JONES CENTER FOR FAMILIES Update from the Department of Labor – Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Co-sponsored by the Employee Benefits Institute of Kansas City and University of Missouri -Kansas City School of Law Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Noon – 1 PM Jones Center For Families 922 E. Emma Ave., Springdale, Arkansas 922 EMMA AVE. SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS 72764 (479) 756-8090 WWW.THEJONESCENTER.NET Program hosts: Cost: $25 Continuing Education Credit: CLE credit for Missouri 1.2 / Kansas and Arkansas credit pending CPE credit for CPAs is available HRCI credit and SHRM credit for human resource professionals pending DESCRIPTION The presentation contains a brief description of EBSA’s mission, the EBSA investigation process that includes information about the basic fiduciary responsibilities, bonding as well as the reporting and disclosure requirements of ERISA. In addition, current EBSA enforcement initiatives, voluntary fiduciary correction programs and target date funds are briefly discussed. SCHEDULE 11:30 AM 12 Noon 1:00 PM Registration and box lunch included in registration fee Presentation Adjourn SPEAKER: REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION-DALLAS OFFICE *Course materials will be provided in electronic format only and are accessible with your laptop, tablet or other mobile device during the event. **On-site registrations are welcome; however, seating and/or meals cannot be guaranteed unless you pre-register. Upcoming EBI events April 30, 2015 – 29th Annual Conference, Overland Park, Kansas Convention Center Featuring keynote speaker Tim Hauser, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, Substitutions for paid registrations are accepted. No shows will not receive a refund or credit voucher. No shows requesting refunds due to emergency or hardship must be received in writing no more than 30 days after the event date. Special accommodations can be made by contacting UMKC CLE at (816) 235-1648 prior to the program date. Update from the Department of Labor – Employee Benefits Security Administration Co-sponsored by the Employee Benefits Institute of Kansas City and University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Jones Center for Families 922 E. Emma Ave., Springdale, Arkansas Registration 11:30 AM • Seminar 12 noon – 1 PM (box lunch included) 44 WAYS TO PRE-REGISTER: 1. 2. 3. 4. Online at Mail completed registration form with payment to UMKC CLE, 4825 Troost, Suite 211, Kansas City, MO 64110 Phone (816) 235-1648 Fax (816) 235-6552 REGISTRATION: KAM15 **PRINT LEGIBLY** NAME FIRM ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP OFFICE PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS PAYMENT INFORMATION Cost: $25 Credit Card: American Express Discover MasterCard VISA Card No. _________________________________________ Exp. Date ____________________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________________________ Check No. ___________________ Make checks payable to UMKC CLE .
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