May 2015 - Lawley and Overdale Parish Council

Volume 1, Issue 1
Newsletter Date
Community News
May 2015 Edition
—May 2015
Planning Snapshots:
TWC/2015/0039 CoOp Store Adjacent to
the Wrekin View Pub
on Dawley Bank will
be going to Planning
Committee on 3rd
June 2015.
TWC/2015/0177 The
latest planning
application in the
Park Road development is awaiting
decision notice which
hasn't been received.
Phase 8 of the Lawley Village Development is now available on Telford &
Wrekin’s website for
Planning application
for 2 detached dwellings on Station Road,
Lawley Bank is being
considered following
Land South of
Dawley Road, Lawley, application for
the erection of 31
dwellings. Now under consultation.
For more information on any of the
above planning applications or any others
visit Telford &
Wrekin’s website or
contact us at the
Why Local Elections are just as important
as the General Election
If a pot hole opens up on your
Lawley & Overdale Parish
provision of amenities and
road, or the field you look out
Council represent your needs
traffic calming measures. The
over is in the hands of the
to the Local Authority,
actions of the Parish Council
developers, it isn’t the Prime
delivers services to meet your
will have a direct impact on
Minister that you will contact,
needs such as the mainte-
your community and ulti-
but your local Parish
nance of the Lawley Commu-
mately, your everyday lives.
nity Centre and by investing
Who knows your community
in the Parish Environmental
better than people who live in
Team, we work on the care of
it now, and perhaps have
bridleways, public footpaths
done for many years? Parish
and open spaces.
Councillors are local volun-
What you may not know is
teers wanting to make a
that Parish Councils have a
positive difference to their
broad range of powers and
own community.
duties including planning,
Lawley & Overdale Parish
Council Office and Lawley
Community Centre will be
polling stations on the 7th
May 2015. Opening at 7am
and closing at 10pm. Check
your polling cards for more
Lawley Community Centre Refurbishment
We have been successful in
July and are expected to be
Unfortunately, this means
obtaining a Pride in Our
completed during the
that the Centre will not be
Community Funding Award
summer holidays and by 4th
available for hire, or for cur-
from Telford & Wrekin
September 2015.
rent Groups/Activities to
Council. We will be using the
funding to give the Lawley
Community Centre
extensive and much needed
improvement works!
The work to be undertaken
includes replacement exterior doors and windows, a
new heating system,
additional storage units and
The work will start on the
a complete toilet
Community Centre on 18th
access whilst works are
underway. We apologise for
any inconvenience and
disruption caused during
this period.
Lawley & Overdale Parish Council © 2015 All Rights Reserved
Leonard Smith House, Unit 2, West Centre Way, Lawley, Telford, TF3 5HT  01952 507 865
—May 2015 Edition
Welcome to Helen & Laurren
March saw us welcome
Helen has recently moved
Now that we have three
two new Assistant Clerks
to the area from the Black
members of staff, we are
to the Council, to support
Country and Laurren is
able to open the office
Sharon in continuing to
coming to the end of her
between 9am and 5pm
perform her duties to the
Marketing degree at uni-
Monday to Friday, and
exceptional standard that
versity. Both are proving to
commencing from the
we have come to expect
be real assets to the team,
18th April we will be open
with the increasing work-
especially as they have
Saturday mornings from
Follow us Twitter, Like us on
load associated with the
jumped in at the deep end
10am to 1pm every week.
Facebook and don’t forget to
fast growing Parish of
with the upcoming
regularly check our website for
Lawley & Overdale!
Parish updates.
It’s that time of year
We are now more accessible than ever before!
again, the sun is
Most Parish Councils have
community by following us
most up to date Parish
a website, but only very
on Twitter —
News including Planning
you notice quads in
few use Social Media such
@LOParishCouncil and
and events.
areas you think they do
as Facebook and Twitter to
Liking us on Facebook —
not have permission to
get their messages out to
Lawley & Overdale Parish
use, please call 101 and
their community — we are
shining and the quad
bikes are out in force. If
You can sign up for delivery
of June’s newsletter either
by visiting out website or
report it immediately
one of those few!
With this edition, we are
emailing your details to:
so that the local police
You can now get up to
now starting our monthly
force can investigate.
date information about
e-newsletters, where we will
what’s happening in your
endeavor to bring to you the
Parish Environmental Team
Our PET team have been
Village Green, Old Park and
bizarre game, someone has cut
busy ensuring your pub-
Overdale park just to name but
off the heads of the Daffodils
lic paths, open spaces
a few.
on Lawley Village Green and
and streets have been
safe and maintained for
a year this month, and
what a difference they
have made!
Alan Hussey, Chair of the Parish
Council, with Andrew Durk and
Callum Jones of the PET Team.
In the last few weeks our PET
Team have noticed 6 well
placed RSPB bird boxes placed
made a pattern in the cut grass.
Does anyone know what may
have happened?
in Old Park, we would like to
If you have noticed anywhere
thank who ever it is for thinking
you think could do with a
Over the past 12 months they
of their local wildlife, do you
sprucing up, please get in touch
have worked on projects in-
know who it was?
and we’ll check who owns the
cluding the Tom Morgan Secret
Garden in Lawley, the work
they have done on the Lawley
On another note, the PET Team
have found the remains of a
land then send the PET team
across to sort it out if we can!