ABOUT THE INSTITUTION COURSE OUTLINE FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT LBS Institute of Technology for Women, established in the year 2001 is the first Engineering College for Women in Kerala. This is managed by LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram. During the fourteen years of existence, it has achieved excellence in imparting Technical education for Women. At present the College offers five undergraduate programs (B.Tech) in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology and Civil Engineering and two post graduate programs (M.Tech) in Signal Processing and Computer Science and Engineering. The course aims to provide Introduction to those areas that relate to advances in communication engineering and hands-on instruction methods for the implementation of communication systems using MATLAB and LABVIEW. This course provides a unified perspective on the different aspects of communication engineering and gives participants the ability to understand the concepts and implement their ideas that can form fundamental to modern communication systems. No course fee is charged for the participants from Government Engineering Colleges/ Government (Aided/self-financing) Engineering Colleges. Participants from all other colleges are charged course fee of Rs. 750/. Payment should be done in the form of DD in favor of The Principal, LBSITW, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram payable at Thiruvananthapuram. No TA/DA/ accommodation will be given to the participants. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established since the inception of the college. The major strength of the department is highly qualified and experienced faculty with specialization in major areas of Electronics & Communication and Applied Electronics & Instrumentation. State-of-the-art facilities are available in all the labs to train the students capable of meeting the requirements of present and future. Department has close interaction with various leading industries and educational institutions. Department also conducts many value added training programmes to the students and staff frequently. WHO CAN APPLY Faculty members from AICTE recognized Engineering Colleges are eligible to apply for the course. COURSE DURATION PERSONS & RESOURCE The course will run for duration of 6 days from 22nd to 27th June 2015. The resource persons will be from established technical institutes and industry. HOW TO APPLY The registration form duly endorsed by the head of the institution along with the DD should reach the coordinator latest by 16th June 2015. Advance copy of registration form may be sent through e-mail to the coordinator (nsnair11176@gmail.com). The selection will be on first come first serve basis. Number of participants is limited to 30. Attendance is compulsory in all the sessions for the issue of course participation certificate. Confirmation regarding receipt of DD will be done by 17th June 2015 by e-mail. The registration form along with DD may be sent to the following address, Coordinator, Frontiers in Advanced Communication Engineering, Dept of ECE, LBSITW, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-695012 Inauguration and Keynote address by Registration Form Short Term Training Programme on “Frontiers in Advanced Communication Engineering-FACE” Sponsored by TEQIP- II June 22 to 27, 2015 Name: Designation: Department: Whether the Institution is Govt /Aided/ Self-financing: Address for Communication: Pin Code: Mobile/Phone: E-mail ID: DD No. Date. Bank: Place : Date : Mr/Ms/Dr…………………………………………… is a faculty member of our Institution and his/her application is hereby sponsored for the short term training programme on Frontiers in Advanced Communication Engineering. The applicant would be permitted to attend the course in full if selected. Date : The sessions will be handled by the following resource persons Dr B.S Manoj, IIST, Trivandrum Dr K GopaKumar, TKMCE, Kollam Mr Rajeev K, QuEST Global, Trivandrum Dr Apren T J, VSSC Dr K.C Raveendranathan, Principal, LBSITW Dr Lizy Abraham, LBSITW Mr Naveen S., LBSITW Dr JayaKumari J, NI College Short Term Training Programme On “Frontiers in Advanced Communication EngineeringFACE” Sponsored by TEQIP- II June 22 to 27, 2015 Signature of the Participant Sponsorship Certificate Place : Dr K S Das Gupta, Director, IIST, Trivandrum Signature Principal of Office seal the Coordinators Naveen S. Assistant Professor Dept of ECE nsnair11176@gmail.com Mob No. +91 9446441808 Organized by & Sivaprasad R.S. Assistant Professor Dept of ECE sivaprasadrs2@gmail.com Mob No. +91 9961961904 DEPARTMENT OF ECE LBS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala PIN. 695012
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