to Coast for a Cure 10TH ANNUAL text Coast to Coast For A Cure June 2015 – August 2015 Lea’s Foundation is excited to present the 10th Annual Coast to Coast for a Cure. from the west coast to the shores of Connecticut. They will bicycle nearly 4,ooo miles and through 14 states to raise money and awareness for this tragic disease. COAST TO COAST FOR A CURE SPONSOR LEVELS PRESENTING SPONSOR EQUIPMENT SPONSOR BIKE SPONSOR $20,000 $15,000 On line Brochure Logo Print Brochure Logo Rider’s Jersey Logo Rider’s Blog Logo Website and Facebook Logo Logo Promotional T-shirts Adopt A Rider $10,000 FOOD/LODGING ALL CYCLIST SPONSOR $35,000 FOOD/LODGING ONE CYCLIST SPONSOR $5,000 AIR TRAVEL SPONSOR $2,500 Logo Logo Logo Name Name Logo Logo Logo Name Name Logo Logo Logo Name Name Logo Name Name Logo — — Logo — — — — — — — — email for more info. Red Sponsor White Sponsor Blue Sponsor Star Sponsor Stripe Sponsor Flag Sponsor Guardian Angel $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $250 $200 $100 Please allocate my donation to the following cyclist n Alex Blanchette n Erin Gombos n David Lam n Thomas Presti n Emily Roblee n Alex Tansey n Carolyn Tusa DONATIONS TO LEUKEMIA RESEARCH Sponsorship Deadline: Monday May 18th, 2015 PAYMENT INFORMATION n MC n Visa n Credit Card n Please Send Invoice n Amex n Discover Coast to Coast for a Cure Coast to Coast for a Cure 2015 n Please accept a donation directly to Leukemia Research in the amount of $___________________________ n Check Enclosed 522 Cottage Grove Rd., Bldg. H, Bloomfield, CT 06002 Seven first year medical students from UCONN will embark on this extraordinary journey CVV# ____________ 3 or 4 digit number on back of card Card #______________________________ Exp. Date_________ Name on card ___________________________________________Email _____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Please make checks payable to “Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research, Inc. “or” LFLR” Please return this form and direct questions to : Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research, Inc. Jaime Trajcevski 197 Brace Road, West Hartford, CT 06107 • 860-280-8371 • All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Lea’s Foundation is a 501(c)(3). Tax ID #06-1520923 America in support of Lea’s Foundation P P P MEET THE CYCLISTS Alex Blanchette grew up in Glastonbury, CT and graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2012 with a degree in Biological Sciences. As a first year medical student at UConn, he enjoys playing soccer, running, and mountain biking in his spare time. Alex enthusiastically looks forward to his participation in the 10th annual Coast to Coast ride with Lea’s Foundation. Erin Gombos grew up in Norwalk, CT and graduated from Assumption College with degrees in Chemistry and Molecular Biology. She spent two years after college performing research at the National Institutes of Health studying Pediatric Oncology. She is now a first year medical student at UConn School of Medicine. Erin played lacrosse in college and started competing in sprint triathlons. She is excited to take part in the Coast to Coast ride for Lea’s Foundation. David Lam grew up in Madison, CT and graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2013, with degrees in Political Science and Public Health. He is currently a first year medical student at UConn School of Medicine. David enjoys working out, watching and playing sports, playing his cello and saxophone, and cooking when he’s not cramming for school. He is extremely excited about the opportunity to help support Lea’s Foundation this year and is looking forward to the unique chance to bike across the United States with his peers. Thomas Presti grew up in Madison, CT. and graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2013 with a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. He is currently a first year medical student at UConn School of Medicine. Tom enjoys sailing and skiing with his free time, and is looking forward the coast to coast ride in support of Lea’s Foundation. P P P Alex Tansey grew up in Southbury, CT and graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2013 with a degree in Biomedical Engineering. Alex loves to spend winters snowboarding and summers surfing. He is excited to put the boards away and spend his upcoming summer riding across the country with his fellow first year Medical Students to raise money for Lea’s Foundation. Carolyn Tusa grew up in Ridgefield, CT and graduated from Wesleyan University in 2014 with a degree in Neuroscience and Molecular Biology. Carolyn is now a first year medical student at UConn and is interested in primary care and family medicine. In spare time, Carolyn enjoys hiking,triathlons, and yoga and is very excited to journey across the country for the Coast to Coast ride this summer to support Lea’s Foundation. Emily Roblee is from Bedford, NH and graduated from Providence College with a degree in biology. She is now a first year medical student at the UConn School of Medicine. Emily enjoys running, hiking, and outdoor adventures of all kinds and is excited to undertake this cross-country biking adventure in support of Lea’s Foundation. Coast to Coast for a Cure The Foundation is excited to present the tenth year of Coast to Coast for a Cure, an extraordinary journey of three University of Connecticut Medical Students who will make their way from San Francisco to Connecticut on bicycles to raise money for our cause. They will travel almost 4,000 miles through 14 states to reach their goal of raising $50,000. Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research, Inc. Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research was formed in 1998 to honor the memory of Lea Michele Economos who lost her battle with leukemia at age 28 after an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant. Since the inception of Lea’s Foundation, millions of dollars have been raised to help others celebrate life and to raise money for those suffering from leukemia and other blood-related disorders. Additionally, the Foundation seeks to increase public awareness of these cancers and to provide patients and their families with limited direct financial assistance. Where Your Money Goes • Help underwrite the Saint Francis Mount Sinai Regional Cancer Center. These funds will have a profound effect on patients and their families and will be utilized to coordinate and support participation in clinical trials to test recently discovered new drugs. •H elp support clinical trials conducted on leukemia patients mostly under the age of 15 at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Coast to Coast for a Cure
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