March 2015 FIRSTENERGY | East Coast Energy Conference Canadian International Oil Corp. (CIOC) ANALYST: Robert J. Fitzmartyn, P.Eng. ASSOCIATE: Rachel C. Eddy, P.Eng. Corporate Profile Montney Regional Play Fairway CIOC CIOC is a widely held private company with a large, contiguous land base in the heart of two of the most prolific resource plays in North America. The Company is focusing development activity in the Montney and Duvernay formations, in which it holds 218,000 and 193,000 net acres respectively – the majority of which is owned without encumbrances (98% working interest in Tier 1 acreage). The Company’s development has been focused on the Upper/Middle Montney at Gold Creek and Karr, where delineation activity has proven the repeatability of the laterally continuous liquids-rich fairway (Liquids ratios of 150-400 bbl/ MMcf). The Company also brought online its first horizontal Duvernay well in 2014, establishing the play extension of the prolific Kaybob fairway to the west. The Company’s key financial partners include Riverstone Holdings LLC and 1901 Partners (formerly ZBI Ventures). Operational Update ^ŝŐŶŝĮĐĂŶƚWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ'ƌŽǁƚŚ CIOC has demonstrated significant year-on-year production growth, with 4Q14 production averaging ~4,000 boe/d (50% liquids) and current capability of approximately 10,000 boe/d. CIOC Gold Creek wells compete with the best wells in the basin - at a significantly lower capital cost. First pad drill results have demonstrated leading cost competitiveness, with average D&C costs of $5.8mm/ well for a two-well pad. Operating netbacks are improving with the recent installation of water disposal facilities at Gold Creek and Karr. The netback is expected to further increase with the elimination of oil trucking as crude oil pipeline infrastructure continues to be built out. CIOC has protected near-term cash flows through hedging activities, with ~70% of estimated 1H15e and 50% of 2H15e oil production hedged above C$82/bbl and C$75/bbl WTI respectively. Midstream Activities CIOC recognizes the value of having key infrastructure in place within a basin that is experiencing significant production growth. ŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶƚZĞƐĞƌǀĞƐ'ƌŽǁƚŚ As such, the Company has entered into a midstream agreement that will provide an initial 75 mmcf/d gas plant to process near term production. As part of this agreement, CIOC will enjoy anchor tenant privileges and will retain the option to trigger additional plant expansions as Company production grows. In addition, CIOC has firm service agreements in place for the transportation of its oil and gas production over periods ranging from eight to ten years commencing in 2016e. These agreements provide takeaway security, ensuring that CIOC has the ability to access North American markets for the Company’s future hydrocarbon production. EĞƚWŽƚĞŶƟĂů>ŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ Recent Financing Activity and Go Forward Strategy Riverstone Holdings LLC announced a C$200mm equity commitment in April 2014. This funding has allowed the Company to accelerate its Montney development and pursue retention of its top tier Duvernay acreage through a three to four rig drilling program in 2014. The Company has line of sight to 20,000 boe/d in the near term, continuing to delineate its land base through a balance of pilot activities and multi-well pad drilling while maintaining cost control in all areas of the business. 2 EĞƚĐƌĞƐ (000’s) EĞƚWŽƚĞŶƟĂů >ŽĐĂƟŽŶƐЃϷЄ Upper/Middle Montney Lower Montney Duvernay 218 218 193 705 - 1,155 325 - 1,000 500 - 1,125 dŽƚĂůDŽŶƚŶĞLJͬƵǀĞƌŶĂLJ Interval/Area ϭ͕ϱϯϬͲϯ͕ϮϴϬ ;ϭͿEĞƚƉŽƚĞŶƟĂůůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐĂƐƐƵŵĞƐϴϬйůĂŶĚƵƟůŝnjĂƟŽŶĨŽƌ'ŽůĚƌĞĞŬ͕ <ĂƌƌĂŶĚ^ŝŵŽŶĞƩĞĂƌĞĂƐ;hͬDDŽŶƚŶĞLJͿ͕ůŽĐĂƟŽŶĐŽƵŶƚǀĂƌŝĞƐďĂƐĞĚ ŽŶůĂŶĚƵƟůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͕ǁĞůůƐƉĂĐŝŶŐ;ZĂŶŐĞƐ͗ϲͲϴǁĞůůƐͬƐĞĐƟŽŶͿ March 2015 FIRSTENERGY | East Coast Energy Conference Canadian International Oil Corp. (CIOC) CIOC - Alberta Deep Basin (March 2015) ZĞŐŝŽŶĂůDŽŶƚŶĞLJWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ'ƌŽǁƚŚ CIOC Source: geoSCOUT; Wells shown are horizontal Montney producers rig released since Jan. 1, 2008 and licensed wells Development Value Upside /KWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶͲDŽŶƚŶĞLJΘƵǀĞƌŶĂLJĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ Management Team Name ScoƩ Sobie Key Role President & CEO Daniel Labelle SVP, ExploraƟon David Anderson Stuart King ScoƩ Rennie Nicki Stevens Board of Directors Bryan Begley Gary H. Dundas William M. Gallacher ScoƩ Sobie Robert M. Tichio SVP, OperaƟons & Business Development VP, Finance VP, Development VP, ProducƟon & MarkeƟng Director Director Director Director Director DescripƟon Formerly VP ConvenƟonal Development, North America at Talisman Energy; Prior thereto held various posiƟons at Talisman including VP Shale Pilots Formerly Manager of Geology at Delphi Energy; Prior thereto held various posiƟons at Talisman and Mobil Canada Formerly President and CEO of Lone Pine Resources Inc. and President of Canadian Forest Oil Ltd. Formerly Controller of AvenEx Energy Corp.; Prior thereto worked in M&A group of a large internaƟonal accounƟng Įrm, focusing on oil and gas transacƟons Previously held various posiƟons with ConocoPhillips and Schlumberger Previously held various posiƟons with Talisman Energy and Chevron Canada 1901 Partners Management LP, Formerly ZBI Ventures LLC Independent; Previously CFO, AvenEx Energy Corp. Independent; Previously President & CEO of Avenex Energy Corp. President & CEO, CIOC Riverstone 3
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