IECE Conference 2015 - University of La Verne

2015 Institute for Early Childhood Education (IECE) Conference
Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
University of La Verne
1950 Third St
(Campus Center; Ballroom, 3rd Floor)
La Verne, CA 91750
Registration fee includes:
A free gift for participant and ticket for the door prize raffle
Continental Breakfast
Opening Keynote: Dr. Cindy Cary, Child Development Faculty, University of La Verne
o Improve Your Life and Others: Creating and Supporting Children, Families, Schools,
and Communities
Break out session Topics Include:
o Promoting Social Emotional Intelligence
o "What if...?" "I wonder...?" Extend Your Read Alouds Through Scientific Inquiry and
Math Explorations! Strengthening Social Emotional Competency through Stories
o Finding Money to Continue Your Education
o Interactive Early Childhood Science Activities
o STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Activities in Play Based ECE
 Lunch
Closing Presentation: Red Grammer, Award Winning Children’s Musician
o Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers
Early Bird Registration: $35.00 ($32.24 + $2.76 fee) by March 27, 2015
$50 after March 27th
No Registration at the door
Free Parking is available in any University of La Verne lot
Check-in begins at 8:45 AM
To register for this event:
For more information about the closing presenter:
Questions?? Contact Judy Krause