Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 FROM YOUR DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT 1. The Department Convention will be held June 4 – 7, 2015 at the Embassy Suites in Greensboro. To make your reservation call 336-668-4535 and tell the receptionist you are attending the VFW Convention. The rooms are blocked for us and if you don’t mention the VFW you may likely be told the hotel is sold out. 2. At your April meeting you will elect new officers. Send your installation request immediately to the Department Secretary, Anna Holm, 3616 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, NC 27604. 3. At your April meeting, you will also elect your delegates and alternates for the District, Department and National Conventions. You elect 1 per 10 members (and any fraction thereof) for both the District and the Department and 1 per 50 for National. The number of delegates and alternates are based on your membership at the time of your elections of delegates and alternates. (Some Auxiliaries elected District delegates at their March meeting because their regular April meeting followed the scheduled District meeting.) (Note: For District and Department, if you have for instance 51 members, you will elect 6 delegates. For National, you will elect 2. Your President has her own vote and therefore, should not be included in with your delegate count unless she will be the only member of your Auxiliary attending in which case she can be elected a delegate or alternate. In that way, she would be able to vote the entire delegate strength except her own.) There is no fee for delegates for the District or National, however, there is a $5 fee for each delegate for the Department and every Auxiliary is required to pay the $5 for each whether they attend the Convention or not. If the delegate fee is not paid for any delegate, her vote cannot be cast. District delegates are mailed to your District Secretary, Department delegates with the Auxiliary check to the Department Treasurer (who will copy the list to the Department Secretary), and National delegates to the headquarters office at 406 W. 34the St., 10th Fl., Kansas City, MO 64111 or entered online at the National website. Refer to Bylaws Article 111 Sections 301309 and Article VIII Section 805. (Note: In Sections 303 and 304 the Department Bylaws is used to determine the number of delegates - noted above 1 per 10 members) 4. The votes will be cast at the Department Convention by District, therefore, you must be sure to discuss with your delegates how your Auxiliary wishes to vote. Votes may be split within an Auxiliary. Otherwise, the delegate will vote her choice. It should be in the Auxiliary Secretary’s minutes how the votes are to be cast. 5. For your Auxiliary to be entitled to vote, it must be in good standing and therefore, all audits must be in to Jeanne before the Convention and there are no outstanding debts including District dues. 6. There will be a resolution presented at the Convention to lower the age eligibility for the Auxiliary to 14 (it is currently 16). Please discuss it at your meeting and advise your delegates how to vote on this resolution. If your Auxiliary has a resolution to be considered, it must be passed by your Auxiliary and mailed to the Department Secretary for submission by May 15, 2015. 7. For your Auxiliary to be eligible to win a Department Award per the Department Standing rules, your Auxiliary must be current in paid contributions. 8. Auxiliary Treasurers, please send the list of members who have acquired 5-High status by signing up 5 new/reinstated members and Department Aide-de-Camp for signing up 10 or more new/reinstated members and National Aide-de-Camp for signing up 20 or more new/reinstated members to Jeanne Gilbert the Department Treasurer and a copy to Joyce Preston Department Membership Chairwoman so they can be properly recognized at the Convention. This list must be to them no later than May 1, 2015. 9. We have been having issues with the Department webmail system this year and therefore, it has become unreliable. The Department is waiting for word from the VFW Department HQ Office to advise when their new system is available to the Auxiliary for use to mass email Department Mail etc. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 10. When you have elected new officers, please include their personal email addresses on the installation form as they will be used until further notice. If any of your members have email and would like to receive the Department mail, be sure to prepare a list and mail it and the installation report to Helen Carter at 321 Whithorne Dr., Garner, NC 27529. 11. All members (including Auxiliary officers) who wish to receive the Department mail in hard copy must send a check for $30.00 to the Department Treasurer, Jeanne Gilbert. Please insure that at least one member who attends meetings regularly will be receiving the mail. FROM THE SECRETARY Starting in July 2015, all Department mail will be sent to individual email addresses. When filling out Installation Warrant Request, Installation Report, or ordering Electronic Monthly Mail, BE SURE THAT EMAIL ADDDRESSES ARE LEGIBLE AND CORRECT. The form for ordering Department mail, program book and program CD’s is included in this mailing. The May mail will be last Department mail for the 2014-2015 year. The first mail for 2015-2016 will be in July, 2016. Auxiliary must have on-line reports into the system by April 15, 2015. The system will be locked at midnight on the 15th and no more reports can be made. Applications for “Of the Year” must be received by Awards Chairman, Lillie Crews, 182 Windsor Dr., Graham, NC 27253, and PRIOR to April 30, 2015. Don’t forget to make your reservations for the Department Convention to be held in Greensboro, NC June 4-7, 2015. You can make your reservations at Embassy Suites Greensboro, 204 Centerport Dr., Greensboro, NC 27409. Phone: 336668-4535. Room rates are $118 + taxes. Included in this mailing is: “Are You Ready for the Department Convention?” Double check this form to make sure you have everything in order before the convention. . TO DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN It is the Chairmen’s responsibility to send winner’s name to the Department Secretary, Anna Holm, 3616 Atlantic Ave., Raleigh, NC 27604-1645, and the Department Treasurer, Jeanne Gilbert, PO Box 176, Bethel, NC 27812, not later than MAY 1, 2015. Be sure to send copies of your year-end program reports to your National and Southern Conference chairmen. DIRECTORY CHANGES Auxiliary 4203 – Pres: Elizabeth Roberts Ballard, 1757 N US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC 28379 910-206-7400 Auxiliary 670 – Treas: Mary Zanders, 334 Golfview Rd., Hope Mills, NC 28348 910-309-6942 Auxiliary 6060 has changed their meeting night to the second Monday of the month. Meetings will start at 7 pm. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 WITH OUR MEMBERS B. Mae Harris, of Auxiliary 6018 has been made an honorary VAVS Representative at Fayetteville VA for her more than 20 years of service. Lucille Mitchel Craven, Life member of Ladies Auxiliary 7034 in Sparta, NC, passed away March 21, 2015. Lucille held the office of Auxiliary President for 30 years and was a Past District President. Cards may be sent to her sister, Evelyn Hash, 5559 NC Hwy 93, Sparta, NC 28675. Past Department President, Margaret Rogers has been under the weather. Please send thinking of you cards to her home address, 930 Narva Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792. BRING TO CONVENTION You must have your 2015 dues card or Life Membership Card to register. If you only attending the meeting and not registering, you will still need to show your dues card at to the Guard before entering the meeting room. Auxiliary Treasurers, be sure to bring your 2016 transmittals for the Parade of Transmittals along with a check for the correct amount. Items for the Cancer Aid & Research table. Do not bring clothing unless it is part of the uniform. WHO’S RUNNING FOR OFFICE The following people have expressed their intention to run for the following offices: President – Fran Redfield Senior Vice President – Joyce Preston Junior Vice President – Ivy Blueher Treasurer – Jeanne Gilbert Chaplain – Patricia (Patty) Harris Conductress – Guard – Amelia Bennett Also to be elected will be two 3-year Mayberry Scholarship Committee members. Please note that any member in good standing can run for any elected office. 1 April 2015 Dear Auxiliary Sisters, Here we are with only 2 months left until convention. It’s been a fast paced year with many challenges and rewards for our department, led by our exceptional Department President Janice Holm. President Janice has been busy attending to the matters of many auxiliaries throughout the state, visited many auxiliaries and districts, visited the four VA medical centers, attended all required conferences and meetings, and have had two new auxiliaries installed. Our “Pride Runs Deep” for all she’s accomplished for the Department. Let’s show her how much we appreciate her extraordinary leadership this year by sending in a love gift for President Janice. Please send your check made payable to the Ladies Auxiliary VFW Department of NC (for any amount you would like to bestow upon her) noting in the memo line “President’s Love Gift”. Checks are to be sent to our Department Treasurer, Jeanne Gilbert, at P.O. Box 716, Bethel, NC 28712-0716. Thank you for all you do for our department and our veterans, Fran Redfield, Department Senior Vice President Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 ARE YOU READY FOR DEPARTMENT CONVENTION Did you file the following reports and forms? Form Found in Send to Due By All Program Reports Online reporting system Online reporting system or April 15, 2015 contact Dept. Secretary Love Gift for the Dept President No form Dept. Treas Jeanne Gilbert By May 15 List of Delegates and Alternates to District March Mail & on website District Secretary Prior to District Convention Report of Installation of District Officers District Convention Reps Dept. Sec’y Anna Holm Immediately after District Convention List of District Trustees District Convention Reps Dept. Treas. Jeanne Gilbert Immediately after District Convention Request for Auxiliary Installation Warrant April Mail & website Dept. Sec’y Anna Holm Immediately after Election of Auxiliary officers Report of Installation of Auxiliary Officers Mailed to Auxiliary Secretary Submit online to Nat’l and send to Dept. Sec’y Helen Carter Immediately after Installation or by May 15, 2015 List of Auxiliary Trustees April Mail Dept. Treas. Jeanne Gilbert Immediately after election of Auxiliary officers List of Delegates and Alternates to Dept. Convention including Delegate fees April Mail Dept. Treas. Jeanne Gilbert Immediately after election but not later than May 20, 2015 * Department Convention Credentials Will be picked up at Dept. Convention Membership Award Form April mail Dept. Treas. Jeanne Gilbert May 20, 2015 40 plus Year members April mail Dept. Sec’y Anna Holm May 20, 2015 Deceased member count April mail Dept. Sec’y Anna Holm May 20, 2015 Member of the Year Application March Mail & website Awards Jury Chairman Lillie Crews April 20, 2015 * President of the Year Application March Mail & website Awards Jury Chairman Lillie Crews April 20, 2015 * District President of the Year Application March Mail & website Awards Jury Chairman Lillie Crews April 20, 2015 * Treasurer of the Year Application March Mail & website Dept. Treas. Jeanne Gilbert May 15, 2015 * 2016 Membership Transmittal Treasurer's 2015 Membership kit Dept Treas Jeanne Gilbert Mail by May 20, 2015 or or bring to Convention bring/send to Convention Close of Registration at Dept Convention (Noon on Saturday, June 7 *) Applications for Ladies Aux National & Department Continuing Education websites Scholarship National HQ June 1, 2015 * Convention banquet Ticket VFW Dept. Headquarters June 1, 2015 If you have missed any, please mail them immediately. Even if you have passed the deadline, some reports are still acceptable (those marked with an * will not be accepted if received after the cut off date). Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Do you want to get the Department Program Book and/or the Department Mail for 2015-16? Attention Officers The following are the rules for obtaining the Department Program Book/Roster and the monthly mail. No need to complete this form if you are automatically entitled to a copy for free. Free Free Free Free $7 Hardcopy Pgm Book & Roster $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $7 $7 $15 $15 Pgm Book & Roster CD Dept Officers & Chairmen District Presidents Auxiliary Presidents Past Department Presidents Auxiliary Secretaries & Treasurers District Secretaries & Treasurers All others Electronic Monthly Mail Hardcopy Monthly Mail Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 Automatic $30 $30 Email the Dept Sec’y to get on list Order now!! Many officers will automatically receive the online version of the monthly mail. If you are not already scheduled to receive it, just email the Dept Secretary to be put on the email list! Order a CD or printed copies now! Orders for the printed books & rosters must be received by May 20, 2015 Orders for the printed monthly mail must be received by June 11, 2015 Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _______________ Phone: ______________________ e-Mail: _______________________________________________ _____ Please send me a Program Book CD only ($7) _____ Please send me a printed Program Book only ($15) _____ Please send me the printed monthly mail only ($30) _____ Please send me printed copies of both Book and mail ($45) Make checks payable to Ladies Auxiliary VFW – Dept of NC and mail check and form to Department Treasurer by the deadlines listed above. Jeanne Gilbert, Department Treasurer Ladies Auxiliary VFW PO Box 716, Bethel, NC 27812 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 DISTRICT OFFICER FOR 2015-2016 District # _______ District EIN Number: _________________________ Note that Installation Warrants are not issued for Districts. Please complete and mail this form immediately after elections to: Anna Holm, Department Secretary 3616 Atlantic Ave., Raleigh, NC 27604-1645 Name of Incoming President: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: __ (_____) _________________ Membership Nbr. _________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________ Name of Incoming Sr. Vice President: ______________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: __ (_____) _________________ Membership Nbr. _________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________ Name of Incoming Secretary: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: __ (_____) _________________ Membership Nbr. _________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________ Name of Incoming Treasurer: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: __ (_____) _________________ Membership Nbr. _________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________ Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Membership Award Form Directions: This form is used for reporting Department Membership awards. Once certified, this member will be honored at the Department Convention during the Membership Achievement Awards. Mail this form to: Department Treasurer Jeanne Gilbert PO Box 716, Bethel, NC 27812 by May 20 ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Recruiters Name___________________________________________________________ Auxiliary Number _____________________________ Total Number of New members Recruited_______________ (will be used to calculate award earned) Check which award applies: _____________ 5 HI Award (5 -9 members recruited) _____________ Department Membership Achievement Award (10 or members) The following new or reinstated members were recruited by this member: Name Aux. Nbr. Name Aux.Nbr. ___________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ___________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ___________________________________________ ________________ _________________________________________ __________________ ___________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ___________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ __________________ Attach additional sheets if needed or use the back Verified by Auxiliary Treasurer _________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________ This member (will / will not) be attending the Department Convention in June. Members recruited to a different NC Auxiliary other than the Auxiliary the Recruiter is a member of will be verified by the Department Treasurer. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Auxiliary #________________ District #_________________ Please send by May 15 to: Anna C. Holm, Department Secretary 3616 Atlantic Ave., Raleigh, NC 27604-1645 FORTY PLUS YEARS MEMBERS PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION CLEARLY List the names of all members who have been members of the Auxiliary for 40 or more continuous years. Indicate if they will be attending the Department Convention. (Use additional sheet if necessary.) Name Number Of Years Will Attend Convention? ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ____________________________________________ ____________ ______________ ************************************************************************************* DECEASED MEMBERS Please provide the number of Auxiliary Sisters that have died since the 2014 Department Convention. Names are not necessary, only the count. _________________ Number Verified by: Auxiliary Treasurer:_______________________________________________Date:_________________ Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Of the United States Department of North Carolina ______________________________________________________________________________ February 20, 2015 Dear Department Officer, As a Department Officer, you are entitled to a vote at the 2015 Department Convention. You may or may not have more than one eligibility as a member of the Convention. For example, you might be a Past Department President and an appointed officer or District President. Or you might be an Auxiliary President and a Department officer. You might also be elected as a Delegate for your Auxiliary. (See section 602 of the National Bylaws for a list of all the voting members of the Department Convention.) The enclosed list identifies all State officers who are entitled to vote. You may be on this list more than once. Regardless of the number of eligible titles you have, you must choose which title you will use to register your credential at the Convention, and your other titles cannot be used by another person, with the exception of Auxiliary Delegate. If you are the only person from your Auxiliary who will be attending the Convention, you might want to consider registering as a Delegate to have the full Delegate strength of your Auxiliary at your disposal, rather than the single vote as an officer. All members of the Department Convention must pay a $5 registration fee to the Department Treasurer to be received no later than June 1, or bring to the Convention and pay on site in order to vote. Please use the form below, and mail with your check made payable to the “Ladies Auxiliary VFW” to” Jeanne Gilbert, Department Treasurer PO Box 716, Bethel, NC 27812-0716 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Officer’s Title: ________________________________________ Officer’s Name: _______________________________________ Select One of the Following: _______ Enclosed is a check for $5 for my registration fee as a State Officer _______ I will be registering as an Auxiliary President or Delegate _______ I will not be attending the Convention Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Veterans and Family Support – Chairman: Patty Harris or336-657-1770 The Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW is a veterans’ service organization founded on the principle of helping veterans. Our veterans need our help every day. The list of their needs is endless. From deployed troops to veterans in VA hospitals and veterans in every walk of life, we need to provide assistance to them and their families. Has everyone paid their Health and Happiness quota of $.10 per member? This money helps the VFW National Home for Children to provide a home for veteran families and their children if needed. This home is celebrating their 90th year of helping veterans and their families. They would appreciate donations to help with plans to remodel and update their museum as they celebrate their many years of service to veteran families. The “Operation Changing Lives” program will help hire, train, and keep the Service Officers up to date in their training. Our veterans need this help to get all the benefits they are entitled to for their service to our country. Your donation would be greatly appreciated. Since 2012, the Service Officers have recovered $3.7 billion in VA benefits for 125,000 veterans. We need this help to continue. The clock is ticking because the end of our year is quickly approaching. Make sure all your reporting is done. If help is needed just call. As I have traveled the state this year I have seen how had the Auxiliaries are working for our veterans. These men bravely served our country so now let’s help them. I want to thank each Auxiliary member for helping our veterans. Please keep up your hard work. Sincerely, Patty Harris ________________________________________________________________________________________ Americanism / Patriotic Instructor Laura Verdon, Department Chairman 709 Kingswood Dr., Cary, NC 27513 919-880-1527 As we head into the home stretch it is District 1, 3, 4, 7, and 15 that are 100% in reporting for Americanism. Many Districts are very close to having 100%. We can do it! District and Auxiliary Presidents take time to review your reports and make sure all you have done this year has been reported. April 15th is when the reporting period will close so please make sure you get your reports in prior to the deadline. On the VFW Website I found an interesting magazine on “VFW Women at War”, click this link to read this very enlightening article about women that have served our country in so many different ways. Upcoming Holidays (or special mentions) for the month of April: April Fools' Day – Wednesday April 1st – Enjoy playing light hearted pranks on friends and family, likely the only day you can get away with it. Easter – Sunday, April 5th - celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Earth Day – April 22nd - Enjoy the tonic of fresh air, contact with the soil, and companionship with nature! Walk through the woods in search of emerging wildflowers and green moss. Go outside, no matter what the weather! Use Earth Day to put a flag pole into your yard and fly our American flag proudly. “Patriotism Begins at Home” “Pride Runs Deep” Loyalty in Service, Laura Verdon Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 HOSPITAL Farres Upton, 653 Haynes Road, High Point, NC 27262 336-889-4133 email: Sisters, It is hard to believe this Auxiliary year is coming to a close however volunteering in our Medical Facilities is ongoing. Warm weather, pretty blooming flowers and trees welcomes spring. Many that have been confined to a Medical Center all winter may enjoy sitting on a patio or other outdoor area talking and visiting with someone. Plan a day at your local Medical Facility to make visits which will put smiles on many faces. Many sacrifices have been made by our Veterans in order to preserve our freedom, we must never forget them. They appreciate being remembered on their birthday by receiving a card or visit. They enjoy Bingo, Pizza, picnics, and holiday parties. There are many holidays during the spring and summer months that makes planning a party so easy. We have Easter, Loyalty Day, Mother’s Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Father’s Day, and 4th. of July. Let us show our Veterans we care and appreciate their service to our Country. A REMINDER: Plan an event to recognize our Volunteers, they are a valuable asset. “OUR PRIDE RUNS DEEP” as we continue to support the needs of our Veterans and others that are confined to a Medical Facility. Loyally With Love. Farres CHARLES GEORGE VA MEDICAL CENTER, ASHEVILLE VOLUNTARY SERVICE OFFICE (828) 299-2514 THANK YOU to each of the volunteers who helped with the Salute to Veterans Sweetheart Luncheon in February, who always so graciously volunteer your time, money and talents to the hospitalized veterans at the CGVAMC and other health care facilities. Please always complete a “Donation” form (both sides), available from the Voluntary Service office, immediately following an activity or donation. To be certain that this form is received by Voluntary Service Staff, please hand-deliver it to their office on 4th floor of the Hospital so they can credit you for hours and donations; if office is closed, slide it under the door for them. April 15 - Program reporting cut-off date Upcoming Events: April 12-18 - Volunteer Week Sunday, May 3, 1:15 to 4 P.M. - Youth and Adult Orientation, Multipurpose Room across from the Food Court on Basement Floor. Organizational scholarship is not needed again this year. The hours will be shared among faithful support organizations. For online orientation, go to http:/ Monday, May 25 at 10 A.M. – Memorial Day Remembrance, Black Mountain Cemetery Wednesday, June 24 – Hospitalized Veterans Hot Dog Cookout Veterans Town Hall Meetings: April 27 at 7 P.M. – VFW (Madison County)/DAV (Yancey County) – conference call May 14 at 10 A.M. – VAMC Multipurpose Room, DVA NC VSO Quarterly Meeting Remember our themes: “Patriotism Begins at Home” and “Pride Runs Deep”. Willie Glance, VAVS Representative Phone: (828) 254-4755 Email: Cell: (828) 280-9324 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Durham VAVS Sandra Johnson-Leu 103 Covered Bridge Rd. Clayton, NC 27520 919-553-0019 A great big “thank you” goes to each Auxiliary and individual that made donations of items to give the Veterans as they are located into a new home. Auxiliary 6722 put 16 bags together alone. The “Fall into the Arts” raffle held by the VA raised $895.00. Each fundraiser is bringing us closer to our goal of $30,000. Upcoming events include “Vines for Veterans” on April 11th at Doyle’s Vineyard 8913 NC 751, Durham. There will be wine tasting, a silent auction, food trucks and a craft fair. Wine tasting tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Then on April 24th a fish fry, sponsored by Recreation Therapy and EMS will be held at the Durham VA Medical Center, 508 Fulton St, Durham. All of the proceeds go towards the National Veterans Creative Arts festival. Keep our Veterans in mind whenever you have an opportunity to participate in any event benefiting our Veterans. They gave for us and we need to show our appreciation in giving back. Attend the bingo visits with your Auxiliary. As much as our Veterans enjoy this, I promise you will get more out of it than they do. And donations of items such as sweat pants, books, game books, write on/wipe off boards and pens are always needed and appreciated. Our pride runs deep in our Veterans. FAYETTEVILLE VA. MEDICAL CENTER Ladies as our year is winding down, It's time to make sure you get your report is, so that your Auxiliary get credit for what they have done. The WISH LIST, is the same as it was at the Council of Administration. Funds are always needed for the GENERAL PURPOSE FUND, RECREATION FUND, INTENSIVE CASE MANAGEMENT FUND and SPECIAL EVENTS FUND .Another bit of information as follows: The Fayetteville Medical Center will be celebrating their 75th Anniversary in October of 2015 and are asking for monetary donations to assist them. Make checks payable to VAVS 75th Anniversary and send to Norma Fraser, Volunteer Service Director, 2300 Ramsey St., Fayetteville, NC. 28301. There will be more later. Many thanks ladies for all you and your Auxiliary have done this year for our Veterans, it is appreciated greatly. "HAPPY EASTER" to all. Loyalty & Love, Jean Clark VAVS Rep. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cancer Aid & Research 1806 Hugh Champion Rd., Tryon, NC 28782 Just a quick reminder about getting your reports in, so that your Auxiliary will get credit for all the hard work they are doing, and to be eligible for awards. You still have time for a fundraiser. Here are a few suggestions for fundraisers, bake sale, cake walk, raffle, or 777. The more money we turn into National, the more money they will give back to our President, Janice Holm. Then she will be able to donate the money to a cancer facility of her choice for research. Report Loyally, Gerry Taylor Report Report Report REPORT Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Extension Year End Wrap-Up It is getting close to the end of the year now, but our work continues. I have heard from many members who have taken the “Healthy Auxiliary” survey in their Auxiliary. That’s great. I hope you learned how your members feel. And if they have suggestions, I hope you took them to heart and made slight adjustments to insure that everyone feels welcomed and included in your activities. Some of our members have contacted me with issues that we worked on together, and that should continue in the future. Creating healthy Auxiliaries is not a one time thing! We need to constantly work to maintain it. It is surprising how one little mis-understanding can change how people feel. As of March 22, only about 1/3 of Auxiliaries have reported their work in this area. The reporting system lists this under “Chief of Staff” but it is meant for each Auxiliary to complete. So if you have not completed your Chief of Staff report online, take the time to do it now. And if you don’t have access, contact me and I will complete what you tell me. Let me know what you have done to promote not only the growth of your Auxiliary, but the harmony of your members. Don’t forget to continue handing out little thank you awards and certificates to your members for doing a good job. And even your Post members can be the ones who can contribute positively – so don’t forget them. Thank them for what they do. Remember – a little thank you goes a long way! I hope to see most of you at the Department Convention in June, where we can all celebrate our accomplishments. Helen Carter, NC Extension Chairman 321 Whithorne Drive, Garner, NC 27529 (919) 779-6314 (home) or 919-801-4524 (Cell) Ivy Blueher Youth Activities Chairman 919-624-0153 Greetings Sisters: We are in the final stretch. We have less than 1 month to get our reports in. Please check to see if you have reported in Youth Activities and get them in. APRIL 15, 2015 is the last day to report! We are at 79.5%. Please help me achieve 100%! I will be contacting you very shortly to see if I can help in any way. Thank you for all that you do! Loyally, Ivy Blueher Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Legislative Veterans Can Still Benefit from Foreclosure Prevention Fund Most of us have are aware of the growing needs for homeless veterans and the programs that may assist them in securing housing. Contact your legislative delegation and ask them to remember our homeless vets when they roll out funding for various programs. Even those vets who own homes can be at risk of losing their homes due to financial stressors during or after deployment or due to a job loss. With military draw downs underway and more planned, North Carolina is fortunate to have an effective resource that helps those who have served their country preserve their own homes while they make the often challenging transition back to civilian life. The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency offers veterans special mortgage payment help through its N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund while they look for work or train for a civilian career. Making the foreclosure assistance available for veterans is particularly important in North Carolina, which is home to 10 percent of all active-duty military personnel in the U.S. (115,000, the most per-capita of any state) and more than 772,000 veterans. “The transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge,” said A. Robert Kucab, executive director of the N.C. Housing Finance Agency. “It’s especially important that veterans be able to participate fully in these foreclosure prevention benefits. Our agency is working closely with the VA and veterans groups across the state to make sure military families know that help is available for those who need it.” The Fund makes mortgage payments of up to $36,000 for up to 36 months while the homeowner looks for work or completes a training program. The assistance is offered as a zero-interest deferred loan, with no payments due as long as the homeowner lives in the home. If the owner continues to live in the home for 10 years after assistance ends, the loan is forgiven. Created in 2010 to help North Carolina homeowners recover from job loss and other temporary hardships, the N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund has already helped more than 18,000 homeowners. Funds are available to assist an additional 3,000 homeowners. Veterans who study on the GI Bill or participate in a VA-approved vocational training program are eligible for a maximum 36 months of assistance, as long as their mortgage payments exceed 25 percent of their household income. To qualify for assistance through the Fund, a veteran must have separated from service on or after Jan. 1, 2008, provide a DD214, have a VA-issued Certificate of Eligibility for the GI Bill and provide proof of enrollment in school or a vocational retraining program. Homeowners do not have to be delinquent on mortgage payments to qualify. The effort is funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury through its Hardest Hit Fund, which was created during the recession to assist North Carolina, 17 other states and the District of Columbia that were suffering from high unemployment, which continues to exceed the national average in many North Carolina counties. Veterans and civilians can apply for assistance from the Fund through more than 40 HUD-approved counseling agencies statewide, or online at Information is available on the website or by calling 1-888-623-8631. The N.C. Housing Finance Agency is a self-supporting public agency that has financed nearly 221,000 affordable homes and apartments statewide since its creation in 1973. Thank you for all you do to assist our veterans! Please consider reporting your legislative activity! The deadline is April 15! I will help you! Please call me! Kathy Voss Dept. Of NC Legislative Ambassador 919-264-7839 cell 919-896-7210 home Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Membership Joyce B. Preston 706 Warrior Drive Tryon, North Carolina 28782 828-859-5286 WOW, we are 93.27% in Membership as of 19 March! We only need 510 Nuts gathered to be 100%! Tami Elliott, our Membership Ambassador, wrote to our President Bubble Head Janice and you! (Bubble Head was President Janice’s name in the fighting rounds at the National Convention in 2014 – remember – she was tough – she was mean – she was the fighting membership machine for North Carolina) You only need to sign up 536 more members to be a Champion! (We already have 26 since she sent this to us! – Yeah! Keep up the good work) We're in the last rounds of this prizefight and to win you need some more points on the scorecard. Just like Rocky's trainer gave him the strategy to get more points by body punching, and more jabs, we need some specific strategy. So use this checklist, send it to your Auxiliaries, then follow-up!! AUXILIARIES DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENTS, and TREASURERS, Have they called ALL their prior members? Have they offered to pay for those that cannot? Have they earned the Recruiter 5 Pin? Have they challenged every member to bring in one new member? Are they working towards the Membership Achievement Award? Have you called all of your Auxiliaries? Have you earned your Recruiter 5 Pin? – Lead by example! Is your Department Recruiter making the rounds to individual Auxiliaries? Are you submitting the dues promptly? Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, and guts. Don’t forget these goals from National! 1. National Membership Achievement Award to whoever gets 20 new or reinstated members. 2. Each Auxiliaries that reaches 100%+ by June 30, 2015 will earn $30.00, a “Knock Out Pin” and a chance for the BIG drawing of $3000, $2000 and $1000. Don’t forget to not only let National know you collected 5 dues of New Members – you need to let me and/or the State Treasurer Jeanne Gilbert know so we can put you in some of our drawings. So if you have sent the 5 or 20 or both forms to National – please send us a copy – we need to know!!! Department Awards for April are: Auxiliaries with 5 + Transmittals will be put into drawing for $25.00 for each Membership Area Auxiliaries with most Transmittal will be put into drawing for $100.00 (one prize) – if two or more with same amount of Transmittals will split the $100.00 paid to Auxiliary Special drawing to Members who acquired the dues of 5 or more transmittals for $25.00 (one prize) Remember the "Dues Angels" and I am hoping we have some here in North Carolina. Thank all of you for what you do for our Veterans! 88.02% Western Area: Sandra Harris 93.90% Central Area: Amelia Bennett 96.91% Eastern Area: Christine Spence God Bless America & Our Troops!! 828-733-2438 910-425-1445 252-562-9491 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 EASTERN AREA MEMBERSHIP Hello to all my Sisters in the East. Here it is the middle of March. The end of the 2014/2015 year is approaching FAST. So I am asking the Presidents and Treasurer of the Auxiliary to call and work together to gather those nuts. There is 4 Aux. that only need 1 member to be 100%. I want to Congratulate Aux 6060 in Elizabeth City for becoming 101.60% this month(they were 98.93 at the end of Feb.). GREAT JOB! East is now at 96.53%. Only need 90 more to make the East 100%. WE CAN DO IT!!! We got to show President Janice that the EAST IS STILL THE BEST. Let all of us sisters help each other and make North Carolina the best in the UNITED STATES and President Janice the BEST State President. So let’s get out there and gather all the nuts. Let’s show the Mother Squirrel, Joyce Preston, that the EAST IS THE BEST! Remember that your State membership Chairperson, Joyce Preston and I, your Eastern Membership chairperson are here to help. All you need to do is call. May GOD BLESS AMERICA and May GOD BLESS ALL VETERANS Christine Spence President Aux 6060 Eastern Membership Chairman 252-301-6970 WESTERN AREA MEMBERSHIP Janice Holm’s theme for this year is, “Pride Runs Deep” The Department needs 510 to be 100% Central is First Eastern is Second Western is Third by less than 10 percentage points. We have 3 months to do our best this year. There are 2,547 members in the Western Region according to the membership standings. There are 6 Districts in the Western Area. There are 45 Auxiliaries in the Western Area. Those are a lot of numbers. Here are the numbers that matter. Overall membership numbers help influence Congress and ensure that our military veterans will continue to receive the benefits they have been promised and that they have earned. Of course, the most important number to consider is the number of our military heroes, here at home and abroad, that we can help. This number is a direct result of our individual and collective efforts. It is a matter of pride, and here in North Carolina “Pride Runs Deep”. Let’s rededicate our efforts to deliver a 100% membership to Janice and redouble our commitment to our vets. Sandy Harris 828 733 2438 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 SCHOLARSHIP – Lin Moore 6165 Glen Way Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27107 336-201-2106 email: It is time to make sure all of your reporting for scholarships has been completed! The only scholarship program left to complete is the YOUNG AMERICAN CREATIVE PATRIOTIC ART CONTEST! Please have the entry from your auxiliary to me by April 15, 2015. You will be able to pick up your entries at the Department Convention in June. We are at 51% in reporting. Districts 1, 4, and 15 are at 100%. With all scholarship programs nearing completion, your auxiliary should have entered your reports. If your auxiliary hasn’t reported, please consider these questions to help you get those reports done! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How did your auxiliary promote the Voice of Democracy contest? How many entries did your Auxiliary sponsor? How did you recognize your Auxiliary’s participants? How did your auxiliary promote the Patriot’s Pen Contest? How many entries did your Auxiliary sponsor? How did your auxiliary recognize participants? How did your auxiliary promote the Young American Creative Art Contest? How many entries did your Auxiliary sponsor? How did you recognize your participants? How did your auxiliary promote the Continuing Educations Scholarship? Did you make a donation to the Erline Mayberry Scholarship Program? If you can answer any of these questions, you have something to report for the Scholarship Program. Feel free to call me and we can get your reports done over the phone. The important thing is to let us know what your auxiliary has done to support this very important program. Thanks for all of your work this year! SPECIAL PROJECT At the State Convention, we will be raffling off 2 free night room at the convention. The drawing will be on Friday night and the winner must be present at the hotel. Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. If you need tickets please let me, Janice Holm or Helen Carter know. We will get them to you. Checks should be made out to "LAVFW NC Special Project” and sent to the Department Treasurer, Jeanne Gilbert, PO Box 716, Bethel, NC 27812. Nancy White 252-671-6235 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Date: Eastern Area - Eileen Wokosky 3/26/2015 District 1 Pres Nancy Wilkins Aux. No. Aux. Name 6060 Elizabeth City 7312 Sunbury 2 Totals District 4 Nancy White 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 187 190 68 101.60% 2401 Beaufort 30 26 20 86.67% 2514 217 216 88 99.54% Percent District 2 Annette Hansen Aux. No. Aux. Name 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 74 66 61 89.19% New Bern 125 115 86 92.00% 7315 Havelock 145 146 123 100.69% 7547 Clinton 9133 Jacksonville 9161 9810 Aux. No. Aux. Name 92 91 80 98.91% 127 135 94 106.30% Wallace 71 73 51 102.82% Warsaw 43 38 34 88.37% Mbrs. Mbrs 9960 Swansboro 247 226 164 91.50% 2615 Goldsboro 46 45 31 97.83% 11,119 Vanceboro 29 29 15 100.00% 2771 Kinston 43 47 3 109.30% 9 953 919 708 96.43% 4062 Ayden/Grifton 14 19 2 135.71% 7032 Greenville 70 62 22 88.57% 9841 Snow Hill 27 26 4 96.30% 9959 Mount Olive 35 35 6 100.00% 2014 2015 Life 235 234 68 99.57% 6 TOTALS Percent 2014 District 3 Pres Sharon Schmitz TOTALS District 5 Pres Pearl White Aux. No. Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 2573 Wilmington Aux. Name 63 55 47 87.30% 6064 Tabor City 42 40 11 95.24% 7288 Calabash 175 180 57 102.86% 8073 Whiteville 63 56 15 88.89% 8866 Holden Beach 91 94 65 103.30% 2014 2015 Life Aux. Name Mbrs. Mbrs Mbrs. 2057 Rocky Mount 108 110 53 101.85% 9,983 Holly Ridge 53 52 36 98.11% 4147 Bailey 28 27 20 96.43% 10,226 37 43 9 116.22% 6651 Wilson Oak Island B Spring Lakes Aux. No. 3 Percent 28 26 6 92.86% 10,400 164 163 79 99.39% 8 EASTERN 2014 2015 Life 35 Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. TOTALS 2591 2525 TOTALS 1434 TOTALS 60 48 7 80.00% 584 568 247 97.26% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 19 5 100.00% 114 42 95.80% District 7 Pres Laura Verdon Percent 97.45% Aux. No. Aux. Name 6722 Lillington 7383 119 8466 Cary Wake Forest Fold 17 2 2 11.76% 9103 Spring Lake 104 104 74 100.00% 95.00% 10,001 Raleigh 20 19 14 10,225 Garner 139 128 90 92.09% 10,999 Raleigh 39 39 17 100.00% TOTALS 438 425 244 97.03% 7 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Date: 3/26/2015 Central - Amelia Bennett District 6 Pres Sandra Jeffries Aux. No. Aux. No. District 10 Pres Barbara Williams 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 19 19 6 100.00% Mbrs. Mbrs. 63 54 8 85.71% 2087 Greensboro 2417 0.00% 2972 Gibsonville 31 29 15 93.55% 2740 Durham 50 47 27 94.00% 3074 147 125 15 85.03% 100.00% 8297 Lexington Mway Monroeton 88 90 44 102.27% 134 112 83.58% 8721 Liberty 36 17 13 47.22% 9899 Archdale 37 40 24 108.11% 6 TOTALS 358 320 117 89.39% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs Mbrs. Percent 10607 3 Burlington 11 TOTALS 35 Aux. Name Life Mbrs. 21 Aux. No. 2015 Mebane Hendersonfold 1920 Percent 2014 District 8 Pres Wanda Williams Aux. No. Aux. Name 10 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 32 27 24 84.38% Raeford Percent District 12 Pres Barbara Webb 670 Fayetteville 107 106 72 99.07% 2843 Pembroke 62 50 32 80.65% 2908 Albemarle 67 68 15 101.49% 4542 Spring Lake 48 41 28 85.42% 3006 Salisbury 155 157 21 101.29% 6018 Fayetteville 164 169 120 103.05% 6183 Norwood 29 26 13 89.66% 8969 Lumberton 23 32 11 139.13% 6365 Locust 25 22 1 88.00% 10,630 Hope Mills 55 43 35 78.18% 8989 Kannapolis 110 97 39 88.18% 12,025 St. Pauls 32 32 12 100.00% 9134 Rockwell 31 34 7 109.68% 8 TOTALS 523 500 334 95.60% 6 TOTALS 417 404 96 96.88% 2014 2015 Life District 9 Pres Ivy Blueher Aux. No. Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 2008 Laurinburg Aux. Name 22 19 1 4203 Rockingham 32 22 15 68.75% 5631 92 94 69 102.17% 7318 Sanford Southern Pines 124 126 86 101.61% 9881 Biscoe 65 61 7 93.85% Wadesboro 53 53 20 100.00% 388 375 198 96.65% CENTRAL 2014 2015 Life 29 Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. TOTALS 1820 1711 780 10,403 6 TOTALS Percent 86.36% Percent 94.01% Aux. No. Aux. Name Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 Date: 3/26/2015 Western --Sandy Harris District 11 Pres Farres Upton Aux. No. Aux. Name District 15 Pres Patricia Harris 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 45 41 6 91.11% 1142 N. Wilkesboro 1134 Cooleemee WinstonSalem 45 41 18 91.11% 4286 2019 Mount Airy 18 10 3 55.56% 5381 5352 Kernersville 60 50 3 83.33% 7794 Elkin 29 28 5 9010 Clemmons Pilot Mountain 25 36 124 1119 9436 Percent Mbrs. Percent 85 95.45% Newland 28 28 20 100.00% Lenoir 80 80 31 100.00% 7031 Boone 34 19 11 55.88% 96.55% 7034 Sparta 65 59 23 90.77% 17 144.00% 7946 Jefferson 32 28 2 87.50% 120 20 96.77% 6 TOTALS 349 319 172 91.40% 38 19 76.00% 50 Arcadia (fold) 31 11,173 Walnut Cove 24 25 2 104.17% 451 389 93 86.25% TOTALS 0.00% District 16 Pres Willie Glance Aux. No. Aux. Name District 13 Pres Betty Morris Aux. Name 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 159 137 66 86.16% 5206 Hendersonville 155 140 84 90.32% 5483 Mars Hill 40 33 5 82.50% 9116 24 26 9 108.33% 28 29 11 103.57% 410 365 175 89.02% 35 28 12 80.00% 9157 Columbus Blk Mount. (fold) 110 110 43 100.00% 10,349 Mill Spring Mint Hill 85 75 23 88.24% 5 Monroe 54 49 25 90.74% 6724 Paw Creek 23 22 18 95.65% 7775 Charlotte 22 25 18 113.64% 9337 Gastonia 96 99 12 103.13% 9488 Charlotte 85 75 59 88.24% 4309 Brevard 186 9736 36 29 0 80.56% 5198 Canton 9811 Croft Kings Mountain 21 18 4 85.71% 5202 Waynesville 10 TOTALS 567 530 214 93.47% 6812 Hayesville 7339 Franklin 8013 1160 Charlotte 2423 Indian Trail 4059 5464 Percent 2014 Asheville 891 Aux. No. Mbrs. 105 Yadkin 9 Life Mbrs. 10,485 Aux. Name 2015 110 10,346 Aux. No. 2014 District 14 Pres Charlotte Reynolds Aux. No. Aux. Name 2014 2015 Life 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 194 126 104.30% 28 25 15 89.29% 139 119 45 85.61% 50 48 34 96.00% 117 106 34 90.60% Cherokee 16 12 3 75.00% 9281 Bryson City 87 69 12 79.31% 9493 Aux. No. Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Lincolnton 64 63 11 2031 Statesville 118 108 57 4066 38 43 6 5204 Shelby Forest City (fold) 29 8 8 27.59% 11 5362 Morganton TOTALS Aux. Name Tuckasegee 31 32 2 103.23% 10222 Murphy 29 35 9 120.69% 91.53% 10685 Glenville 41 43 19 104.88% 113.16% 12,132 Maggie Valley 40 23 7 57.50% 764 706 306 92.41% 98.44% 85 74 24 87.06% 334 296 106 88.62% WESTERN 2014 2015 Life 45 Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. TOTALS 2875 2605 1066 90.61% 293 304 281 103.75% DISTRICT 99 #15034 0.00% District 17 Pres Andrea Page 1706 4 Percent TOTALS 4 TOTALS 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs Mbrs Percent 7145 3561 94.27% 7579 Percent TOTAL WE NEED 434 for 100% Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of North Carolina April 2015 AREA STANDINGS DISTRICT NO PRESIDENT'S NAME 2014 2015 PERCENT AREA RANK EAST #1 Nancy Wilkins 217 216 99.54% #2 Annette Hansen 235 234 99.57% #3 Sharon Schmitz 164 163 99.39% #4 Nancy White 953 919 96.43% #5 Pearl White 584 568 97.26% #7 Laura Verdon 438 425 97.03% 2591 2525 97.45% TOTALS #1 CENTRAL #6 Sandra Jeffries 134 112 83.58% #8 Wanda Williams 523 500 95.60% #9 Ivy Blueher 388 375 96.65% #10 Barbara Williams 358 320 89.39% #12 Barbara Webb 417 404 96.88% 1820 1711 94.01% TOTALS #2 WESTERN #11 Farres Upton 451 389 86.25% #13 Betty Morris 567 530 93.47% #14 Charlotte Reynolds 334 296 88.62% #15 Patricia Harris 349 319 91.40% #16 Willie Glance 410 365 89.02% #17 Andrea Page 764 706 92.41% 2875 2605 90.61% #3 TOTALS GROUPS: Group A #1 Nancy Wilkins 217 216 99.54% #2 #2 Annette Hansen 235 234 99.57% #1 #3 Sharon Schmitz 164 163 99.39% #3 #6 Sandra Jeffries 134 112 83.58% #8 #7 Laura Verdon 438 425 97.03% #4 #9 Ivy Blueher 388 375 96.65% #5 #14 Charlotte Reynolds 334 296 88.62% #7 #15 Patricia Harris 349 319 91.40% #6 #5 Pearl White 584 568 97.26% #1 Group B DISTRICT NO. #8 Wanda Williams 523 500 95.60% #3 #10 Barbara Williams 358 320 89.39% #5 #11 Farres Upton 451 389 86.25% #7 #12 Barbara Webb 417 404 96.88% #2 #13 Betty Morris 567 530 93.47% #4 #16 Willie Glance 410 365 89.02% #6 #4 Nancy White 953 919 96.43% #1 #17 Andrea Page 764 706 92.41% #2 Group C DISTRICT NO.
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