April 2015 the Staff VOLUME 54 n ISSUE 4 SHEPHERD’S The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Newsletter FROM PASTOR GREG Dear Sisters and Brothers, When Sophie and Jonah attended preschool at Ascension Lutheran in Towson, the 100th day of the school year was a big deal! They celebrated with t-shirts and a party. Each child brought 100 of something with which they could work on their counting skills. The occasion was a highlight of their first year of school. As much as I like the nice, round number which 100 represents, 75 isn’t too bad either. By the time you get this edition of “The Shepherd’s Staff,” I will have been serving as Pastor at LCGS for 75 days! I thought at first that I’d celebrate by listing 75 blessings I’ve experienced so far. As I got into it, however, my numbers started to get a little wonky and I thought I’d offend someone by leaving her or him out. So, I settled on the 3 BIG blessings I’ve experienced since I’ve been at Good Shepherd (let’s make them worth 25 days a piece)! 1) The Spirit at work in you. There are so many fantastic ministries going on here all the time. Service and fellowship events; book clubs and bible studies; committee and team meetings; practices and rehearsals; and, of course, three wonderful worship services each week. So many of you are so passionate about the part you are called to play in building the Kingdom. It is a joy to behold. I want to give a special shout-out to our Council: I continue to be amazed at the skill and dedication each of you bring to your position. As a pastor who is just getting used to such a big organization, you inspire me! Thank you! 2) The Spirit at work in me. I have heard many times, “Good sermon, pastor!” Also, when the attendance is good, I hear, “You’re really packing them in!” Thank you for the sentiment! Let’s give the glory to God! For the sermons, I often point out that I am working with some pretty good source material in the Scriptures. I stand on the shoulders of giants! For the attendance, I give the credit to the Holy Spirit. As Luther said, it is the Spirit who “calls, gathers, enlightens, and makes holy the whole Christian church....” Now, I don’t want to be guilty of a false modesty. Am I proud of how hard I work “honing my craft”? Do I feel good about how much I am willing to be accessible, approachable, and open to relationship? You bet! But without the strength and courage of God, I couldn’t begin to do what I do, let alone do it well. 3) Hope for the future. Some may be asking, “Why all this fuss over 75 days?” I know, I know - it is not a lot of time. After all, I was in my previous call for 13 years. I just want to give a report on my “first impressions,” and to let you know how excited and happy I am to be here. Perhaps best of all, though, is that we are just beginning this leg of Good Shepherd’s faithful journey. I respect the past and love to hear the stories from the history of this place and people. Yet, I always believe that, in the Kingdom of God, the best is yet to (continued on page 2) HOLY WEEK Service Dates and Times Holy Week: April 2nd Maundy Thursday - 7:30 p.m. April 3rd Good Friday – 12 & 7:30 p.m. April 4th Easter Vigil - 6:30 p.m. April 5th Easter Sunday 7, 9 & 11 a.m. 11 a.m. is the Festival Worship with choirs, brass, and timpani The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 1515 Emmorton Road Bel Air, MD 21014 p: 410-838-8081 f: 410-838-8026 www.lcgselca.org Like us on .. .. Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9 am - 3 pm Sunday Worship 8:00 AM, 9:40 AM & 11:00 AM Contemporary Cross Walk Worship 2nd & 4th Sundays at 11 AM Fellowship & Education Hour: 9:30 AM come. I can’t wait to see and experience what God has in store for us! The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd The Rev. Greg Fetzer Senior Pastor (410) 838-8081 office Pr.Greg.Fetzer@lcgselca.org Finally, I want to thank Steve Starbuck for his patience. I am 0-2 in getting my article in before the deadline. Truth is, I struggle to come up with a topic. Once I can wrap my head around something to write about, it flows pretty well. But, I do struggle with topics! Could you all help me out with this? What is it that YOU want to read in the Pastor’s article in the newsletter? Please, let me know! Peace, Pastor Greg Deborah Woods Director of Music music@lcgselca.org Linda Ruese Treasurer treasurer@lcgselca.org Gina Miller Interim Office Manager (410) 838-8081 office officemanager@lcgselca.org Ruth Marteny Office Assistant officesecretary@lcgselca.org (410) 838-8081 office Steve Starbuck Editor, The Shepherd’s Staff communications@lcgselca.org Heather Raedeke Graphic Designer, The Shepherd’s Staff communications@lcgselca.org Communicatons Team communications@lcgselca.org Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool Lois Dobart, Director school@lcgselca.org (410) 838-8457 www.facebook.com/goodshepherd lutheranpreschool New Covenant Christian School Jean Armstrong, Principal Lisa.Stone@ncpres.org (410) 420-7727 The Shepherd’s Staff is published monthly, and mailed to all member households.The deadline for submitting material for inclusion in the May issue of The Shepherd’s Staff is Sunday, April 19th. Please send, as early as possible, your articles, notices, etc. to editor Steve Starbuck at communications@lcgselca.org Music Notes Moravian Music at Good Friday Service-2015 The Good Friday Tenebrae service on April 3rd, 7:30pm, will present the dramatic story of the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus. The scriptures from Matthew will be interspersed by several anthems by the Chancel choir as well as congregational hymns and the soulful clarinet playing of Michelle Urzynicok. As the story unfolds, the lights will be gradually dimmed, and a bone-chilling “strepitus” (loud noise) by Mark Leppo on timpani will signal the tearing of the temple curtain. Afterwards, Pastor Greg will carry a rough-hewn cross to the altar for prayer and veneration. Adam Steel will close the service with the spiritual, “Were You there?” I encourage all members of the congregation to attend this service and the other two of the Triduum (three days) of Maundy Thursday and the Easter vigil. It’s important to follow our Lord through the valley of the shadows to more fully experience the jubilation of Easter morning. There is one anthem on Good Friday about which I would like to give some background information. Soprano Cassie Jacobs will sing a dramatic aria by Moravian composer, John Antes, followed by the chorale, “Surely He hath borne our Griefs.” The Moravians have a unique and rich musical tradition which is worth mentioning. The Moravian church originated in Herrnhut, Germany, where it were known as the “Unitas Fratrum,” They were followers of the early Czech reformer, Jan Hus, and their denomination supported a tradition of prayer and reverence which inspired the Wesley brothers, John and Charles, as they began their ministry in America. They were filled with missionary zeal and traveled to many places, particularly in North America. In the 1700’s, they established settlements in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and WinstonSalem, North Carolina. They, like the Lutherans, held music in high esteem in their worship, and they brought with them hymns, anthems, instruments, and composers for their new settlements. John Antes was one of these talented composers and his music reveals a heart-felt and personal love of God. Moravians were famous for their trombone choirs which served the purpose of calling people to worship or accompanying festivals and special occasions. Ben Franklin, on traveling in Pennsylvania, commented on the richness and beauty of the singing in the Moravian worship. On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the festival of the resurrection with brass, timpani, and choirs. Services are at 7 AM (outdoors, if the weather permits), 9 AM and 11 AM. Come and celebrate the empty tomb with our choirs and congregation on April 5th. Perhaps, Pastor Greg will “unearth” the hidden “Alleluia.” - Debby Woods Choir Robe Campaign The LCGS Chancel choir and the Ringers and Singers Youth choir are looking to purchase new robes. They are an elegant Cranberry color with a beige collar and sleeve. The youth choir robes are royal blue, with an ivory collar. If you would like to contribute to “sprucing up the choir,” your help would be greatly appreciated. Checks made out to LCGS, with “choir robe” on the memo line will be gratefully received. Many thanksDebby Woods APRIL 2015 I PAGE 2 OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE ALTAR GUILD The Altar Guild is a vital group of volunteers at Good Shepherd, who make sure the communion elements are set-up and ready for each service by volunteering on Saturday mornings during an assigned month. One or two members of the team also help the communion assistants keep the wine trays filled. Each team serves one month at a time. This is a great opportunity to serve Good Shepherd and takes minimal time on your part. For more information contact, Sallie Gartside, Vicar Dean. COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Communion Assistants are needed, for the 9:40 & 11 a.m. services. As a Communion Assistant you get to be a part of serving the congregation at the Banquet. Please contact Sharlene Krause. USHERS We have four Usher teams who serve once a month, and take turns when there is a 5th Sunday in the month. Four people are needed at each service. We are short at ALL services. If you are willing to help out on one of the teams contact Harry Quinn. GREETERS NEEDED Are you a “people person”? The 9:40 and 11 a.m. service needs greeters. This is a great place for our youth as well as adults to serve God at LCGS. Two friends could serve together! Think about it and mark on the Pew Pad by your name or contact Ruth Marteny in the church office at to officesecretary@lcgselca.org. LAY ASSISTANTS & LECTORS This is another area that needs help at ALL three services. The Lay Assistant leads in Scripture reading and prayers. The readings and prayers are e-mailed to you each week so you can prepare. The Lector, (currently only at 8 a.m.) reads only the Second Scripture, (also e-mailed to you). We’d like to see Lectors used at the 11 a.m. service as well. Contact Ruth Marteny in the church office at to officesecretary@lcgselca.org. PLEASE PRAYFULLY CONSIDER SERVING IN ONE OF THESE POSITIONS AT THE SERVICE YOU ATTEND. AN Invitation to THE Congregation I wanted to share some wonderful news, my "setting-apart" Ordination Ceremony for becoming a Deacon at Good Shepherd is Saturday, October 24th, 2015 at 2:00 pm at Grace Lutheran (21 Carroll St., Westminster, MD 21157). Bishop Wolfgang Herz-Lane (DelawareMaryland Synod) will be officiating. The color of the day is red. There are five Deacons being set-apart at the service. I know it's a little of a trip but I cordially invite the congregation to attend. I am very excited about becoming a Deacon at our church. This has been an exciting journey the past few years. My last classes, which I am finishing now, are Old and New Testament at Epiphany with Pr. Churchill Wortherly. This has been very challenging and fulfilling. The classes require quizes, exams, sermons, devotionals, and a ninepage final paper. I am dedicated to this program and am working hard to bring my best to the call of Deacon at Good Shepherd to all of you! In Christ, Sallie J. Gartside a note of thanks... I would like to thank the many friends who showed their concern for me while I was in the hospital. Calls, cards, prayers and visits did much to help me recover. - Neal Siebold N Harford Family House is thankful for your gift of $635.03 received on 12/31/2015. Because of your generosity, we will be able to continue to provide shelter and support services to homeless families with children right here in our own community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Your donation will enable us to provide housing, resources, and support to enable a family to move from homelessness to permanent, stable housing and hope for a brighter future. Our Church Family BAPTISMS March 1, 2015 Owen Edward Krakowski Son of Timothy & Dana Krakowski Alexa Elaine Krakowski Daughter of Timothy & Dana Krakowski As you enjoy the winter weather, please know that by sharing your many blessings this holiday season you have made a difference in the lives of homeless families right here in Harford County. You are a part of our extended family and for that we are thankful. Sincerely, Joyce Duffy, Executive Director APRIL 2015 I PAGE 3 Youth Synod Rep For Tanzania Task Force (TTF) Mission August 19-25! Application Deadline Fast Approaching! CIA Youth Events CIA (youth group for grades 6 - 12) are the first Sunday and third Tuesday each month from 7-8:30 p.m. in the lower level of the parsonage Contact Mrs. Connie or any of the CIA leaders with questions/ information. Youth collecting items for TerraCycle recycling Our middle and high school youth are collecting many items in the Youth Room to recycle through TerraCycle to raise funds for their activities and programs. You can help by bringing these items to the Youth Room and leaving them in the collection boxes. Check the E-Pistle for a link to a list of items that are being collected. For more information about our programs through TerraCycle, which collects and repurposes hardto-recycle waste, visit www.terracycle.com. If you have questions about the program and how you can help us raise funds for our youth programs, contact Debbie Madigan. Hershey Park Love riding roller coasters or just seeing how chocolate is made? Then join us for a fun filled day at Hershey Park! The CIA Youth are sponsoring a LCGS Hershey Park Family and Friends Day on Saturday, May 30, 2015. In order to receive the group rate, those interested must sign up by Sunday, April 5th. Ticket prices may decrease depending on the number of people signed up to attend. On April 6th an email will be sent out to all who have signed up with the adjusted discounted prices. Those attending will be given their tickets the week before the event so that they can arrive and depart at their leisure. So invite your family and friends to sign up and join us! Those interested in going should sign up in the narthex or email Connie directly at the email provided below or via Facebook on the Youth of LCGS events page. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Charitonuk. Prices start at: Regular (ages 9-54) $33.50 Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 & 55-69) $28.50 Senior Plus (ages 70+) $21.95 Tickets purchased are valid for the 2015 summer season. Are you a Young Adult who wants to gain meaningful insight into our Companion Church relationship with the Lutheran Church in Tanzania as well as expand our own personal global experience? Are you willing to do short presentations in Synod congregations and learn more about the work of the Synod’s Tanzania Task Force? College students may also want to consider using this experience as foundation for an independent study course. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania has invited the ELCA to send young adults (ages 18 – 35 years old) from Companion Synods to attend their Youth Consultation from August 19 – 25, 2015 to be held in Dodoma, TZ. The ELCA Global Mission will provide a subsidy of $1,500 toward covering travel expenses such as air fare, the $100 TZ Visa cost for US passport tourists, immunizations, etc. Host families in the Dodoma Diocese will provide room and board for the visitors. While you will be responsible for some personal expenses, your congregation may also financially assist you in funding this educational opportunity. The Synod’s Tanzania Task Force (TTF) will also help with additional expenses for this exciting experience. The Synod Tanzania Task Force (TTF) invites those who are interested to contact our LCGS rep, Meghan Marx. A Completed application and availability for an interview will be part of the selection process. We hope to choose the person to represent our Synod by early April. Synod Congregations are also invited to make a contribution toward helping a Young Adult represent our Synod at this event. Please contact Meghan, above, for additional details. “Eat More Chikin” to Benefit GAX! Dine at Chick-fil-A at Constant Friendship ALL DAY the 3rd Tuesday of each month February through June and 20% of the non-taxed sales will be donated towards our GAX program. You MUST TAKE THE FLYER with you to Chick-fil-A so GAX gets credit for the sale. Flyers are located in the Narthex or they can be printed at: http://lcgselca.org/pdf/LCGS-GAX-Program.pdf Contact Jill Healey with questions. Thank you for your support! APRIL 2015 I PAGE 4 The CIA Youth Have a Fun Night of Bowling, Friday, March 13th (Photos by Carol Mellor) MOM2MOM FAMILIES ENJOY A NIGHT OF EASTER FUN! (More on page 6) (Photos by Carol Mellor) APRIL 2015 I PAGE 5 staying CONNECTED MOM2MOM Mom2Mom will have our monthly meeting on April 17th at 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM in the Narthex. This is the final monthly meeting of the school year. Mom2Mom will have a Mommy’s night out at Chopstix in Bel Air on Friday, April 10th at 6:00 PM. Childcare provided for children 1 - 6 years old. Please bring a sippy cup and $5 dues (per family). Mom2Mom is a mommy Christian support network. We offer a time to get together with other women who face similar situations and challenges you do. We encourage each other, have fun and learn together! If you are interested or have any questions about our group, please contact Cindy Burkhardt or Jennifer Nesaw. You can email us at mom2momlcgs@gmail.com, find us on Facebook, or visit us at http://mom2momlcgs.blogspot.com. A NIGHT OF EASTER FUN! BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB: April 19, 2015 Stones for Bread by Christa Parrish The Brown Bag Book Club meets on Sunday, April 19, 2015 following the 11:00 AM worship service. We will meet in the LCGS Conference Room. Please bring your lunch or snack and join us as we discuss Stones for Bread by Christa Parrish. Stones for Bread was a 2014 Christy Award Winner in Contemporary Fiction. A solitary artisan. A legacy of bread-baking. And one secret that could collapse her entire identity. Liesl McNamara’s life can be described in one word: bread. From her earliest memory, her mother and grandmother passed down the mystery of baking and the importance of this deceptively simple food. And now, as the owner of Wild Rise bake house, Liesl spends every day up to her elbows in dough, nourishing and perfecting her craft. But the simple life she has cultivated is becoming quite complicated. Her head baker brings his troubled grandson into the bakeshop as an apprentice. Her waitress submits Liesl’s recipes to a popular cable cooking show. And the man who delivers her flour-a single father with strange culinary habits-seems determined to win Liesl’s affection. When Wild Rise is featured on television, her quiet existence appears a thing of the past. And then a phone call from a woman claiming to be her half-sister forces Liesl to confront long-hidden secrets in her family’s past.With her precious heritage crumbling around her, the baker must make a choice: allow herself to be buried in detachment and remorse, or take a leap of faith into a new life. Filled with both spiritual and literal nourishment, Stones for Bread provides a feast for the senses from award-winning author Christa Parrish. “A quietly beautiful tale about learning how to accept the past and how to let go of the parts that tie you down.” -RT Book Reviews, 4.5 stars, TOP PICK! Description taken from BarnesandNoble.com Any questions? Please contact Linda Ruese or Andrea Hooper. Our upcoming 2015 schedule… May 17, 2015 The Round House by Louise Erdich June 14, 2015 Gray Mountain by John Grisham July 19, 2015 Love Anthony by Lisa Genova Aug. 16, 2015 Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good by Jan Karon Sept. 20, 2015 Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver Oct. 18, 2015 The Dinner by Herman Koch Nov. 22, 2015 Angels Walking by Karen Kingsbury Dec. 13, 2015 A Christmas novel (TBD) by Richard Paul Evans (Photos by Carol Mellor) APRIL 2015 I PAGE 6 DAY♥TIMERS The Daytimers will hold their luncheon/meeting on Tuesday, April 14 in the Celebration Room. We will be having a speaker from the Harford County Sheriffs Department speak to us about ID theft and scams. This is something we should all be interested in and how we need to be more alert. Bring a friend, paper products for the Welcome One Center, and food for the Sharing Table. Come and meet someone new !!! - Lowell Repp Welcome One Emergency Shelter Shares Their Stories A case worker, a financial director, and 2 clients of the Welcome One Emergency Shelter shared their gripping, eye-opening, and heartwarming experiences with the Daytimers and students and staff from New Covenant Christian School. The speakers provided a personal glimpse into the seriousness of homelessness, identified the causes of homelessness, and provided ideas to help the homeless. One idea given during the talk was to keep bottled water in your vehicle and distribute the water as needed to the homeless. The Welcome One Emergency Shelter is the only full-service emergency homeless shelter in Harford County. The shelter is operated by FCCAU (Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United), a charitable organization that is supported by a successful collaboration of churches, faith-based groups, local businesses, foundations, and government agencies. The shelter provides and advocates for a continuum of services designed to reduce the incidence and burdens of homelessness in Harford County. If you have any questions, see Tom Meyer or Bettyann Smith. FCCAU holds fundraisers such as Basket BINGO on April 17 at St. Margaret’s gymnasium. Doors open at 6:00 and BINGO begins at 7:00. In advance is $17. At the door is $20. For more information about FCCAU visit their website http://www. welcomeoneshelter.com - Carol Mellor New Small Group Study Starting April 6 One of our evening women’s small groups will be starting a new study on Monday, April 6 discussing the title What Good is God: In Search of a Faith that Matters by Philip Yancey. The group will meet the first and third Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Contact Linda Ruese if you are interested in participating. Pastor Greg spoke with the Daytimers about the history of the Christian Church and how cultural changes have had an impact on the church. He said that it is not easy how we live out our faith in the changing world around us and we need to embrace that change. Pastor Greg wants individual LCGS ministry groups to come together in a greater ministry that reaches out to the community in new ways to support those in need as well as attract those who are seeking a place for worship. - Carol Mellor Need prayers? Here’s how to list someone on our Good Shepherd Prayer Chain To list someone on the Prayer Chain, call the office at 410-838-8081 or Coordinator Doris Mellor, or complete a prayer card (in the pew pockets.) Provide the person’s first and last names and a contact number, or include your contact number. The Coordinator will verify a member’s desire to be on the list and specific purpose to be listed. In order to make the extensive list of family and friends current and manageable, we will keep the name listed for three weeks unless it is resubmitted. Growing Faith Together in Community! Contact Debbie Smeton for information about small groups. We have a seat reserved for you! APRIL 2015 I PAGE 7 ways to SERVE from the FLOWER COMMITTEE Altar Flower Sponsors Needed Have a Special Occasion that you want to honor? Sign up for your “Special Date” ASAP! Just pick your date and sign up on the Flower Chart which is on the counter by the windows in the Narthex Arrangement Availability: April 19th May 10th, 17th and 24th June 28th All Sundays in July When you sign the chart, be sure to take an envelope, located on the display. Complete the information on the envelope and either put it in the offering plate or send it to the office along with the payment, $40.00 per arrangement. The flowers need to be paid for prior to the week they are on the altar. Please be sure you indicate on the Flower Chart if you will remove the arrangement or if you want the Flower Committee to deliver it to a hospitalized or “home bound” member. When you remove the flowers, please just take the paper mache container and leave the silver one on the shelf. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Karol Ashbrook, Flower Chairperson. Karol Ashbrook Flower Chairman Do you enjoy writing, editing, photography or design? The Communications Ministry Team invites you to join us Do you enjoy writing, editing, graphic design, Web design, photography, or shooting videos? The Communications Ministry Team invites you to explore how you could use your talents and interests to help share the good news of Jesus and His work in and through Good Shepherd in our congregation and in the wider community. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. in Room 208 in the education wing. All are welcome. Image Release Forms Our LCGS photographers have been busy capturing photos of many exciting activities going on at LCGS! This spring is particularly filled with youth celebrations, music performances and events that the Communications team is excited to share with our church family! If you have not already signed a Image Release Form for your child (youth under age 18), please take a moment to do so. Forms can be found in the boxes outside the church office and be dropped off in the Office Managers mailbox. If you have already filled out a form in the past, you need to do nothing. Thank you for your help! Hungry for more Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd news? Contact the Communications Team at communications@lcgselca.org with your First and Last Name and email address to sign up to receive the newsletters of your choice: • E-pistle is the e-newsletter for Good Shepherd members and friends. Its purpose is to share brief, timely, upcoming information that cannot wait for the weekend or The Shepherd’s Staff monthly newsletter. It’s a good place to read emergency or time-sensitive announcements, and to receive The Shepherd’s Staff newsletter, in full color. • Sunday School is the e-newsletter for Sunday school parents and teachers. Its purpose is to share news and time-sensitive announcements about our Sunday school program. You can also visit our Web site, www.lcgselca.org, for more information about our ministries and programs. We’re on Facebook too: • Find Good Shepherd on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LutheranChurchoftheGoodShepherd.LCGS • The CIA youth group is on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ CIAYouthGroup.LCGS • Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool is on Facebook at www. facebook.com/goodshepherdlutheranpreschool - The Communications Ministry Team APRIL 2015 I PAGE 8 WANT TO SERVE? Follow Up To FED …Taking The Next Step If you were one of the 85 youth and adults who attended the March 8th FED program you were treated to a rare glimpse of what it’s like to be homeless in Harford County, from the inside out. This month’s Shepherd Staff article features our Welcome One Day Shelter Team; What LCGS is currently doing, how we’d like to expand, and how you can contribute to this important outreach for our homeless. LCGS currently supports FCCAU with an annual $1500 donation plus any monies collected from designated communion rail offerings. In addition, we serve 4 times a year at their Welcome One Day Shelter in Belcamp. (Several members volunteer on a regular basis, aside from our assigned dates.) For each of the serve dates volunteers check the shelters existing food stock for basic supplies and shop to fill in anything needed to prepare the menu we chose for that day. They pack sack lunches, prepare and serve an evening buffet-style meal, and visit with the guests (often playing cards or watching TV) until bedtime. One member spends the night and sets out a ‘grab and go’ breakfast the next morning. There is usually an overlap in help as the dinner prep crew often chose to stay as host or hostess after supper. The total number of volunteers needed for each serve date is only 6-7! What makes our ‘Welcome One Day Shelter’ team so special is their emphasis on ‘Welcome.’ They make it a point NOT to serve pasta – guests get that from many of the other volunteer groups – and instead go out of their way to cook ham, or turkey (January & April), hot dogs or bratwurst on the grill (July & October.) Our volunteers never just ‘feed and leave’ but make time to get to know the folks they serve. The guests are real people, most of them surprisingly normal! Nothing to be frightened of! Kim Wagner is our current program liaison and shares the below, ‘Close to home’ stories to illustrate how serving there has touched her life: “…I could literally lie in my bed, under my comforter, looking out over my toes across the street and see the home where one guest I met used to live. She was a WV native, with limited education, the second wife to a man who worked at APG for 40 years, living in Bel Air. When her husband became stricken with Alzheimer’s her stepson obtained POA and literally changed the locks on the doors and put her out on the street to fend for herself.” Elderly and financially dependent on her sick husband, with no family of her own or close connections to guide her towards resources, she soon found herself at the homeless shelter. When Kim met her she was using a magnifying glass to read books because she couldn’t afford cataract surgery. Eventually she reunited with family and moved back to WV. “ … But not every story has a happy ending…” Kim added. “…on what I think was my very first serve date I was talking with a guest whom I instantly recognized, but couldn’t exactly place. I felt like I knew his soul … his eyes were hauntingly familiar.” As they talked she realized that his family was also from Fallston, and both he and his younger sister attended Fallston High with Kim and her older brother. Both families lived in good neighborhoods, attended the same schools, and had parents who worked. But somehow this man and his sister both lost their way, becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs. Sadly, Kim learned that his sister (her arch nemesis in high school) died of an overdose, and several years after their first meeting she heard that he froze to death living in the woods of Harford County. Our job is to help these neighbors make the connection of how letting God’s love in to their lives can give them strength to cope and heal. They are not alone. And all we have to do is prepare a meal, sit, pray and listen as they share their stories. How simple is that? If you are interested but still a little afraid call Kim to schedule a ‘mini-tour’ on an upcoming serve date. Likewise, if you’re ready to take the leap please let her know you’d like to be a part of a new, second Team to help us expand this important outreach. Kim Wagner. Here are two other ways you can help the Harford County homeless: Attend the upcoming, annual Bingo Night to benefit Welcome One Emergency Shelter on Friday night April 17th at St Margaret’s. For details call Pat Eiler: 410676-2018. Sign up to help at the upcoming Bel Air Habitat For Humanity / Interfaith Build on Saturday May 2nd. Signup sheets will be in the Narthex soon! God’s Peace - Servanthood Committee New Support to Local Homeless Initiative Looking For A Fun Way To Support The Local Homeless Initiative? Reserve Your Ticket NOW To Attend The Annual Bingo for Welcome One Emergency Shelter. Bingo Featuring Longaberger & Vera Bradley Products to benefit the Welcome One Emergency Shelter. Friday, April 17, 2015 at St. Margaret Gymnasium, Bel Air. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., Bingo Begins 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $17.00 in advance, $20 at the door. Checks payable to FCCAU. Mail order to Pat Eiler 1400 Stockton Rd. Joppa, MD 21085, 410-676-2018. APRIL 2015 I PAGE 9 Peacemaker Ministries - PeaceMeal Forgiveness in a Word “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36 Forgiveness is a radical decision not to hold an offense against the offender… forgiveness is undeserved and can’t be earned. Taken from Resolving Everyday Conflict by Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson (Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2011) p.89. If you had just one word to describe forgiveness, what would it be? In the same way that a picture can't possibly capture the expansive greatness and wonder of the Grand Canyon, there are few if any words that on their own capture the beauty found in the extension of grace through forgiveness. To forgive is to pardon, to set free, to be set free. It is to release another from guilt, and to be released from the heavy burden of holding a grudge. Forgiveness is extending mercy, when none is due. It is setting aside the right to be right, all while embracing the attributes of humility, kindness, and compassion. Food For Thought The complications and complexities of forgiveness are hard to sum up in one word; but, it can be summed up in one example - His name is Jesus. His life was the very essence of grace and forgiveness. He is our model - and, because we have been freely forgiven, we are free to forgive. DAYTIMERS FUND In Memory of Bertha Grimm from Ms. Dorothy Kraft Ms. Ruth Marteny Mrs. Karen Nordman In Memory of Frances Slater Smith from Mr. and Mrs. John Busick WORSHIP and MUSIC FUND In Memory of Bertha Grimm from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richter SERVANTHOOD FUND In Memory of Bertha Grimm from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer Ms. Betty Ann Smith UNDESIGNATED FUND In Memory of Bertha Grimm from Rev. and Mrs. Donald Keyser As the Lenten season ends and we rejoice in the Resurrection, let us become “radicals” and lighten our load and that of others through forgiveness. PASTORS’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of Bertha Grimm from Ms. Betty Ann Smith Need help? If you desire help in reconciling a conflict, disagreement or broken relationship, consider calling a LCGS Peacemaking Reconciliation Team member. Owen Ashbrook; Debbie Smeton or Gail Fricke. All communications are confidential. ALTAR GUILD FUND In Memory of David Rigotti from Mrs. Karen Nordman - Gail Fricke, Peacemaking Team GAX FUND A Special Gift from Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matthews Health Care Ministries SAVE THE DATE!! We will be holding a community health fair the morning of Saturday, April 18 here at LCGS. Free fitness classes, health and wellness information and more! Join us! AED News and call for certified members: We now have our 2nd AED! It is located outside the Celebration Hall near the water fountains. There is also an AED in the narthex near the coat room. Please take a moment to locate these potentially life-saving devices! We are also looking to compile a list of members who are currently CPR/ AED certified. If you are currently certified, please e-mail Kathy DeHoff. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: On Sunday, March 29, the Health Care Ministry will continue offering free blood pressure screenings. You do not need an appointment, just come to the Library between 9:15 and 10:45! JOIN OUR WALKING GROUP! Contact Kathy DeHoff. HEALTH TIPS AND RECIPES: Please continue to check the narthex and e-pistle for our health tip and recipe of the month. If you have any questions or would like to join the Health Care Ministry team, please contact Diane Brown. APRIL 2015 I PAGE 10 PRESCHOOL CORNER Can mean people change to be nice people? In their March chapel lesson, the preschoolers of Good Shepherd learned that they can indeed! The children heard the story of how God changed Saul, an enemy of Jesus, into Paul, a friend and helper of Jesus. They also learned that they can be Jesus’ helpers too by telling people of Jesus’ love for them, just as Paul did. Back in their classrooms, the three year-olds explored farms and learned about all the animals and plants on the farm and the products we get from them. They painted and drew farm animals and crops to get ready for their trip to North Harford High School’s farm in April. The children also had “Teddy Bear Day” in which they brought a teddy bear to school and participated in some fun activities together. The four year-olds explored spring weather, St. Patrick’s Day, and rainbows with some fun art projects and science experiments, such as rainbow milk and a cloud in a jar. They are continuing to learn their alphabet and numbers and sight words. Father’s Night was held in the middle of the month and fathers and children had fun in school together one evening making a special picture frame. The Transitional Kindergarten also had Father’s Night and learned about what happens in the nighttime. They talked about how God cares for us and keeps us safe. They also studied the sea and all the creatures in it. After reading several Eric Carle books, they made their own artwork in the style of Eric Carle’s work. All the children are looking forward to the warmer days of spring and the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. - Rhonda Messick Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool 2015-2016 Registration Information Registration for preschool is currently open. The preschool offers a wide variety of classes for 3, 4, and 5-year-olds, including a transitional kindergarten program. If you know of anyone who may be looking for an excellent preschool, please help us to get the word out about registration. For more information about the school, visit our Web site at www.lcgselca.org or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/goodshepherdlutheranpreschool or contact Director Lois Dobart at (410) 838-8457 or school@lcgselca.org Questions or Comments? Please feel free to contact any of the 2015 Congregation Council: President Stuart Goemmer Vice-President Evelyn Spratt Treasurer Linda Ruese Secretary Sallie Gartside Christian Education Maureen Stark Outreach Susan Quinn Worship and Music Gene Oaksmith Stewardship Jim Lolley FEBRUARY 2015 TREASURER’S REPORT This Month, 2015 Income Expenses IncomeExpenses Year-to-date, 2015 This Month, 2014 Year-to-date, 2014 $ 37,716.65 $ 68,729.15 $ 38,651.08 $ 67,993.91 $ (42,144.78) $ (84,453.75) $ (43,477.50) $ (83,395.01) $ (4,428.13) $ (15,724.60) $ (4,826.42) $ (15,401.10) February additional payments to principal - Campaign-to-date additional payments to principal $ 60,301.30 Mortgage Balance $ 96,253.47 Projected pay-off date September 2017 Congregational Life and Service (CLAS) Missy Leppo Youth Gordon Brown Facilities Operation Chris Poling Finance, Legal and Operations (FLO) Kim Wagner APRIL 2015 I PAGE 11 The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 1515 Emmorton Road Bel Air, MD 21014 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Response to Ebola Our ELCA has provided $275,000 to support companion churches in both Liberia and Sierra Leone. The funds were dispersed through Lutheran Disaster Response to ELCA companion churches and partners responding to the immediate needs of people. Mrs. Roselyn Kawah, chairperson of a concerned group of Liberian women, spoke about how “the Lutheran Church has been a shining ray of light in this bleak situation. Liberians have learned a lot, and we are grateful for our partners’ accompaniment.” The funds provided oil, rice, and fish to thousands of households that were under quarantine; construction of an isolation center in Phebe Hospital, education about hygiene, support for orphans, and job creation. Offerings and donations to Lutheran Disaster Response make this work possible. - ELCA Neighborly Approach 2015 Shepherd’s Staff deadlines April 19 (Sunday) May 17 (Sunday) June 14 (Sunday) July 19 (Sunday) Neighbor to Neighbor is a ministry of the Feagaville Lutheran Parish which includes St. Luke and Mt. Zion of the Frederick Conference. Neighbor to Neighbor collects clothes, appliances, furniture, and children’s toys which are given away to people and charity organizations. The ministry was founded three years ago and has seen a steady increase in number of families served. The Rev. Ken Gill estimates that Neighbor to Neighbor has helped 500 families during the year. About 22 volunteers help at the ministry on the first and third Wednesdays and the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. The Rev. Gill states, “We’ve touched a lot of people. It’s really grown, and it’s helped us to grow.” - ELCA August 16 (Sunday) September 13 (Sunday) October 18 (Sunday) November 11 (Wednesday) December 9 (Wednesday)
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