Leesville Road High School Bimonthly Bulletin April 3, 2015

Leesville Road High School Bimonthly Bulletin
April 3, 2015
Release Time for Next Year’s Seniors
Any student who will be a senior next year must submit their Release Time Requests by Wednesday,
April 15. Release forms can be found on our website under Forms. Some seniors choose a reduced schedule so
they can work to earn money, study extra for challenging AP courses, or practice longer hours as they prepare
to pursue the arts or athletics beyond high school. Be sure to check with potential colleges to understand their
position on reduced schedules in high school prior to making this decision. To accurately build a master
schedule to accommodate student need and interest, we need to plan for student release time now. When
students request release time after our schedule is set, it hinders our ability to maximize our limited resources.
Release requests submitted after April 15 will only be approved with a documented medical or other hardship.
VIP for a VIP
On Thursday, April 9 we will host the Vehicle Injury Prevention for a Very Important Person (VIP for a VIP)
program during 2nd and 4th periods for our seniors. Due to seating capacity in the auditorium and temporary
bleachers, this program is for senior students only. We don’t have the capacity to accommodate parents. The
program consists of an educational presentation of information with personal accounts of deaths and tragedies
that have resulted from unsafe driving habits. The afternoon session consists of a dramatic accident reenactment. This program is intense, powerful, emotional, and graphic at times. However, we have seen how it
has the ability to positively influence the driving habits of our students. For more information, you can visit
their website at http://www.vipforavip.com/. We will have guidance counselors available to speak with
students who need additional support during or after the program. If you have questions or feel like this
program may be too intense and emotional for your child, please contact Guidance Counselor, Dr. Jessica
Huber at jhuber@wcpss.net. If necessary, we can make alternate arrangements for your student.
Principal’s Chat for Parents of Seniors
On Thursday, April 16 at 9:15 in the auditorium, the PTSA will host a Principal’s Chat for parents of seniors.
Graduation Coordinator Heather Dinkenor, Dean of Students Eric Greene, and Assistant Principal Aja Moody
will cover a range of topics that are important to seniors (e.g., grades, final transcripts, prom, graduation, and
other events specific to seniors).
Prom will be held on Saturday, April 25 from 7:00-11:00 p.m. at the North Raleigh Hilton on Wake Forest Rd.
Tickets cost $35 per person and will be on sale during lunch and after school from April 13 through April 23 in
the main lobby/cafeteria area. Students will not be admitted to prom after 10:00 p.m. This year’s theme is
“Classy Carolina.” Think of an elegant spring evening with blooming plants and flowers and twinkling lights.
Parent College Panel
Join the LRHS PTSA on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria for our College Parent Panel. Hear
from parents of current college students about what to expect over the next few months as you prepare to send
your child to college. Discussion points include packing lists, food plans, purchasing books and computers,
balancing activities, etc. We anticipate having parents whose children are attending UNC Chapel Hill, NC State,
UNC Charlotte, UNC Wilmington, ECU and others on the panel. Questions, please contact Leigh Magee
at Mageeleigh@gmail.com.
Student Services Updates
College Admissions Panel
On Wednesday, April 22, there will be a College Admissions Panel Presentation at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Representatives from local colleges and universities - including ECU, Duke, NC State, Meredith, & UNC will
be on hand to present information and answer questions about the college admissions process. All grade levels
are welcome to attend.
Financial Aid Assistance
This is a reminder that Sallie Busby, Leesville’s Financial Aid Counselor, is here at Leesville every week until
the first week of May. If you need assistance with the FAFSA, please call Student Services at 919-870-4260 to
make an appointment.
Remaining Standardized Test Dates for College Admission
May 2
Registration Deadline-April 6
June 6
Registration Deadline-May 8
June 13
Registration Deadline-May 8
Safe Student Week: April 20-24
Dr. Huber, the SAP counselor, will be promoting healthy choices through activities during SMART lunch.
Topics covered will include substance abuse prevention, responsible digital citizenry/social media safety, and
pledging against texting and driving.
Sophomore and Junior Meetings
The counselors will meet with all sophomores and juniors in small groups in late April to discuss post
secondary topics such as choosing a path for life after high school, college and career planning and taking
advantage of technology to develop a plan.
Calendar Highlights
Friday, April 3: Holiday for students and staff
Friday, April 10: Quarter 3 Report Cards distributed