May 29-June 1, 2015 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Las Vegas, NV JCK Las Vegas 2015 Safe Rental Agreement ADVANCED ORDER DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Cancellation Deadline is Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Exhibitors may cancel their rental safe with full refund through the deadline. After 4-8-15, cancelled safes will be 100% obligated – there will be no full or partial refunds. Review the Rental Safe offerings in the Exhibitor Manual and select your model. Model JCK 2 Qty Advance Order $610 per unit After 4-15-15 $710 per unit At Show Site $810 per unit Rating Non UL-Rated Medium Security Safe (Capacity: 13.1 cu. ft.) JCK 4 $795 per unit $895 per unit $995 per unit Non UL-Rated Medium Security Safe (Capacity: 14.75 cu. ft.) JCK 25 $885 per unit $985 per unit $1085 per unit Small UL-Rated TL30 High Security Safe (Capacity: 6.9 cu. ft.) JCK 55 $995 per unit $1095 per unit $1195 per unit Medium UL-Rated TL30 High Security Safe (Capacity: 15.3 cu. ft.) JCK 65 $1115 per unit $1215 per unit $1315 per unit Large UL-Rated TL30 High Security (Capacity: 21.1 cu. ft.) For more detailed information, please review the Rental Safe Product pages of the JCK Exhibitor manual Or contact Gicela Gonzalez, Rolland Trade Show Director, at or (214) 845-6804. Company Name: Booth #: Primary Contact & Title: Email: Phone # (including country code) Fax #: Alternate Contact: Email: If you will be working with an Exhibit Designer or Contractor, please include the following information: Company Name: Contact: Phone #: Email: I have read and agree to the Safe Rental Conditions on Page 2, AND understand that we are required to supply Rolland Safe Company with our Safe Installation Plan no later than Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Authorized Signature: Date: IMPORTANT NOTICE – Form Deadline 4-1-15, Fax Safe Rental Agreement Attn: Katie Dominesey, Fax: 203-840-9470 Phone: 203-840-5470 PAYMENT will be processed by JCK Show Management (Reed Exhibition Company). Invoice will be issued by JCK (Reed Exhibition Company) upon receipt of your safe rental agreement. For any questions regarding your invoice, please contact Katie Dominesey. 2015JCKSafeRentalAgreement Page1 of 3 May 29-June 1, 2015 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Las Vegas, NV IMPORTANT SAFE RENTAL CONDITIONS SAFE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES: A detailed booth plan showing positioning of your rental safe (or safes) is required to be sent to Rolland Safe Company, no later than Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Submit to Katie Dominesey, or fax to (203) 840-9470. We will accept any of the following plans: Option 1: A professional exhibit contractor plan (i.e. Freeman, EFI, Syma, etc.) Option 2: A hand-drawn plan, indicating all walls, enclosed rooms, doors, furniture, and potential obstacles. Indicate the front, sides and back boundaries of the booth. Option 3: Rolland’s Safe Installation Plan. ALL PLANS must show the position of the safe with the door side indicated. ALL PLANS must identify your Booth #, Company Name and Booth Size. Placement of multiple safes if applicable. AVOID RE-INSTALLATION CHARGES: If after submitting your plan you need to change your safe positioning, immediately contact Gicela Gonzalez at or (214) 845-6804. Safes are installed several days in advance of Exhibitor Set Up. If you request repositioning of the safe during or after the Exhibitor Set Up period, there will be a minimum additional labor charge of $200. JCK Las Vegas will invoice you for the labor charges. INSURANCE COMPLIANCE: Exhibitors are solely responsible for insuring their show inventory. Rolland Safe Company and JCK Las Vegas do not provide insurance coverage. The safe program has been reviewed and approved by most jewelry insurance companies. Each of the rental safe options fall into one of two distinct security levels with different insurance coverage limits: UL-rated TL30 Burglary rating − High Security Safe Non-UL rated “Class B” − Medium Security Safe. Individual insurance policies have different coverage parameters for trade shows AND specific safe models. Rolland Safe Company and JCK Las Vegas strongly advise you to consult with your insurance carrier PRIOR to submitting your order to determine which security level is in compliance with your individual show insurance coverage. Rolland Safe Company is happy to provide additional information about our rental safes to your insurance carrier. For assistance, contact Gicela Gonzalez, Rolland Trade Show Director, at or (214) 845-6804. Advance Order Deadline: Late Order Period: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 After April 1, 2015 = Adnl $100 Late Fee On-site Rentals: Adnl $200 installation fee Cancellation Deadline: No refunds: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Orders received after advance deadline will be confirmed based on availability Orders accepted but cannot guarantee specific safe model availability, especially for TL30 high security safes. There will be a late fee of $100 added to all late rentals processed after April 15, 2015 Fee added to the advanced safe order pricing schedule. Safe models will be based solely on availability. Exhibitors may cancel their rental safe with full refund. Safes in transit phase, 100% obligated – there will be no full or partial refunds. IMPORTANT NOTICE – Form Deadline 4-1-15, Fax Safe Installation Plan Attn: Katie Dominesey Fax: 203-840-9470 Phone: 203-840-5470 2015JCKSafeRentalAgreement Page2 of 3 May 29-June 1, 2015 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Las Vegas, NV Safe Installation Plan Deadline: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Date: _______________________________ Exhibitor: __________________________ Booth #: ___________________________ Safe Model: ________________________ Thank you for ordering a safe for a JCK Las Vegas Event. As part of the rental process a detailed booth plan is required which indicates the position of your rental safe (or safes). Submit a professional exhibit contractor plan, a hand drawn plan (as long as all walls, rooms, furniture, etc. are included) or use the diagram below to indicate where you want to have your safe(s) installed. Fax to Reed Expo ATTN: Katie Dominesey at (203)840-9470 no later than Wednesday, 4-1-15. Circle your choice of position on the diagram to indicate the placement of your safe. BACK WALL FRONT OF THE BOOTH BACK WALL FRONT OF THE BOOTH Special Instructions As the authorized representative of the listed company, I confirm that the above safe rental placement(s) is correct and I have accepted the safe rental conditions as stated on my JCK Safe Rental Agreement submitted to Reed Exhibition Companies. Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE – Form Deadline 4-1-15, Fax Safe Rental Agreement Attn: Katie Dominesey, Fax: 203-840-9470 Phone: 203-840-5470 2015JCKSafeRentalAgreement Page3 of 3
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