LEG AC Y TRUST AWAR D C OLLEC T IO N CALL F OR E N T RI E S A R T I S T R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M All registration forms must be received by Legacy Trust by Friday, April 3, 2015 either by email at LTAC@legacygr.com or mail to Legacy Trust, 99 Monroe Ave. NW, Suite 600, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503. All artwork must be delivered by mail, UPS, FedEx or in person to Legacy Trust no later than 5 p.m., Friday, April 10. You must make timely arrangements for return of your artwork, including payment for shipping. Artist Name Phone Email Guardian Name (if applicable) Phone Email State Zip Disability (for office use only) Street Address City A R T E N T RY Please fill out completely. Please include a photo. Title Media (example: watercolor, photo, collage, etc.) Dimensions Weight (approximate) Please include a brief description of the art : Is your art for sale? If so, how much? Do you have a website or Facebook page to promote your artwork? Facebook url Twitter handle I do hereby state that I am the producer of the art listed and that this artwork is original. I do hereby agree to all the Legacy Trust Award Collection and ArtPrize Official Rules for the listed artwork. Artist Signature Guardian Signature (if applicable) This signed application constitutes artist and guardian permission for Legacy Trust to reproduce images of artwork for organizational use and to publish names, photographs and/or stories and to photograph, publicize and otherwise use appropriately this artwork for exhibition and for educational and public awareness purposes. LEG AC Y TRUST AWAR D C OLLEC T IO N CALL F OR E N T RI E S Back for its sixth year, the Legacy Trust Award Collection is soliciting artwork from adult artists with disabilities for a mini-competition in advance of ArtPrize™ 2015, the radically open art competition that will be held September 23 through October 11 in Grand Rapids. Each year, Legacy Trust and sponsors in the business, arts and disability communities ask Michigan artists with disabilities to submit their best paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, collages and other works of art to a preliminary art competition. The four winners, chosen by popular vote, by a panel of celebrity judges and by the LTAC Advisory Committee, each receive a cash prize of $500 and sponsorship in ArtPrize. IF YOU WANT TO SUBMIT ARTWORK IF YOU WIN K E Y D AT E S • Secure a registration form from Legacy Trust and submit by April 3. • You must be a resident of Michigan and at least 18 years of age by April 3. • Your artwork must be original and completed within three years prior to September 23. • Your art should be framed and ready to display. • If you are submitting paintings, drawings or photos, no more than three separate pieces can be submitted. • Your artwork is subject to the “Official Rules for Artists-ArtPrize,” which can be found at www.artprize.org. LTAC will award prizes to four artists, who will be entered into ArtPrize 2015 as part of the Legacy Trust Award Collection. LTAC will: April 3 Artists must register with LTAC April 10 Artwork due to Legacy Trust May 4 Private reception for artists and families • Pay all registration fees and assist artists with registration for ArtPrize. • Secure a venue and finalize all necessary details, including insurance costs for the artwork. • Work with each of the award winners to create artist statements, press releases and other relevant marketing materials. Sep 23–Oct 11 ArtPrize Artwork may be delivered by mail, UPS, FedEx or in person to Legacy Trust, 99 Monroe NW, Suite 600, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503 by 5 p.m. on April 10. You are responsible for making timely return arrangements for your art. By submitting an entry to LTAC, you agree to be legally bound by the above terms and conditions, as well as those of ArtPrize. LTAC artists will retain ownership and all rights to their artwork, subject to the rules and restrictions of ArtPrize 2015. The artists agree to make themselves and their artwork available to LTAC before, during and after ArtPrize for interviews and promotional opportunities. They also agree to allow LTAC to reproduce images of their artwork for promotional purposes on social media, websites and in print and other materials. LTAC artists agree that if their artwork wins any ArtPrize award, they will donate 25 percent of any award to create a special Legacy Trust Endowment Fund to continue arts programs for people with disabilities in greater Grand Rapids. If your art is not chosen for LTAC, you may enter ArtPrize on your own. May 5–6 Public voting for LTAC May 11 Voting and judges’ decisions announced S P O N S O RS Meijer Legacy Trust Sabo Public Relations Kantorwassink Gilson Graphics Grand Rapids Art Museum DeVos Place Kitchen Sage Questions? E-mail: LTAC@legacygr.com or call: 616.454.2852 Connect with LTAC legacygr.com Legacy Trust Award Collection #LTAC
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