European Conference on digital and key enabling technologies skills Enhancing Skills for competitiveness, growth and jobs How Grenoble Institute for Advanced New Technologies makes the link between Industry and Education in Nanotechnologies Francine Papillon CEA Grenoble GIANT Alliance KETs Summit Grenoble May 19, 2014 KETs & European Industrial Renaissance Which opportunities for entrepreneurs ? Monday, 1 June, 2015 - Brussels Grenoble: a historical high tech industrial area Lyon SOITEC PHOTOWATT Geneva METIS Chambéry INES TRONIC’S RADIALL ST MICROELECTRONICS Crolles THALES XEROX BIOMERIEUX Innovallée CAP GEMINI FT R&D SCHNEIDER ST MICROELECTRONICS MGE UPS Gardanne CMP Georges Charpak BD Nice SUN A history of success A continuing renewal of electric and electronics industries 1970 1925 1900 1869 A. Berges 1920 1960 Grenoble Innovation For Advanced New Technologies GIANT The model of MINATEC: Research, Education, Industry MINATEC: the model Research Industry Education Proximity and access to equipment, services, people : R&D, prototyping/demonstrators, higher education, industrial partnerships Transversal initiatives to create a campus life : Midi MINATEC, MINANews, conference office, JSIAM, Nano@School, MINATEC NANOLab etc… From MINATEC to GIANT a 250 hectare scientific centre within the city forged on the success of MINATEC a major urban transformation in addition to the scientific development GIANT today 6 000 researchers 5 000 industrial jobs 5 000 students 300 inhabitants GIANT tomorrow 10 000 researchers 10 000 industrial jobs 10 000 students 10 000 inhabitants 100 000 visitors annually 5 000 publications annually 500 patents filed annually €4 billion annual economic impact GIANT: Founding Members Academic Members Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (G-INP) Université Joseph Fourier (UJF) National Research Organizations Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) European Large-scale Research Facilities European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) Underpinned by local/regional/national/international authorities GIANT: Objectives to respond to major societal challenges : information, energy and health to remove barriers to create technological centres: MINATEC, GreEn, NanoBio three transverse centres: EPN Science Campus (EMBL, ESRF, ILL), Basic research (CNRS, CEA, G-INP, UJF …), Technology management (GEM) EPN Science Campus Large European scientific infrastructures MINATEC Information GreEn Energy NanoBio Biology / biotech Basic research Physics, cryogenics, instrumentation … Technology management GIANT alliance : to link industry, research and education An ambitious science and technology program Mutualized budget from each partner to support the GIANT transversal actions to organize the campus life Cooperative projects between GIANT partners and common response to national calls CPER (Contrats de Projets Etat-Régions): 2007 – 2015 Local authority funding for education / research infrastructures All GIANT partners CAMPUS (Opération Campus): 2008 – 2018 Renovation of university infrastructure Grenoble Université Alpes (G-INP, UJF, … , CEA) Investissement d’avenir: 2010 – 2020 French state investment – preparing the future Labex, Equipex, IDEX: GIANT partners – variable geometry NanoInnov - IRT (Institut de Recherche Technologique): IRT Nanoélectronique – Grenoble ranked no. 1 – 18 partners – 2012-2019 Education Program settled for responding to industry needs 9 GIANT strategy for Education GIANT Challenge Attract more students in science and technology Train a larger number of high educated students in new technologies Create new pedagogies Broaden the skill field Ensure occupational integration and adaptability Targets Primary and secondary students (and their teachers!) Under and graduate Students Technicians Professionals Internationals New skills and expertises 10 Nano@School : Nanotechnologies for Kids and their teachers 11 Nano@School : a successful enterprise A MINATEC priority project 400 high school students + 60 P&C teachers trained per year 40 faculty and staff members to run the program: preparation and training 336 labs' hours, plus coordination 150 k€ invested (2010 NanInnov) and 80k€ running costs A Board of Education project A chief education officer call: in September each year A teacher project: proposal submission, one day training at CIME Nanotech, new pedagogic approach A classroom project: a 7 week nanoworld investigation including in the midterm the MINATEC experimentation A model for GIANT Synchrotron@School, Innov@school ... 12 Training future engineers to Printed electronics Printed electronics Process Good cost/performance ratio Organic, printed (materials transfer), flexible and large surfaces Various techniques: inkjet, serigraphy, flexography, gravure printing Numerous applications: antennas, transistors, capacitor, battery, diodes electroluminescent diodes, photovoltaic cells its development is favored by a recent trend of "smart" objects with integrated electronics Grenoble INP new curriculum (PAGORA) 22 students / year 50 hours courses, Semester 4 Electronics (fundamentals) Materials for PCB electronics Applications Labs on inkjet and serigraphy processes 2015 Industry award from the Confluences Institute to ISORG for the creation of this curriculum Training future managers to Innovation and technology Nanovalor : from innovative technologies to Market Value A GEM / CEA LETI joint programme Based on 75 innovative technologies developed by CEA Mission : combine each innovation to new usage likely to generate market Value and sustainable Business The purpose : develop knowledge and skills in Innovation Marketing based on Real Case studies (Learning By Doing) Produce Market Research for the benefit of CEA Advanced Master in MTI : benchmarking Nanoelec World Industry ecosystems 1 week Learning Trips in Top 5 Nanoelec World locations (Tsukuba, Séoul, Dresden, Louvain…) 3-step training module : Before Trip : analysing Grenoble Ecosystem specificities During Trip : meeting R&D and Strategy Top managers in major Industries, Labs and Universities After Trip : positioning Grenoble and underlining its strength and weaknesses; presenting Student Work to Industrial Community players Continuing Education : from Technician to Technical Manager Technical Manager : Grenoble INP / GEM joint program To get a combination of skills : Science & Engineering and management Requisite : technical bachelor + 3 years of professional experience Promotional evolution in the company A new curriculum 650 hours courses, 22 months, 3 days/15 days (block-release training) Sept 15, 2014 – Feb 20, 2016; defense April 2016 ; 20 students Courses: GEM : Personal development, team building, project management GINP : Microelectronics and applications, Energy systems’ efficiency and applications Large Instruments Charachterization and Training Objective : promote the use of scientific instruments for industrial R&D by developing training offer to characterization academic training : students in engineering 50% graduate students end up in R&D 25% start a phD program professional training: engineers or qualified technicians Partners: ILL, ESRF (very large facilities) and CEA (nanocaracterization platform) G INP (PHELMA) and GEM for academia Neutrons, e, ions and X-rays are good for business N, e, ions and X contribute to the entire innovation and product development chain: idea → prototype/demonstrator → product → financing → commercialisation Can provide key information/knowledge beyond that available in industrial labs Experiments/measurements are fast (time = money) Provide a competitive advantage Optical image X-rays Neutrons 16 Large Instrument Characterization and Training 2014-2015 : New curriculum for students Familarize future engineers to fine caracterization techniques using VLI Physics – Nanosciences Labs @ ESRF : Extended X-ray absorption fine structure Labs @ ILL : Neutron reflectometry for thin films characterization Labs @ LETI : X-ray photoelectron spectrometry Energy & nuclear Labs nuclear instrumentation @ ILL Functional Advanced Materials & Engineering Matrials synthesis and characterization @ ESRF Professional training La science rencontre l’industrie autour des Plateformes de caractérisation grenobloises: journée d’échange April 3 2014, ILL Grenoble 17 Junior Scientist & Industry annual meeting Connect GIANT Junior Scientists to Industry professionals Specify the type of PhD. appointments in a company 2015: KPMG, NMR Bio, Xerox, Solvay 2014: Saint-Gobain, STMicroelectronics, Inlab, bioMérieux, Valoridoc 2013: CTP, Cabinet Nony, GEM, Schneider Electric, ABG com 2012: Screen Solar, ILL, Movea, GEM, STMicroelectronics 2011: R3Logic, Crocus Technology, Biomérieux, Soitec 2010: Schneider Electric, PX'Therapeutics, Pole Emploi 2009: ST, ImmunID Technologies, MEDEF, Minalogic 15 seconds video clip to convince ! CVs and face to face discussions Award ceremony of the 3 best clips Group discussion & Entrepreneurship interactive session matching MSc Entrepreneur students from GEM with junior scientists to come up with an elevator pitch for their product / start-up Real opportunities for industrials and grads students! Very attractive concept for industry professionals Direct and rapid access to Junior Scientist pool Skill presentations and career discussions CV data base Successful event: strong messages (create a start up after the thesis IS possible), job offers, post doc positions MINATEC NanoLAb : a service to support foreign industrial and economic development 20 21
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