New Latitudes: Connected Rail Yard, Acquisition & More - Lat-Lon

Volume 13, Issue 1
March 30 , 2015
Lat-Lon announces a new product:
Connected Rail Yard. Connected
Rail Yard aggregates data from
crew movements, locomotives, rail
cars, MOW equipment, fixed signals,
derails, and foul point
Complete with rugged
hardware and detailed software, the
A Few Hundred
outcome is two large displays of a
CSX has purchased a few
realistic satellite image with all
hundred Lat-Lon Locomotive
moving assets and a separate schematic shows fixed equipment.
Tracking Units to add to their fleet
Key Benefits:
for increased reporting.
Simplify rail yard management with a view of the entire yard in real-time
on just two screens.
Production met the task head-on
and is ready for more. 
Improve level of safety for rail yard crew.
Train dispatchers can increase throughput.
Reduced cost of automating rail yard management.
How it works:
Through Mesh technology, sensors installed on fixed objects within the yard
pass data along like a bucket brigade creating a network with multiple paths
to an access point. The Solar-Powered Access Point Unit (AP) contains a
modem which then uploads the data to secure servers and the train
dispatcher screens. Learn more at: or
call us 877-300-6566
Lat-Lon Acquired by BSM Technologies
ASLRRA 3/28/15 – 3/30/15
American Short Line & Regional
Railroad Association
Booth #611
Orlando, FL
Click here for Details
Not Much Change, But Change
As of May 30th, 2014, Lat-Lon was officially under the ownership of BSM
Technologies. With expertise in remote monitoring, fleet tracking and
Lat-Lon, LLC 2300 S. Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 877.300.6566 fax: 303.531.5754
Volume 13, Issue 1
maintenance for mobile and fixed assets, BSM has complementary
March 30 , 2015
technology to Lat-Lon and a beneficial infrastructure. With no leadership
changes at Lat-Lon, the purchase has been seamless and yielding a faster
The IT Front
pace of development and technology upgrades.
Improved and More to Come
Dave Baker, President of Lat-Lon says “With the rail GPS monitoring market
IT has been busy with upgrades on
blossoming into larger and larger deployments it was time to consolidate and
the W eb-Based Software.
add scale to all aspects of the company from engineering to customer
support to marketing and sales.”
Lat-Lon will continue to be headquartered out of Denver, CO, and build
additional software resources between Denver and BSM home base in
Toronto, while manufacturing and leadership remain in Denver. Read More
About BSM Technologies Inc. ( BSM Technologies Inc.,
Rev iew the New:
Web-Based Software 
Expanded User Permissions
Digital Sets
Coming Soon: Automated
Reports, LMU Fleet
Specialty Reports
Mobile – Updated Android 
through its subsidiaries, is a leading provider of remote monitoring, fleet
tracking, fleet maintenance and a business intelligence engine providing
real time web‐based tracking of mobile and fixed assets. BSM provides
solutions for commercial, government, and law enforcement organizations
An AAR Approved Solution
who manage and operate diverse assets and large fleets, and who seek to
Friday, November 28th, 2014: The
enhance customer service, improve the safety of their drivers and vehicles,
Association of American
and lower business costs. For more information, please visit
Railroads (AAR) approved Lat- 
Lon’s system for railcars used to
User Group Conference
carry High Level Radioactive
New Products, New Ownership, and More
Materials (HLRM). Lat-Lon meets
June 17t h – 19t h, Lat-Lon will hold its User Group
the monitoring standards set in S-
Conference in Westminster, CO (Denver)
2043 System Safety Monitoring
immediately following the American
set by the AAR, the technology
Association of Railroads Damage Prevention
necessary for this sensitive
and Freight Claims Conference (AAR DP&FC).
material transport. A rugged,
On the docket: Mesh Technology and how it will revolutionize the industry,
real-time, remote… cont’d. pg. 3
14K: More than just a new version, S-2043: What it is and what it means,
Updated Fuel Probe Technology, Connected Rail Yard, IT Developments,
Who is BSM, and more. We will offer training on the new bread-crumbing
available with the 14K, or start from scratch as a new user with training by the
experts. Don’t miss out.
For more information: 
14K, The New STU
What’s on the Inside Counts
One year ago, Lat-Lon introduced the latest version of our Solar Tracking Unit
(STU), the 14K. The 14K STU incorporates power management improvements,
Lat-Lon, LLC 2300 S. Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 877.300.6566 f ax: 303.531.5754
plus upgrades to GPS, Solar Panels, and cellular technologies. Simply, the
GPS is on all of time, allowing bread crumbing. This will become increasingly
useful with the modification of tripwires and geo-fences.
An AAR Approved Solution
Modifying the prior patented power system from the 13K, the 14K
From pg. 2…
incorporates lithium iron phosphate rechargeable cells now giving the STU
monitoring system is required to
four times longer life. The solar panels, energy storage and power circuitry
ensure adequate railcar
are optimized for lower voltage for unprecedented location and speed
performance via the following
The GPS utilizes the latest low-power modules from U-BLOX while cellular
technology is advanced with your choice of either 1xRTT (Verizon) or HSPA+
(AT&T) 3G modem. Both wired and wireless sensor options are also available.
Tappan Zee
Building a New Span
What is Tappan Zee? Crossing the
Hudson River, the existing Governor
Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge
toll bridge opened to traffic in 1955
and is a vital artery for residents,
commuters, travelers and
commercial traffic. Over 138,000 vehicles cross the bridge every day, far
more than it was designed to handle. Expected cost over the next twenty
years for maintenance and structural rehab of the existing bridge is $3-4
billion and $750 million has already been spent on bridge maintenance over
the past decade.
Location: GPS Data
Speed: Train Speed
Truck Hunting: Lateral Instability
Of The Railcar
Rocking: Side-To-Side Rocking
Motion Causing Excessiv e Roll
W heel Flats: Vertical W heel
Impacts Caused By Flat Spots
On The W heels
Bearing Condition: Bearing
Ride Quality: Acceleration Of
Car Body In 3 Axes
Vertical Acceleration: Caused
By W orn Or Damaged
Suspension Components
Lateral Acceleration: Caused
By W orn Or Damaged
Suspension Components
Longitudinal Acceleration:
Caused By Train Handling Or
Draft Gear Failure
Given the $3.9 Billion dollar expense of the new bridge, multitudes of
Lat-Lon’s experience with impact
equipment and firms involved, a new level of transparency was needed.
detection and analysis, as well as
Lat-Lon is tracking all the barges in the project for safety and public
an AAR approved history of
awareness. Via Cloud-Based service, Tappan Zee is feeding GPS Data live to
bearing condition monitoring,
a website for boater safety.
gave Lat-Lon a head start on
developing the complex system.
The bridge is being designed and built by Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC
With the launch of the S-2043
(TZC), a consortium of some of the world's best-known and most highly-
solution, a series of new sensors
regarded design, engineering and construction firms, including Fluor,
will advance possibilities for Lat-
American Bridge, Granite, and Traylor Bros., along with key design firms HDR,
Lon Customers. Learn More:
Buckland & Taylor, URS, and GZA. TZC is working closely on the project with a
team of employees from the New York State Thruway Authority and the State
Department of Transportation. 
Lat-Lon, LLC 2300 S. Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 877.300.6566 f ax: 303.531.5754