
LL.M. in Negotiation & Dispute Resolution (NDR) Curriculum (2015-2016) [Updated: 4/22/15]
Students in the LL.M. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution (NDR) graduate program must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 15 units in the NDR Curriculum, out of 24 total units for the degree.
The NDR courses for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 are below. Candidates who wish to take courses outside of the core NDR curriculum, may select electives which must be approved.
All students in this program are required to take Negotiation (1 unit, offered the weekend before the start of the fall semester, and during January 2016 Intersession). International NDR LL.M.
students who have not already taken a research and writing course at another U.S. law school or who are not from a common law country are also required to take Introduction to U.S. Law and
Methods I (3 units, fall semester) and II (1 unit, spring semester) over the course of the school year. Full-time status for NDR LL.M. students is 12 units per semester. Course descriptions are available
in Course Listings (https://courses.wustl.edu; Note: Internet Explorer users may be to use a different browser). International LL.M. students interested in taking the New York bar exam are
responsible for becoming familiar with the eligibility requirements – read http://www.nybarexam.org/foreign/foreignlegaleducation.htm (in particular, Section V.B., for course requirement
information). International LL.M. students interested to applying to the J.D. program should take note of the eligibility requirements found at http://law.wustl.edu/registrar/prereg/docs/LLM-to-JDAdmissEligibilityInfo.pdf..
Permission from Prof. Karen Tokarz (Tokarz@wulaw.wustl.edu, AB Hall, Room 584, 314-935-6414), Director of the Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Program, is required for any courses not listed
below or on the list of recommended electives (see link above). The approval form can found at http://law.wustl.edu/Registrar/Forms/NegDispResLLMPermissionToTakeNon-NDRCourseForm.pdf.
Approval can be secured via email from Prof. Tokarz attached to the form in lieu of a signature. The informational website for the program can be found at http://law.wustl.edu/llmadr/.
August 2015:
Fall 2015
Negotiation 1 unit, Tokarz
Intro to U.S. & Comparative ADR Processes, 3 units – Larkin
*Business Negotiation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Reeves [W 6:089]
*Mediation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Reeves [T 6:08-9]
*Mediation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Jones & Geigerman [T
*Multi-Party & Public Policy Dispute Resolution Theory & Practice,
3 units – Whitby [M 6:08-9]
*Pretrial Practice & Settlement, 3 units – Shields and adjuncts
*Intellectual Property Litigation & Dispute Resolution, 3 units –
Wheelock/Abramov [T/Th 6:30 – 8]
*Entertainment Law Planning, Drafting & Negotiation, 2 units –
Cohen [W 10:08 -3]
*Advanced Negotiation Theory Seminar, 3 units – HollanderBlumoff [T 1:08-3]
Investor-State Arbitration, 1 unit - Khan[weekend course] to be
Civil Rights, Community Justice & Mediation Clinic (6-8 cr) (LLM
students may count up to 4 cr toward degree)
International Justice & Conflict Resolution Externship (11-12 cr)
(LLM students may count up to 4 cr toward degree)
January Intersession
Negotiation 1 unit, Tokarz
Spring 2016
*Arbitration Theory & Practice, 3 units – Litz
*Business Negotiation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Reeves
*Mediation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Jones & Frankel
*Family Mediation Theory & Practice, 3 units – Freed
*Pretrial Practice & Settlement, 3 units – Shields and
*Securities Law Litigation & Arbitration, 3 units – Soraghan
*Real Estate Practice, Negotiation and Drafting, 2 units –
Game Theory Seminar, 3 units - Baker
International Commercial Arbitration, 1 unit – Khan
* Course that requires Negotiation as a pre-requisite. [Note: each semester a section of Negotiation is being offered immediately before the start of the semester.]
F:/Registrar/Course Listings/Fall2014/2014-2015-LLM-NegDispRes-Curriculum.docx