Improved Treatment Results in High-Risk Pediatric Acute M y e l o i d L e u k e m i a P a t i e n t s A f t e r I n t e n s i fi c a t i o n W i t h High-Dose Cytarabine and Mitoxantrone: Results of Study A c u t e M y e l o i d L e u k e m i a – B e r l i n - F r a n k f u r t - M u¨ n s t e r 9 3 By U. Creutzig, J. Ritter, M. Zimmermann, D. Reinhardt, J. Hermann, F. Berthold, G. Henze, H. Ju¨rgens, H. Kabisch, W. Havers, A. Reiter, U. Kluba, F. Niggli, and H. Gadner for the Acute Myeloid Leukemia–Berlin-Frankfurt-Mu¨nster Study Group Purpose: To improve outcome in high-risk patients, high-dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone (HAM) was introduced into the treatment of children with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in study AML-BFM 93. Patients were randomized to HAM as either the second or third therapy block, for the purpose of evaluation of efficacy and toxicity. Patients and Methods: A total of 471 children with de novo AML were entered onto the trial; 161 were at standard risk and 310 were at high risk. After the randomized induction (daunorubicin v idarubicin), further therapy, with the exception of HAM, was identical in the two risk groups and also comparable to that in study Acute Myeloid Leukemia–Berlin-Frankfurt-Mu ¨nster (AML-BFM) 87. Results: Overall, 387 (82%) of 471 patients achieved complete remission, and 5-year survival, event-free survival (EFS), and disease-free survival rates were 60%, 51%, and 62%, respectively. Idarubicin induction resulted in a significantly better blast cell reduction in the bone marrow on day 15. Estimated survival and probability of EFS were superior in study AML-BFM 93 compared with study AML-BFM 87 (P ⴝ .01, log-rank test). This improvement, however, was restricted to the 310 high-risk patients (remission rate and probability of 5-year EFS in study AML-BFM 93 v study AML-BFM 87: 78% v 68%, P ⴝ .007; and 44% v 31%, P ⴝ .01, log-rank test). Probability of 5-year EFS among standard-risk patients in study AML-BFM 93 was similar to that in study AML-BFM 87 (65% v 63%, P ⴝ not significant). Whether HAM was placed as the second or third therapy block was of minor importance. However, patients who received the less intensive daunorubicin treatment during induction benefited from early HAM. Conclusion: Improved treatment results in children with high-risk AML in study AML-BFM 93 must be attributed mainly to the introduction of HAM. J Clin Oncol 19:2705-2713. © 2001 by American Society of Clinical Oncology. HE GOAL OF remission and increased overall survival in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is best accomplished through administration of several courses of combination chemotherapy consisting of the antipyrimidine drug cytarabine (Ara-C) and intercalating agents such as anthracyclines. Moreover, the addition of etoposide (VP-16) to standard therapy has improved disease-free survival (DFS).1 Over the last 15 years, mitoxantrone, an anthracenedione derivative that has activity against AML blasts when given as a single agent,2 has become more important, specifically in the treatment of resistant leukemia.3 Another means of improving outcome is intensification with high-dose Ara-C in either the postremission or induction phase, as demonstrated by several studies in adults4-6 and children.7-9 The dose effect of cytarabine given at a standard dose of 100 mg/m2, a medium dose of 400 mg/m2, or the high-dose of 3 g/m2 during postremission treatment was first shown by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B.6 The efficacy of high-dose Ara-C in combination with mitoxantrone (HAM) was demonstrated in adult patients with refractory AML by Hiddemann et al10 and in adult patients with de novo AML by Arlin et al,11 who reported a higher complete remission (CR) rate after a single induction course of the mitoxantrone-based regimen (mitoxantrone 3 ⫻ 12 mg/m2) compared with the standard regimen using daunorubicin (3 ⫻ 45 mg/m2). Bu¨chner et al4,12 demonstrated that HAM given in a second induction course benefited poorrisk adult patients. In study AML-BFM 87, an intensive combination chemotherapy regimen including high-dose Ara-C and VP-16 given during postremission treatment produced favorable results in standard-risk patients, whereas results in high-risk T From the Department of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, Mu¨nster, Jena, Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Essen, Giessen, and Magdeburg, Germany; St Anna Children’s Hospital, Vienna, Austria; and Department of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. Submitted December 1, 2000; accepted February 9, 2001. Supported by the Deutsche Krebshilfe. Address reprint requests to Ursula Creutzig, Prof, Klinik und Poliklinik fu¨r Kinderheilkunde, Pa¨diatrische Ha¨matologie/Onkologie, Albert-Schweitzer-Str 33, D-48129 Mu¨nster, Germany; email: ucreutzig@ © 2001 by American Society of Clinical Oncology. 0732-183X/01/1910-2705 Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 19, No 10 (May 15), 2001: pp 2705-2713 Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2705 2706 CREUTZIG ET AL patients were unsatisfactory. To improve outcome in the latter group, we introduced HAM in study AML-BFM 93. Because the dose-intensity of HAM during the first two treatment courses has been shown to be of prognostic significance,12 we attempted in the current study to determine whether placing HAM as the first versus second postinduction treatment block affects prognosis. In view of reports that this intensification regimen is associated with increased toxicity and the need for more supportive care, including transfusion of blood products, especially platelets,13 HAM was restricted to high-risk patients. The regimen was not given to standard-risk patients, with their estimated survival rate of 70% at 5 years, to avoid impairment of prognosis by severe adverse effects.14 PATIENTS AND METHODS Eligibility The entry criteria for studies AML-BFM 93 and 87 included newly diagnosed AML, patient age 0 to 17 years, and written informed consent of the patient or parent. Patients with myelosarcoma, secondary AML, myelodysplastic syndrome, or Down’s syndrome were excluded. Diagnosis The initial diagnosis of AML and its subtypes was established using the French-American-British (FAB) classification.15-17 All initial smears were routinely studied at the University Children’s Hospital in Mu¨nster and were reviewed by a panel of hematologists, including an external investigator (H. Lo¨ffler). The diagnoses of M0 and M7 subtypes always required confirmation by immunologic methods.16,17 Bone marrow aspirates obtained on day 15 were also reviewed centrally. Treatment The treatment protocol of study AML-BFM 93 evolved from that of study AML-BFM 87.18 At the time of diagnosis, patients in the current study were randomized to 8-day induction with either daunorubicin (ADE: Ara-C 100 mg/m2 by continuous infusion on days 1 and 2, followed by a 30-minute infusion every 12 hours on days 3 through 8; daunorubicin 30 mg/m2 in a 30-minute infusion every 12 hours on days 3 through 5; and VP-16 150 mg/m2 in a 120-minute infusion on days Fig 1. Treatment schedules of studies AML-BFM 87 and 93. CNS, central nervous system; Int, intensification; R1, randomization 1; R2, randomization 2; RT, radiotherapy. 6 through 8) or idarubicin (AIE: idarubicin 12 mg/m2 in a 30-minute infusion every 24 hours on days 3 through 5; and Ara-C and VP-16 as in the ADE regimen). For details of the schedules, see Fig 1. After induction, patients were treated according to risk level. The risk stratification was based on the initial morphologic parameters and the blast cell reduction in the bone marrow on day 15 (standard-risk group: FAB M1 or M2 with Auer rods, FAB M3 [an exception follows], and FAB M4Eo with ⱕ 5% blasts in the bone marrow on day 15; high-risk group: all others).14 Thus, patients initially allocated to the standard-risk group on the basis of morphology were shifted to the high-risk group if they had more than 5% blasts in the bone marrow on day 15. Patients with FAB M3 were always treated as being at standard risk, regardless of blast count on day 15. High-risk patients were randomized to either HAM (high-dose Ara-C 3 g/m2 every 12 hours for 3 days and mitoxantrone 10 mg/m2 days 4 and 5) followed by consolidation therapy (early HAM) or consolidation therapy followed by HAM (late HAM). Consolidation therapy consisted of 6 weeks of treatment with seven drugs (thioguanine 60 mg/m2 PO days 1 to 43; prednisolone 40 mg/m2 PO days 1 through 28; vincristine 1.5 mg/m2 days 1, 8, 15, and 22; doxorubicin 30 mg/m2 days 1, 8, 15, and 22; Ara-C 75 mg/m2 days 3 through 6, 10 through 13, 17 through 20, 24 through 27, 31 through 34, and 38 through 41; intrathecal Ara-C standard dose ⱖ 3 years 40 mg days 1, 15, 29, and 43; and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 days 29 and 43.) Standard-risk patients received consolidation therapy only, without HAM. Subsequently, all patients were treated with an intensification block of high-dose Ara-C and VP-16 (high-dose Ara-C 3 g/m2 every 12 hours for 3 days and VP-16 125 mg/m2 days 2 through 5). This was followed by cranial irradiation with 18 Gy (standard dose in children ⱖ 3 years) and maintenance therapy with daily thioguanine 40 mg/m2 PO and Ara-C 40 mg/m2 subcutaneously ⫻ 4 days monthly for a total of 18 months. Allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (SCT) was recommended for high-risk children in first CR (after the second treatment course), if a sibling donor was available. The main difference between studies AML-BFM 87 and 93 was that in the earlier study, there were two blocks of intensification after consolidation treatment with high-dose Ara-C and VP-16. Also in study AML-BFM 87, patients without CNS involvement were randomized to cranial irradiation with 18 Gy or no irradiation, during the first part of the study. Definitions and Statistics CR was defined according to Cancer and Leukemia Group B criteria19 and was to be achieved by the end of intensification treatment. Early death was death before treatment or within the first 6 weeks of treatment. Response after induction was evaluated on day 15 by blast count (ⱕ or ⬎ 5% blasts in the bone marrow). Randomization of high-risk patients was carried out after the bone marrow evaluation on day 15, when risk classification of all patients was possible. The planned sample size was 160 for each group. The end point was event-free survival (EFS). The power to detect an increase in probability of EFS (pEFS) from 50% to 66% was 80%. All patients were randomized to AIE or ADE immediately after diagnosis. Both randomizations were done with permuted blocks. EFS was calculated from the date of diagnosis to last follow-up or first event (failure to achieve remission, early death, resistant leukemia, relapse, second malignancy, or death from any cause). For patients who failed to achieve remission, EFS was set at zero. Survival was calculated from the date of diagnosis to death from any cause or last follow-up. DFS of patients achieving remission was calculated from the date of Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2707 IMPROVED SURVIVAL IN HIGH-RISK PEDIATRIC AML remission to first event (relapse or death from any cause). The end point for determining the efficacy of early versus late HAM was EFS. Toxicity was assessed using National Cancer Institute common toxicity criteria.20 Univariate analysis was conducted using the Wilcoxon test for quantitative variables and Fisher’s exact test for qualitative variables. When frequencies were sufficiently large, the 2 statistic was used. For testing trends in frequency tables for toxicity scales, the CochranArmitage test was applied, which takes into account the ordered nature of the scales. Analysis of efficacy data was performed according to the intent-to-treat principle. Toxicity data were evaluated by treatment group. Computations were performed using SAS, Version 6.12 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Eleven patients allocated to early HAM received late HAM, and three children allocated to late HAM received early HAM. However, for the intent-to-treat analysis, these patients remained in their randomization groups. Allogeneic matched related-donor SCT was performed in 14 patients each in the early and late HAM groups. Table 1 lists the characteristics of the patients as a whole and by group. Nonrandomized and randomized patients showed no major difference in age (P ⫽ .75, Wilcoxon test) or initial WBC count (P ⫽ .16, Wilcoxon test). The FAB classification distribution was similar for nonrandomized and randomized patients (P ⫽ .71, 2 test). Comparing initial patient data for the randomized groups revealed no clinically important differences, nor was there any significant difference in initial patient data between high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 87 and high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 93. Patient Characteristics Between January 1993 and June 1998, 471 patients were enrolled onto study AML-BFM 93. (Accrual of patients for randomization 1 ended on December 31, 1997, and accrual for randomization 2 continued for 6 months more.) Follow-up was as of March 2000. Figure 2 shows the numbers of patients according to treatment and randomization. Of the 471 patients, 161 were at standard risk and 310 were high-risk patients. One hundred ninety-six (63%) of 310 high-risk patients were randomized to early or late HAM (Fig 2). Of the 114 high-risk patients who were not randomized, 25 did not receive HAM (18 died before randomization, mainly because of initial complications related to leukostasis or hemorrhage; five patients experienced severe toxicity that necessitated therapy reduction or modification; and two children had been assigned to the wrong risk group) and 89 patients were allocated to either early HAM (n ⫽ 12) or late HAM (n ⫽ 77) by choice. Late HAM was often selected by parents or physicians, because it was presumed to be less toxic. Four of these patients had initially been allocated to the wrong risk group (standard risk). RESULTS Study AML-BFM 93 Overall outcome. In study AML-BFM 93, 387 (82%) of 471 patients achieved CR. Estimated probabilities of 5-year survival, EFS, and DFS (⫾ SE) were 60% ⫾ 3%, 51% ⫾ 2%, and 62% ⫾ 3%, respectively. Overall results were significantly better than those of study AML-BFM 87 (Table 2, Fig 3). Outcome by risk group. Five-year survival, EFS, and DFS rates (⫾ SE) were 74% ⫾ 4%, 65% ⫾ 4%, and 73% ⫾ 4%, respectively, among the 161 standard-risk patients; and 52% ⫾ 3%, 44% ⫾ 3%, and 56% ⫾ 3%, respectively, among the 310 high-risk patients. Outcome among the 28 high-risk patients who underwent allogeneic matched relat- Fig 2. Flow of patients entered onto study AML-BFM 93. Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2708 CREUTZIG ET AL Table 1. Patient Characteristics High Risk Sex Male Female Age, years Median Range Leukocytes, cells/L Median Range Favorable karyotypes* (%) FAB classification M0 M1/M2 M3 M4/M5 M6/M7 Other Follow-up during CCR, years Median Range AML-BFM 93 AML-BFM 87 (n ⫽ 307) AML-BFM 93 (n ⫽ 471) AML-BFM 87 (n ⫽ 208) AML-BFM 93 (n ⫽ 310) Nonrandomized (n ⫽ 114) Early HAM (n ⫽ 98) Late HAM (n ⫽ 98) 166 141 253 218 111 97 173 137 63 51 56 46 54 44 7.9 7.8 5.36 0.0-16.5 5.39 0.0-17.8 5.74 0.0-16.8 5.07 0.3-16.5 5.3 0.2-17.8 27,000 450-528,000 42/146 (29) 18,200 300-520,000 62/274 (23) 27,750 450-528,000 7/96 (7.3) 18,040 300-500,000 13/200 (6.5) 22,000 1,200-360,000 6/77 (7.8) 15,450 300-433,000 3/62 (4.8) 17,500 500-500,000 4/61 (6.6) 17 114 15 135 25 1 26 180 23 192 47 3 17 62 — 103 25 1 26 76 — 158 47 3 10 27 — 56 19 2 11 27 — 50 10 0 5 22 — 52 18 1 8.12 2.6-12.6 3.94 0.9-7.0 8.70 3.6-12.4 3.95 1.1-6.9 4.11 1.5-6.7 3.84 1.1-6.9 3.75 1.3-6.5 NOTE. The distribution of initial parameters was tested for differences between all patients in each study, high-risk patients in each study, randomized and nonrandomized high-risk patients in the later study, and between randomized groups. For all tests, P ⬎ .05. For leukocytes, there was a trend toward a difference between randomized and nonrandomized patients. Abbreviation: CCR, continuous complete remission. *t(8;21); t(15;17); inv(16). ed-donor SCT during first CR was in the same range (DFS rate, 64% ⫾ 9%) as that among the high-risk patients who did not undergo SCT. Outcome by induction treatment. Overall, patients initially treated with idarubicin had significantly better blast cell reductions in the bone marrow on day 15 (17% patients with ⬎ 5% blasts compared with 31% of patients on the daunorubicin arm; P ⫽ .01, 2 test). However, probabilities of 5-year EFS and DFS were similar for the two arms.21,22 The infection rate in the AIE group was slightly higher than that in the ADE group (P trend ⫽ .016), and the duration of aplasia (until neutrophil recovery to 500/L) was also 2 days longer for the AIE patients. Outcome by HAM group. One hundred ninety-six highrisk patients were randomized to either early HAM (n ⫽ 98) or late HAM (n ⫽ 98). Overall results in terms of response and relapse rate were similar on the two arms (5-year survival, EFS, and DFS rates [⫾ SE] in the early-HAM group compared with the late-HAM group were 58% ⫾ 5% v 57% ⫾ 6%; 52% ⫾ 5% v 45% ⫾ 5%; and 59% ⫾ 5% v 53% ⫾ 6%, respectively [Fig 4]). Results of the treatment actually administered were in the same range (5-year EFS rate, 48% ⫾ 5% [both groups]). The pEFS was slightly higher among patients initially treated with daunorubicin who received early HAM compared with patients who received daunorubicin and late HAM (Table 3 and Fig 5), whereas results associated with early or late HAM were similar for patients initially treated with idarubicin. This finding was confirmed by tests for interaction in a Cox regression model, which showed a tendency for a worse outcome only in patients randomized to daunorubicin followed by late HAM (risk ratio, 1.52; 95% confidence interval, 0.99 to 2.32; P ⫽ .054). Toxicity. Fatal events occurred in four (4%) of 110 patients during or after early HAM and in nine (5%) of 186 in connection with late HAM. One of the latter patients who met standard-risk criteria died after having achieved remission. All four patients who died during or after early HAM had severe sepsis or pneumonia in aplasia; these conditions were resistant to therapy in two cases. Eight of the nine patients whose deaths were related to late HAM had infections (fungal sepsis or aspergillosis in five cases), and one patient had cardiac insufficiency and alveolar proteinosis. Three of the nine children were nonresponders. Toxicities, namely bleeding, hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity, peripheral and central neurotoxicity, and cardio- Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2709 IMPROVED SURVIVAL IN HIGH-RISK PEDIATRIC AML Table 2. Overall Results of Studies AML-BFM 87 and 93 AML-BFM 87 (n ⫽ 307) Early death No or partial response CR Allogen SCT during 1st CR† Relapse Death during CCR Secondary malignancy LFU during CCR Probability of 5-year survival‡ Probability of 5-year EFS‡ Probability of 5-year DFS‡ AML-BFM 93 (n ⫽ 471) No. of Patients % 28 49 230 17 98 9 1 5 9 16 75 6 32 3 0.3 2 49 ⫾ 3 41 ⫾ 3 55 ⫾ 3 No. of Patients % 35 49 387 42 122 18 7 10 82 9 26 4 1 P .01* 0.2 60 ⫾ 3 51 ⫾ 2 62 ⫾ 3 .01§ .01§ .26§ Abbreviation: LFU, lost to follow-up. *2 test. †See text for outcome after SCT (31 patients in the later study, including 3 standard-risk patients, underwent matched related-donor SCT). ‡Median ⫾ SE. §Log-rank test. toxicity, were similar in the early-HAM and late-HAM groups. However, the late-HAM group, compared with the early-HAM group, showed a tendency toward a higher infection rate during the third treatment block (no infection v infection: 43 of 62 v 50 of 58 patients; P ⫽ .03, 2 test). Studies AML-BFM 87 and 93 Results in standard-risk patients were in the same range in both studies (study AML-BFM 93 v study AML-BFM 87: CR rate, 89% v 90%; pEFS [⫾ SE], 65% ⫾ 4% v 63% ⫾ 5%), whereas high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 93 fared significantly better than high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 87 (study AML-BFM 93 v study AML-BFM 87: probability of 5-year EFS, 44% ⫾ 3% v 31% ⫾ 3%; P ⫽ .01, log-rank test) (Fig 6). This Fig 3. Estimated pEFS among patients in studies AML-BFM 93 and 87. Slash indicates last patient in CCR entering the trial. was mainly due to a higher response rate (study AMLBFM 93 v study AML-BFM 87: CR rate, 78% v 68%; P ⫽ .007) (Table 4). In study AML-BFM 87, fatal events occurred in 17 (8%) of the 208 high-risk patients between days 15 and 90, the exact time in the treatment course of study AML-BFM 93 when assessment of early- versus lateHAM toxicity was performed. Nine of the 17 events occurred in nonresponders and were mostly due to infections. Seven of the remaining patients died during the first 6 weeks of treatment, because of infections (n ⫽ 6) or bleeding (n ⫽ 1). One patient had severe sepsis and died shortly after achieving remission. Fig 4. Estimated pEFS among high-risk patients randomized to early HAM or late HAM in study AML-BFM 93. Slash indicates last patient in CCR entering the trial. Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2710 CREUTZIG ET AL Fig 5. Estimated pEFS among high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 93 who were treated initially with ADE or AIE and subsequently randomized to early HAM or late HAM. Slash indicates the last patient in CCR entering the trial. HR1, early HAM; HR2, late HAM. DISCUSSION The results of study AML-BFM 93 in terms of estimated 5-year survival rate (60% ⫾ 3% [SE]) and EFS rate (51% ⫾ 2%) for the total group of patients are significantly better than those of our previous study (AML-BFM 87) and similar to those of the successful Medical Research Council (MRC) AML 10 trial in children.7 This improvement is most probably due to the intensification with HAM in high-risk patients (two thirds of our patients). The new treatment course with HAM had been shown to be an effective, though toxic, therapy element in adults with AML.5,11,12 In children, the impact of high-dose Ara-C was demonstrated in the Nordic Society of Pediatric Haematology and Oncology’s AML 93 trial: outcome was improved after four Fig 6. Estimated pEFS among high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 93 compared with high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 87. Slash indicates the last patient in CCR entering the trial. intensification blocks of high-dose Ara-C.8 The MRC AML 10 protocol, which specified two highly intensive courses, one of them including mitoxantrone and high-dose Ara-C, resulted in a significantly better outcome than in previous MRC studies.7 The effect of dose scheduling and dose-intensity during postremission treatment was demonstrated in the Children’s Cancer Group 213P study. Two courses of high-dose Ara-C and asparaginase administered at 7-day intervals resulted in superior survival rates compared with administration at 28-day intervals.9 Furthermore, in the Children’s Cancer Group study, 2,861 patients receiving intensive-timing induction chemotherapy (second cycle 10 days after the first cycle) had a significantly better DFS than did patients receiving standard-timing induction therapy (second cycle 14 days or more after the first cycle, depending on bone marrow status).23 A study involving adults demonstrated that the time to achievement of remission is an important predictor of survival and DFS.24 This supports the hypothesis that rapid blast clearance may prevent development of resistance. The main difference between studies AML-BFM 93 and 87 related to the introduction of the HAM combination and the scheduling of HAM, rather than to administration of high-dose Ara-C, which in study AML-BFM 87 was given as intensification after consolidation therapy in combination with VP-16. Furthermore, all patients in study AML-BFM 87 received daunorubicin as induction therapy. In study AML-BFM 93, the efficacy of idarubicin and daunorubicin as induction treatments was compared by randomized allocation; standard-risk patients were included. The results indicated a significantly better blast cell reduction in the bone marrow on day 15 in the idarubicintherapy group, whereas long-term outcome was similar on both treatment arms22 and was also comparable to that of standard-risk patients in study AML-BFM 87. Treatment intensity for standard-risk patients, who in study AMLBFM 87 received two late courses with high-dose Ara-C and VP-16, was similar in the two studies. CNS irradiation was not generally performed. In the second randomization, high-risk patients were assigned to early or late HAM. Through early administration of HAM, we tried to enhance cytotoxic activity and thus achieve higher efficacy. It was suggested that this approach, compared with a treatment course with lower dose-intensity, might overcome resistance by more rapid blast cell clearance and a reduction in the rate of minimal residual disease. The randomization to early versus late HAM was necessary to evaluate whether a possibly improved blast cell reduction owing to early administration might be com- Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2711 IMPROVED SURVIVAL IN HIGH-RISK PEDIATRIC AML Table 3. Results of Study AML-BFM 93, by HAM Group and Induction Treatment ⬍ 5% Blasts on Day 15 HAM Induction Total No. of Patients Early Daunorubicin Idarubicin Daunorubicin Idarubicin 46 52 46 52 Late No. of Patients* 10/21 21/29 14/28 18/28 CR % No. of Patients % pEFS ⫾ SE (%) 48 72 50 64 40 46 37 46 87 89 80 89 51.9 ⫾ 7.4 51.3 ⫾ 7.0 35.6 ⫾ 7.3† 53.6 ⫾ 7.0 *No. of patients with ⬍ 5% blasts/total no. of patients with data available. †Late HAM after daunorubicin induction versus other groups: P ⫽ .05, log-rank test. pounded by more toxicity after the course. HAM treatment, however, was not offered to standard-risk patients, because of the expected higher rate of acute adverse events and possible late cardiotoxicity associated with administration of additional cardiotoxic drugs. The cumulative dose of anthracyclines, including the anthracycline analog mitoxantrone (assuming a dose ratio of daunorubicin to mitoxantrone of 5:1), was 300 mg/m2 in standard-risk patients and 400 mg/m2 in high-risk patients. Results of the randomized scheduling of HAM as the second or third treatment course after induction did not reveal major differences in outcome. However, the induction treatment must be considered as well. Induction with idarubicin, as opposed to daunorubicin, was more effective in reducing the blast cell count in the bone marrow by day 15.25 Patients who received the less intensive daunorubicin treatment during induction benefited from early HAM. This was in contrast to the effects of late HAM after daunorubicin induction (Table 3). Moreover, when we compared high-risk patients in study AML-BFM 87 (the historical control group) with high-risk Table 4. patients treated initially with daunorubicin and then with late HAM, we found that results were similar: the probability of 5-year EFS [⫾ SE] in the former group was 31.1% ⫾ 3.2%, v 35.6% ⫾ 7.3% for the latter group (P ⫽ .54). This finding suggests that induction with idarubicin followed by HAM might have a cumulative effect in high-risk patients. The results are in line with those of a German AML Cooperative Group trial in adults, which showed that mainly poor-risk patients benefited from a two-course induction combining thioguanine, Ara-C, and daunorubicin, with HAM as the second course, rather than two courses of that induction therapy.12 In several studies, the rate of toxicity associated with HAM treatment was increased, and more severe neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, nausea, vomiting, and eye toxicity were noted compared with standard induction treatment,5 indicating that not only HAM treatment per se but also the placement of HAM within the sequence of treatment courses might influence tolerability. This led to a higher selection on the late-HAM arm in study AML-BFM 93, presuming a higher rate of toxicity with early HAM. Results of Studies AML-BFM 87 and 93 (high-risk and nonrandomized patients, and HAM recipients) AML-BFM 93 No. Early death before day 15 Early death after day 15 ⬍ 5% blasts in bone marrow on day 15 No or partial response CR Relapse Death during CCR Secondary malignancy LFU during CCR Probability of 5-year EFS, % ⫾ SE Late HAM Patients (n ⫽ 98) Early HAM Patients (n ⫽ 98) Nonrandomized Patients (n ⫽ 114) High-Risk Patients (n ⫽ 310) AML-BFM 87 HighRisk Patients (n ⫽ 208) % No. % No. % No. % No. % 15 7 96 7.2 3.4 54.5 18 8 164 5.8 2.6 65.6 18 5 58 15.7 4.4 72.5 2 52 2 65.0 1 54 1 61.4 45 141 71 6 1 4 21.6 67.8 34.1 2.9 0.5 1.9 41 243 92 12 13.2 78.4 29.7 3.9 17 74 28 2 14.9 64.9 24.6 1.8 10 86 31 4 10.2 87.8 31.6 4.1 14 83 33 6 14.3 84.7 33.7 6.1 31 ⫾ 3 44 ⫾ 3 38 ⫾ 5 52 ⫾ 5 45 ⫾ 5 Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2001 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. 2712 CREUTZIG ET AL However, the rate of infections was only slightly increased in the early-HAM group compared with late HAM and with study AML-BFM 87. The incidence of therapy-related deaths was similar, indicating that this therapy is feasible in children with AML. We have demonstrated the efficacy of HAM treatment, with a tolerable rate of toxicity, in high-risk children. As a consequence, in the ongoing study AML-BFM 98, HAM has been introduced into the second therapy course of all pediatric patients with AML, our aim being to improve the survival rate among standard-risk patients as well. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank P. Stappert, E. Kurzknabe, and J. Meltzer for their excellent technical assistance, Enno Mu¨ller for his competent data management, and Christa Lausch for her valuable assistance in the management of the AML Trial Office in Mu¨nster. APPENDIX The following individuals participated in the study: Principal investigators in Germany: R. Mertens, Kinderklinik RWTH, Aachen; A. Gnekow, I. Kinderklinik des Klinikums, Augsburg; G.F. Wu¨ndisch, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Bayreuth; G. Henze, CCVK-Kinderklinik, Berlin; E. Hilgenfeld, Charite´-Kinderklinik; W. Do¨rffel, II. Kinderklinik Berlin-Buch, Berlin; N. Jorch, Kinderklinik Gilead, Bielefeld; U. Bode, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Bonn; H.-J. Spaar, Th. Lieber, Prof.-Hess-Kinderklinik, Bremen; W. Eberl, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Braunschweig; I. Krause, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Chemnitz; E. Holfeld, Kinderklinik d. Carl-Thiem-Klinikums, Cottbus; W. Andler, Th. Wiesel, Vestische Kinderklinik, Datteln; I. Lauterbach, Kinderklinik d. TU, Dresden; V. Scharfe, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik Dresden-Neustadt, Dresden; G. Weinmann, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Erfurt; J.D. Beck, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Erlangen; W. Havers, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Essen; B. Kornhuber, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Frankfurt; C.M. Niemeyer, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Freiburg; A. Reiter, R. Blu¨tters-Sawatzki, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Giessen; M. Lakomek, A. Pekrun, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Go¨ttingen; J.F. Beck, H. Weigel, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Greifswald; V. Gerein, Kinderklinik, Gummersbach; S. Burdach, T. Rie, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Halle; H. Kabisch, R. Schneppenheim, Universita¨tsKinderklinik, Hamburg; B. Selle, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Heidelberg; N. Graf, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Homburg/Saar; J. Hermann, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Jena; G. Nessler, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Karlsruhe; Th. Wehinger, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Kassel; M. Rister, Kinderklinik Kemperhof, Koblenz; F. Berthold, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Cologne; W. Sternschulte, Sta¨dtisches Kinderkrankenhaus, Cologne; M. Suttorp, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Kiel; D. Ko¨rholz, K. Rieske, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Leipzig; P. Bucsky, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Lu¨beck; H.Ch. Dominick, Kinderklinik St. Annastift, Ludwigshafen; U. Kluba, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Magdeburg; W. Scheurlen, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Mannheim; P. Gutjahr, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Mainz; H. Christiansen, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Marburg; R.J. Haas, von Haunersches Kinderspital, Munich; St. Mu¨ller-Weihrich, L. Stengel-Rutkowski, Kinderklinik d. Technischen Universita¨t, Mu¨nchen-Schwabing; Ch. Bender-Go¨tze, M. Fu¨hrer, Universita¨ts-Kinderpoliklinik, Munich; H. Ju¨rgens, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Mu¨nster; A. Jobke, Cnopfsche Kinderklinik, Nuremberg; U. Schwarzer, Sta¨dtische Kinderklinik, Nuremberg; G. Eggers, M. Hagen, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Rostock; R. Schumacher, Kinderklinik, Schwerin; R. Dickerhoff, Johanniter Kinderklinik, St. Augustin; J. Treuner, Olgahospital, Stuttgart; D. Niethammer, T. Klingebiel, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Tu¨bingen; W. Behnisch, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Ulm; J. Ku¨hl, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Wu¨rzburg. Principal investigators in Austria: C. Urban, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik d. Landeskrankenhauses, Graz; F.M. Fink, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik d. A.o¨. Landeskrankenhauses, Innsbruck; K. Schmitt, G. Ebetsberger Landes-Kinderkrankenhaus, Linz; I. Slavc, AKH-Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Vienna; H. Gadner, St. Anna-Kinderspital, Vienna. Principal investigators in Switzerland: P. Imbach, Kinderklinik d. Kantonsspital, Aarau; P.A. Avoledo, Universita¨ts-Kinderspital, Basel; A. Feldges, Ostschweizerisches Kinderspital, St. Gallen; M. Nenadov-Beck, C. Desseng, CHUV-Kinderklinik, Lausanne; U. Caflisch, Kinderspital, Lucerne; L. Nobile Buetti, Kinderklinik Hospital La Carita`, Locarno; F. Niggli, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Zurich. Study coordinators: J. Ritter, U. Creutzig, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Mu¨nster, Germany; J. Hermann, Universita¨ts-Kinderklinik, Jena, Germany; and H. Gadner, St. Anna-Kinderspital, Vienna, Austria. REFERENCES 1. Bishop JF, Lowenthal RM, Joshua D, et al: Etoposide in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia: Australian Leukemia Study Group. 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