Learning is a Journey Sponsored by Page 1 of 13 Special Thanks to Shawnee State University for Offering College Credit Important Information for Summer Academy 2014 Participants Dates: June 1 through 4 ----- June 8 through 11 Time: 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM each day (Please bring lunch) Location: All sessions at: South Point Middle School 983 County Road 60 South Point, Ohio 45680 Session location will be posted on the front door Cost: $25 per day payable to Lawrence Co. ESC One hour semester credit available for $130 through Shawnee State University Registration: Complete the registration form, include check or money order and mail to: Lawrence Co. ESC 111 S. 4th St. Courthouse 3rd Floor Attention: Crissy Riggle Ironton, Ohio 45638 Registration Deadline: May 21, 2015 Registration is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis and must include registration fee payable to Lawrence County ESC Credit Options: Participants must attend two days to apply for one semester hour of college credit issued by Shawnee State University Participants will be issued college credit application forms during the workshop. These applications must be signed by presenters or Lawrence County ESC staff. Those not seeking university credit will be issued a Contact Hour Certificate from Lawrence County ESC for 6 hours daily. Registration fee still applies. Lunch: Please bring lunch from home as there are very few restaurants nearby. Page 2 of 13 WEEK 1 Summer Academy 2015 Workshop Schedule Monday, June 01 1. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Assessment News, PBA and DOK –Everidge-Shaw Tuesday, June 02 4. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Adolescent LiteratureDr. Sturgeon Wednesday, June 03 6. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) for All Subjects -Adkins Thursday, June 04 9. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Differentiation in the Classroom through Gamification– Waller Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders 2. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Let’s Enjoy Teaching, Again- -Bowling Target Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders 5. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Preparing K-12 Students for Online Testing- Cooper and Higgs-Horwell Target Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders 7. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Math Design Collaborative (MDC) – Besco Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders 10. Enhance Instruction for Student AchievementFIP for All (Strategies and Updates) - Fannin Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders 3. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Technology in the Classrooms- Dr. Gamm Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Target Audience: 6-12 Leaders and Teachers 8. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Teaching Strategies that Work - Carmon Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders WEEK 2 Targeted Audience K-12 Teachers and Leaders Targeted Audience: K-4 Teachers and Leaders Monday, June 08 11. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Writing in All Subjects 5-12 – Ellsesser Tuesday, June 9 14. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Technology in the Classrooms (Repeat) – Dr. Gamm Wednesday, June 10 17. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement-Science Connection – Dr. Gamm Thursday, June 11 20. Enhance Instruction for Student AchievementIdentify The Best Teacher in You – Dr. Shipley Target Audience: 5- 12 Teachers and Leaders 12. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Reading and Writing for Successful Results -Pack Targeted Audience K-12 Teachers and Leaders 15. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Enriching Strategies for Students– Newman Target Audience: 3-9 Teachers and Leaders 18. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement-History Alive - Stevens Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders 21. Enhance Instruction for Student AchievementAssessment News, PBA and DOK (Repeat) Everidge-Shaw Targeted Audience: K-4 Teachers and Leaders 13. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Strategies to Improve Student Performance -Huff Target Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders 16. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement--Strategies for Struggling Learners – Dr. Sande Target Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders 19. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement-Inclusion Strategies that Work - Dr. Sande Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders 22. Enhance Instruction for Student AchievementContinue Professional Development Online – Washburn & Fannin Targeted Audience: 3-8 value added high school teachers Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Page 3 of 13 Workshop Descriptions and Presenter Profiles DATES June 1 & 11 SESSION 1. Assessment News, Performance Based Assessments (PBA) and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) PRESENTER’S PROFILES Presenter: Cathryn Everidge-Shaw In this session, participants will receive updates about Next Generation Assessments, learn about designing high-quality Performance Based Assessment (PBA) tasks and take a deeper dive into Depth of Knowledge (DOK). The goal of the final portion of the training is to ensure educators have a deep understanding of DOK and feel confident using this tool to increase student performance. Cathryn Everidge-Shaw is the Assessment Literacy Specialist for ODE. She is a National Board Certified Teacher who taught middle school language arts for 14 years. She has presented many workshops in school districts across Ohio and at various conferences, including the RttT Conference. Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders June 1 2. Let’s Enjoy Teaching, Again Presenter: Becky Bowling Given the monumental challenges that you face as educators, schools do not need re-formed (again). They need transformed. The key to this transformation is the empowerment that a teacher has because students enjoy being in your classroom. In this session, we will learn the 5 E’s that make a great teacher. Teachers will walk away energized and enjoy teaching again. Becky Bowling has 32 years of teaching experience at Symmes Valley grades 6-8. Presently, she is a curriculum supervisor at Lawrence County ESC. She has presented at several conferences on results, motivation, relevance, and passion for teaching. Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders June 1&9 3. Technology in the Classrooms Presenters: Dr. Ryan Gamm This technology workshop will look at integrating technology into current teaching practices as an organizing theme, differentiating instruction, communication with parents, classroom management and more. Time will be allowed to apply these skills and collaborate with others during the day. Dr. Gamm is a former middle and high school science teachers. His graduate work was in curriculum, instruction and educational media. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at Shawnee State University where he teaches Educational Foundation Courses, Media, Technology, and Computers. He has done a lot of off campus professional development using technology. Targeted Audience: 6-12 Teachers and Leaders Page 4 of 13 June 2 4. Adolescent Literature Presenter: Dr. Douglas Sturgeon This workshop will work on using adolescent literature in the classroom. The focus will be around local books and authors; The Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi and Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Participants will leave with ideas and strategies to implement in the classroom. Dr. Sturgeon is Professor of Special Education at Shawnee State University. He has extensive experience working with teachers of special education students and enjoys teaching literature to match Ohio’s New Learning Standards. Targeted Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders June 2 5. Preparing K-12 Students for Online Testing This workshop will help teachers prepare students for online testing. Teachers will learn the technology skills students use to be successful on the Next Generation Assessments. Participants will learn how to use free INFOhio resources and other free sites that will help. In addition, teachers will have hands-on experience with tools and resources to meet the shifts in Ohio’s New Learning Standards and will curate resources for one of their lessons in Symbaloo. Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders June 3 Presenters: Cathie Cooper& Melissa HiggsHorwell Cathie Cooper is an eLearning Specialist with INFOhio, working on curriculum resources for teachers and librarians. She was a library media specialist for 34 years and technology coordinator for 7 years. Melissa Higgs-Horwell is an eLearning Specialist at INFOhio. She has 25 years’ experience as a library media specialist and 5 years as technology coordinator. As a distance learning coordinator at SCOCA she has organized and coordinated many video conferences and provided many workshops for educators.. 6. Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) Sponsored by High Schools That Work Presenter: Theresa Adkins In this session participants will look at teacherdeveloped LDC modules and gain ideas for incorporating classroom strategies that will help students in the reading/writing process in all subjects. Time will be devoted to practice using LDC templates and choosing articles worthy of student reading. Those attending will come away with new tools to help students in mastering content standards through effective literacy. Theresa Adkins has over 40 years of experience in education. She began her career as a middle school teacher. She has served as Supervisor of Curriculum and Federal Programs, Interim Superintendent and Curriculum Supervisor at Lawrence County ESC. Presently, she is a High Schools That Work / Making Middle Grades Work Consultant. Participants should bring Content Standards Targeted Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders of all content areas Page 5 of 13 This Work Shop is Sponsored by High Schools That Work/Making Middle Grades Work June 3 June 3 June 4 7. Math Design Collaborative (MDC) Sponsored by High School That Works Presenters: Lorna Besco Facilitators: Betsy Fannin & Becky Bowling The Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) helps teachers embed the new standards into instruction and engage students in assignments that address math understanding. MDC uses formative assessment lessons (FALs) to engage students in a productive struggle that builds fluency with their procedural skills, and deepens mathematical reasoning and understanding. Lorna Besco is a junior high math teacher at Rock Hill Middle School. She has 10 years teaching in public education and 5 years teaching technology at Ohio University Southern. She has actively pursued MDC training and implementation in her classroom. Targeted Audience: 6-12 Math Teachers and Leaders This Work Shop is Sponsored by High Schools That Work/Making Middle Grades Work 8. Teaching Strategies that Work Presenter: Dora Carmon If you believe that all children can learn to read and improve reading skills, you can make a huge impact on students then this workshop is for you. The research shows that if children receive reading instruction using a scientific research based multisensory language approach – all students can learn to read. Dora Carmon has over 35 years of experience teaching, counseling and assisting educators with programs that increase student performance. She was selected to become a trainer of the Initial Level I Orton-Gillingham Program and very excited to share what she has learned with all teachers. Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders You can follow her Blog “Connecting the Dots with Dora and Crossing the T’s with Trish” at http://www.connectingthedotswithdora.com 9. Differentiation in the Classroom Through Gamification Presenter: Tyler Waller Join Tyler on a journey of improving student motivation and differentiation in the classrooms through gamification. Teachers will learn about using technology and games to motivation and track student achievement. Tyler Waller is a Computer Networking teacher at Dawson Bryant High School. He has 13 years of teaching experience and enjoys sharing how motivational using technology in the classroom can be for today’s student. His recent presentation at the Appalachia from Assets Perspective Conference was well attended. Targeted Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders Page 6 of 13 June 4 June 8 10. Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) for All Presenter: Amber Fannin This workshop is an Introduction to FIP along with the Foundational Components (Clear Learning Targets, Collecting & Documenting Evidence, Effective Feedback & Student Ownership). Session is designed for those who have not received prior FIP training or who wish to have a refresher. Targeted Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders Amber Fannin is the Race to the Top (RttT) Regional Formative Instructional Practice Specialist. Amber has thirty years of experience. She served as a teacher and administrator at Wheelersburg Local Schools. Her work in the southeast region the last four years involved training facilitators for FIP implementation as well as attending DLT, BLT, & TBT meetings to help districts as they embed the practices. 11. Writing in All Subjects 5-12 Presenter: Judy Ellsesser Writing is one of the most important skills needed for student success now and in the future. The standards have been set to a higher level with PARCC and students need to be prepared. This workshop will help you teach all genres of writing to impact student performance in all subjects Judy Ellsesser has taught English for over 30 years from 5th to 12th grade. She has served on the OGT Range-Finding Committee and serves as a consultant for National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Currently, she is developing courses for online delivery for the Blended School Network and oversees the dual credit courses at South Webster High School. She has published articles in several professional journals. Targeted Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders June 8 12. Reading and Writing for Successful Results Teaching every student to be a writer and reader will results in student success and higher test scores. This workshop will focus on writing and reading strategies that have proven successful for the early elementary student. Presenter: Twilite Pack Twilite Pack has 13 years of teaching experience and has presented at various workshops. She has taught 1st and 2nd. Presently, she teaches 4th grade and is known for strategies that help students improve performance. Targeted Audience: K-4 Teachers and Leaders June 8 13. Strategies to Improve Student Performance Presenter: Debbie Huff Teachers will learn the process of using data including value added results and instructional strategies that work with all students including the subgroups. This workshop will provide information and guided demonstration of strategies and programs used to tremendously impact the student growth measures for each student. Debbie Huff is a 4th grade teacher at Minford Elementary. She has 30 years of experience teaching grades 3rd, 4th and 7th. She earned National Board Certification and is currently an adjunct instructor at Shawnee State University. She is part of the Minford School Team that has received several awards from Battelle For Kids, including the Most Improved District. Targeted Audience: 3-10 Teachers and Leaders Page 7 of 13 June 9 14. Technology in the Classrooms - Repeat Session (See Description from Session 3). June 9 15. Enriching Strategies for Students Presenter: Valorie Newman This session will focus on creating a classroom environment that will get students motivated to pursue college degrees in science, technology, engineering, art and/or math. Teachers will leave with some quick and fun team-challenge activities. They will be introduced to some cross-curricular S.T.E.A.M.(science, technology, engineering, art and math) units that will allow them to really accelerated student performance. Teachers will learn about Ohio’s criteria for identifying students as gifted and ways to help classroom teaches foster a love of teaching and learning. Valorie Newman is the Gifted Intervention Specialist in Pike County, Ohio. She began her career in education at Wheelersburg Schools teaching middle school math and science. For the past seventeen years, she has taught academically gifted junior high students in Pike County’s pullout program known as L.E.A.D. (Learning Enrichment and Discovery). Targeted Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders June 9 16. Strategies for Struggling Learners Presenter: Dr. Beverly Ochieng-Sande The purpose of this workshop is for educators to learn about strategies that will increase student outcomes in the classroom. The topics that will be covered include strategies to motivate learners to actively engage in their learning, tiered instruction and its benefits, having a technology rich classroom, using standardsbased measurable goals in students IEPs, and the importance of using assessment data and progress monitoring to plan instruction. Participants will engage in active exploration and demonstration of the suggested strategies. Dr. Sande is Assistant Professor of the Department of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University. Previously, she worked as a teacher in both public and private schools. She has experience as a general education teacher and special education teacher in both resource rooms and inclusion settings. Most of her conference presentations focus on instructional strategies using evidence-based practices. Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers working with Special Education Students and Struggling Learners. Page 8 of 13 June 10 17. Science Connection Presenter: Dr. Ryan Gamm This workshop will focus on developing a series of science activities aimed at addressing the nature of science, scientific misconceptions, engineering, and/or developing scientific inquiry skills. A focus on integration and differentiating instruction when/where appropriate will be shared. Teachers will gain knowledge in science and receive connecting activities that work well within the new state standards. Dr. Gamm is a former middle and high school science teachers. His graduate work was in curriculum, instruction and educational media. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at Shawnee State University. He teaches Educational Foundation Courses, Media, Technology, and Computers. He has done a lot of off campus professional development using technology. Targeted Audience: 3-8 Teachers and Leaders June 10 18. History Alive Presenter: Kristy Stevens Social Studies can and should be fun and engaging for all students. During this workshop teachers will receive strategies and ideas to help them enhance student interest and increase academic results for students in social studies. Kristi Stevens presently teaches 7th grade Social Studies at Rock Hill Middle School. She has been an educator for more than 15 years. Her certification is in science and social students but her passion is to make social studies a fun learning experience. Targeted Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders June 10 19. Inclusion Strategies that Work. Presenter: Dr. Beverly Ochieng-Sande The purpose of this workshop is for educators to explore inclusive practices that can help students with disabilities be successful in inclusion settings. Educators will learn about collaborative strategies that work, roles/responsibilities of teachers and paraeducators, co-teaching strategies, planning differentiated instruction and how to incorporate accommodations and modifications within each lesson to meet the needs of struggling learners. Educators in inclusion classrooms are encouraged to attend and learn how to restructure their classrooms to meet the needs of all students. Dr. Sande is Assistant Professor of the Department of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University. Previously, she worked as a teacher in both public and private schools. She has experience as a general education teacher and special education teacher in both resource rooms and inclusion settings. Most of her conference presentations focus on instructional strategies using evidence-based practices. Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Page 9 of 13 June 11 20. Identify The Best Teacher in You Presenter: Dr. Gay Lynn Shipley This workshop will focus on the book The Best Teacher in You: How to Accelerate Learning and Change Lives by Quinn, Heynoski, Thomas, and Spreitzer. Participants will identify their strengths and challenges in the classroom according to the following four areas: Relationships, Stable Environment, Continuous Improvement, and High Expectations. Activities will be presented to assist teachers to develop effective practice in all four dimensions. Dr. Shipley is Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University. She has taught 6th grade and 912 special education. She has worked as a Curriculum Director, Special Education Supervisor and Preschool Director. She is a state trainer of OTES and Resident Educator Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders June 11 21. Assessment News, Performance Based Assessments (PBA) and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Repeat Session (See Description from Session 1). June 11 22. Continue Professional Development Online Presenters: Don Washburn, Senior and Amber Fannin Professional development does not need to end at the conclusion of Summer Academy 2015. You can continue to increase your teaching skills and acquire contact hours or college credit online. During this workshop you will learn about sites that you can go to that will provide you high quality professional development all year long. Don Washburn, Senior is Projector Director of Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC). He has worked in education for over 40 years at various levels. His career accomplishments include; high school special education teacher, Superintendent, Career Development Coordinator, Elementary Principal, Federal Programs/Curriculum Director, Director of Special Education, Resource Center State and Superintendent's Field Representative for Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) Targeted Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders Amber Fannin’s profile list previously If you have any questions about the workshop sessions, don’t hesitate to contact: Betsy Fannin at Lawrence County Educational Service Center Email: betsy.fannin@lc.k12.oh.us or Call: 740-532-4223 Ext: 233 Page 10 of 13 2015 Registration for Summer Academy To register, complete the registration form and send your registration with check or money order, payable to the Lawrence County Educational Service Center. Mail or drop off your registration information with payment by May 21st: Lawrence County ESC Attn: Crissy Riggle 111 South 4th St., 3rd Floor Courthouse Ironton, Ohio 45638 The cost of each 1-day workshop is $25 for all who wish to attend. Registration is limited and will be on a first-come, first serve basis and includes registration payment. Graduate credit, through Shawnee State University, is available upon completion of any two workshops. If you do not wish to pay for college credit, you will receive a 6 contact hour certificate upon completion of each workshop. WORKSHOP TIME: 9-3 Bring your lunch. Please complete the registration form (on page 12) and return to Crissy at the ESC with payment. Be sure to mark your selection clearly. A confirmation will be sent to you via the email that you provided on your registration. Page 11 of 13 2015 Summer Academy Registration Form Name: District: Grade and Subject(s) you teach: Phone: Email: A confirmation will be sent to you via the email that you provided on this registration. WORKSHOP TIME: 9-3 WEEK 1 - June 1 - June 4 Bring your lunch. Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement: 1. Assessment News, PBA and DOK - Cathryn Everidge-Shaw 2. Let’s Enjoy Teaching, Again - Becky Bowling 3. Technology in the Classrooms- Dr. Ryan Gamm 4. Adolescent Literature - Dr. Douglas Sturgeon, SSU 5. Preparing K-12 Students for Online Testing- Cathie Cooper & Melissa Higgs-Horwell 6. Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) for All Subjects - Theresa Adkins 7. Math Design Collaborative (MDC) – Lorna Besco 8. Teaching Strategies that Work - Dora Carmon 9. Differentiation in the Classroom Through Gamification– Tyler Waller 10. FIP for All (Strategies and Updates) - Amber Fannin WEEK 2 - June 8 - June 11 June 1 June 1 June 1 June 2 June 2 June 3 June 3 June 3 June 4 June 4 Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement: 11. Writing in All Subjects 5-12- Judy Ellsesser 12. Reading and Writing for Successful Results - Twilite Pack 13. Strategies to Improve Student Performance - Debbie Huff 14. Technology in the Classrooms (Repeat Session) – Dr. Ryan Gamm 15. Enriching Strategies for Students – Valorie Newman 16. Strategies for Struggling Learners - Dr. Sande 17. Science Connection – Dr. Ryan Gamm – SSU 18. History Alive - Kristi Stevens 19. Inclusion Strategies that Work - Dr. Sande 20. Identify the Best Teacher in You- Dr. Gay Lynn Shipley 21. Assessment News, PBA and DOK (Repeat Session) - Cathryn Everidge-Shaw 22. Continue Professional Development Online – D. Washburn, Sr. & A. Fannin June 8 June 8 June 8 June 9 June 9 June 9 June 10 June 10 June 10 June 11 June 11 June 11 Please complete the registration form and return to Crissy at the ESC with payment.. Page 12 of 13 Page 13 of 13
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