LEE COUNTY WOMEN’S TENNIS LEAGUE MEETING MINUTES May 5, 2015 The monthly meeting of the Lee County Women’s Tennis League officers held at Robb & Stucky was called to order at 2:32 p.m., Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The presiding officer was Marianne Crouch, Director. A quorum was present with attendance as follows: Present: Director Associate Director Secretary Treasurer Scheduler 4.0 Pres. 4.0 S/T 4.0- Pres. 4.0- V.P. 4.0- S/T 3.5 V.P. 3.5- Pres. 3.5- V.P. 3.5- S/T 3.0 Pres. 3.0 V.P. 3.0 S/T Marianne Crouch Maria Schmidt Jenny Clark-King Emalee Baldwin Sue Ann Fahnenstiel Denise Weisinger Kelly Bishop Jill Denson Maggie Simon Darlene Craig Lynn Feiner Karen Lookabaugh Karen Keeling Cindy West Karen Brady Kim Bauman Candy Gody 3.0- V.P. 3.0- S/T 2.5 V.P. 2.5 S/T Platinum (4.5) Pres. Platinum (4.5) V.P. Platinum (4.5) S/T Gold (4.0) V.P. Gold (4.0) S/T Cobalt (4.0-) V.P. Cobalt (4.0-) S/T Copper (3.5-) Pres. Copper (3.5-) V.P. Nickel (3.0) Pres. Nickel (3.0) V.P. Bronze (3.0-) Pres. Bronze (3.0-) S/T Sandy Stork Linda Semenek Barbara Terry Cathy Goeckel Ann Deming Tania Pleischl Barb Peirson Diane Prange Missy Beck Sharon Nelson De-De Stupp Linda Gardiner Pat Kemp Dorrie Hill Judy Begin Dorothy Walsh Helen Robinson Audrey Palmer Elery Shaw Beth Behrhorst Beth Behrhorst Kathy Karofsky Cathy Allen Marie Becker Anita Straney Norma Schuyler 3.0- Pres. 2.5 Pres. Gold (4.0) Pres. Cobalt (4.0-) Pres. Silver (3.5) Pres. Silver (3.5) V.P. Silver (3.5) S/T Nickel (3.0) S/T Karen McCarthy Karen Ulack Jan Gworak Diana Davis Elery Shaw Christina Cascio Nancy Bloomquist Yvonne DuBois Roberta DeMarie Copper (3.5-) S/T N/A Excused: Web Administrator Webmaster Database Coord. Dynamo Pres. Dynamo V.P. Dynamo S/T 4.0 V.P. 3.5 Pres. 3.5 S/T Absent: Bronze (3.0-) V.P. Meeting Minutes: written. Treasurer’s Report: The financial statement was distributed and reviewed by the league’s new executive treasurer, Emalee Baldwin. She reported that Helen Robinson, the outgoing executive treasurer, has completed the yearly audit and the records have proved to be correct going forward for our fiscal year beginning May 1, 2015. Welcome to New Officers: Marianne welcomed all new and returning division officers and asked that new officers remain for a short orientation to be held immediately after the general meeting. The new officer orientation, together with a website overview, will be repeated in October for those officers who were unable to attend this meeting. She welcomed the league’s two new senior divisions, Cobalt and Nickel, and thanked the officers for volunteering to help structure these two new divisions. The minutes from the April board meeting were approved as Promoting competitive women’s tennis in Lee County. . . . . LEE COUNTY WOMEN’S TENNIS LEAGUE Marianne introduced herself as new director, Maria Schmidt as new associate director, Emalee Baldwin as new executive treasurer and Jenny Clark-King as returning executive secretary. Marianne asked division officers to introduce their new officers and report a tentative number of teams for the new season. She reported that with 15 divisions in the league, only two vacancies remained. She expressed gratitude to the officers for their diligent networking to fill these positions so quickly. Division Reports: o It was noted by Marianne that this coming season the league will have four division presidents named ‘Karen’ and will be aptly named the ‘Karen Contingency’. o Each division reported the number of tentative teams for the upcoming season and several officers presented a written list of captains with their clubs who have been contacted. o During the Cobalt division report, De-De Stupp from Kelly Greens announced she would be the division’s new secretary-treasurer, therefore, leaving only one officer position open. o The Copper division continues to search for a secretary-treasurer. Linda Gardiner stated she will act as designated officer for both Copper and Silver. o The Nickel division reports the May agenda is incorrect, listing Judy Begin as Nickel president. Dorrie Hill and Judy Begin have switched officer positions – Dorrie will be president and Judy vice president. Jenny has made note of this correction for the meeting minutes. o It is noted there was no representation from the Dynamo division. Appeals Process Review: Marianne gave a report summary of appeals given for the upcoming season. The number of appeals were the same as last year – a total of 26. There were 11 approvals and 11 denials. Five of the appeals filed were considered invalid and were handled outside the appeals process. Two players wanted to play up and three filed unnecessary appeals. Registration Process: Marianne reminds officers that team registration is May 15 through May 22. Within the next week, Jenny will send officers last season’s user names and passwords. The officers will then distribute the captain user names and passwords ONLY. It is important to note NOT to inadvertently share your division password with your captains. A packet of registration forms was distributed prior to the meeting for the officers’ convenience. This packet included an updated Form 1A, Team Registration Instructions; Form 1B, Player Registration Instructions; Form 1C, Captains Worksheet and Recommended Playing Dates. Marianne explained that Form 1A has been revised slightly to include the co-captains information. Form 1B is in the process of being updated to include a player’s current USTA number, if applicable. Promoting competitive women’s tennis in Lee County. . . . . LEE COUNTY WOMEN’S TENNIS LEAGUE Marianne asked that officers review the Recommended Playing Dates and discuss with their captains prior to submitting their final schedule to Sue Ann Fahnenstiel, league scheduler. The deadline for submission to Sue Ann is June 10. Marianne emphasized that all league match play must be completed by April 1 and reminds officers that Easter falls on March 27. All registration forms will be placed on the front page of the website by May 14. Ad Hoc Committee to Review Future Direction of League: Marianne announced a new Ad Hoc committee will be formed in the fall to evaluate the structure of the league and to investigate long range planning. Topics for discussion will include, but not be limited to the budget, yearbook costs, member dues, scheduling, vendor contracts and the league’s rating system. League-Pro Meeting: Marianne announced at the semi-annual League-Pro Meeting held on Monday, April 27, a total of 12 pros and one pro representative attended. Highlights of the productive meeting included – players being rated appropriately, spectator disturbances, defaults, playing strength and the residency and ‘no coaching’ rules. At the end of the meeting, an evaluation was taken and the consensus was to continue having these meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 16. Officer Attendance: Marianne explained officer attendance at the monthly executive board meetings were of the upmost importance and required, as stated in our bylaws (Article V, Section 4). If you are unable to attend the meeting, officers should contact Jenny to ask for an excused absence. Your signature on the attendance form at the front table will inform the executive officers you were present at the meeting. Please be advised that three unexcused consecutive absences is reason to be removed from the executive board. Fall/Winter Captains Meeting Dates: As soon as you know when your Fall/Winter Captains meetings are scheduled, please contact Jenny with your dates. Communication Protocol: Marianne shared the executive board communication protocol while she is on vacation May 6 - 22. For any league questions, including registration issues, please email ALL executive officers, as well as Elery Shaw, Webmaster. Your emails will be fielded to the proper person. Senior Division Subs: Barb Peirson, Platinum secretary-treasurer, asked for an explanation on why the league doesn’t provide a provision for 4.5 and 4.5 minus rated players to sub for the Platinum division. Reference was made to the senior division sub chart on page 8 in the yearbook. Marianne explained changing the sub chart to include these players to sub for Platinum would be a rule change, and suggested a rules proposal suggestion be submitted to the Rules Committee. The 3.0 minus officers requested consideration from the executive board to allow rosters to be added back to the 2015-2016 yearbook. Marianne explained the Yearbook Committee spent many hours researching and discussing what was relevant and necessary to include in the book. At the March meeting, it was suggested officers email Marianne with feedback from their captains and players on this subject. Marianne reported she only received one verbal report to add the Promoting competitive women’s tennis in Lee County. . . . . LEE COUNTY WOMEN’S TENNIS LEAGUE rosters back and two emails - one to change back and one to remain the same. From that feedback, there clearly was not enough support to add the rosters back to the book. After some debate, it was suggested by the board to revise Form 6, Score Sheet, adding a space for the player and sub ratings. Monthly Drawing: This month Tania Pleischl received the gift certificate drawn at random from participating officers. The meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m. 2015 - 2016 Executive Board Meeting Schedule: All meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in the community room at Robb & Stucky. Date October 6, 2015 November 3, 2015 December 1, 2015 January 5, 2016 Date February 2, 2016 March 1, 2016 April 5, 2016 May 3, 2016 Respectfully submitted, Jenny Clark-King League Secretary Promoting competitive women’s tennis in Lee County. . . . .
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