Document 140678

Preeclampsia: Diagnosis, prevention and treatment
SGAR Satellite Meeting – SAOA, November 15, 2012
Olav Lapaire
Department of Obstetrics/ Laboratory for Prenatal Medicine,
University Hospital Basel, Basel , Switzerland
•Diagnosis and definition of preeclampsia
•Pathogenesis of preeclampsia
•Markers for preeclampsia
•Prevention of preeclampsia
•Therapy options
•Key points
Major goal of all interventions during
– a healthy mother and a healthy child
Public Garden
Make Way for Ducklings
Shennan A et al. Lancet 2011
Preeclampsia (PE)
• Incidence: up to 8% of all pregnancies1
• PE responsible for 1/3 of all obstetrical related morbidities2
– 22 women died between 2006-2008 in Great Britain after
• Arterial hypertension and/or proteinuria are leading risk
factors in case of intrauterine fetal death
(1/5 of all intrauterine deaths)2
1.WHO international collaborative study of hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988;158:80-83
2. Pre-eclampsia community guideline (PRECOG),
Milne F et al.BMJ 2005;330:576-580
3. The Eighth Report of the Confi dential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths
in the United Kingdom. BJOG 2011; 118 (suppl 1): 1–203
Definition of PE:
Arterial hypertension
(> 140/90 mm Hg)
(≥ 300 mg/24 h /
≥ 2+ [U-Stick])
Preeclampsia- key points
• Significant Variance of the clinical pattern!
• Onset ≥ 20. weeks of gestation
– Early onset disease (20−32 [34] weeks)
high fetal/maternal morbidity/mortality
– Late onset PE >32-[34].weeks:
lower fetal/maternal morbidity/mortality
Wikstrom AK, et al. Early postpartum changes in circulating pro- and anti-angiogenic factors in
early-onset and late-onset pre-eclampsia. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008; 87:146-153
Lapaire O et al, Lapaire
2010 O et al. 2010
Significant variance of the clinical pattern
Lapaire O et al. 2010
Lapaire O et al. 2010
Steegers EA et al., Lancet 2010
Pathogenesis of preeclampsia (PE)
a) early onset PE
Pathogenesis of early onset Preeclampsia-IUGR: Failure of
the physiological conversion of the arterial wall:
Cytotrophoblast cells degrade
tunica media of the spiral arteries
Impaired invasion of
cytotrophoblast cells into the tunica
Absent vasodilatation
Reduced placental perfusion
Compensation: art. hypertension
Karumanchi A 2006
Clinical manifestation
of preeclampsia can be explained
by a maternal response to
A generalized endothelial dysfunction
UpToDate 20010
Pathogenesis of preeclampsia (PE)
b) late onset PE
Huppertz B et al. 2008
STBM: Syncytiotrophoblast microparticles
Huppertz B et al. 2008
Predicting which women are at an increased risk of
developing preeclampsia remains problematic.
Identifying “at-risk” women is an important aim;
A marker / marker combination would allow for
-closer supervision
-accurate diagnosis
-timely intervention (e.g. lung maturation)
-facilitate recruitment for trials of potential
therapeutic agents and markers
First trimester screening for Down Syndrome
as an exellent example
for a non-invasive approach
Nuchal translucency and
serum markers and
maternal age
Nuchal translucency
and maternal age
Triple Test
Maternal age
10 20
20 30
80 80
90 100
0 0 10
30 40
40 505060 6070 70
90 100
Detection rate (%)
Lapaire O et al.
Ther Umsch. 2006;63:683-91
Role of angiogenic proteins Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Placental
Growth Factor (PlGF), soluble fms-like tyrosine
kinase (sFlt-1)
A variety of proangiogenic (VEGF, PlGF) and
antiangiogenic factors (sFlt-1) are elaborated by
the developing placenta,
the balance among these factors is important for
adequate placental development.
sFlt-1 and PlGF levels in preeclamptic patients vs controls
Doppler ultrasound of the uterine arteries as a
marker of an impaired placental perfusion
Doppler ultrasound reflects
the resistance in the peripheral
Reflexion of the pulse wave
leads to a postsystolic notch
Sens. 37 % (95% CI 14-60),
Spez. 89% (95% CI 83-95) in
the 2. trimester
as marker for preeclampsia
Cnossen JS. Use of uterine artery Doppler sonography to predict pre-eclampsia
A sytematic review and bivariable meta-analysis
CMAJ. 2008;178(6):701-11
Timepoint to screen for preeclampsia
PE marker in the first trimester
Early-onset pre-eclampsia screening
in the 1st trimester
at 5% FPR
uA Doppler
PlGF ↓
PP13 ↓
Yu et al ., Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005
Poon et al, Ultrasound Obs Gyn, 2008
Poon et al, Ultrasound Obs Gyn, 2008
Poon et al, Hypertension 2008
Audibert et al. Abstract at SMFM 2010
Poon et al, Hypertension May 2009
Prevention of early-onset preeclampsia
Bujold E et al. Early administration of low-dose aspirin for the prevention of
preterm and term preeclampsia:
a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Fetal Diagn Ther. 2012;31(3):141-6
Prevention of late-onset preeclampsia
Bujold E et al. Early administration of low-dose aspirin for the
prevention of
preterm and term preeclampsia:
a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Fetal Diagn Ther. 2012;31(3):141-6
All new interventions to prevent
pre-eclampsia should be properly
evaluated in large
randomised trials before being
introduced into clinical practice.
(Grade A) RCOG Pre-eclampsia - study group consensus statement
Treatment of preeclampsia
risk reduction for women with pre-eclampsia needs a
series of strategies:
-standardised assessment and surveillance
-avoidance and management of severe systolic and
diastolic hypertension,
-prevention and treatment of seizures of eclampsia,
-avoidance of use of aggressive rehydration in case
of severe pre-eclampsia.
Thierry Girard
stabilization and afterwards
delivery, which is the sole
cure for pre-eclampsia
Always a cesarean section in case of preeclampsia?
Thierry Girard
Antepartum management of patients with preeclampsia
Steegers EA et al., Lancet 2010
Think about an early epidural analgesia:
insert before Tc-penia or coagulation disorder
positive interaction with maternal blood pressure
prepared for CS
Thierry Girard
Thierry Girard
Magnesiumsulphate to all preeclamptic patients?
Consider giving intravenous magnesium sulphate to women
with severe pre-eclampsia.
Thierry Girard
• severe hypertension and proteinuria or
• mild or moderate hypertension and proteinuria with one or more
of the following:
– symptoms of severe headache
– problems with vision, such as blurring or flashing before the eyes
– severe pain just below the ribs or vomiting
– papilloedema
– signs of clonus ( 3 beats)
– liver tenderness
– HELLP syndrome
– platelet count falling to below 100 × 109 per litre
– abnormal liver enzymes (ALT or AST rising to above 70 IU/litre).
Thierry Girard
NICE Clinical Guidelines 2011
loading dose of 4 g should be given intravenously
over 5 minutes, followed by an infusion of
1 g/hour maintained for 24 hours
recurrent seizures should be treated with a
further dose of 2–4 g given over 5 minutes.
NICE Clinical Guidelines 2011
BD Senkung
Key Points
• Differentiate early onset and late onset PE
• Angiogenic/antiangiogenic marker /doppler
ultrasound for risk stratification
• Low dose aspirin < 16 weeks of gestation in patients
at risk for PE
• Delivery mode dependent on severity and
gestational age
• Consider an early epidural in case of a vaginal
• Magnesium sulphate in severe preeclampsia
Eric at the gas station
Thank you for your attention!
Olav Lapaire