The Chatter - Lawrence Country Club

April 2015
The Easter Bunny is Coming
to Lawrence country club!
Saturday, April 4th
There will be Cookies & Punch at 10:00
in the Dining Room and an
Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30. Take your child’s
picture with the Easter Bunny!
Make sure to bring your baskets for the
Easter egg hunt!
Easter Brunch
Sunday, April 5th
9:00 - 1:00
Carving Station
Leg of Lamb
Smoked Ham
Atlantic Salmon
Waffle Station
Scrambled Eggs
Eggs Benedict
Biscuits & Gravy
Bacon & Sausage
Dinner Rolls
The LCC Ladies Book Club will meet Tuesday, April
14th at 5:30 PM at LCC. The book for discussion will
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman.
If you are interested in joining the group, please call
Kristi Plumb at 913-484-6868 or e-mail
Macaroni & Cheese
Whipped Potatoes
Salmon Gravlax
Deviled Eggs
Cinnamon Rolls
Assorted Pies
Composed Salads
Seasonal Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Reservations Required
Wine Tasting on the Deck
785-843-2866 x 6
(The regular Menu will not be available on Easter Sunday)
Friday, April 17th 6:00-8:00 pm
$20 per person—Includes four
featured wines presented by
Brandon Allen from Standard
Family Par 3 Scramble
Sunday, April 5th
Friday Night Fun Scramble
Friday, April 24th 6:00 pm
$15 per person
Teams of four will scramble for nine holes.
Teams can be couples, singles, men or
women. Includes golf, prizes and postgame pizza! Please sign up in the golf shop.
Lady Golfer Happy Hour
Friday evenings at 5:00 pm, Starts April 10th
This is a social group with a little golf thrown in.
The purpose of this group is to have FUN!!
Don’t have clubs? No problem!
Family Fried Chicken Night
Tuesday, April 7th
Kids Eat Free
Sunday Brunch
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Adults $12.99
Children $6.99
Dine in or Carry Out
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Includes Waffle and Omelet Bar
Adults $13.99
Reservations Recommended
Reservations Recommended
“Best Fried Chicken In Lawrence”
Wednesdays Quiche Special
Sunday, April 12
TGIF & Loot Night
Hors d’oeuvres
Friday, April 3rd
6:30 pm
Tuesdays All Day Spring Special
Lawrence Country Club,
WOW!! These are exciting times to be part of LCC. We had a Great spring break full of fun and activities. Spring break
brought about the opportunity for me to get to know the families a little better and hang out with the kids. Word on the street
was that the kids had a great time, and so did we.
As it looks, the pool renovations are on schedule for an early opening this season, knock on wood. I appreciate everyone’s patience with all the trucks, equipment and noise that the work site has brought. We are winding down from the dirty work phase
and will be painting very soon.
The summer is fast approaching and as parents we are probably all making preparations for the extra hours of “kid time”. I
encourage everyone to take full advantage of our extended pool hours. I also would like to invite/challenge our parents for Lap
time in the mornings and early evenings. Also anyone interested in participating with our daily Physical Training in and out of
the water, would be more than welcome.
Our swim lessons are for all ages. They are designed to prepare our children for a safe and fun experience in all bodies of water. Our instructors are LCC lifeguards that train with the Lawrence AquaHawks. They specialize in three levels of training. For
a list of schedules and signup information, call or stop by and ask for Casey.
Warm Regards,
Casey Neal Hamilton
The objective is to help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Students
will learn elementary water skills which they can build on as they progress through the various levels.
This level will give students success with fundamental skills and learn to float without support and
to learn basic self-help rescue skills.
Students learn to coordinate front and back crawl and are introduced to the fundamentals of treading water and elementary backstroke.
Our LCC Lifeguards and Instructors are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our members
and their guests.
40 minute lesson
60 minute lesson
Five 40 minute lessons
Five 60 minute lessons
2015 Tennis Lessons—Make Plans!
3 people (any age) $20 each per hour
Group Lessons: $15
1 person (any age) $45 per hour
4 people (or more, any age) $15 each
per hour
Pee Wee (age 4-6): $12
2 people (any age) $25 each per hour
Contact Joe to Schedule your lessons!
Welcome New Members!
Ryan & Anastasia Caffrey
Matthew, Ashley & Oliver Coles
Anthony & Brooke Dreiling
Kevin & Marylin Eichner
Debra, Robert & Bradley Grunst
Jacob & Randi Haun
Chad, Jessica, Alexia & Ty Jagerson
Brian, Ashley, Miles & Corinne Kingsley
Aaron, Julie, Caroline, Olivia, Bennett &
MaryKate Nagel
Judd, Veronda, Jaxon & Jayce Mourning
Angela, Scott & Jack Solomon
Josh Warner & Katie McCauley
Colby, Mandy, Blake & Sidney Wilson
Lawrence Country Club
400 Country Club Terrace
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
Phone: 785-843-2866
Pro Shop Phone: 785-843-2938
Fax: 785-843-2885
Rheanne Etken / General Manager
Kristen Samp / Head Golf Pro
Ryan Gausman / Assistant Pro
Bill Irving / Golf Course Superintendent
New member orientation
You are invited to join our management staff for one of three new
member orientations! Get to know our managers, ask questions,
and learn about YOUR club!
Thursday, April 9th 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 11th 1:00 pm
Tuesday, April 21st 7:00 pm
RSVP to Rheanne at
Or 785-843-2866 x 3
Welcome to LCC! We look forward to seeing you at the club!
The Board of Directors would like to thank the finance
committee for their work on the refinance of our loan. The
time they have spent in finding the best loan options for
our club is greatly appreciated. We are excited for this
time in LCC history! We are proudly a member-owned
Mason grew up in Blaine, Minnesota. He moved to Lawrence at
the ripe age of 20 and immediately began working for Lawrence Country Club. He is involved in Minnesota Army National
Guard and is attending Johnson County Community College to
become an RN. His favorite activities include working out,
playing with his dog and watching hockey and lacrosse. Mason
has been a great asset to Lawrence County Club over the last
few months. He’s always willing to help out with anything
asked of him and is one of the hardest workers we have! We are
lucky to have him.
Graham Edelman / Assistant Superintendent
Cindi Long / Office Manager
Billie Jo Irving / Office Assistant
Mike Ward / Food & Beverage Director
Tara Morlang / Food & Beverage Manager
Todd Schneekloth / Executive Chef
Shad Motsinger / Chef
Kevin Jacobs / Chef
Tim Plumb / Membership Services Director
Board of Directors
John Rathbun - President
Steve Siler - Vice President
Cathy Shenoy - Treasurer
Robert Day - Secretary
Ryan Catlin - Social/Pool/Tennis
Mark Buhler - Greens
Lew Perkins - Membership
Grant Caffrey - House
Ted Haggart - Golf
Check out LCC-link
on Facebook. Just
for LCC members!
Buy, sell, trade and
connect with other
LCC Members!
It’s here! Spring has sprung, and what a good feeling it is! I want to thank those of you who joined me for the lunches with the GM in March. I had a
great time, and I hope you did too! This month, we are holding three “New Member Orientations.” Members of our management staff will be at each
one to give you a tour, answer any questions and give you the low down about membership at LCC. All members are welcome! Even if you’re not
“new”! Come join us, we would love to have you! Please RSVP to me at or 785-843-2866 x3. Also happening this
month, Genesis has graciously opened their doors for an LCC open house on Saturday, April 11th from 5-7pm. If you haven’t seen what they have
done over there, this is a great opportunity! Meet Joe Oxler, get a tour, and see all of the great amenities they have available to you! Speaking of working out at the gym, pool season is fast approaching! Casey is working hard to transform the pool for the 2015 season. From the physical pool itself, to
the pool staff, you will notice a difference! Expect to see the lifeguards in the pool interacting with your children, making it a safe AND fun environment. A reminder to follow LCC on facebook and twitter for the latest updates regarding course closures, pool opening/closings, and all other info related to the club! You can also find the most up-to-date calendar on our NEW website at The daily specials are updated each week, along with all other happenings. Finally, I would like to sincerely thank our Finance Committee for the countless hours spent on refinancing the loan, and the House Committee for their countless hours spent working on our clubhouse master plan. I am constantly amazed by the
amount of voluntary work our members put in at LCC. It does not go unnoticed—thank you!
Happy spring!
Golf is in full swing now at LCC. I wanted to remind you of a few
things. Handicap season has started so please record every round
you play. If you need help with this or have questions feel free to
contact me. As we get more and more busy please remember to
call ahead and make tee times. Also, as of April 1st, sixsomes are
no longer allowed. First tee time in April is 8:30a.m.
On Easter Sunday, April 5th, at 2:00 we will have our first Par 3
Family Scramble. The front nine will be set up as a par three
course. Families will then play a scramble. Bring the entire family just as long as four players play each hole. One kid shot must
be used on every hole. There is no cost for this event, but you
must sign up ahead of time in the golf shop. On Sunday, April
26th, we will have another Par 3 Family Scramble.
Bill is planning on course aerification on Monday, April 6th. This
means the golf course will be closed on Tuesday, April 7th, until
noon. Please plan your golf accordingly!
For all the women golfers….Ladies clinics begin on Tuesday, April
14th, from 6-7p.m. They will continue each Tuesday throughout
the year. The cost is $10/golfer. Plan on joining myself and
Rheanne for a Lady Golfer Happy Hour on Friday evenings at
5p.m. We will get started on April 10th. This is a social group
with a little golf thrown in. The purpose of this group is to have
Thursday, April 16th, starts our Junior Golf Clinics. They will run
from 4-5:30 through May. The cost is $10/golfer. A great way for
kids 13 and younger to learn about the game and meet other kids.
April 18th we are having a Beat the Pros tournament. Make your
own tee times as long as you tee off before 2p.m. Two person
teams will pit their best net ball against the gross score of Ryan
and me. The cost is $10/team. I better practice!!
On Wednesday, April 29th, we are having a special men’s day
event. Golfers will sign up and we will pair up teams with an A
player, B player, C player, and a D player. Two best net balls will
be taken. The shotgun will start at 1:00. If you plan to play this
day, plan on playing in this event. It’s a great way to meet new
people and make our new members feel welcome! Watch your
email for more details.
Bring out your littlest golfers on April 19th for a half hour of Golf
for Tots. Using SNAG golf equipment we will introduce golf to
kids ages 5 and under. The session is from 2-2:30. There is not
cost for this event.
Friday, April 24th, is our first Friday Night Fun Scramble starting
at 6:00p.m. Teams of four will scramble for nine holes. Teams
can be couples, singles, men or women. Please sign up in the golf
Please remember that the best deals on golf equipment and apparel can be found in the LCC golf shop. We will match any competitor’s price. This is the year to update your bag, shoes, wardrobe, and equipment!
Progress for us on the golf course is slow and steady. While we
wait for the soils to warm up and give us more consistent growth,
we continue to pick at projects to improve playing conditions and
aesthetics around the golf course. A quick preview of some of the
projects we have finished or are currently working on:
Happy Golfing!
Clean up left of 8 fairway – the City of Lawrence has helped us
to remove dead and fallen trees that will allow for more airflow and sunlight to the rough and fairway. Other trees
were limbed up this winter to promote better turfgrass
Irrigation upgrades
Chipping area/6 green – to provide better coverage
around 6 green.
16/18 green – 1 or 2 sprinklers will be moved to better
cover the area where a large oak was removed.
#8 tee – to give us better coverage behind 7 green.
#13 green – for better turf quality around the green and
greenside bunker.
Walking paths and sod – installation of native rock curbing
and walkways next to #1 and 10 tees for high cart and foot
Range fairway and nursery areas – the late season seeding in
these areas didn’t take well. Re-seeding and establishment
of those areas will start as soon as the soils warm up.
Aeration of greens is scheduled for April 6th. The golf course will
re-open on April 7th at noon to allow us sufficient time to clean up
any mess that is left behind during the process. Should bad
weather occur, we will aerate on April 13th.
Bill Irving
Golf Course Superintendent