Attach Your Photo here DEVELOPING TOMORROW͛^>Z^dKz NAME: SCHOOL: WŝĐƚƵƌĞzŽƵƌƐĞůĨ,ĞƌĞ͙ Download this application at:‐leadership/ APPLICATION Please submit one photograph with this application. Submit complete application by Friday, March 20, 2015. Application be submitted via email to Or by US mail to Lafayette Junior Leadership c/o One Acadiana, 804 East Saint Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70503. PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name: Home Address: City: Zip: Phone: Email: Preferred Name/Nickname: Gender: Birthplace: Race: Birthdate: Parents/Step-parents names: SCHOOL Name of Current High School: Other High Schools Attended: Main Area of Interest in Studies: Organizations/Activities: List in order of importance to you²School, Volunteer Religious, Sports, or other activities or organization in which you have participated during the last four years. Organization/Activity Year Position Held Hours of commitment per month CIVIC ACTIVITIES A. In what civic/church/community activities do you participate outside of school? B. What do you consider your most important achievement thus far? C. Please list any recognitions, special awards or honors for community, school, church, or academic activities you have received. WORK List any work experience, paid or volunteer, and briefly discuss what it involved. GENERAL INFORMATION A. List three reasons why you want to participate in Lafayette Junior Leadership. B. List three current significant problems facing Lafayette Parish today. C. List a solution to at least one of the problems you listed in B above. D. Name three of the most notable and meaningful opportunities that you believe Lafayette has to offer. E. What are two important problems facing WHHQDJHUVLQWRGD\¶VVRFLHW\" F. What are your long-range goals? What role do you see for yourself in seven years (whether in school, business, politics, community, family)? COMMITMENT To complete the Lafayette Junior Leadership program, a participant is required to commit to attend the following sessions during the course of the year: Opening Retreat (1 Full Day) Required* ± August 16, 2015 Eight (8) Sessions ± September-April, 2ND Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted Graduation ± May 13, 2016 *You MUST attend the Opening Retreat in order to participate, no exceptions. An orientation will be held before the end of the 2015 school year to introduce the students to one another and explain the program rules and logistics. Details about the opening retreat will be provided at this time. Attendance is mandatory for all sessions. Excused absences are limited to one session OR two half days and must be documented by parents and school faculty. If more than one session OR two half days are missed, participant will not be allowed to continue program or graduate from LJL. Tuition will not be refunded. TUITION Tuition for the program is $150.00 per participant. Scholarship applications are available and will be considered for students in need of financial assistance. Tuition is due upon acceptance into the program. If tuition is not paid in full by the retreat, the student will be removed from the class. Applications are due Friday, March 20, 2015. Please submit via email to or by US mail to: Lafayette Junior Leadership c/o One Acadiana, 804 East Saint Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70503. AGREEMENT Student/Parent Commitment: I agree to the attendance policy and commitment. As parent of the applicant I (we) approve of my (our) FKLOG¶Vparticipation and commitment to Lafayette Junior Leadership. __________________________________________ 6WXGHQW¶VVLJQDWXUH ____________________________________________ 3DUHQW¶V, 3DUHQWV¶RU*XDUGLDQ signature School Commitment: This student, ____________________________, has approval from this school to participate in Lafayette Junior Leadership Program. Authorized Signature/Title/ Date REFERENCES Two references are required. Please give one reference form to your high school principal or counselor. Have the second reference form completed by any adult who knows the student well, other than a parent or relative. Example: a teacher, scout leader, church youth leader, etc. It is WKH VWXGHQW¶V UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR LQVXUH WKDW ERWh reference forms are delivered on time. Application and references are due by Friday, March 20, 2015 to or by regular mail to: Lafayette Junior Leadership, 804 East Saint Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70503. 1. Name of Principal or Counselor: Telephone: Mailing Address: Email Address: 2. Second Reference: Mailing Address: Email Address: Telephone: REFERENCES 6WXGHQW¶V1DPH Last First Middle School: To the Reference: The student named above is an applicant of Lafayette Junior Leadership. The Selection Committee assigns considerable weight to the statements made by the references of the applicant. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. Please submit via email by March 20, 2015 to or by US mail to: Lafayette Junior Leadership c/o One Acadiana, 804 East Saint Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70503. Your Name: School/Firm/Organization: Position/Title: Email Address: Phone: Mailing Address: A. For how long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? B. :KDWGR\RXFRQVLGHUWKHDSSOLFDQW¶VSULPDU\ talents and strengths? C. What do you consider his/her chief weaknesses? D. Please use the scale below to compare the applicant with other high school sophomores you have known. 7UDLWźź 5DQNLQJŹŹ Character Dependability Leadership Potential Initiative Ability to work with Others Maturity Oral communication skills Persistence and Drive Interest and Community Affairs Problem Solving Excellent Average Poor Unable to Judge REFERENCES 6WXGHQW¶V1DPH Last First Middle School: To the Reference: The student named above is an applicant of Lafayette Junior Leadership. The Selection Committee assigns considerable weight to the statements made by the references of the applicant. The committee is aware of the time necessary to prepare such an assessment and gratefully acknowledges your help. Please submit via email by March 20, 2015 to or by US mail to: Lafayette Junior Leadership c/o One Acadiana, 804 East Saint Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70503. Your Name: School/Firm/Organization: Position/Title: Email Address: Phone: Mailing Address: A. For how long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? B. :KDWGR\RXFRQVLGHUWKHDSSOLFDQW¶VSULPDU\WDOHQWVDQGVWUHQJWKV" C. What do you consider his/her chief weaknesses? D. Please use the scale below to compare the applicant with other high school sophomores you have known. 7UDLWźź 5DQNLQJŹŹ Character Dependability Leadership Potential Initiative Ability to work with Others Maturity Oral communication skills Persistence and Drive Interest and Community Affairs Problem Solving Excellent Average Poor Unable to Judge
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