the physician siqr,:t;smedicine Reprinted with permission from McGraw-Hili, Inc. VOL. 20/N02/FEBRUARY 1992fTHE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE © McGraw-Hili, Inc. 1 Vol 20 • No.2. February 92 • THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE Conservative Treatment of Inflamed Knee Bursae G. Charles Roland, MD Murray J. Beagley, MB, ChB Patrick W. Cawley, OPA, RT n ~ Knee bursitis often mimics other pathologies, making correct di agnosis necessary to initiate ap propriate treatment. Most commonly af fected are the prepatellar, pes anserine, tibial collateral ligament, and two infrap atellar bursae. Other common bursitic conditions include Baker's cysts and posttraumatic adventitious hemorrhagic bursitis. Most of these can be treated conservatively with aspiration of fluid from the bursa, rest, ice, immobilization, and injection of a corticosteroid and analgesic combination. Some chronic bursitic conditions may require surgical excision of the bursa. brief any disorders involving the flexor and extensor mechanisms of the knee and associated bursae are be ing seen because the growing munber of athletes tend to place high levels of stress on their knees. These bLUsitic conditions can be characterized both by etiology (acute overuse, chronic overuse, traumatic, or infective) M Dr Roland is in private practice with the Orthopaedic Multi specialty Medical Group of San Diego. He is a clinical in structor in the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of California at San Diego, an orthopedic consultant at Point Loma College, and medical director of Bayside Sports Medicine Clinic, all in San Diego. Dr Beagley is a research scholar at the Orthopaedic Multispecialty Medical Group of San Diego. Mr. Cawley is director of research for Don Joy Co. in Carlsbad, California. The stress of repetitive kneeling leads to a relatively high incidence of prepatellar bursitis among wrestlers. THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • Vol 20 • NO. 2. February 92 bursitis en patient, routine x-rays of the affected joint can generally distinguish them from the types of bursitis that more commonly affect athletes. Note that not all knee bursae are affected by bur sitis' but knowing the location of all the bursae may aid diagnosis in those often affected. Prepatellar Bursitis Acute Nonpyogenic. Commonly known as Figure 1. The clinical appearance of prepatellar bursitis in a 17-year-old male wrestler. Figure 2. Surgically exposed prepatellar bursa of a 20-year-old college wrestler. and by location. Most often bursitis can be treat ed conservatively in a physician's office. Howev er, familiarity with the anatomic positions of the commonly affected bursae is essential to cor rectly diagnose and treat the condition (see "Identifying Bursae," page 72). Other conditions that must be differentiated from bursitis, such as crystal-induced bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, other chronic inflammato ry arthritides, and tumors or foreign bodies'" are seldom seen in young, otherwise healthy ath letes. If these conditions are of concern in a giv coal miners, carpet layer's, or housemaids knee, acute nonpyogenic bursitis of the prepatellar bursa develops in response to frictional stress di rectly over the bursa, such as that caused by repetitive kneeling. It is common among wres tlers and trampolinists (figure 1).3.5.7 Patients who develop acute nonpyogenic prepatellar bursitis generally present with ten derness and swelling directly over the patella. They have decreased range of motion of the knee because pain limits movement as the skin tight ens over the patella during maximum flexion.e.9 Pyogenic. Pyogenic bursitis of the prepatellar bursa develops as a result of penetrating or in tegumental injuries, including recent aspiration of the bursa. The patient's history can thus alert the physician to the diagnosis. Patients who have pyogenic prepatellar bur sitis present with red, tender swelling directly over the patella, and occasionally with associat ed cellulitis. Patients may also have inguinal lymphadenopathy. Old wounds, puncture sites, or abrasions may be evident. Pyogenic bursitis may be indistinguishable clinically from non pyogenic bursitis; thus, microbiological study of the aspirate is necessary. Treatment. Using aseptic technique and a wide-bore needle, phYSicians should initiate treatment for prepatellar bursitis by aspirating the fluid-filled bursa. In nonpyogenic bursitis, the aspirate is a clear, serouslike fluid. Following aspiration, physicians can inject the bursa with a combined corticosteroid and local analgesic, and prescribe rest, ice, compression, and eleva tion, which can be augmented with a posterior splint or knee immobilizer. In pyogenic bursitis, the aspirate is cloudy and viscous. Culture of this fluid is always indi cated. Commonly, the pathogen is staphylococ cus; streptococcus is involved less frequently. Vol 20 • No. 2' February 92 • THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE bursitis Because penicillin-resistant bacteria may be in volved, physicians should treat these infections with a penicillinase-resistant penicillin until an tibiotic sensitivities are available. If a patient's pyogenic bmsitis does not re spond to antibiotics, or the bursa is extremely large, open drainage with excision of the bmsa maybenecessruy 3.,Q." (figme2). Chronic Inflammatory PrepateUar Bursitis. Chronic inflammatory prepatellar bursitis may result from repeated episodes of nonpyogenic prepatellar bursitis or from a single resolved episode of pyogenic bursitis. Repetitive mild traumas or previous infection cause thickening of the bmsal wall. According to Sharrard,'2the surrounding vas cular network bleeds into the blll'Sa, resulting in distention. However, the aspirate is often serous, without evidence of blood staining. A normal bursal wall has a characteristic frond pattern and synovial lining containing secretory cells (figure 3). Histologically, we (G.C.R.,M .J.B., P. Wc.) have been unable to demonstrate secre tory cells in chronically inflamed bmsallinings (figme 4). We speculate that distension is caused by transudation of fluid from tissue surrounding the bursa. Many patients feel little or no pain, and thus do not seek medical attention until the bursa has become grossly distended. They present with large, fluctuant, nontender masses directly over their patellas. These masses may extend several inches up the thigh or several inches down the anterior proximal tibia. Treatment. Initial trea tment for chronic prepatellar bursitis involves aspiration of fluid from the bmsa and injection of a corticosteroid to reduce the inflammatory reaction. Compres sion may help limit further distention of the bur sa. Repetitive aspirations may be necessruy. If this conservative approach fails, surgical excision of the bursa is indicated. Quayle and Robinson" have described a smgical procedme in which only the posterior wall of the bursa is removed, preventing the skin from sticking and scarring to the underlying tissue. This procedure is easier to perform than excision of the entire bursa, and it is less traumatic for patients, resulting in fewer complications. In Figure 3. Histologic specimen of normal bursal wall with characteristic frond patterns and synovial lining. Note the secretory cells (arrow). Figure 4. Histologic specimen of excised posttraumatic hemorrhagic bursal wall. As in other types of chronic bursitis, secretory cells are absent. \ the senior author's (G.C.R.'s) experience, this procedure gives excellent results, and leaving the anterior wall of the bursa intact does not appear to predispose patients to recurrence of bursitis. Following the operation, the surgeon should institute suction drainage and prescribe a posterior extension splint to immobilize the knee for at least 10 to 14 days. To help prevent recurrent chronic prepatellar bmsitis and the other prepatellar bmsitis condi tions, physicians should recommend that pa tients use protective knee pads. THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • Vol 20 • No.2' February 92 ., bursitis Infrapatellar Bursitis Infrapatellar bursitis may involve either the superficial infrapatellar bursa or the deep infra patellar bursa. Superficial InfrapateUar Bursitis. Bursitis of the superficial bursa, like that of the prepatellar bursae, develops following repetitive mild trau ma, such as kneeling on the bursa. In contrast to the theory that the most consistently occurring bursae develop during fetal life, Sharrard 12 has postulated that the superficial infrapatellar bur sa is not an inborn structure, but one that devel ops only in response to repetitive kneeling. Un like prepatellar bursitis, though, infrapatellar bursitis usually arises from kneeling in an up right position and therefore is commonly known as vicar's knee. Generally, it heals well with com pression and ice packs and does not require complete immobilization or drainage. Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis. Bursitis of the deep infrapatellar bursa may follow direct trauma over the patellar tendon, such as striking the knees on a hard surface during a fall. This bursitis may be difficult to distinguish clinically from posttraumatic rupture of the patellar tendon or hemorrhage into the retropatellar fat pad. Pa tients who have these conditions all have pain and tenderness over the patellar tendon, and they are unable to fully flex or extend their knees. MRI is frequently necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Frictional or overuse injuries may also cause deep infrapatellar bursitis, which is then charac terized by pain deep in the patellar tendon just proximal to its insertion on the tibial tuberosity. Fluid accumulation in the bursa may cause the sac to bulge on either side of the patellar tendon. The symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease and patellar tendinitis may closely mimic those of frictional or overuse deep infrapatellar bursi tis. Osgood-SdJ.latter disease may in fact coexist with the bursitis. Radiography, which can dem onstrate tibial apophysitis and residual ossicles present in the tendon, may help establish the di agnosis. Distinguishing patellar tendinitis from deep infrapatellar bursitis is difficult, although patients with the latter condition generally feel pain deep to the tendon. Identifying Bursae Bursae are closed sacs or cystic spaces lined with a synovial membrane that closelyresem bles that found in synovial joints. The anatom ic locations of the knee bursae vary-as do the descriptions of their locations. Some bursae are inconSistently found; some frequently form communications with adjacent bursae or co alesce to form larger sacs. 1-4 Bursae that occur most consistently devel op during fetal life and are found interposed between tendon or ligament sheaths and bony prominences. These bursae, which promote joint mobility and protect adjacent muscular and skeletal tissues by reducing friction, 1 7 in clude bursae located circurnferentially around the knee joint. Anterior Bursae. Three bursae are located on the anterior aspect of the knee: the large prepatellar bursa, which lies between the patella and the skin, is the most commonly in volved in bursitic conditions. The second, the small superficial infrapatellar bursa, lies be tween the skin and the proximal portion of the patellar tendon. The third, the smaller deep in frapatellar bursa, is found between the distal patellar tendon and the proximal tibia (figures Aand B). Lateral Bursae. Four bursae commonly oc cur on the lateral aspect of the knee: The first lies on the posterolateral aspect of the knee be tween the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the joint capsule. This bursa normally communicates with the knee joint. Two other bursae are located along the fibular collateral ligament. One lies between this ligament and the biceps tendon; the other lies between the ligament and the popliteal tendon. The fourth laterally occurring bursa lies between the popliteal tendon and the lateral condyle of the femur. Medial Bursae. Four bursae commonly oc cur on the medial aspect of the knee: The first Vol 20 • NO.2. February 92 • THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE Illustrations: © 1992. Mary Albury-Noyes lies between the medial head-of the gastrocne mius and the capsule. This bursa sometimes includes an extension between the tendons of the gastrocnemius and the semimembranosus muscles. The second, the pes anserine bursa, . lies between the tibial collateral ligament and the tendon insertions of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles. The third lies be tween the tibial collateral ligament and tendon of the semimembranosus. The fourth, the tib ial collateral ligament bursa, lies just beneath the tibial collateral ligament and directly over the medial meniscus. Occasionally people . have a fifth bursa lying between the tendon of the semimembranosus and the semitendi nosus muscles. Bursae not fOlmd conSistently include ad ventitious bursae, which may develop later in life in response to major trauma or to friction or microtrauma over a bony prominence such as a large exostosis. In fetal life, the suprapatellar bursa is sepa rate, but after birth, it develops into an exten sion of the synovial cavity. Thus, it is more cor reet to refer to this entity as the suprapatellar pouch or suprapatellar rejlexion. Femur , Suprapatellar pouch Prepatellar . bursa . Posterior joint space Patellar tendon Semimembranosus bursa Superficial infrapatellar bursa Medial -----+i~ meniscus Deep infrapatellar bursa GastrOGA..mius --+!!!f!:lI!1 muscle -;;'-+--,--,-'~ Tibia Figure A_ Sagittal section of the knee through the medial femoral condyle showing the positions of the commonly occurring bursae. Gastrocnemius muscle References 1. Brantigan OC, Voshell AF: The tibial collateralliga ment: its function, its bursae and its relation to the medial meniscus_J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 1943;25 A(l): 121-131 Semimembranosus muscle 2. Goss CM (ed): Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, ed 29. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1973, p 353 3. Kulund DN: The Injured Athlete. Philadelphia, JB lippincott Co, 1982, pp 373-374 4. O'Donoghue DH, Allman FL: TI·eatment oflnjuries to Athletes, ed 4. Philadelphia, WE Saunders Co, 1984, pp 466,475 5. Buckingham RB: Bursitis and tendinitis. Compr Ther 1981;7(2):52-57 6. Dodson CF Jr: Common peri-patellar inflammato ry conditions. J Arkansas Med Soc 1979;75(9):330 332 7: Justis JE: Affections of muscles, tendons, and asso ciated structures, in Edmonson AS, Crenshaw AH (eds): Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, ed 6. St Louis, CVMosbyCo, 1980, pp 1404-1410 Figure B. Anteromedial view of the knee showing the positions of the commonly occurring bursae. THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • Vol 20 • No. 2' February 92 bursitis If fluid accumulatian daes cause the bursa to' bulge, the physician shauld aspirate the fluid and inject a cambined steroid-Iidacaine medi catian into. the bursa. Fallawing injectian, hawever, a certain amaunt af steroid may be absarbed into' the tendan itself, leaving it vul nerable to' rupture. Therefare, patients shauld avaid for 2 weeks any activity that may put un due stress an the patellar tendan. Pes Anserine Bursitis Althaugh physicians mast aften see pes anserine bursitis in alder, abese patients, it is be caming mare camman amang yaunger peaple, particularly in runners. The pes anserine bursa's pasitian an the anteromedial aspect afthe knee, just beneath the pes anserinus tendans and aver the tibial attachment af the tibial collateralliga ment, subjects it to. heavy frictianallaads during activities such as running. This is particularly true for patients who. have flatfaat and genu val gum, canditians that result in excessive prona tian and valgus stress at the knee. Running an crowned hills ar roads may alSo. exacerbate the problemY· I. To. establish a diagnasis af pes anserine bursi tis, physicians must distinguish the canditian fram a partial tear af the tibial attachment af the tibial callateralligament. Patients who. have ei ther canditian repart paint tenderness aver the proximal metaphyseal regian. Hawever, a pa tient who. has pes anserine bursitis shQuld nat feel increased pain when valgus stress is applied to. his or her knee at 30° flexian. Treatment. To. treat pes anserine bursitis, physicians shauld inject a carticasteroid and a lacal analgesic directly into. the bursa and pre scribe ice therapy. Larssan and Baum13 have sug gested that Iidacaine alane be injected first, fal lawed by a mixture af anesthetic and carticasteroid if symptams persist. Surgery is rarely required. Hawever, patients shauld rest their knees until all symptams resalve; this farm afbursitis may easily became chranic. Tibial C611ateral Ligament Bursitis Patients who. have tibial callateralligament bursitis present with tenderness aver the tibial callateralligament at the jaint line, clasely mim icking symptams assaciated with a medial meniscus tear. Accarding to. Kerlan and GI<;lUS man,!5physicians shauld cansider a diagnasis af tibial callateralligament bursitis when a patient has these symptams withaut a histary af trauma to. the knee. Treatment. To. treat tibial callateralligament bursitis, inject Iidacaine cambined with a steroid directly into. the bursa, then encaurage a gradual return to. full activity. When uncertain af the di agnasis in a patient who. has the typical symp tams, the seniar authar fallaws this treatment first but proceeds with arthrascopy if treatment is unsuccessful. Bakers Cyst A Baker's cyst traditianally has been cansid ered a herniatian af the synavial membrane at the pasteromedial aspect af the knee caused by an increase in intra-articular pressure (figure 5) . Hawever, it naw appears that distensian af the bursa(e) assaciated with the gastracnemius and semimembranasus muscles is the same canditian as Baker's cyst.' This distentian may result fram inflammatary jaint disease, degener ative jaint disease, a meniscus tear, ar a cangeni tal defect. A ane-way valve mechanism may be at wark, allawing fluid into the cyst but prevent ing it from returning to. the knee jaint. The pumping actian af muscles while running ag gravates this problem, literally pumping fluid in to. the cyst. Marked fluid distentian may result and may lead to. nerve and vessel impingement. Or the cyst may rupture, causing swelling and inflammatian in the calf that resemble the clini cal symptams af deep vein thrambasis. Baker's cyst and deep vein thrombasis may caexist. A venagram is aften necessary to. distinguish the pathalagies. A physician may demanstrate a cammuni cating Baker's cyst simply by injecting radi apaque dye into. the patient's knee jaint (fig ure 6). A cammunicatian is best seen after the patient has exercised the knee jaint. When a patient presents with a large, saft mass an the pasteriar aspect af his ar her knee, alSo. laak for papliteal aneurysm ar saft-tissue Vol 20 • No. 2· February 92 • THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE bursitis tumor. These conditions are easily differentiated by ultrasound or MRl. However, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis of a soft-tis sue tumor. Treatment. Aspiration and injection of a cor ticosteroid is the first line of treatment for a Bak er's cyst, but the results are usually disap pointing. Physicians must take care to avoid neurovascular structures when aspirating the fluid and injecting the medication. Treatment of a chronic Baker's cyst caused by meniscal pathology requires correction of the underlying lesion. Meniscal derangement can cause increased synovial fluid production, re sulting in increased intra-articular pressure. The latter, in turn, can cause herniation through the posteromedial capsule. Arthroscopic correction of a meniscal tear is often sufficient to normalize intra-articular pressure. If cysts persist despite correcting the underly ing pathology, physicians can excise them and carefully close any communication with the knee joint. Postoperatively, physicians should immobilize patients' knees in a slightly flexed position for 3 to 4 weeks. The patient should then begin a gradually progressive rehabilitative program to restore strength and range of motion. For congenital Baker's cysts in children, ob servation may be the best treatment; many re solve spontaneously. Femur r~r:;-: I~~-::" Gastrocnemius muscle (medial head) .' Baker's cyst Figure 5. Cross-sectional view of the knee showing a common location for a Baker's cyst. Hemorrhagic Adventitious Bursitis As stated previously, adventitious bursae are commonly found between bony prominences and overlying soft tissue where friction is great: for example, bursae seen in hallux valgus. Ad ventitious bursae may also form in the anterior knee region between the skin and the extensor mechanism following direct blunt trawna and secondary organization of large hematomas. Generally, hematomas undergo organization, ly sis, and resorption by the body. However, hema tomas around the knee undergo these changes less readily than in other anatomic locations, possibly because they are less exposed to sur rounding absorbent tissue and to the circulating flow of blood. Following direct blunt trauma to the anterior Figure 6. A bursagram can demonstrate communication between a bursa and the knee joint. Here no communication is apparent. THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • Vol 20 • No. 2' February 92 .. bursitis Direct, blunt trauma to the knee, such as that incurred in a collision or fall, may cause posttraumatic hemorrhagic adventitious bursitis. knee, blood pools between the skin, the superfi cial fascia, and the fascia investing the extensor mechanism, particularly the retinaculum. A large volume of this organizing clot may dissect the fascia, forming a cleft. Repeated flexion and extension of the knee can propel the clot cir cumferentially within the cleft, where it develops a thick fibrous capsule or pseudosheath around itself, forming a bursa. IS-I S With subsequent mi nor trauma, the newly developed adventitious bursa may become more distended, probably as a result of further hemorrhage into the bUrsa or transudation of fluid from the surrounding tis sue. 12 The pseudosheath lining, like the inner bursal lining in chronic bursitis, does not con tain any secretory cells. Generally, traumatic bursae do not commu nicate with the joint, although one communi cating traumatic bursa has been reported. 19 Ra dioactive dye injected into the bursa and then seen within the joint indicates disruption of the underlying extensor mechanism. Treatment. Early treatment of acute posttrau matic hemorrhagic adventitious bursitis involves sterile aspiration and ice therapy to prevent fur ther bleeding and movement of the pooled blood. Thepatient's knee should be compressed and placed in a knee immobilizer in extension for 1 to 2 weeks until healing is complete. For patients who have chronic posttraumatic hemorrhagic adventitious bursitis, the first line of treatment should be aspiration followed by injection of corticosteroids. If the fibrous sheath has formed and fluid remains, surgical excision may be indicated. Following excision, the physi cian should place a suction drain for 24 to 48 hours and immobilize the patient's knee in a posterior splint in extension for at least 2 weeks. In-Office Treatment Most of the bursitic conditions that com monly affect athletes can be treated in the office with aspiration, corticosteroids, and immobi lization. Specific treatment depends on the etiol ogy and pathogenesis of the condition. However, initial diagnosis is paramount: Prompt, effective treatment yields gratifying results at a low cost and with little morbidity to the patient. It also prevents the need-for further invasive proce dures. P9\II Address correspondence to G. Charles Roland, MD, Or thopaedic Multispecialty Group of San Diego, 3565 Del Rey St, Suite 302, San Diego, CA 92109. Vol 20 • No.2' February 92 • THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE r bursitis References 1. EllmanMH: Diagnosis and management of bursitis. ComprTher 1984;10(8):14-20 2. Lagier R, Albert J: Bilateral deep infrapatellar bursitis associated with tibial tuberosity enthesopathy in a case of juvenile ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatol Int 1985;5(4):187-190 3. Mysnyk MC, Wroble RR, Foster 01; et al: PrepateUar bursitis in wrestlers. Am J Sports Med 1986;14(1):46 54 4. Taylor PW: Inflammation of the deep infrapatellar bursa of the knee. Arthritis Rheum 1989;32(10): 1312-1314 5. Buckingham RB: Bursitis and tendinitis. Compr Ther 1981;7(2):52-57 6. Cabaud HE: Nonligamentous problems-of the ath lete's lmee. Prim Care 1984;11 (1):89-100 7. Thun M, Tanaka S, Smith AB, et al: Morbidity from repetitive knee trauma in carpet and floor layers. Br J Industr Med 1987;44(9):611-620 8. Canoso JJ: Intrabursal pressures in the olecranon and prepatellar bursae. J Rheumatol 19S0;7(4):570 572 9. Smillie IS: Injuries of the Knee Joint, edA. Edin burgh, Churchill livingstone, 1970, p 358 10. Ho G Jr, Tice AD, Kaplan SR: Septic bursitis in the prepatellar and olecranon bursa: an analysis of 25 cases. Ann Intern Med 1978;89(1):21-27 11. Quayle]B, Robinson MP: An operation for chronic prepatellar bursitis. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 1976;58 B(4) :504-506 12. Sharrard WJ: Aetiology and pathology of beat lmee. Brit J Industr Med 1963;20:24-31 13. Larsson LG, Baum J: The syndromes of bursitis. Bull Rheum Dis 1986;36(1):1-8 14. Marquis AM: Pes anserine bursitis. ONA Journal 1978;6(10) :418-419 15. Kerlan RK, Glousman RE: Tibial collateral ligament bursitis. Am J Sports Med 1988;16(4):344-346 16. Eskeland G, Eskeland T, Hovig T, et aJ: The ultra strucnue of normal digital flexor tendon sheath and of the tissue formed around silicone and polyethyl ene implants in man. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 1977; 59(2):206-212 17. Gelfand G, Birarenstock H: Hemorrhagic bursitis and bone crisis in chronic adult Gaucher's disease: a case report. Arthritis Rheum 1982;25(11):1369-1373 18. Vecchione TR!'Persistent post-traumatic pseu dosheath formation secondary to a movable orga nized blood cloo-JTrauma 1977;17(6):481 -482 19. Smason JB : Post-traumatic fistula connecting prepatellar bursa;with lmee joint: report of a case. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 1972;54(7):1553-1554
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