Community Leadership Development Program Application 2015-2016 LEADERSHIP VICTORIA’S APPLICATION PROCESS 1) Submit the Application Form with the following information: Applicant Commitment Form Employer Commitment Form Letter of Support Résumé Response to Interview Questions 2) Be prepared for an interview in July/August to discuss your application and responses 3) Pay tuition fees upon confirmation of your application into the program (August) 4) Plan to attend an Orientation Session on August 26 or September 3. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS TO: Program Assistant Leadership Victoria 306 - 620 View Street Victoria, BC V8W 1J6 Email to: Phone: 250-386-2269 / Fax: 250-386-2279 1 APPLICATION FORM – PART 1 You can print and complete this form and mail or deliver it to Leadership Victoria. Or you can SAVE AS a file on your computer (Rename it (your) Last Name First Name). Enter your answers in each of the blank spaces-which will expand to accommodate your text. Attach the saved file to your email and forward to Leadership Victoria. Last Name First Name Home Street Address City Postal Code Home Phone Cell Phone Preferred Email Employer Employer Address/Postal Code Work Phone Work Fax Position Please indicate ( or ) the sector you represent, based on your employment/volunteer history: Corporate/Business Government Not-for-Profit Faith Community/Association Community Labour Education Other Please Specify Please indicate how you heard about the Leadership Victoria program: Employer LV Alumni Friend Online Promotion Print Promotion Other Please Specify 2 Do you know other individuals or employers that might be interested in this program? Name Name Phone Phone Email Email (Please note we will only use this information to contact individual(s) about our program) APPLICATION FORM PART 2 Please submit the following documents with your Application form. If you are emailing Part 1 of your Application, please scan these documents, name each one so they include your Last Name First Name, and include in your email. . 1) A letter of support (including contact information of the signatory) from a professional mentor, community volunteer, employer, or personal acquaintance, other than a family member, who is able to attest to your: professional and/or community involvement/leadership suitability/readiness for the program Please note that Leadership Victoria may contact him/her for further information. If your employer is sponsoring or partially sponsoring your tuition, this letter may come from their representative. 2) Your personal commitment and, if applicable, your Employer's Commitment [see Applicant and Employer Commitment Forms] 3) Your current résumé. 4) Your responses to the Part 3: Interview Questions. [see Interview Questions Form] 5) If applicable, please provide a brief statement outlining your need for financial assistance, including the amount you are requesting. Please include the amount your employer/organization is able to contribute, and the amount you are able to contribute. 3
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