Item 5e: Bryant Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority Date: March 25, 2015 To: Governing Board Members From: Mark Stanley, Executive Officer Subject: Item 5e: Status report on negotiations for acquisition of the “Bryant” property in the City of Long Beach. Property Description: Assessor Parcel No 7237-020053; 054. Property Owner: Bryant Dakin LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; Property Owner Negotiator: Steve Bryant. LCWA Negotiators: Mark Stanley, Christopher Kroll, Luz Quinnell,. Under Consideration: Price and terms and as other agreements may be necessary. RECOMMENDATION: The LCWA direct the Executive Officer to commit staff resources on negotiations for acquisition of the “Bryant” property in the City of Long Beach. Property Description: Assessor Parcel No 7237-020-053; 054. Property Owner: Bryant Dakin LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; Property Owner Negotiator: Steve Bryant. LCWA Negotiators: Mark Stanley, Christopher Kroll, Luz Quinnell. Under Consideration: Price and terms and as other agreements may be necessary. BACKGROUND: Staff has been working with the Ernest Bryant Estates since 2008 to acquire the frontage and remaining Bryant parcels located at the intersection of 2nd Street and Studebaker Road in the City of Long Beach, totaling approximately 16.54 acres, please see Exhibit A, LCWA Map. Since 2008 a Draft Wetland Delineation Study was completed but the wetland delineation study was not finalized since the LCWA begun the Conceptual Restoration Plan in order to develop restoration alternatives for the Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex. LCWA staff and Ernest Bryant Estates have not discussed possible acquisition of the property since 2008. Recently the LCWA received a willing seller letter from Stephen Bryant indicating the Bryant Dakin LLC family partnership is a willing seller of the two frontage parcels along 2nd Street, please see Exhibit B, Bryant’s Willing Seller Letter. Staff anticipates given the negotiation process, there will be several process before LCWA could take title to the Bryant Property, including, but not limited to: a land use agreement, grant of easement agreement, and an environmental indemnity agreement. FISCAL: Staff would need to apply for funds to complete due diligence procedures such as an appraisal report, an environmental assessment and other valuation documents in order to comply with the State of California, Department of General Services approval procedures to purchase and take title of a property. In addition, Staff will return to the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting with an update on proceedings. 1 Item 5e: Bryant 2 Item 5e: Bryant N. STUDEBAKER RD. Channel View Park Exhibit A: LCWA Map Bixby Village Golf Course DR. COUNTY LINE Loynes Property LOYN ES Dean Properties SynergyBerger Oiland and Gas Bryant Properties WESTMINSTER AVE Bryant Properties CITY OF LONG BEACH City of Long Beach Properties LCWA Phase 1 Marine Park The Marketplace Shopping Center OC Retention Basin ER AR M E. EL A IN . DR N SA V RI I BR GA Naples Plaza Park Alamitos Bay A IN AR M . N LCWA Phase 2 . DR BL VD . T CITY OF SEAL BEACH AC H EE BE TR IGH STATE H 1 S ST WAY 1 Gum Grove Park SE AL Marina Community Park PACIFIC OCEAN Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex LCWA Properties Hellman OC Retention Basin Roads Synergy City Of Long Beach Bryant County Line Water bodies State Lands Commission LA County DWP June 2010 Parks LOS CERRITOS WETLANDS AUTHORITY Los Cerritos Wetlands Area N SCALE 1”=400’ 0’ 400’ 3 1000’ Exhibit B: Bryant's Willing Seller Letter Item 5e: Bryant 4 Item 5e: Bryant March 25, 2015 – Item 5e RESOLUTION 2015 – 03 RESOLUTION OF THE LOS CERRITOS WETLANDS AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER TO COMMIT STAFF RESOURCES ON NEGOTIATIONS FOR ACQUISITION OF THE “BRYANT” PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF LONG BEACH. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR PARCEL NO 7237-020-053; 054. WHEREAS, the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority has been established between the Coastal Conservancy, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, the City of Seal Beach and the City of Long Beach to facilitate the acquisition, protection, conservation, restoration, maintenance and operation an environmental enhancement of the Los Cerritos Wetlands; and WHEREAS, the LCWA has further been established to focus on projects which will provide open space, habitat restoration, and watershed improvement projects within the Los Cerritos Wetlands; and WHEREAS, this action will authorize the Executive Officer to commit staff resources on negotiations for acquisition of the “Bryant” property in the City of Long Beach. Property Description: Assessor Parcel No 7237-020-053; 054. Property Owner: Bryant Dakin LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; Property Owner Negotiator: Steve Bryant. LCWA Negotiators: Mark Stanley, Luz Quinnell. Under Consideration: Price and terms and as other agreements may be necessary; and WHEREAS, the proposed action is except from the California Environmental Quality Act; NOW Therefore be it resolved that the LCWA hereby: 1. FINDS that the actions contemplated by this resolution is exempt from the environmental impact report requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. FINDS that this action is consistent with the purposes and objectives of the LCWA. 3. Authorizes the Executive Officer to commit staff resources on negotiations for acquisition of the “Bryant” property in the City of Long Beach. Property Description: Assessor Parcel No 7237-020-053; 054. Property Owner: Bryant Dakin LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; Property Owner Negotiator: Steve Bryant. LCWA Negotiators: Mark Stanley, Luz Quinnell. Under Consideration: Price, terms, and as other agreements may be necessary and make necessary budget revisions 4. ADOPTS the staff report dated March 25, 2015. ~ End of Resolution ~ 5 Item 5e: Bryant Passed and Adopted by the Board of the LOS CERRITOS WETLANDS AUTHORITY ON March 25, 2015. ____________________________ Sam Schuchat, Vice Chair ATTEST: ______________________ Terry Fujimoto Deputy Attorney General 6
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