Layla Parast

Layla Parast
1776 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
RAND Corporation
Associate Statistician
Harvard University
Ph.D., Biostatistics
Advisor: Tianxi Cai
Committee: Tianxi Cai, David Harrington, Lee-Jen Wei
Thesis Title: Landmark Prediction of Survival
Stanford University
M.S., Statistics
University of Texas at Austin
B.S., Mathematics
Specialization in Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Advisor: Tianxi Cai
(310) 393-0411 x 7734
September 2012 - Present
Summer 2012
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University
Graduate Researcher
Advisors: Tianxi Cai, David Harrington, Lee-Jen Wei
Developed and evaluated estimates for the prediction of residual life using a landmark
model, proposed procedures to quantify and test the incremental value of a new marker or
intermediate outcome in terms of improvement in prediction accuracy and improved the efficiency of existing testing procedures by developing methods which incorporate intermediate
outcome information
Department of Biostatistics, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Research Assistant
Summer 2008
Advisors: Yi Li and Megan Othus
Analyzed survey data assessing actual vs. perceived source of information concerning the
human papillomavirus(HPV) and knowledge of HPV facts and the HPV vaccine using linear
models and nonparametric tests
Research Institute, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Interim Project Coordinator/Statistical Consultant
Summer 2007
Mentor: Latha Palaniappan
Participated in NIH grant writing and preparation, analyzed cardiovascular disease risk
using signal detection classification trees, and conducted time series analysis of quality
improvement physician data to determine efficacy of feedback-audit program intended to
Layla Parast, 2
improve care of diabetes patients
Honors and
RAND Health Bob Brook Scholar Award for Early-career Researchers
Invited participant of ENAR Junior Researchers Workshop
ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention
Invited participant of IMS New Researchers Conference
Travel Grant for SPO 2011 Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
ASA Biometrics Section Travel Award
New England Statistics Symposium Student Paper Award
Invited participant of Building Future Faculty Program at NC State University
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigator Award
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Laha Travel Award
Cox Scholarship for Women in Statistics, Honorable Mention
University of Texas at Austin Williams Scholar
Amgen Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA
Intern, Biostatistics Department, Safety Division
Summer 2011
Mentors: Haijun Ma, Lifen Zhou, Amy Xia, Qi Jiang
Completed a research project examining effects of event adjudication on treatment effect
for cardiovascular safety endpoints using Phase 3 clinical trial data. Developed various
weighting schemes to incorporate uncertainty in outcome measurements resulting from the
adjudication process. Evaluated weighting schemes using historical data and simulations.
Presented results in a departmental seminar to an audience of biostatisticians and physicians.
Statistical Consultant
Selected Clients:
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Department of Quality Management
Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesia
Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology
2006 - 2014
Peer-reviewed 1. Parast L, Doyle B, Damberg CL, Shetty K, Ganz DA, Wenger NS, Shekelle PG (2015).
Challenges in Assessing the Process Outcome Link in Practice. Journal of General
Internal Medicine, 30(3): 359-364.
2. Parast L, Tian L, Cai T (2014). Landmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment
Effect in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
109(505): 384-394.
3. Parast L, Cai T (2013). Landmark Risk Prediction for Breast Cancer Survival. Statistics in Medicine, 32(20): 3459-3471.
4. Zheng Y, Parast L, Cai T, Brown M (2013). Evaluating Incremental Values from New
Predictors with Net Reclassification Improvement in Survival Analysis. Lifetime Data
Analysis, 19(3): 350-370.
Layla Parast, 3
5. Parast L, Cheng S, Cai T (2012). Landmark Prediction of Long Term Survival Incorporating Short Term Event Time Information. Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 107(500): 1492-1501.
6. Parast L, Cai B, Bedayat A, Kumamaru KK, George E, Dill KE, Rybicki FJ (2012).
Statistical Methods for Predicting Mortality in Patients Diagnosed with Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Academic Radiology, 19 (12): 294-307.
7. Lu MT, Demehri S, Cai T, Parast L, Hunsaker AR, Goldhaber SZ, Rybicki FJ (2012).
Axial and reformatted 4-chamber RV/LV diameter ratios on CT pulmonary angiography
as predictors of death after acute pulmonary embolism. American Journal of Roentgenology, 198(6): 1353-1360.
8. Qi L, Parast L, Powers C, Cai T, Hu FB, Doria A (2011). Genetic Susceptibility to
Coronary Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: Three Independent Studies. Journal of the
American College of Cardiology, 58(25): 2675-2682. [Received the American Diabetes
Association Michaele Modan Memorial Award, June 2010.]
9. Parast L, Cheng S, Cai T (2011). Incorporating Short-term Outcome Information to
Predict Long-term Survival with Discrete Markers. Biometrical Journal, 53: 294-307.
10. Sharek PJ, Parast L, Roth SJ (2011). Rapid Response Team Implementation in a Children’s Hospital [Comment]. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 165(12):1139.
11. Cai T, Parast L, Ryan L (2010). A Meta-Analysis For Rare Events. Statistics in
Medicine, 29(20):2078-2089.
12. Lighthall G, Parast L, Rappaport L,Wagner T (2010). Introduction of a Rapid Response System at a US Veterans Affairs Hospital Reduced Rates of Mortality and Cardiac
Arrests. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 111(3):679.
13. Longhurst C, Parast L, Sandborg C, Widen E, Sullivan J, Hahn J, Dawes C, Sharek PJ
(2010). Decrease in Hospital-wide Mortality After Implementation of a Commercially
Sold Electronic Medical Record System. Pediatrics, 126(1):14.
14. Agarwal S, Classen D, Larsen G, Tofil NM, Hayes LW, Sullivan JE, Storgion SA, Coopes
BJ, Craig V, Jaderlund C, Bisarya H, Parast L, Sharek PJ (2010). Adverse Events in
Pediatric Intensive Care Units in the United States. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine,
15. Gholami S, Jacobs CD, Kapp DS, Parast L, Norton JA (2009). The Value of Surgery
for Retroperitoneal Sarcoma. Sarcoma.
16. Chan A, Blumenkranz MS, Wu KH, Wang G, Berker N, Parast L, Sanislo SR (2009).
Photodynamic Therapy With and Without Adjunctive Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide: A Retrospective Comparative Study. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging,
17. De Jesus M, Parast L, Shelton RC, Kokkinogenis K, Othus MK, Li Y, Allen JD (2009).
Actual versus Preferred Sources of HPV Information Among Black, White, and Hispanic
Parents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163(11):1066-7.
Layla Parast, 4
18. Sharek PJ, Parast L, Leong K, Combs J, Ernst K, Sullivan J, Frankel LR, Roth SJ
(2007). Effect of Rapid Response Team on Hospital-wide Mortality and Code Rates
Outside the ICU in a Childrens Hospital. Journal of the American Medical Association,
Peer-reviewed 19. Kovalchik S, Shetty K, Ganz D, Waxman D, Mathews M, Ashwood S, Parast L, Lavery
D, Rudavsky R, Damberg CL. National Assessment of Process Performance and Patient
Outcomes: Techinical Appendix. RAND Corporation, RR-863-CMS, In press.
20. Anhang Price R, Quigley DD, Bradley MA, Teno JM, Parast L, Elliott MN, Haas
AC, Stucky BD, Mingura B, Lorenz K (2014). Hospice Experience of Care Survey:
Development and Field Test. RAND Corporation, RR-657-CMS.
21. Weinick RM, Becker K, Parast L, Stucky BD, Elliott MN, Mathews M, Chan C, Kotzias
V (2014). Emergency Department Patient Experience of Care Survey: Development and
Field Test. RAND Corporation, RR-761-CMS.
Parast L, McDermott M, and Tian L. Robust Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment
Effect Explained by Surrogate Marker Information.
Parast L and Griffin BA. Landmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment Effect in Observational Studies.
Miles J, Parast L, Babey S, Griffin BA, Saunders J. The truth about dogs and cats?
A propensity matched population based study of the health benefits of dogs and cats for
Saunders J, Parast L, Babey S, Miles J. Examining Selection Bias in Human-Animal
Interaction Research.
Work in
Parast L, Cai T and Tian L. Nonparametric Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment
Effect Explained by a Surrogate Marker using Censored Data.
Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA, August 2015
International Society for Nonparametric Statistics: Biosciences, Medicine, and novel NonParametric Methods Conference, Graz, Austria, July 2015
WNAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Boise, ID, June 2015
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Texas A&M University, April 2015
Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, April 2015
Academy Health, Session: Quality in the Medicare Program, San Diego, CA, June 2014
Academy Health, Session: Methods for Improving Causal Inference in Quality and Comparative Effectiveness Research, San Diego, CA, June 2014
Women in Statistics Conference, Durham, NC, May 2014
ICSA International Conference, Hong Kong, December 2013
University of Southern California, Division of Biostatistics, Los Angeles, CA, October 2013
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, October 2013
Joint Statistical Meetings, Montreal, Canada, August 2013
WNAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Los Angeles, CA, June 2013
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biostatistics, February 2013
National Cancer Institute Biostatistics Branch, February 2013
Layla Parast, 5
International Biometrics Conference, Kobe, Japan, August 2012
International Chinese Statistical Association Applied Statistics Symposium, June 2012
HIV Working Group, Harvard University, February 2012
RAND Corporation, Statistics Group, February 2012
University of California Los Angeles, Department of Biostatistics, February 2012
New England Statistics Symposium, University of Connecticut, April 2011
Statistical Methods in Epidemiology Working Group, Harvard University, March 2010
ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Orlando, FL, March 2013
Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA August 2012
IMS New Researchers Conference, San Diego, CA July 2012
ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Washington DC, April 2012
PQG Quantitative Issues in Genomic Medicine [Poster], Boston, MA, November 2011
SPO Pyrenees International Workshop, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, September 2011
Joint Statistical Meetings, David P. Byar Award Section, Miami, FL August 2011
ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Miami, FL March 2011
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting, Sweden, August 2010
Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, BC, August 2010
ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings, New Orleans, LA, March 2010
Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington DC, August 2009
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting, Singapore, July 2008
Lecturer, Harvard University, Department of Biostatistics
Problem Solving in Advanced Statistics, course for PhD students
Introduction to Stata, a one hour course for incoming students
Spring 2011, Fall 2011
Fall 2010, 2011
Lecturer, Stanford University, School of Medicine
How to do Biostatistics, a short course for medical researchers
Winter 2007
Head Teaching Assistant, Harvard University, Department of Biostatistics
Biostat 200: Principles of Biostatistics
Fall 2009
Teaching Assistant, Harvard University, Department of Biostatistics
Biostat 200: Principles of Biostatistics
Fall 2008
Biostat 223: Applied Survival Analysis
Spring 2009, 2010
Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, Department of Statistics
Stat 141: Introduction to Biostatistics
Stat 191: Introduction to Applied Statistics
Fall 2006
Winter 2007
Invited Session Organizer, 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings, Challenges in the Identification and Validation of Surrogate Markers
Invited Session Organizer, 2015 International Society for Nonparametric Statistics: Biosciences, Medicine, and novel Non-Parametric Methods Conference, Nonparametric Methods
to Improve Treatment Effect Estimation
Invited Session Organizer, 2015 WNAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Chal-
Layla Parast, 6
lenges in the Identification and Validation of Surrogate Markers
WNAR 2015 Program Chair
Invited Panel Organizer and Panelist, Women in Statistics Conference Post-PhD:
What to Expect Your First Year
Organizer, RAND Statistics Seminar Series, 2013 - Present
Invited Session Organizer and Panelist, 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings, Post-PhD:
What to Expect Your First Year
Invited Session Organizer and Chair, 2013 WNAR International Biometric Society
Meetings, Robust Methods to Estimate Survival and Treatment Effect
Poster Judge, 2013 ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings
Invited Session Organizer and Chair, 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings, Biomarkers for
Risk Prediction, Disease Detection, and Treatment Effect Estimation: Statistical Issues
Session Chair, 2012 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium
Session Chair, 2010 ENAR International Biometric Society Meetings, Survival Analysis
Department Representative, Graduate Student Council, 2009 - 2011
Annals of Applied Statistics
Biometrical Journal
Epidemiologic Methods
International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Lifetime Data Analysis
Statistics in Medicine
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Robust Statistical Methods to Identify Surrogate Markers in Diabetes
Role: Principal Investigator
NIJ 2013-R2-CX-0016
National Institute of Justice
Disrupting Illegal Gun Transfers
Role: Investigator/Statistician
Quantitative Genomics/Interdisciplinary Predoctoral NIH Training Grant
Merck Company Foundation Quantitative Sciences Fellowship
Cancer Predoctoral NIH Training Grant
Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship
Academy Health
American Statistical Association
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Layla Parast, 7
landpred, an R package for landmark prediction of a survival outcome incorporating covariate and short-term event information.