LEBANON FARMERS’ MARKET 2015 Main Season Vendor Application This summer marks the thirteenth year of the Lebanon Farmers’ Market. This year will be the first year that we have capped the size of the market to 55 spots. We will have six double booths, 27 booths for agriculture, 16 booths for prepared foods, 5 booths for crafts, and 1 booth for body work/ health vendors. We also provide 2-3 spots for local non-profits to share information. Agricultural Vendors: Each season, we invite and welcome new agricultural vendors to apply to the market. The market has a desired ratio of 55% agricultural vendors. In an effort to recruit specialty products and expand the product offerings at the market, we are continuing with the cooperative booth vending option for agricultural vendors. Vendors who sell products that are not already sold at the market will be given the option of cooperative selling. How it works: a current vendor can agree to sell a specialty product for another vendor (milk, soft cheese, yogurt, fish, etc.). The producer of the specialty product will be required to attend the market and meet customers at some point during the summer. All cooperative booth items will be reviewed by a product committee before the product is accepted into the market. Prepared Food Vendors: The Lebanon Farmers’ Market has become a destination for unique prepared foods. In an effort to continue to support local agriculture and offer healthy choices for customers, we have a number of guidelines for prepared food vendors. 1) Prepared food vendors are asked to use 25% local ingredients and advertise this on their product. Vendors preparing their own agricultural products (for instance, pulled pork sandwiches made from vendor’s own pork) will be given first precedence at the market. If vendors cannot use local products, they will be given a booth only if space allows. New this year: vendors are required to list the local producers they source with signage at their booth. Bring a sign with you each market, or label your products directly. 2) Easy Choices Program – The Lebanon Farmers’ Market is continuing to partner with UVHEAL to make more healthy food choices available to shoppers. Vendors selling dinner food items are invited to provide at least one menu item that meets “Easy Choices” standards for diet and nutrition. Signage and menu support will be provided by UVHEAL. UVHEAL will be contacting vendors directly regarding this program. 3) Drinks – Vendors must list their drinks as a separate item on the application. There will be a limit on beverages sold at the market - not all vendors will have the opportunity to sell drinks. Drink choices will be made based on authenticity of the ingredients used. No mixes or instant beverages are allowed, and we do not want any duplicate drinks (for instance, we will only accept one lemonade vendor, one tea vendor, etc.). Soda and bottled water are not permitted to be sold. 4) We have a no-competition clause for certain prepared foods. This allows for the market to promote specialty items. These decisions are made by the market manager and the market review committee and do not apply to all products. Craft Vendors: All items must be hand crafted by you. We will accept crafters on a case-by-case basis, giving precedence to traditional craft forms and products using agricultural materials. Any crafter who can provide craft demonstrations will also be given preference. All applications should expect at least one week for product review. Body Work Vendors: Vendors offering massage or other body work are invited to apply to the market. There is one booth for this type of vendor, and all vendors will be part-time at the market, allowing for multiple businesses to access the market throughout the summer. All vendors must be licensed in the State of NH. MARKET PROGRAMS EBT/Debit and Veggie Dollars: the market will promote Debit and EBT (federally issued foodstamps) at the market with a central market terminal. In addition, the market supports a Double Value Coupon Program, called Veggie Dollars, which matches EBT dollars spent at the market. Customers shopping with their EBT cards will be eligible to receive up to $10 in matching funds to spend on fruits and vegetables at the market. Vendors can accept the tokens and redeem them for cash. Reimbursements will be made the following week. Local foundations, as well as the market’s Water Promotion will raise funds to support this benefit. This program is subject to the availability of funds. Art at Market: again this year, on nice days EVA gallery will be setting up stations for children to create art! Music Series: we will have weekly musicians playing as well as the Recreation department will have their Front Porch Music series following the market during the summer. Healthy Eating Programs: I am working with the NH Food Pantry to hold cooking classes and EBT market tours during the market hours. More information is coming. MARKET DATES The Market runs rain or shine! All vendors are expected to attend the markets they register for. Please call ahead at least 24 hours before the market in order to cancel a space. The 2015 season will begin Thursday, May 21 and end Thursday, September 24, for a total of 19 weeks. The market is scheduled to take place Thursdays from 4 to 7 pm, as before. There is a $10 non-refundable application fee for all vendors. Sign up and pay membership fee on or before April 1: Full season (19 weeks), $10/week plus $10 application fee = $200 total per season. Partial season (over 4 weeks), $12.50/week plus $10 application fee. Sign up and pay membership fee after April 1: **subject to space availability** Full season (19 weeks), $12.50/week plus $10 application fee = $247 total per season. Partial season (any number of weeks), $15/week plus $10 application fee. NEW VENDORS – If you are applying to the market before April 1, please return the completed application with ONLY the $10 non-refundable application fee. Remaining $190 or $12.50 per market will be due upon acceptance to market. Vendor Decisions: Market applications for full-time vendors are due by April 1. A review committee will meet to jury the vendors and the final decisions will be announced by April 15. SPRING KICK-OFF MEETING New this year we will have a spring kickoff meeting on May 14, 2015 at 5pm (location to be announced) mandatory for ALL market vendors. We will be reviewing the market map, rules, and new token reimbursement system. More details coming. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Lindsay Smith, Market Coordinator 603-448-5121 or 603-306-7927 www.lebanonfarmersmarket.org lindsay.smith@lebcity.com or info@lebanonfarmersmarket.org LEBANON FARMERS’ MARKET 2015 Main Season Vendor Application SECTION 1- BASIC INFORMATION All vendors please fill out Farm / Business Name___________________________________ Returning Vendors- Please fill out section 1 and section 3 in full. Indicate No Change or list any NEW products or changes from last year in the section 2. New products are subject to approval. Contact Name(s)________________________________________ Additional Names of those selling at market ______________________________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Town/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ Email______________________________ Is email a reliable way to reach you?_____ Website___________________________________________________ Booth Size Request (same price) 10x10_____ 10x20_______ Booth # request (see map)_____ Same spot? _______ Preference for booth size and location goes to returning vendors. Vendors keeping same place will have preference over those requesting to move. Market manager has final decision. New Vendors: Please provide a picture of your booth. Electricity use- Please indicate the proper category (a surcharge for electricity is being added this year) ___ Full Season Vendor: Add ___ Partial Season Vendor: $3.00 ___ No Electricity $40.00 per market Please provide proof of product liability insurance: The Lebanon Farmers’ Market is covered by a limited liability insurance plan. The insurance does not cover product liability for individual vendors. Insurer______________________________________ Policy #_______________________________________________ The market season is Thursdays, May 21 - September 24, 4 - 7 p.m. Fees are as indicated below. Fees are due day of market. Vendors may pay in full or partially ahead of time. All fees owed are due by the end of market season. Vendors owing fees will not be permitted to apply to future markets until debts are satisfied. Please indicate your schedule preference: ____Full Season, discounted rate of $200 ($10/week plus $10 application fee) DUE in full by April 1 ____Full Season, regular rate of $247 ($12.50/week plus $10 application fee) – stall fee payment received after April 1 ____Partial Season, discounted rate ($12.50/week plus $10 application fee) DUE in full by April 1 ____Partial Season, regular rate ($15/week plus $10 application fee) stall fee payment received after April 1 Partial Season Vendors, please list date requests: (application void if left blank) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spring Kick-off Meeting: May 14th at 5pm. Location to be announced. Meeting is mandatory. SECTION 2- PRODUCT INFORMATION All new vendors MUST fill out in full. Returning vendors please list NEW products No Change in products (returning vendors only) In the following section, please indicate the percentage of your products that fall under each category. Please include a detailed description of your products- attach extra sheets as needed. You are only permitted to sell products listed on your application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Products MUST follow our producer-only guidelines. The market manager has the right to veto any products that do not comply with our rules or standards. 1) Agricultural Products ________ % (items are considered agricultural if they are farm products or are made/produced from farm products – ie, soap, wooden cutting boards, etc are counted as agriculture if produced from your land) Full description of products : __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Prepared Food Products ________ % Are you using 25% local products? Yes____ No ____ Full description of all prepared food products: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If some of your prepared foods are dinner items, you will be invited to participate in the “Easy Choices” program that Lebanon Farmers’ Market is partnering with this summer). Do you plan to sell a drink? Yes___No___. ________ % Please describe the drink and list drink ingredients: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Craft Products ________ % Full description of all products: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are your crafts made from local/agricultural/natural products? (ie wood, clay, wax). Yes____ No ____ Please describe what your products are made of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ New vendors please include a photo of your work. 4) Body Works ________ % Full description of what you plan to offer at the market: (Note – this booth is for part-time vendors only. Please indicate your date choice above). __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 3- Market Contract Business Name_______________________________________________ I hereby apply to become a vendor at the LEBANON FARMERS’ MARKET for the main market season 2015. As a vendor of the LEBANON FARMERS’ MARKET, I agree that prior to offering any products for sale at the market, I am/will become familiar with the Market Rules (found at http://lebanonfarmersmarket.org/vending.htm ) and agree to comply with the provisions of these documents. Each vendor is responsible for any licensing or certification required for your products that are sold. I further agree to pay the market both the annual application fee and all space rental fees as required. I understand that individual product liability insurance is my responsibility. I do hereby release the LEBANON FARMERS’ MARKET, the market coordinator, and the City of Lebanon from liability due to my product(s). _________________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Print name signed above Applications and application fees must be postmarked by April 1, 2015 Make checks payable to: CITY OF LEBANON SEND TO: Lebanon Farmers’ Market c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks Department 51 North Park Street Lebanon, NH 03766
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