Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Issues in Airway Inflammation, continued PULMONARY INVOLVEMENT IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE Carlo Lombardi, MD, FCCP; MA Vitto, MD*; P Cesari, MD. Unit and *Gastroenterologic Section, Dept. of Inter¬ Pneumoallergologic nal Medicine, Sant' Orsola Hospital, Brescia, Italy Purpose: Respiratory involvement in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been reported mainly since 1976. This form of extraintestinal manifestation should clearly be separated from interstitial disease due to sulfasalazine or mesalamine. A variety of respiratory lung disorders have been described including pulmonary vasculitis and apical fibrosis. Bronchial involvement (chronic suppurative bronchitis, bronchi¬ ectasis) have been noted. We report the data of 46 consecutive patients (M:26; F:20; mean age: 40.6 yrs; onset of IBD:9.0 yrs) with ulcerative colitis observed in our who developed varied bronchopulmonary problems. Hospital Results: In most cases bronchopulmonary involvement followed the onset of IBD. Respiratory involvement could be grouped into 3 clinico¬ disease: chronic bronchitis, asthma, pathologic categories: (1) airway bronchiectasis; (2) serositis; (3) interstitial lung disease. Smoke exposure was seen in 21.7% of patients. IBD therapy was taken in 53% of patients. Conclusions: We observed a high prevalence of bronchopulmonary diseases in ulcerative colitis. Clinical Implications: These findings suggest that in patients with ulcerative colitis the pulmonary involvement may be important. EFFECT OF INHALED NEDOCROMIL OR BUDESONIDE OR IN COMBINATION ON BHR IN COUGH ASTHMATICS Seung Hyug Moon, MD, YH Kim, MD, HT Kim, MD, SY Ki, MD, SW Jung, MD, CS Park, MD.Dept. of Internal Medicine. Soonchunhyang Univ. College of Medicine, Chunan, Korea Purpose: To evaluate the time course of BHR and 'symptom score' to a different inhaled anti-inflammatory therapeutic modalities, according and an efficacy of nedocromil and its synergistic effect on inhaled budesonide in cough asthmatics, and the parameters which impact on the therapeutic response of BHR in cough asthma. Patients and Methods: A prospective study for investigation the time course of BHR and symptom score in 54 cough asthmatics was performed. 22 patients entered the budesonide (400 |xgX2/d), 17 entered the nedocromil (4 mgX2/d), and 15 entered combined group. The BHR was estimated by PD20 via methacholline challenge test using counted breath method. The symptom was estimated by symptom score. Reevaluation of BHR and symptom score was performed at 8 wks after inhaled treatment, and if PD20 was not normalized at this time, follow-up of that was at 16- and/or 24-wks after inhaled treatment. performed Results: The percentage of patients with normalized PD20 after 8 wks treatment was not different in each group (p=0.57). The improvement of BHR and symptom score in patients with not-normalized PD20 at 8 wks in each group was significantly increased (p<0.05), but there was no significant change of BHR during follow-up 16- and 24-wks after treat¬ ment (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in the degree of percent increase of BHR in each group (p>0.05). In comparison of allergic markers, such as serum IgE, peripheral eosinophil count, and skin test reactivity between normalized and not-normalized after 8 wks treatment, there was no significant difference in each other (p>0.05). In symptom duration, age, and initial PD20 value, there was a significant difference in each other (p<0.05). Conclusions: The response to use of a combination of inhaled budesonide and nedocromil for the treatment of cough asthmatics is not superior to that achieved by either of these agents used alone. Clinical Implications: Either inhaled budesonide or nedocromil alone can be effective as a therapeutic modality on cough asthma. LARGE AIRWAY DISEASE ASSOCIATED WITH INFLAMMA¬ TORY BOWEL DISEASE Avrum Spira, MD; R Grossman, MD, FCCP; M Baiter, MD, FCCP. Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Methods: We reviewed the cases of seven IBD patients who were referred to the respirology department at a tertiary care hospital with new, and unexplained symptoms of respiratory disease. persistent Results: The presenting respiratory complaint in all 7 patients was a chronic productive cough. The onset of respiratory symptoms followed the diagnosis of IBD by an average of 12 years (range, 3 months to 35 years). patients were ultimately diagnosed via computed tomography (CT) of the chest with bronchiectasis, while the remaining 2 were with chronic bronchitis. 5 patients were non-smokers and only diagnosed one of the remaining two patients had a significant smoking history. None of the patients had a significant history of childhood pneumonia or other or gastroesophageal reflux. Bronchoscopy was lung disease,on sinusitis 4 patients and was unremarkable in all but one who performed demonstrated airway inflammation. Sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage cultures were negative, except in 2 patients who grew Haemophilus Three patients were given therapeutic trials of oral steroids, infiuenzae. and all experienced a dramatic improvement in their cough. Conclusion: Chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis are rare pulmonary that should be considered in IBD patients devel¬ complications of IBD and oping new, persistent unexplained respiratory symptoms, particularly chronic productive cough. Chnical Implications: IBD patients developing new respiratory symp¬ toms may warrant early work up for large airway disease (with CT scan and pulmonary function tests), along with a therapeutic trial of oral steroids. The precise incidence of IBD-associated lung disease is currently Five scan being investigated prospectively in our institution. Issues in Asthma MANAGEMENT OF STEROID-DEPENDENT ASTHMA WITH METHOTREXATE: A META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIALS Shawn D Aaron, MD; RE Dales, MD; B Pham.Ottawa General Hospital, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada determine whether methotrexate is an effective steroidObjective: To for with severe asthma. sparing agent Data patients Sources: Published reports of controlled trials assessing the use of methotrexate in asthma were identified by a search of the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Current Contents databases. Bibliographies from identi¬ fied studies and from review articles were manually searched. Published and unpublished reports in any language were identified and assessed for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Study Selection: Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials in which low-dose methotrexate was administered to corticosteroidand oral steroids were subsequently tapered dependanttoasthmatics, the patients' clinical status. according Data Extraction: Data were extracted independently by two review¬ ers. For all eligible trials, the mean reduction in oral corticosteroid dose, the mean change in FEVl5 and the standard deviations, were calculated for the treatment and control groups. Data concerning side effects of were also extracted. therapy Data Synthesis: Data from 12 studies, reporting on a total of 250 patients, were pooled using a weighted average method, with weights of the variance of the treatment effect. proportionalto to the inverse the use of methotrexate was associated with a Compared placebo, 6.0% improvement in FEVX (95% CI, 1.0% to 11%) and an 18.2% pooled reduction in oral steroid use (95% CI, 11.7% to 24.7%). This corre¬ to a 3.3 mg/day greater reduction in oral steroid use for patients spondedmethotrexate than for those taking placebo (95% CI, 2.1 to 4.4 taking This estimate was when parallel studies were analysed mg/d). from crossover unchanged studies in a sensitivity analysis. Minor gastroin¬ separately testinal complications and transient increases in liver enzymes were more common in patients randomized to methotrexate. Three potentially side-effects (2 pneumonias and 1 liver dysfunction) life-threatening occurred in 159 patients randomized to methotrexate vs. none in those patients on placebo. Purpose: Lung disease is a rare complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We report a series of 7 patients with IBD who subse¬ quently developed large airway disease of unexplained etiology. Conclusions: Methotrexate allowed a modest reduction in oral corti¬ costeroid compared to patients receiving placebo. The benefit is relatively small, however, and should be balanced against the potential for sideeffects associated with the use of methotrexate. 110S Abstracts of Original Downloaded From: http://publications.chestnet.org/ on 06/11/2014 Investigations, CHEST 1997.Poster Presentations Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Issues in Asthma, continued EFFECT OF SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE TO VAPORIZED IN¬ CENSE ON EXPIRATORY FLOW RATES OF ASTHMATICS Badr R Al-Ghamdi, FRCPC, FCCP; Lo Nwoye, PhD.King Saud University, College of Medicine, Abha, Saudi Arabia Purpose: Oud is an incense commonly used at social gatherings in Saudi Arabia. It emits a pleasant smell when vaporized and is frequently inhaled. This study was performed to determine the effect of such inhalation on expiratory flow rates in patients with bronchial asthma (B.A.). Methods: 27 Duration and B.A. were individually exposed to Oud. of exposure were similar to those which obtain at patients with manner social gatherings. Spirometry was performed before, immediately after, and 40 minutes after exposure. A control group of 23 normal volunteers was similarly studied. Results for timed expiratory volume (FEVj, peak and mid-maximal expiratory flow rate expiratory flow rate (PEFR)Deterioration (MMEF25.75) were analysed. by 15% or more was consid¬ ered significant. Results: Immediately after exposure, 12 B.A. patients (57%) showed deterioration in MMEF25_75 as compared to only 3 subjects significant (13%) in the control group. This was statistically significant (P<0.05). A similar statistically significant difference was observed in the proportions of patients versus controls who showed significant deterioration of MMEF25.75 40 minutes after exposure. However, no significant differ¬ ences were observed for FEVX and PEFR. Conclusions: Short-term exposure to Oud can be considered as a trigger for an early asthma response. Chnical Implications: This is the first report to document that this incense is a trigger for an early asthma response. Asthmatics particular should be informed to avoid exposure to Oud. CORRELATION BETWEEN CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS AND BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE IN ASSESSMENT OF ASTH¬ MATIC COMPONENT IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OB¬ STRUCTIVE LUNG PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) Kumar Ashutosh, MD; RE Hutchison.VA Medical Center and SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse, NY, USA To correlate a clinical diagnosis of asthmatic component in Purpose: with COPD with T-cell markers of asthma in fluid obtained by patients bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Methods: T-cell subsets and CD4+/CD8+ T-cell ratio were analyzed in BAL samples in 17 and 4 patients with COPD and 4 subjects with and without COPD. Patients were divided clinically in two groups, those with asthmatic component (A) and those without (C). Results: Groups A and C included 9 and 8 patients respectively. CD4+ and CD3 were higher in A (0.272±0.189 and 0.408±0.257 respectively) than in C (0.077±0.076 and 0.194±0.179; P<.05). Furthermore CD4/ CD8 ratio was higher in A than C (x2=7.91, P<.01). Conclusions: Clinical diagnosis of asthmatic component in patients with COPD is associated with cellular markers of asthma in BAL. Chnical Implications: Chnical features in patients with COPD can be used to diagnose presence of immunologic markers in BAL suggestive of asthmatic component and could guide therapeutic considerations. A DOUBLE-BLIND COMPARISON OF INHALED BE¬ CLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE AND TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE IN ASTHMA Edwin Bronsky, MD1, P Korenblatt2, AG Harris*, R Chen*. *ScheringPlough Corp Phase IV Research Unit, Kenilworth, N.J. 1Salt Lake City, Utah. 2St. Louis, Missouri Purpose: To compare beclomethasone dipropionate MDI (BDP) 336 with triamcincolone acetonide MDI (TA) 800 meg/day in meg/day with The TA asthma. BDP was administered without a patients spacer. inhaler has a built-in, small-volume (113 mL) tube extender. Methods: This 56-day, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, study was conducted at 16 centers in 329 patients with placebo-controlled mild to moderately severe asthma (FEVX 50% to 90% of predicted). FEVX was the primary efficacy measure. Other efficacy measures were FEF25%. 75%, FVC, and morning and evening PEFR. Results: At endpoint both active treatments were significantly superior to FEVX. Mean increases in FEV1 were significantly placebo inBDPmean versus TA (day 28). Differences between active treat¬ greater for mean increases in FEF25%_75%. Pairwise significant for PEFR showed BDP to be significandy morning superior to placebo at weeks 3, 4, 6 and at endpoint. Pairwise differences between the active treatments were significandy better for BDP at endpoint for mean evening PEFR. BDP was significantly superior to TA for FVC (days 28 and 56). Significantly fewer adverse events occurred with BDP (8.2%) and TA (15.1%) than with placebo (22.3%; P=0.013). The evidence of adverse events, including oropharyngeal events, was similar in the two active treatment groups. Conclusion: BDP MDI 336 meg/day is at least as effective, and similar in safety, to TA MDI 800 meg/day, with its built-in tube extender. Chnical Implications: Inhaled BDP and TA are safe and effective at their recommended daily doses. BDP may provide a clinical advantage in some efficacy measures. TA with its tube extender offers no clinical advantage versusaBDP. from Shering-Plough, Inc. Supported by grant ments were not differences in mean UNCONTROLLED OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION AND CARBON DIOXIDE RETENTION IN ASTHMA Jason W Chien, MD; RA Ciufo, MD; ME Skowronski, RRT; ER McFadden, Jr, MD.University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, USA JA Nelson, CRTT; Purpose: It is generally assumed that uncontrolled administration of oxygen (Os) to acutely ill asthmatics is without hazard. It is possible that individuals with severe obstruction may retain carbon dioxide (C02) when 100% 02. This study was undertaken to test this hypothesis. given Methods: Acutely ill asthmatics were recruited in the emergency department. Arterial blood gases (ABG) were drawn and measurements of one second forced expiratory volume (FEV1) were obtained before and after the administration of 100% 02 for 20 minutes. Selected subjects were restudied after their episode resolved. Results: Data were collected on 27 volunteers. Pre-100% Oa FEVL 1.46±0.13 (SEM) L (53.3±4.4 percent predicted) and remained averaged constant throughout the study. The mean baseline ABG values were: units; PaC02=35.6±l.l mmHG; PaO2=70.7±2.7 mm pH=7.44±0.01100% 02, there was a linear inverse relationship between Following Hg. the initial FEVX and the development of C02 retention (r=0.66; p<0.0004). The lower the FEVl5 the greater the rise in PaC02. In patients with an FEV1 <35% predicted, the PaC02 rose on average 4.4 mm Hg, and in those subjects with a normal or high PaC02, frank respiratoiy failure developed. In restudied patients, the effect of 02 administration as the acute obstruction resolved. disappeared Conclusions: The administration of uncontrolled oxygen to acutely ill asthmatics with severe airway obstruction may cause retention of C02 and frank respiratory failure. precipitate Clinical Implications: This form of treatment is not innocuous, and can no longer be recommended. It represents an unrecognized cause of pulmonary insufficiency that may result in unnecessary admis¬ iatrogenic sions to intensive care units and unwarranted ventilatory support. INFLUENCE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND ACQUIRED FAC¬ TORS ON BRONCHIAL HYPERRESPONSIVENESS IN ASTH¬ MATICS MP Foschino Barbara, O Resta, S Talamo, G Pietrafesa, G Legari, V Mastrosimone, V Laera.Respiratory Disease Chair, University of Bari, Italy Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of risk factors (atopy, sex, airway infections and cigarette smoke) on bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BH) we studied 500 asthmatics (188F, 312M) aged 16-65 years. Method: All patients were submitted to clinical-anamnestic examina¬ tion, prick-test, Rast for common inhalant allergens and Bronchial Provocation Methacoline Test (BPTm). Results: Our results show an increased frequence of asthma in males 16-30 years, while females show a higher frequence of asthma in aged adult age (30-40), more high than males also aged 40-65 years correlated to predominant role of sexual hormones in women. In our study the subjects are prevalently non-smokers (78.85%) probably for natural selection associated to asthmatic disease. The analysis of relation between smoke and sex show a higher number of smokers among males aged 40-65 years, while females are smokers between 20-40 years. The correlation among smoke, sex, respiratory infections doesn't show significant differ¬ ences among sexes. Respiratory infections appear to interest smokers, CHEST/112/3/SEPTEMBER, 1997 SUPPLEMENT Downloaded From: http://publications.chestnet.org/ on 06/11/2014 111S Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Issues in Asthma, continued demonstrating predisponent role of smoke as aggravating disease factor in asthmatics. The 54.72% of our sample resulted atopies with higher frequence prevalently in males (68.38%). Females show a higher inci¬ dence of intrinsic asthma probably related to sexual hormones role and vagal hypertone. BH is more represented in atopies with intense response to methacoline in perennial atopies. BPTm resulted positive in 56.30% without significant differences between sexes, also if females seems to have a more intense response in comparison to males. Smokers showed an increased BH; atopies presented a correlation more evident between smoke and BH showing intense response to methacoline. Several studies demonstrated that asthma is acquired disease, while genetic factors seem to be important determinants but not basic. Conclusion: Our data confirm the role of constitutional and acquired risk factors in the asthma pathogenesis. Results: Both groups displayed a highly significant improvement in starting at 1 hr & continuing even at 24 hrs. All asthmatics who were earlier refractory to Beta2 agonists responded very well to steroid therapy irrespective of the delivery system used. Conclusions: Corticosteroids improve the bronchodilator response of Beta2 agonist in acute asthma, both immediately & after a prolonged administration. Clinical Implications: Steroids are mandatory in acute asthma partic¬ in subjects refractory to Beta2 agonists. Oral steroids are preferrable ularly to IV steroids as they are simple to administer & cheap, except in drowsy SPRAY PLUME CHARACTERIZATION OF A NEW CFC-FREE PROPELLANT METERED-DOSE INHALER Brian J Gabrio; DJ Velasquez; RA McNally.3M, St. Paul, MN, USA THE PREVALENCE OF ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COPD, AND IMPAIRED LUNG FUNCTIONS IN ADULT POPU¬ LATION IN THE FINNISH LAPLAND JLAKotaniemi*, A Sovijarvi0, M Nieminen***, B Lundback** and Hos¬ Laitinen.*Lansi-Pohja Central Hospital, Finland; °University^Na¬ Helsinki, Finland; ***University Hospital, Tampere, Finland; pital, tional Institute for Working Life, Umea, Sweden Purpose: The purpose was to determine and compare the spray characteristics between albuterol metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) using conventional chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellant and one formulated with an alternative CFC-free propellant, HFA-134a. The characteristics measured were maximum impact force, total spray momentum, spray duration, and plume temperature. Methods: A customized computer data acquisition system measured and analyzed the dynamic spray characteristics as the MDI was fired at a 4.5 cm square plate that was 5 cm from the mouthpiece. Results: The results show that CFC-propellant formulations produce a force, larger total spray momentum and a lower higher maximum impact spray temperature than the CFC-free product (N 15 for force data and N 10 for temperature data). = = Max. Impact Force, mN CFC/albuterol A CFC/albuterol B CFC-free/albuterol CFC/albuterol A CFC/albuterol B CFC-free/albuterol 82.1±3.5 95.4±7.8 25.5±4.3 Momentum, SpraymN sec . 6.4±0.1 6.9±0.2 2.2±0.3 Minimum Spray Temperature, °C Duration, msec Spray -25.7±9.4 -29.1±7.4 8.5±3.5 192.1±18.7 178.9±7.7 195.4±19.6 PEFR subjects. Purpose: The FlNEsS-study is an epidemiological respiratory survey in FiNland, Estonia and Sweden. The aim is to assess the prevalence of asthma, chronic bronchitis, respiratory symptoms, allergy, bronchial hy¬ perreactivity and impaired lung function values in the 20-69 years old population. Methods: In Finland the study is carried out in the southwest and central Lapland and the city of Helsinki. Studies using the same methods are done simultaneously in four other centers in Sweden and Estonia. The whole population in the southwest and central Lapland is about 140,000 20-69 years of age. In November 1995 a people, or them about 90,000 are I) was sent to randomly chosen 8.005 persons postal questionnaire (phase in ages 20-69 years living in the study area, response rate was 85%. The FinEsS questionnaire is based on IUATLD, BMRC and OLIN question¬ naires and contains questions about heredity, respiratory symptoms, asthma, chronic bronchitis, symptoms in special circumstances, smoking habits and profession. In the phase II randomly chosen 1230 responders from the postal study are invited to clinical study which consists of interviews and questionnaires, pulmonary function tests and bronchial tests and PRICK-tests for type-1 allergy. hyperreactivity Results: Prevalences from postal study and 382 persons studied in the phase II: Current asthma Symptomatic chronic bronchitis COPD Conclusions: The computerized data acquisition system is a useful tool to investigate the dynamic characteristics of metered-dose inhaler sprays. The CFC-free MDI produces a softer, warmer spray than that produced the CFC formulations. byChnical Implications: This experimental apparatus simulates an MDI spray striking the back of a patient's throat. Spray force and temperature are relevant as they are the main determinants of the cold freon effect. Supported by 3M Pharmaceuticals. STEROIDS IN ACUTE ASTHMA: A COMPARISON OF TWO DELIVERY SYSTEMS U Gollapalli, R Ranjit, S Nabar, S Pednekar, S Tamane, A Paidhungat, FCCP.Nair Hospital, Mumbai, India Purpose: Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory condition & early steroid administration becomes the mainstay of treatment. We compared the effects of Oral & I.V. steroids in acute asthma. Methods: Forty severe asthmatics (PEFR<100/min), not responding to adequate bronchodilators (nebulised salbutamol & I.V. Aminophylline) and who had not received steroids earlier participated in the study. were excluded. Subjects with complications or concomitant diseases X (n=20) received oral Subjects were categorised into two groups. Group prednisolone (0.6mg/kg/day) Group Y (n=20) received IV Hydrocortisone 3 mg/kg bolus followed by a 24 hour infusion of 0.5 mg/kg/hr. Bronchodi¬ lators were continued in both the groups. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) was recorded at Vfe, 1, 3, 6, 12 & 24 hrs. 112S Downloaded From: http://publications.chestnet.org/ on 06/11/2014 Airways obstruction 5.4% 8.9% 6.0% 28.9% Conclusions: The prevalence for asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD and airways obstruction seems to be higher compared to former studies in Finland. From the results can be estimated that the rate for undiagnostised sub-clinical asthma and COPD are both about 10% in adult population in the Finnish Lapland. GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE AMONG PATIENTS WITH ASTHMA TREATED WITH HIGH DOSE OF INHALED CORTICOSTE¬ ROIDS Hani Lababidi, MD; R Basir, MD; V Subramanian, MD; A Lalani, MD; L Shapiro, MD; T McGarry, MD.Divisions of Pulmonary Medicine and Endocrine, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, New York Medical College, The Bronx, NY Purpose: High dose of inhaled corticosteroids (IC) are often given to patients with severe asthma. The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence of glucose intolerance in asthmatics receiving high dose of IC. Methods: We measured fasting blood sugar (FBS) and Glycosylated (GH) in severe asthmatics attending our clinic. Patients hemoglobin characteristics and dosages of IC were compared using student t-test and Chi-square. Abstracts of Original Investigations, CHEST 1997.Poster Presentations Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Issues in Asthma, continued Results: Out of 99 patients with severe asthma, 28 (28%) were known diabetics and were excluded from the study. Out of 71 patients tested, 33 (46%) were found to have either elevated FBS (>120 mg/dl) or high GH (>7.5%) (Group I); while 38 (54%) had had normal FBS and GH (Group II). The comparison of the 2 groups was as follows: Group I N Age Sex F M Duration of Rx Beclometh. Triamcinol. Flunisolide N N p.g/day N u,g/day fig/day FBS GH Group II 33 38 55.8±8.4 50.0±12.0 28 5 4.2±2.6 21 1012±407 6 2700 ±1144 6 3333±1033 111±27 8.85±1.90 30 8 3.6±2.2 27 943±279 7 1886±430 4 3250±957 P-value 0.034 0.556 0.651 0.681 0.553 0.778 0.132 0.497 0.879 90±10 6.60±0.56 Conclusion: 1) Glucose intolerance was detected in 46% of severe asthmatics attending our clinic and receiving high dose IC. 2) No differences were found among the 3 IC studied. 3) No dose significant effect relationship at the high dosages of IC used was observed. 4) GH was elevated in 23 out of 33 patients (70%) with normal FBS. Chnical Implication: Patients receiving high dose IC should be periodically assessed for glucose intolerance by checking FBS and GH. ASTHMA IN PENNSYLVANIA (PA): A STATEWIDE SURVEY OF ALL SCHOOL NURSES Alaa Al El-Gendy, MD; S Mangione, MD; D Tollerudd, MD.Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Philadelphia, PA Purpose: Asthma is the most common chronic illness in childhood, and the number one cause for hospitalization and prescribed therapy in this age group. Although its prevalence among school-children can be as high as 10%, well-designed population studies in the U.S. are limited. Methods: To better analyze the impact of this disease on school activities and school children, we designed a two-page fifty-item question¬ naire; aimed at surveying the reported prevalence of asthma, its impact on absenteeism and academic performance, obstacles towards its successful management, and possible solutions. We mailed this questionnaire to all PA nurses of both public and non-public schools (N=5,300). Data were between January and May 1997. gathered Results: 2037/5300 (38.4%) schools returned the questionnaire. Over¬ all, 6.4% of all children were known to school staffs as being asthmatic; half of these were requiring daily asthma medications. Compared to the rest of the state, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh had no significant difference in reported asthma prevalence, but had a significantly lower percentage of children requiring daily medications (45.5% vs 51.7%, P=.01). Large cities had less full-time nurses (28.5% vs 38%, P=.02) and perceived asthma as having worsened significantly more when compared to the rest of the state (0.56 vs 0.38, on a -1 + 1 scale, P=.001). Communication with families and identification of all asthmatic children were considered essential for better asthma care (5.5±.8 and 5.3±1, on a 1-6 scale) Conclusions and Chnical Implications: This study suggests that the and severity of "diagnosed and reported" asthma in Pennsyl¬ prevalence vania school-children is similar to the national average. Our data, however, do not include undiagnosed asthmatics and asthmatics not known to school staff. Our figures may therefore underestimate the true prevalence of this disease. Supported by Merck Pharmaceuticals. RELEASE OF CHEMOKINE REGULATED UPON ACTIVATION IN NORMAL T CELLS EXPRESSED AND PRESUMABLY SE¬ CRETED (RANTES) FROM PLATELETS IN ASTHMATIC PA¬ TIENTS Chie Moritani, MD; Y Haruta, MD; S Ishioka, MD; M Kambe, MD; M Yamakido, MD.The Second Department of Internal Medicine and of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Hiroshima University Department School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan Purpose: Platelets contain some chemokines, such as platelet factor 4 and RANTES, which are capable of inducing or augmenting allergic inflammatory responses. We investigated whether platelets were activated in asthmatics with increased release of the preformed chemokines. In addition, we also investigated the influence of oral administration of on them. theophylline Methods: Twenty-five normal volunteers, 19 asthmatics taking no oral with asthma treatment (group A), and 18 asthmatics drugs associated taking oral theophylline (group B) were evaluated. We measured CD62P expression on platelets using flow cytometry and RANTES level in buffer supernatants using ELISA kit. platelet-rich Results: While both the CD62P expressions and RANTES levels without stimulation were similar among the three groups, those after stimulation by agonist, such as thrombin, PAF, or STA2, in group A were higher than those in the normal subjects, and using STA2 the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). In contrast, in group B, both the CD62P expressions and RANTES levels after stimulation by each agonist were significantly lower than the corresponding levels in group A (p<0.05). Conclusion and Chnical Implications: We conclude that agonistmediated activation of platelets is augmented in asthmatics resulting in enhanced release of chemokine such as RANTES, which could be administration of theophylline. suppressed by oral research grants from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Supported by Science, and Culture. VIP HYDROLYSIS IS INCREASED IN THE PREGNANT PA¬ TIENT WITH ASTHMA O Olopade, MD; J Yu, MD; J Abubaker, MD; T Myles, MD; Christopher I Rubinstein, MD; S Paul, PhD.University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska Purpose: Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neuropeptide bron¬ chodilator and is thought to be involved in non-adrenergic non-cholinergic bronchial smooth muscle relaxation. Depletion of VIP in airway nerves of patients dying from asthma has been demonstrated. We have previously shown that hydrolysis of VIP by circulating catalytic VIP antibodies is increased in asthma in comparison to controls. The purpose of this study to of and determine the effects pregnancy and asthma on VIP hydrolysis by circulating catalytic VIP antibodies, because pregnancy is known to immune responses. modify Methods: We determined VIP hydrolysis in 17 women in the third with and without asthma: trimester of was pregnancy pregnant, asthma; n=9; pregnant, non-asthma; n=8 and 16 non-pregnant women with and without asthma: non-pregnant asthma; n=9; non-pregnant, non-asthma; n=7. Results: Patient Population Non-pregnant, non-asthma, n=7 Non-pregnant asthma, n=9 Pregnant non-asthma, n=8 Pregnant asthma, n=9 Data are Age> VIP 34.4±2 32.0±3 25.9±2 25.2±2 1.98±0.9 5.39±0.8* 5.17±0.4 7.48±1.2f mean±SEM. non-asthma; *=p<0.05 inin comparison toto non-pregnant, comparison pregnant, non-asthma. Substrate concentra¬ t=p<0.05 tion, 110 pM. Conclusion: Pregnancy and asthma are independently associated with increased levels of VIP hydrolyzing antibodies. CHEST / 112 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 1997 SUPPLEMENT Downloaded From: http://publications.chestnet.org/ on 06/11/2014 cleaved, pM/6h yr 113S Tuesday, October 28, 1997 Issues in Asthma, continued SALMETEROL IN ACUTE ASTHMA: DO ONGOING STEROIDS HELP? Pednekar, S Drago, U Gollapalli, S Tamane, V Iyengar, S Nabar, Pai-dhungat.Nair Hospital, Numbai, India Purpose: Salmeterol, a long-acting B2 agonist, is important in therapy of nocturnal asthma. Steroids are anti-inflammatory & upregulate B2 receptors & play a vital role in acute asthma. We observed the effects of steroids on the immediate & long term response to inhaled ongoing salmeterol. Methods: Sixty-one young subjects with acute asthma were selected for the study after excluding concomitant diseases. Details of ongoing therapy were noted & tests were done after omitting bronchodilators for a day. Pulmonary function tests (PFT) were recorded before & serially up to 6 hrs. after administering salmeterol (50 (xg) by metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer device. They were then advised to take 2 puffs of salmeterol BID with a 50% reduction in existing drugs & were evaluated after 4 weeks. S A Results: Salmeterol action lasted from Vz hr to 6 hrs., the best effect being on small airways. Subjects on ongoing steroids (n=26) showed a greater response than those without steroids (n=35). Thirty eight subjects completed the trial. Those who were on steroids (n=20) had a greater rise in basal PFT & better control of nocturnal asthma at the end of 4 weeks than those not on steroids (n=18) (74% vs. 56% rise). Conclusion: Salmeterol is an excellent drug for acute asthma with immediate & long term bronchodilatation which is enhanced by ongoing steroids. Chnical Inclinations: Salmeterol should be regularly combined with steroids. Supported by CIPLA Pharmaceuticals. BRONCHIAL HYPERREACTIVITY AND GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX (GER): A MORE SENSITIVE PARAMETER FOR DE¬ TECTING THE EXTENT OF ACID EXPOSURE *C Pomari, °M Dinelli, °S Passaretti; *C Micheletto; *R Dal Negro *Lung Dept., Bussolengo Gen. Osp, Verona & °Gastroenterologic Unit, S. Raffaele Osp., Milano Univ, Italy of pH<4" (%RT) represents the Purpose: At present, "total reflux time on the esophageal acid exposure, quantitative indicator which informs even though it is widely variable in adults1: a new indicator was calculated ("Area under pH4"-AU4)2, being 4% for %RT and 37 pHxmin for AU4 their normality cut-offs. Purpose of the study was to assess and compare the sensitivity of both %RT and AU4 in discriminating the hyperreactive response to methacholine (MCh). Methods: %RT and AU4 were calculated in 27 non-smoker, non-atopic with persistent cough and GER (22 f.; 36.6 yr±1.6 s.e., basal subjects, FEV1 105.8% pred.±2.9 s.e.), differently responder to MCh. After = EFFECT OF SALMETEROL TREATMENT ON DIURNAL PAT¬ TERN OF BRONCHODILATOR RESPONSES IN ASTHMATICS Tung-Heng Wang, MD*, GB Marks, MD**, C Salome, BS**, MD**.Chest Division, Department of Internal Medicine, AJ Woolcock,Medical Kaohsiung of CollegeThe Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC, and **Department Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Purpose: To assess the effect of salmeterol (Salm) on diurnal responses of airway caliber to short-acting salbutamol (Salbu) in asthmatics. Methods: Nine patients with asthma were assigned, in random order, to each of four treatment regimens: control for at least three weeks (No Salm tx), 100 jutg for 1 day (Salm 100S), 50 |xg for 4 weeks (Salm 50L), and 100 jxg for 4 weeks (Salm 100L). Salmeterol was administered at 8 am and 9 pm each treatment day. On the last day of each treatment period, change of FEV: (AFEVl5 which equals FEV: post Salbu minus FEVl before Salbu) in response to Salbu 200 (xg was measured at 4 pm, 9 pm, and 6 am in the following morning. Results: Without salmeterol treatment (No Salm tx), AFEVX at 6 am (0.48±0.11 I, mean±95% CI.) was greater than that at 4 pm (0.30±0.12 I, p=0.024) and that at 9 pm (0.30±0.11 I, p=0.041). There was no difference in bronchodilator responses among clock hours with significant the 3 salmeterol regimens. Values of AFEVjl (mean±95% CI.) with salmeterol treatment are listed below. AFEV19 I 4pm 9pm 6 am Salm 100S Salm 50L Salm 100L 0.11±0.08c 0.11±0.05a 0.17±0.06a 0.07±0.03c 0.12±0.06b 0.13±0.07d 0.08±0.04b 0.11±0.08d 0.15±0.05d ap<0.05, bp<0.025, cp<0.01, dp<0.001 in comparison with correspond¬ ing AFEVX at the same clock hour of No Salm tx. Conclusions: Salmeterol treatment reduced the magnitude of, and the diurnal pattern of bronchodilator responses in asthmatics. changed Chnical Implications: Asthmatics treated with salmeterol may reduce the need of rescue short-acting bronchodilator. T-H Wang was funded by Department of Social Education, Ministry of Taiwan ROC. Education, Executive Yuan, Issues in Cancer of the Chest: Chemotherapy Surgery & VINORELBINE, CISPLATIN (HIGH DOSAGE) AS INITIAL TREATMENT FOR PREVIOUSLY UNTREATED NSCLC STAGE IIIB: PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND SURGICAL CONSIDER¬ ATIONS A Maiorino2, S Cigolari1, M Massimo2, C Curcio3, R Sessa2, & T Vasta3.1Universita Federico II, Medicina III (Napoli, Italy). 2Hospital Monaldi, Surgery I and II (Napoli, Italy). 3Hospital Ascalesi, Surgery informed consent, a 24 h pH-monitoring was performed (by acombined monocristant antimony catheter and a proximal sensor to locate the LES, connected to a recorder Digi-trapper MKIII-Synectics Med, Stockholm, Sweden). In different days, patients inhaled doubling MCh concentrations (50-3150 meg) through a dosimeter (Mefar MB3, Brescia, Italy), up to the provocation dose (PD20 FEVJ. Results: Patients were divided into 3 groups: A) 9 subjects with normal %RT and AU4 values (2.1%±0.1 s.e. and 29.9 pHXmin±4.4 s.e., 9 subjects with normal %RT (2.2%±0.3 s.e.) and respectively);AU4B) (48.8 pathological pHXmin±2.3 s.e.); C) 9 subjects with pathological %RT (11.01%±2.4 s.e.) and pathological AU4 (402.3 pHXmin± 125.4 s.e.). PD20 FEV-l were: 1167 mcg±272.3 s.e. in group A; 208.8 mcg±76.3 s.e. in group B; and 133.5 mcg±37.2 s.e. in group C, respectively. Significant bronchial responses to MCh was assessed only in group B and C, which both proved different from group A (Kruskal-Wallis test; p<0.001). Subjects of group B proved different from those of group C in terms of AU4 mean value (p<0.02), being both different from only normal subjects in group A (p<0.001). Conclusions: 1) In adults, AU4, but not %RT, proves related to the extent of bronchial response to MCh; 2) the relationship with the extent of the esophageal acid exposure seems particularly strict; 3) AU4 proves suitable in discriminating those subsets of GER patients where the pathological response to MCh would otherwise remain unexplained. Dis. Sci., 1988;33:1127-33 xDig.Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr., 1989;9:934-9 2J. (Napoli, Italy) The combination of vinorelbine (VNR) and cis-platin has Background: been shown to be active in recurrent and/or metastatic NSCLC previously Stage IIIB. (Le Chevalier, JCO 1994). This pilot study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of this combination in patients with previously untreated, locally advanced NSCLC (Stage IIIB). Methods: 30 pts ^75 years old, between April 1996 and November 1996, were accrued: 28 ofthem were evaluable (1 too early, 1 lost to follow median PSI; median age 61 Y (38-75Y). up):Treatment: NVB 30 mg/m2 on DI and D8+CIS-PLATIN 120 mg/m2 on DI in a 21 days schedule for 3 cycles before restaging; GM-CSF was in case of severe neutropenia. permitted Results: Aften 3 cycles we had 57% of PR (16/28): 8 of them were resected; all responders were confirmed by an independent external expert group: 6/28 no change and 6/28 progressive disease. In the 8 pts resected we had a down staging of neoplasia: in 3 pts the pN was No. Conclusions: The NVB+CIS-PLATIN (High dosage) as neoadjuvant scheme showed a high RR (57%): good is the resectability: the autors will focus the attention on the toxicity general and local (particularly for pts 114S Abstracts of Original Downloaded From: http://publications.chestnet.org/ on 06/11/2014 Investigations, CHEST 1997.Poster Presentations
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