3 College Newsletter 24th March 2015 - Laverton College P-12

Contact Details:
91 Bladin Street
Laverton Vic 3028
Phone: 9369 1833
Fax: 9369 4104
College Newsletter
24th March, 2015
Issue No: 3
Important Dates To Remember
Wednesday 25th March
Wednesday 25th March
Friday 27th March
Monday 13th April
Whole School Assembly 11.30 am. Parents welcome.
Parent Teacher Interviews 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
in the 9 – 12 Learning Community. Students dismissed at 1.00 pm.
Last Day of Term 1 – Dismissed at 2.10 pm.
First day of Term 2.
Principal’s Report:
As from this week all students who are late for
school OR who are leaving early must be booked in
or out at the main office. A new attendance Kiosk
has been installed at the Main office as part of the
Colleges’ increased focus on monitoring student
attendance and lateness. All students who arrive
after the 9 o’clock bell must call by the main office to
have their arrival registered. Students ID cards can
be used to sign in and out with the new attendance
On behalf of all the staff and students at
Laverton P-12 College we would like to thank Mr
Neil Sproal (College Principal from 2011 -2015)
for his service and contribution to the College.
During his time here as Principal he has led
many great improvements both in the actual
facilities and in curriculum development and
delivery. Through his excellent leadership Mr
Sproal has been instrumental in improving the
teaching and learning in our College. As a result
there has been steady student progress across
the College. Mr Sproal has laid the foundation
for this progress to continue. Laverton College is
now a great school with a great future. We wish
Mr Sproal all the best for his future and we will
miss him greatly.
A very successful Term 1.
As Term 1 comes to a close at the end of this week, I
would like to congratulate all students and staff on an
excellent start to the 2015 year. It has been very
pleasing to see how well everyone has been focused
on doing well in all aspects of school life. We started
the new year with a new set up in that our Language
Centre which became our new VCE Study Centre. This
has worked out very well indeed. Well done to all our
VCE students and their teachers. We have noticed
that there has been improved student attendance this
term and this is great to see. Next term the College
will be stressing the importance of being ‘on-time’ for
school. Too many students are still arriving for school
after the 9 o’clock bell. This means that they are
missing important information to start the day. As
from the start of Term 2 all students who arrive late
for school,that is after the 9 o’clock bell will have to
visit the main office to check-in via the new
attendance kiosk. This new kiosk means that the
College will have an accurate record of who is on time
for school, who is late and who is absent. A reminder
to all families that school finishes at 1 pm tomorrow
(Wednesday) and Parent / Teacher Interviews are
being conducted from 2pm to 7 pm in the Year 9-12
Learning Community. On Friday, we breakup for the
school holidays for two weeks and finishing time on
Friday is 2:10 pm, one hour earlier than usual. Term 2
starts on Monday 13th April.
Uniform Changes for Laverton College.
At the last meeting of our School Council a
recommendation to vary the current College uniform
was endorsed by School Council. These changes
mainly apply to the uniform for secondary students.
Full details of the changes, including the time frame
for phasing in the new uniform, will be detailed in the
newsletter in Term 2.
Thank you for your support.
As I come to the end of my time as principal of
Laverton College I would like to express my sincere
thanks to all students, staff, families and community
members for their hard work and support over the
(almost) four years that I have been at Laverton
College. It has been a pleasure to have been a part of
this important stage in the College’s growth and
development. I am pleased that I was able to facilitate
the completion of the College’s building program with
the construction of the new gymnasium and the
further development of both the Hospitality and
Engineering Centres. I am also very pleased to have
been able to establish a campus of the Western
English Language School on our site to assist our new
arrival students. All indication point to an exciting
time ahead for Laverton College and I look forward to
hearing of the ongoing success of both students and
Best Wishes,
Neil Sproal
College Principal
· A similar ban applying to the entrances and grounds
of Victorian childcare centres and kindergartens will
be introduced at the same time.
· While smoking was banned on the grounds of all
Victorian Government schools by the Minister for
Education in 2009 via a Ministerial Ban Order, the new
bans are enshrined in legislation and will also apply to
Catholic and independent schools in Victoria, thereby
ensuring a consistent approach across the
government and non-government sectors.
Car parks at Laverton College are restricted for staff
use and deliveries. Parents are not permitted to park
in either the main carpark or the ‘old carpark’
adjacent to the new school. Parents who park in
either carpark will be asked to move their vehicle.
On Wednesday 25th March Laverton College will be
conducting Parent / Teacher Interviews for all
students at the College. School will finish at 1.00 pm
and interviews will be conducted from 2.00 pm – 7.00
9 – 12 NEWS:
Last week Laverton College School Council appointed
a new principal to replace Mr Sproal, who finishes up
at the end of this week. The new college principal is
Mr Richard Jones. Mr Jones has been the Assistant
Principal at Buckley Park Secondary College in
Essendon. Mr Jones is excited to be taking up his new
role from the start of Term 2. We wish him all the very
best as principal of Laverton P-12 College.
Main Points
. From 13 April 2015, smoking will be banned within
four metres of an entrance to all primary and
secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school
grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act
Taw Taw's hard work in VET Horticulture, has
provided him with the opportunity to work as a Park
Ranger. This will lead to full time employment. VCE
and VCAL students are all given opportunities through
VET to study their pathway from year 11. Below is a
letter from the Manager of the Werribee Plains team
at Werribee Mansion.
I’d like to introduce a new member to the Werribee
Plains team Taw Taw San Ba or just ToTo or Toro. Taw
Taw is from Laverton College and is undertaking his
VCAL work placement with Parks Victoria. Taw Taw
will be attending Werribee Park 2 days a week for the
next 2 years.
Taw Taw was born in Mae La camp in Thailand and
arrived in Australia at the age of 10. He could not
speak a word of English and now 7 years later is very
fluent in both his native Karen and his English. His
knowledge of Australian wildlife and Ecosystems is
amazing and he spends most of his free time studying
up on Plants, animals and biology. Laverton College
asked Parks Victoria to consider Taw Taw for a 2 year
work placement and this was mostly due to his
“obsession with Plants and Wildlife and his aspirations
of becoming a Park Ranger!” Taw Taw’s work
placement will keep him engaged with his formal
studies allowing him to complete his Victorian
Certificate of Higher Learning (VCAL) and at the same
time his Certificate II in horticulture.
James Brincat
Area Chief Ranger
Werribee Plains
Our Year 11 Business Management students were
encouraged to get hands on experience of running
small business projects in school on Friday 20th March,
2015 at Harmony Day concert. They successfully ran a
couple of stalls including food, icy poles, face painting
and soft drinks. The students planned, organised and
executed the businesses as part of one of their areas
of study in Business Management. The businesses
were run for an hour and were a great success. The
students had a great experience.
Experiences of some of the students:
Our experience of running an in school business
activity was enjoyable. We learned that running our
own business can be difficult by having to organise the
stock and serving the people at the same time. This
project has taught us that it is fun running our own
business but it demands a lot of hard work.
Ahmad & Harrison
Students 16 years and over must show proof of age by
holding a Victorian Public Transport Student Pass.
This only costs $9 and this entitles students 16 years
and older to travel with a concession ticket. Forms
are available from major railway stations and the Year
9 – 12 Office. Passport photos are also required on
For further information visit
5 – 8 NEWS:
Friday 13th March 2015
Thank you to all the Business Management students
who worked hard to make the projects run
successfully. I also appreciate the excellent sense of
management skills you all showed.
Ms G. Sandhu
Baseball – Boys
We had a wonderful day with marvelous Year 7 and 8
students in the sport of Boys Baseball. We had a slow
start with a game against Williamstown High that saw
us outplayed 2-22. Some enthusiastic pitching by
Daniel Sully and quick thinking from Joshua McDade
saved us a few times and we had two players out on
several occasions but couldn’t get the third out to
stop the innings.
The second game against Bayside College was closer
with Laverton leading 2-0 at one stage but they slowly
drew ahead. The scores were 3-7 when we had the
final innings to bat but despite our fast play, we ran
out of time and Bayside were the winners. Special
mentions to Charnce Martin-Buttigieg for stepping in
to pitch and Eric Lizama for his quick fielding skills.
Danny Pham, Trung Phan and Roy Matthews were
very enthusiastic. Samuel Tadesse was supportive and
Yout Diar and Logan Faafuata kept us in good humour
with their amazing steals. Well done boys, a great day
was had by all.
Mr. John Mathews
On Friday 13th March the Year 7-8 girls volleyball team
competed in a round robin competition at Altona P-9
College in Altona. The girls were in pool B against
teams from the Hobsons Bay Division.
Softball – Girls
Congratulations to all girls who competed in the 2015
School Sport Victoria Softball Competition.
Unfortunately, due to a couple of schools withdrawing
their teams late, there was only one game held
against Williamstown High School.
Softball is a difficult sport to play, but our co-captains
Anna Laaina and Gabrielle Coveney were excellent
leaders and made sure the girls enjoyed playing in all
four innings. Every girl was able to bat and we had
Amne El Badaoui, Deanne Marcos, Anna Laaina, Eh
BLu Say Htoo, Kamar Haddara and Natalie Cassar
make it home. The final score was 6-16 against an
impressive Williamstown High side.
Well done again to all the girls for showing
enthusiasm, teamwork and encouragement both in
their game and in support of the Laverton boys
baseball team. Thank you also to Ms Linda Dalgleish
for her support on the day.
Miss. Mickayla Ward
The girls played Williamstown, Point Cook, and
Bayside Williamstown and came away with 2 wins and
a loss. As a result of the girls fantastic efforts the girls
had the opportunity to play finals to determine who
came third in the girl’s competition. We played
Bayside Altona in the last game of the day.
Unfortunately, the girls lost by 3 points.
The girls showed commitment to the team by
attending training every week, outstanding team
work, co-operation, always encouraging each other,
they never gave up and most importantly had fun!
The girls showed the Laverton spirit whilst watching
and supporting other teams on the day.
I would personally like to congratulate the girls’
volleyball team on their efforts and it was an honour
to be a part of it all.
Miss Alyce Barrett
During Enrichment this term, students have been
participating in a range of activities that include
Dance. Students participating in dance have analysed
a variety of different dance styles and what makes
them unique. They have also been learning a dance
routine to the smash hit ‘Uptown Funk by Bruno
Mars’. The students have shown great enthusiasm and
teamwork throughout this team and are very excited
about performing their dance routine this week. Here
is a small snapshot of what’s to come.
Miss Barrett 5/6 Dance Teacher
On Wednesday the 11th of March the Year 5/6
students travelled to Science works by train.
At Science Works our students enjoyed watching a
Space show at the planetarium. The show focused on
exploring other planets and moons in our solar system
like earth, in the hope of one day establishing a
human colony beyond earth.
The students excitedly explored a number of new
exhibitions at their own pace and with their peers.
We revelled in lunch on the lush Science Works
grounds and played under the warm sun on the play
Prep – 4 News:
To all the families of Grades Prep LL, Prep/1 LM
and 1KG we would like to extend a big thank you
to all the families who joined us for Family Day on
Friday 20th March. It was a wonderful morning
and it was lovely to see so many families at
school. The students enjoyed making a Family
Day poster and reading with our special visitors.
The students also listened to stories about the
past and were able to observe artefacts brought
in by our visitors.
As with all good things the day went really FAST!
Thank you again for contributing to a very special
Kim Garro, Laura Leigh and Jana Music
During term one, 5/6 students explored features of
various types of puppets. They learnt about and
created Indonesian Shadow Puppets and Marionette
puppets, amongst others. Students demonstrated
their ability to use a range of materials such as;
paddle-pop sticks, straws, coloured paper and
newspaper, felt, cotton, string and wool to make a
variety of puppet types. The students were very
excited to show off their marionette puppets they had
created this term! Well done 5/6 students!
will not be able to participate (sport/running around
The student will then be issued with a “Sport Alert” or
“Medical Alert” badge which they will wear while at
school. They must collect it before school and at the
end of the day return it to the Prep-4 office.
If your child suffers from asthma they must have an
medication/puffer/spacer handed into the Prep-4
office for use at school.
Jan Scott
Prep - 4 Community Principal
Community Notices:
NAB AFL Auskick is once again kicking off in the local
area. If your child is interested in giving AFL a go, then
head to www.aflauskick.com.au to find your nearest
centre. Register and Pay online before 19th April to
receive 4 FREE tickets to an AFL game in the 2015
Breakfast club is held between 8.15
8.45. Children will be able to get extra
toast or raisin bread before
school each morning.
If your child cannot participate in sport or has a
medical reason (i.e broken arm etc.) we need a note
advising the reason and the length of time the student
Many girls and boys aged between 15 and 18 from
exciting countries like Italy, France, Belgium,
Germany, Holland, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Brazil,
Norway, Sweden, Argentina, Finland and Austria are
hoping to come here to study for 3, 5 or 10 months
from July this year and stay with a volunteer family
that is willing to host and welcome them and can
afford an extra member at the family table. If you feel
you could do this for them for the length of their stay
or even some of it, please contact Klaus Schumann on
(03) 97584279 and let me know of your interest.
Yours sincerely,
Klaus Schumann
WEP Community Coordinator
Hussein and Eh Taw Joe
Eh Moo
Taher and Muhammed
Abdul and Momin
Emma and Leilani
Eh Taw Doh
Ms Barrett, Nhu, Ashriya and Taylah