj and decreasingwhen crossings from the solarwind to the magnetosheath and before approaching the magnetopause crossingat 58 R•. There is no crossingsfrom the magnetosheath to the magnetosphere) and obviouschangein the spectraat the boundaries betweeninward higher when it is contracting(after crossingsfrom the and outwardflow. The Voyager2 spectraat 62.1 Rj has an R•••N: BRI• REPORT 6137 600 _MS •00 200 0 -200 100 0 -100 z 0 -200 00 10-1 lO3_ 102_ - 101 : I I - 1oø E _ 10-• 55.0 85.0 75.0 85.0 95.0 105.0 BJ Fig. 4. Ion bulk velocity,total ion density,percentage of total densityin the hot proton(magnetosheath) or alpha(solarwind) component, and temperatures of the two ion populations in the solarwind and Jovianmagnetosheath duringthe Voyager2 encounter.The bow shockand magnetopause locationsare givenby alternatinglong- and short-dashed lines and by shortdashedlines,respectively.The regionsof solarwind (SW), magnetosheath (SH), andmagnetospheric (MS) plasmaare labeled at the top of the plot. outwardflow velocityof 15 km/sbut is not markedlydifferent Jupiterdatabut alsopresentin the Voyager1 Jupiterdata. The in appearancefrom other spectrashown. At Jupiterwhere the total densityis not correlatedwith either of theseparameters. magnetosheath may be encountered over a distanceof up to 50 For comparison,the ratio of the alpha to proton temperaturein Rj the radial velocities could be useful tools for monitoring the solar wind varies from 1.5 to 7, with a median of about2. solar wind pressurevariationsupstreamif direct monitoringis not possible. DISCUSSION The densitiesincreaseby abouta factorof 4 acrossthe shock from the solar wind to the magnetosheath, also in accordwith The preceding section demonstrated that observed ion the Rankine-Hugoniotrelations. The percentageof the density distributionsin the daysidemagnetosheath of Jupiterand Saturn in the hot protoncomponentvariesbetween20 and 50% for all are well simulatedby two MaxwellJanprotondistributionswith four magnetosheath crossings. This comparesto an alpha comparabledensitiesand temperaturesof about 100 and 800 populationwhich makesup 4-12% of the solar wind density. eV. The only similar distributionsreported in the earth's The temperature of the cold proton population in the magnetosheathoccurred during a quiet time in the dawn magnetosheath varies from 50 to 400 eV, with a median magnetosheathwhen the magnetosheathflow was stable over temperatureof about 100 eV. The temperatureof the hot many hours [Petersen et al., 1979]. The two-temperature protoncomponent variesfrom 400 to 2000 eV, with a median distributionsmay result from a type of shockinteractionwhich of about 800 eV. Thus the temperatureof the hot protonsis is rare at earth but more common at Jupiter and Saturn. The 6-10 timesthat of the cold protons,and the temperature profiles shock crossing distance in planetary radii, the magnetosonic of eachcomponent trackeachotherquiteclosely,maintaininga Mach number Msts, and the ratio of thermal pressure to fairly constanttemperature ratio. The percentage of ionsin the magneticpressure([•) are shownin Table 1. All shockscrossed (the angle between the solar wind hot componentis anticorrelated with the temperature of both are quasi-perpendicular protonpopulations, an effectmostclearlyseenin theVoyager2 magneticfield and the shocknormalis greaterthan 50). The 6138 RICHARDSON: BRmFILSPORT VOYRCER 5OO 1 SRTURN 1 i '1 --- 300 _ MS SH A m 0o 0 0 0 0 - -100 0 0 ' _ •- I 100_ -513 _ o ' 'i o o o o•oo •b•' •,•,• o _ -150 0 AOA o o i _ z -50 _ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o _ -150 I • _ CO - • I I z - •" .5- r,D z o o _ o oo o •oo•o.... o o z 70.0_ _ I-- o • - 50- _ o o o o o o 0 Oat:)0 I _ X - 0- i _ _ li-- -- -- _ 10•_ _ • 102- + + + + + _ 101 - i _ _ _ _ 100_ _ i _ 10-1 - I 22.0 I 23.0 I 2q.O + - tl 25.0 26.0 27.0 BS Fig. 5. Ion bulk velocity,total ion density,percentage of total densityin the hot proton(magnetosheath) or alpha(solarwind) component, and temperatures of the two ion populations in the solarwind and Saturnianmagnetosheath duringthe Voyager1 encounter.The bow shockand magnetopause locationsare given by alternatinglong- and short-dashed lines and by shortdashedlines, respectively.The regionsof solarwind (SW), magnetosheath (SH), and magnetospheric (MS) plasmaare labeled at thetop of the plot. solar wind M mode spectra immediatelypreceding(or on observations between0.45 and 4.6 AU is usedto estimate succeeding) the shockcrossingis usedto determinethe flow electrontemperatures for use in computingtheseparameters. velocities,plasma densities,and ion temperatures used in The shockparameters givenhere are roughestimates intended calculatingthe parameters in Table 1. In calculating Mststhe to indicatethe wide rangeof shockparameters whichresultin shockis assumedto be stationary;actualshockvelocitiesmay two-temperature proton distributions. At the inbound bow be ashighas 100km/s,sotheactualvaluesof Mstscoulddiffer shocks at Saturnfor whichgoodmagnetosheath datais available from the tabulated valuesby up to 25%. The magneticfield theupstream Mstswas14.0and7.7 and• was1.4 and0.54for used is the 96s averagefrom the VoyagerMagnetometer Voyagers1 and2, respectively. At Jupiter,valuesof • in the instrument coveringthe time periodwhenthe plasmadata is solarwind nearshockcrossings rangefrom 0.18-11, andMsts measured. The solar wind electronsare often too cold for the valuesrange from 4-19. Thus all the shocksare supercritical Voyager instrumentto measureat thesedistances,so the (M•s > 3), andthe datasetcoversthe rangefromlow to high polytropic relationof SittlerandScudder [1980]whichis based[•. Thelowervaluesof • andMstsarein a rangewhichis not Table1. Upstream Magnetosonic MachNumbers andPlasma [3at the Jovian and Saturnian Bow Shocks V1Jupiter V2Jupiter Rj MMs I• Rj 85.6 82.3 71.7 57.8 8.7 11.8 11.6 17.6 0.26 0.72 0.79 6.6 98.6 97.3 86.6 68.8 MMS 3.9 12.1 17.0 12.1 I• 0.18 0.71 2.8 1.1 V1 Saturn Rs 26.1 MMS I• 14.0 1.4 V2 Saturn Rs 23.6 MMS 7.7 I• 0.54 RICHARDSON:BRIEF RFJ•RT VOYAGEI3 5OO 2 6139 SATUI3N i ! co 300 * SH 200 SW i I IO0 o O. i o o o o o o i i io _ o o i o o o o o I i I -150 oI I, -50 >-100 o øo, o o Io i i I o ,,, ,,,L o o ol o I i o i i I 1 i I 5O > 0 o i -- i0 o o o o I -- I o I o o o ooo i• I -50 I - I - I I i •- øl i .5 o o o I - I - I I I _ - - _ I o I o I 0 o o Io - zO.O o i i L o I oo I ' I I I i I I I I Io o o o o o o o o o o o oO I _ I I I I _ 103 I I I I - I - I - I i I • 1ø 2 v I i+ + + + + + + + - + +++++1 I I lO 1 - i I _ _ i i _ - I I - - i I I I - _ I - 10ø 18.0 + + I Jl 19.0 I I I 20.0 21.0 22.0 I 23.0 • I 2LJ,.0 25.0 BS Fig. 6. Ion bulk velocity,total ion density,percentage of total densityin the hot proton(rmgnetosheath) or alpha(solarwind) component, andtemperatures of the two ion populations in the solarwind and Saturnianmagnetosheath duringthe Voyager2 encounter.The bow shockand magnetopause locationsare given by alternatinglong- and short-dashed lines and by shortdashedlines,respectively.The regionsof solarwind (SW), magnetosheath (SH), andmagnetospheric (MS) plasmaare labeled at the top of the plot. uncommon at earth. Thussomeothereffectparticularto Jupiter outboundmagnetopauseboundary. Spectrafrom the Voyager 1 and Saturn must be responsiblefor producing these two- and Voyager 2 outboundmagnetosheath crossingsat Jupiterand temperature proton distributions. This mechanism was from the Voyager 1 outboundcrossingat Saturn have been fit. apparentlynot operativeat the time of the Pioneer encounters It is difficult to determineif the two-temperaturedistributionis with Jupiter,when many of the protondistributionswere single still present for several reasons. One is a noise problem; the Maxwellians [Mihalov et al., 1976]. PLS instrument suffered damage from its encounter with the We have looked for similar ion distributions in Uranus's Jovianradiationbelts beforepassingthroughthe magnetosheath daysidemagnetosheath.They are not present. The Mstsand [t outbound,causinga noise problem a higher energies. Another values at the only dayside bow shock crossingat Uranus are is that the observedion distributionsvary in time. Some are about 15 and 3 [Bagenalet al., 1986], similar to valuesat some best fit with single proton Maxwellians, some with two proton of the Jovian and Saturnian shock crossings. Despite this Maxwellians, some with protons and alphas, and some cannot similarity, most of the spectra obtained in the Uranian be simulated at all using Maxwellians. This could be the result magnetosheath are fit fairly well by a singleMaxwellJan;some of interactionswith the magnetopause or of samplingplasma do have high-energytails, but the persistenttwo-temperature which has crossed the shock under different shock conditions distributions seen at Jupiter and Saturn are not seen (see (that is, a different shock normal angle for solar wind plasma Bagenal et al. [1986] for sample Uranian magnetosheathentering at the sides of the magnetosphere).Thus it will take more analysis of outbound spectra to determine if the twospectra). The last point to consider is the evolution of these temperaturedistributionsobservedin the daysidemagnetosheath distributionsas the magnetosheathplasma moves past the persist to the tailward magnetosheathor if these distributions planet. This problem can be addressed by looking at have time to relax to single Maxwellians. distributions in the nightside magnetosheath. While it is Acknowledgments.I would like to thank R. L. McNutt, Jr., for his difficult to map the plasma from the dayside to the work on the data analysisroutinewhich madethis studypossibleand F. magnetosheath,one can naively assume that magnetosheathBagenaland J. Belcher for helpful commentson the manuscript.The plasma from near the subsolar point ends up close to the magneticfield data used in this study were obtainedby the Voyager 6140 RICHARDSON:BRm• REPORt Magnetometer instrument (N. Ness, Princi•lInveStigator). ThisworkHundhausen, A. J.,S.J.Bame, andJ.R.Asbridge, plasma flowpattern J. Geophys.Res., 74, 2799-2806, 1969. was supported by NASA undercontract953733 from the JetPropulsion in the earth's magnetosheath, Laboratoryto the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology. Mihalov, J. D., J. H. Wolfe, and L. A. Frank, Survey for nonThe Editor thanks W. C. 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