March 10, 2015 - ecole elementaire ladner elementary school

Ladner Elementary School
5016 44 Ave, Delta BC V4K 1C1
Telephone: 604-946-4158
Fax: 604-946-4150
school website :
Principal: Mr. J. McCallum
Twitter @LadnerElem
Vice Principal: Mr. J. Hope
NEWSLETTER #7 March 9, 2015
Dear Ladner Families,
With Spring Break almost upon us, I’d like to take a moment and say
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our students for an outstanding second term. Report cards
will be coming home on Wednesday, March 11th. As you read through your child’s report
card with them, take some time to commend them for their achievements and help them
plan goals for more growth in Term Three. Please remember to sign the report card
envelope and return it to your child’s teacher.
I would also like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone in our community who contributed to making
Term Two the success it was. Whether you helped out with the PAC’s Movie Nights, drove on field
trips, helped in the library etc. your contributions are greatly appreciated. On behalf of everyone here at
Ladner Elementary, I wish all of our families a very restful and enjoyable Spring Break! Please
remember that our school will re-open on Monday, March 30, 2015.
Mr. J. McCallum
Ladner Eagles Spirit Wear
Your child may have already come home with an order form for our Ladner
Elementary Spirit Wear. Students have the opportunity to order mens and ladies cut tshirts, hoodies, ladies zippered hoodies or dri-fit performance shorts. All clothing will
have our team logo on them. Clothing is available only in the colors that are shown
on the flyer. As a school, we will receive a portion of the cost of the clothing as a
profit share. So by purchasing clothing items, not only will your child look great and help further our
school spirit and sense of pride, but you will be contributing to a fundraising effort that will hopefully see
a sizeable return. Please feel free to stop by the school to check out samples and for sizing. Orders will
be accepted until Friday, March 13th, and the delivery of clothing should happen a few weeks after.
Order forms can also be found on our school website.
Jump Rope for Heart
We have received our fundraising totals from the Heart and Stroke Foundation for our
Jump Rope for Heart Day in February. Like last year our school raised a staggering
amount of money for the charity. Altogether we raised $4,977.00 between the envelopes
and online donations. Thanks to Mrs. Jaffer for leading the activities again.
Registration for 2015-2016
Our school’s Kindergarten registration for September 2015 opened on February 18th.
Please encourage neighbours who have not yet signed up to come to the school as
soon as possible to register. The best way to avoid disappointment is to sign up early.
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, for new students in Grades 1-7 who do not
reside in the Ladner Elementary catchment area, March 6th was the deadline for
applying for admission to Ladner Elementary for Sept. 2015. For new students in
Grades 1-7 who reside in the Ladner Elementary catchment area, June 5th is the deadline for
admission to Ladner Elementary for Sept. 2015. Registrations after these dates can be considered, but
acceptance is subject to available space. Once again, the best way to avoid disappointment and to receive
priority in your category is to honor the deadlines. Students already registered at Ladner Elementary
do not need to re-apply as they are already counted in our school’s numbers.
School Security
Thank you for observing the signs posted on various doors reminding all parents and
visitors to enter the school during the school hours only via the front door and only
after checking in at the office. Adults should not be on the playground during recess or
lunch times unless they have a visitor badge from the office. It is imperative to school
security that we know who is in the hallway during regular school hours.
Lunch Time Expectations
In the interest of student safety, it is expected that students will eat their lunches at school.
If there is need or it is usual practice for a child to go home for lunch, a note must be
given to the classroom teacher explaining the arrangements. Students must also sign in
and out at the office for the lunch hour. Students are not permitted to go to another
student's house for lunch without a signed and dated note from each set of parents
involved for a specific day only. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
BASKETBALL: The basketball season is finished. Many thanks to our volunteers, Vincent, Evan,
and Nirman who have helped coach our teams. Al so a speci al t ha nk you t o our
t eache rs for sponso ri ng and co achi n g our t eam s: Mm e Val ent i no, M rs .
Murra y, Mr. Hop e a nd Mr. McC al l um . We truly appreciate all time and expertise
they have shared with our students.
Hoop Shoot Finals
Congratulations to all the students who took part in this year’s Hoop Shoot Contest!
The competition was fierce and the following students will represent Ladner
Elementary at the zone finals being held on the evening of Tuesday, March 10th at
South Delta Secondary School:
Grade 7 Girls: Jaileen, Aili, Emma
Grade 6 Girls:
Grade 5 Girls: Nicole, Tahnee, Sydney
Grade 7 Boys: Alex, James, Morgan
Grade 6 Boys: Jonah, Gavin, Jason
Grade 5 Boys: Sebastian, Robert, Max
Congratulations and go Eagles!
School Garden
With spring almost here, things will be getting busy very soon in our garden. Volunteers
are always welcome to help with the many jobs that need to be done in order to keep this
very valued learning environment running smoothly. Please contact the school if you are
willing to lend a hand.
Will Your Child be Attending DSS next year?
The school board office is asking us to notify them of any grade 7 students who will
not be attending Delta Secondary School in September 2015. If possible, they
would like this information by mid-March, prior to the grade 8 counselors meeting
with the students. If you know that your grade 7 child does not plan on attending
DSS, could you please email me at Thank you.
Also any French Immersion students that are not continuing on in the French Program at SDSS, please
also let Mrs. Hann in the office know if they will not be attending SDSS.
Stretch Programs
Stretch Programs are cross-district monthly enrichment opportunities in Art, Math, Writing and Science.
These programs are intended for students whose current passion and aptitude in Art, Math, Writing or
Science are clearly exceptional and point to the need for additional enrichment.
The Stretch program selection process is based upon school-based nominations that culminate in the
submission of an Application Package. The nomination process usually begins with a teacher nomination.
If you believe your child would be a good candidate for participation in a Stretch Program, please talk to
your classroom teacher or our school's Gifted Support Teacher, Mr. Hope. Application packages
including additional information about each of the Stretch Programs are available online at:
Applications for Writing, Math and Science are due Thursday, April 2nd to school-based Gifted Support
Teachers. Applications for Art are due Tuesday, April 14th at Delta Manor Education Centre.
Satisfaction Surveys
The Provincial Satisfaction Survey is unique in its scope, size and usefulness to schools.
It gathers information from parents, teachers and students on a variety of topics related
to school environment. The information is used for planning in individual schools and
provides a district and provincial perspective.
At some point over the next 6-weeks, the Satisfaction Survey will be administered to students in grades 4
and 7 during the school day.
In addition to this, we are encouraging parents to participate in this survey, as the results are important in
identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus
improvement. The surveys contain standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the
school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included. All parents in our
community are encouraged to participate in the survey. The survey can be accessed at:
Any computer with an Internet connection can be used, and access to the e-survey is simple and secure.
If you have any questions about the Satisfaction Surveys please contact the office. Thank you in advance
for taking the time to provide us with this feedback.
PAC meeting will be Monday, March 9th, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the Staffroom. Babysitting
will be provided. This is a terrific group of parents who work hard to support school
activities. In addition, they are a nice group of people to get to know. Please join us, even if
you have never been to a PAC meeting before!
If you or your family and friends shop at Cobbs Bread in Trennant Park, let the
staff know at the time of purchase that you would like to support Ladner
Elementary School. Cobbs makes a donation back to the L.E.P.A.C. Your
support is always greatly appreciated.
One of our few fundraising initiatives is the Grocery Cards. Shopping at Save-OnFoods or Safeway is made easier using these cards – they are just like cash! There is no
extra charge to you. The stores give the school a discount for the fundraiser. Please
support Ladner Elementary weekly/monthly in this easy and useful fundraiser.
Send the following information with payment to the school office:
-Dollar amount, Cheque payable to L.E.P.A.C.
-Save-On-Foods OR Safeway
-Name (please print), Phone Number
Academy Programs
Academy programs offered at various secondary schools in Delta are open to all Delta School District
students. Bell schedules at each secondary school are similar, making it possible for students to move
between schools at lunchtime to participate in a program at another school. The following is a list of the
various academy programs offered by the Delta School District:
Film Acting
Film Production
Sands Secondary
Delta Secondary
Delta Manor Education Centre
Delta Manor Education Centre
Seaquam Secondary
Burnsview Secondary and South Delta Secondary
Delta Secondary
South Delta Secondary
Seaquam Secondary
These programs are offered within the school timetable and compliment the various elective courses
offered at each secondary school. Professional coaches and instructors, along with passionate teachers,
combine to make these programs engaging and inspiring choices for students!
Students should register for an academy during course selection time; however, we will accept
applications beyond that date. To apply, complete an application and send it to the school offering the
academy program. Also, be sure the Counsellor at your home school is aware your child wants to
register in an academy. For more information or to download an application, please visit the Academy
website at or call 604-952-5374.
In partnership with
Free for Delta Residents/Parents!
For parents with children ages
5-12 years
April 7:
- Learn healthy
practices for developing more patience
when dealing with stressful life
situations and parenting.
April 14: Healthy Boundaries/Effective Communication - Learn how to set boundaries and
communicate expectations of yourself and your children. By learning how to implement healthy
boundaries, your children learn how to set appropriate boundaries in their relationships with others.
April 21: Attachment Parenting - Attachment parenting is the foundation from which you
parent. Learn why attachment parenting is important and how to strengthen the attachment between you
and your children.
April 28: Behaviour/Discipline - Learn the 4 Goals of Misbehaviour, the purpose of discipline
and how to implement appropriate discipline strategies in your home.
May 5: Parenting Styles/Child Development – Explore your parenting style; learn the stages
of child development to assist your child during developmental milestones.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Please email Kim Barnes at with your
name, school, phone number and the Workshops you would like to attend...
You may register for one, some or all of the presentations!
If you require Child-minding please advise at time of Registration
Hawthorne Elementary School Library
Tuesdays - April 7 – May 5, 2015 - 6:00-7:30pm
Kim Barnes HEPAC Chair 604-946-4996 or
PRESENTED BY: Deltassist
Meals Away From Home
It may seem like your child is eating meals away from home as often as they are
eating at home – with snacks and lunch at school, birthday parties and sleepovers,
and recreation or sporting events. It’s important that your children know how to
make the same healthy choices outside the home as they would in the home. Setting
a good example at home can help.
Offer your children new and interesting foods at home so that if they are
eating out, they are more likely to find something that appeals to them.
If your family enjoys them, offer birthday cake, ice cream cookies and other desserts.
Don’t overdo it with these foods. Balance them with healthy choices.
Many children are fast-food fans. While they enjoy their burgers, set limits on fries and
pop when eating out. Some fast-food restaurants now offer milk, 100% juice or water at no
extra charge as a substitute for pop in a fast food meal.
If you love burgers, remember that often the simplest, least expensive one on the menu is
healthier that the double-decker, cheese and heavy-sauce-smothered advertised special.
Subs, wraps or pitas can be healthy alternatives when they include whole grain breads and
Watching T.V. Can Affect Your Health
Television can influence how we see the world and the choices that our children make.
Some studies have shown a link to obesity. Clearly television affects our lives but we need
it to be a positive effect.
 Try limiting T.V. watching to only certain programs (ones which you and your
child have agreed upon).
 Watch shows with your children and talk about the content of the show. Point out the differences between
what’s real and what’s not.
 Keep your T.V. somewhere less convenient so that it is turned on only when someone wants to watch a
special show.
 Take “T.V. Vacations” and put the television away for a week or two. The first few days may be a
struggle but children can be very creative when finding other things to do!
Wednesday, March 11
March 16 – 27
Monday, March 30
Friday, April 3
Friday, April 17
Monday, April 6
Friday, April 24
Term 2 Report Cards Home
Spring Break
School Re-Opens
Good Friday, No School
Pro-D Day, No School
Easter Monday, No School
Special Lunch